Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?


Has any Democrat been asked to address Trumps immigration comments? Do you know why not?

Does that not tell you something about Trump, the REPUBLICAN candidate for president?

I mean, you can't be that damn dense. He is driving the GOP bus, not the Democrat bus!! Where in hell do you think you are going with him?:confused:
And the leftard meltdown continues. It's priceless.

They're pulling out all the oldies but goldies about, OH RUN HIM, YEAH, GREAT IDEA, thinking that pathetic, blatantly obvious attempt at reverse psychology will somehow make us think we shouldn't, and then on to new levels of stupidity and shrillness... :lol:

Darn! You're just too clever for us

Yup...he's got us pegged. :lol:
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

It's the Hillary problem.

They are pretty much saddled with the old twat, and even the dumbest of them are starting to catch on that she can't win in the general. It creates anger and frustration among them, so they lash out.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:

I'm rich. Really rich. And yet all my money can't get this stick out my ass. Those damned Mexicans and homos! And my made in China neckties! D'oh!
you can smell the fear of the lefties when Trump appears....hahaha

Yes, we're terrified. Please don't nominate him.


he's creating all kiinds of trouble for you lefties without even being nominated....
Oh yes...horrible horrible trouble. Please....protect us from him.

no way....we'll let him do his damage.....

heck he's already got Hillary and Feinstein trying to save face......hahahaha.....

Senator Diane Feinstein Hillary Clinton Try to Save Face After Protecting and Supporting Sanctuary Cities - Katie Pavlich
What they are worried about is that he won't shut up, and people will rally to those who SUPPORT his view on illegals, and that he will bring the statistics forward in the debate.

The politicians are shitting themselves over this because they know they have been complicit in allowing illegals to commit crime against American citizens, murder, rape, robbery, identify theft etc.

Trump's message is resonating with the American people and they are saying the hell with this PC crap why are you politicians pandering to these damn illegals and taking their side over the American people you are supposed to be representing? That my friends has all the ingredients of a 'throw the bums out' election backlash.
Like I've before, it seems to be working. :laugh2:

Oh, it is - and I thank you for it.

You assclowns provide a vital public service. The assclown avie is the instant promise to all that the poster has an IQ of well less than 40. If there is an assclown, you're dealing with a retard - adjust accordingly.

So again, thank you.I see your assclown avie and that is my assurance that you're a dumbfuck, to be mocked and ridiculed, never to be taken seriously.
Whatever happened to that group calling themselves "Patriot on the Border" something or other?

It was an anti-immigrant volunteer group that claimed to help guard the boarder..............
Whatever happened to that group calling themselves "Patriot on the Border" something or other?

It was an anti-immigrant volunteer group that claimed to help guard the boarder..............

So you support illegal immigration, drug and human smuggling then?
You assclowns provide a vital public service. The assclown avie is the instant promise to all that the poster has an IQ of well less than 40. If there is an assclown, you're dealing with a retard - adjust accordingly. So again, thank you.I see your assclown avie and that is my assurance that you're a dumbfuck, to be mocked and ridiculed, never to be taken seriously.
The only thing dumber than the clown avies are those that get butthurt over them. Thanks for playing, loser. :laugh2:
The only thing dumber than the clown avies are those that get butthurt over them. Thanks for playing, loser. :laugh2:

Your assclown avie isn't dumb, it is a vital public service. It is a flashing beacon to all declaring "hey, I'm a fucking retard."

Now granted, those conversing with you will find this quickly enough - but you advertising your severe retardation is really a time saver for those who never encountered you before.

Oh and Connie? I think it's great that you're proud of your handicap - severe retardation has spent too many years in the shadows - good on you that you wear your affliction with pride.

I mean, I am inspired by your clear message "Assclowns, stupid as fuck, and PROUD."
The only thing dumber than the clown avies are those that get butthurt over them. Thanks for playing, loser.
Your assclown avie isn't dumb, it is a vital public service. It is a flashing beacon to all declaring "hey, I'm a fucking retard." Now granted, those conversing with you will find this quickly enough - but you advertising your severe retardation is really a time saver for those who never encountered you before. Oh and Connie? I think it's great that you're proud of your handicap - severe retardation has spent too many years in the shadows - good on you that you wear your affliction with pride. I mean, I am inspired by your clear message "Assclowns, stupid as fuck, and PROUD."
IMO, the public service it's providing is as a magnet to point out clueless wingnuts, who actually think an avie is an issue. The more butthurt you act and the more often you reply to this topic reveals more about you than it does about me.
IMO, the public service it's providing is as a magnet to point out clueless wingnuts, who actually think an avie is an issue. The more butthurt you act and the more often you reply to this topic reveals more about you than it does about me.

You assclowns provide a vital public service. The assclown avie is the instant promise to all that the poster has an IQ of well less than 40. If there is an assclown, you're dealing with a retard - adjust accordingly. So again, thank you.I see your assclown avie and that is my assurance that you're a dumbfuck, to be mocked and ridiculed, never to be taken seriously.
The only thing dumber than the clown avies are those that get butthurt over them. Thanks for playing, loser. :laugh2:

So to mention it is to get butt hurt. You actually are eight, aren't you?

I love your clown avatar, it's totally you
The Trump "controversy" is a perfect example of the liberal smear machine in action. Trump did not say that all Mexican illegals are rapists and murderers. In fact, he said that some Mexican illegals are good people. Yet it is already an accepted factoid among liberals that Trump made "racist" and "bigoted" comments about "Mexicans," when in fact he merely pointed out the truth that Mexican illegals clearly are not the cream of the societal crop and that a disproportionate number of them are committing serious crimes in America.
"Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?"

It's just you and your ridiculous delusions.
The Left never had much IT to begin with, and what little they did have they have now totally lost.

Fo Shizzle.
Let's see:

the ACA was upheld by the Supreme Court;

Gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states;

Obama got his fast track approval;

And the thing not one person on this board is talking about, citizens can now petition for an end to gerrymandering in their state, which will end Republican domination of the house, senate and states.

Tell me again how we're getting our asses kicked cause I'm not seeing it.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely ignored what I said, and responded with bull shit.

He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL.

They don't realize that none of their so called victories mean a hill of beans. Why they are crowing that Bruce can marry Mike ISIS is on the rampage, the Republicans and Obama passed TPP and immigration is still out of hand. NO one has had a good couple of months, no one.
oh you mean like the repub take over of congress and the aca being upheld in spite of 50 some try's by the right to remove it.
I got laugh when I hear that from the party that has lost all but one presidential election since 1993.
Bush won two elections, dumbass.

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