Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?

Are RWrs still ranting about the imaginary ranting of Lefties here?
Hahahaha! Government is supposed to protect citizens? Precious, coming from the right wing.

Right winger says: "Government is supposed to protect us. Detroit Chicago SF, LA, NY have too many murders. LW government failed its citizens. Where's the governent?"

Same right winger 3 second later: "Buy guns. Join the NRA. Police can't be everywhere to protect us. Buy more weapons. LWers are pussies. We will defend our second amendment right. Government is too weak to protect its citizens."

Hahaha. Can you RWers make up your mind which BS you are going to stick with for the next 10 seconds? Warn me in advance. LOL!

Do you even know the main purpose of "government"? Look it up, it has something to do with "protecting its citizens".

LOL, if it's government's job to protect its citizens, then why are there 30,000 people killed from gun violence every year?

Oh wait, I know you are one of those whackjobs who wanted government to protect 4 US citizens in Benghazi at a drop of a hat. Oh right, now it's beginning to make sense.

Cops are supposed to prevent 100% of all murders. OK OK, now I got it. Thanks for clarifying that, RWer.

Well? Tell us why. You support democrats who run these cities. Are you under some misguided notion that government isn't supposed to protect the citizens?

OK tell you what I will make a deal with you. You prevent 100% of murders in your red states. And once you do that, then we will prevent 100% of murders in democrat run cities in the US. OK? Deal?

Oh please, spare me from whatever bullshit stats you're going to cut and paste. How about this: Since I carry a concealed weapon, how about I prevent 100% of the murders that might happen in my immediate sphere, and you go clean up Chicago. Of course, they're just black people killing other black people but think of all the good you'd be doing. And for an extra benefit, you'd feel great about yourselves. :biggrin:

Come to think of it, I don't remember ever hearing a squeak out of you "progressives" over the carnage going on there. Where are the protests? Where's Al Sharpton and the Occupy Wall Street crowd?

Oh that's right. They're just black people, and I'm sure Rahm Emanuel can handle it.

Yes I knew it: You are going to prevent 100% of the murders because only you are delusional enough to think that anyone with a weapon on him is never gonig to get killed by a weapon in someone else's hands. Right, so tell you what I'd likt to see: You can keep your weapon on you and I will send 4 guys with weapons on them each to your house. Go ahead, engage in a gun battle and call me if you survive.

Hahahaha. NRA people think having a gun on them is a sure shot bet to survive gun violence. LOL! It's like saying wearing a seatbelt will prevent you from all car accidents. LOL.
Are RWrs still ranting about the imaginary ranting of Lefties here?
LOL, if it's government's job to protect its citizens, then why are there 30,000 people killed from gun violence every year?

Oh wait, I know you are one of those whackjobs who wanted government to protect 4 US citizens in Benghazi at a drop of a hat. Oh right, now it's beginning to make sense.

Cops are supposed to prevent 100% of all murders. OK OK, now I got it. Thanks for clarifying that, RWer.

Well? Tell us why. You support democrats who run these cities. Are you under some misguided notion that government isn't supposed to protect the citizens?

OK tell you what I will make a deal with you. You prevent 100% of murders in your red states. And once you do that, then we will prevent 100% of murders in democrat run cities in the US. OK? Deal?
No. Shut down the sanctuary city crap and enforce the immigration laws. That goes for both parties.

Nope, I'd rather shut down the NRA and gun nuts. How's that for a solution?

Good luck with that Gollum.

Oh my bad: The NRA gun nuts can take out US government. Security of free state my ass. Hahaha. I just chuckle every time an NRA gun nut says he needs guns to fight against tyrannical US government. LOL! Sometimes, you can't make shit up. Hahaha. Right, NRA gun nuts are going to fight off ultra highly trained US police, national guard and military forces. Hohohoho.
Are RWrs still ranting about the imaginary ranting of Lefties here?
Do you even know the main purpose of "government"? Look it up, it has something to do with "protecting its citizens".

LOL, if it's government's job to protect its citizens, then why are there 30,000 people killed from gun violence every year?

Oh wait, I know you are one of those whackjobs who wanted government to protect 4 US citizens in Benghazi at a drop of a hat. Oh right, now it's beginning to make sense.

Cops are supposed to prevent 100% of all murders. OK OK, now I got it. Thanks for clarifying that, RWer.

Well? Tell us why. You support democrats who run these cities. Are you under some misguided notion that government isn't supposed to protect the citizens?

OK tell you what I will make a deal with you. You prevent 100% of murders in your red states. And once you do that, then we will prevent 100% of murders in democrat run cities in the US. OK? Deal?
No. Shut down the sanctuary city crap and enforce the immigration laws. That goes for both parties.

Nope, I'd rather shut down the NRA and gun nuts. How's that for a solution?
Get the homo's out of the schools.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy

Even if he did does it really matter?
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy

Even if he did does it really matter?

not too me
Trump's reputation as a successful businessman is mostly a carefully crafted image. He's a rich kid who has coasted on family money in a hot economy.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy

Only the businesses he manages. And he wants to run our government like one of his businesses.

What could possibly go wrong?
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy

Only the businesses he manages. And he wants to run our government like one of his businesses.

What could possibly go wrong?
This is your flaw in reasoning. YOU are suggesting Trump would drive us broke. NEWS FLASH...We ARE broke. We could no more pay our debt to China then Greece to Germany alright?

Now at LEAST with Trump you have somebody who HAS come BACK from being broke FIVE TIMES. In order to come BACK from being broke you have to re-tool and re-start your own personal economy.

Which means you HAVE to understand money. Has Trump gone broke four times? YES. Has Trump re-built FIVE TIMES? Yes.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Can you say bankruptcy four times? Wouldn't you like to be him?

Trump is the only businessman in the U.S. who had gone bankrupt operating a gambling casino. Owning a casino is like having a license to print money, but Trump screwed it up. He resigned as CEO and sold most of his shares in the casino and it's now back in the black.

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Trump himself has never filed for bankruptcy

Only the businesses he manages. And he wants to run our government like one of his businesses.

What could possibly go wrong?
This is your flaw in reasoning. YOU are suggesting Trump would drive us broke.

I'm suggesting that Trump is incompetent at business. And keeps running his businesses into the ground, having filed for bankruptcy 4 times already.

Given that he's running on his business acumen, that doesn't leave him much to work with.

NEWS FLASH...We ARE broke. We could no more pay our debt to China then Greece to Germany alright?

Sure we can. And in fact, we do.

Remember, don't actually know what you're talking about.
The left is batshit crazier than I've ever seen them. Fucking loons.

Or.....we've had a few great weeks and some rather impressive victories. And your ilk are simply having a hard time dealing with it.
The left is batshit crazier than I've ever seen them. Fucking loons.

Or.....we've had a few great weeks and some rather impressive victories. And your ilk are simply having a hard time dealing with it.
Millions of Americans would LOVE to know where is that SEVEN TRILLION we owe China. YOU say we have it so where is it?

And who says we owe China 7 trillion?

Let me citing yourself? You have no idea what you're talking about. Lets check some other sources.

According to the U.S. Treasury Department, at the end of August 2014, more than a third of the debt was owned by foreign countries (34.4%). The largest foreign holders of U.S. debt were Mainland China (7.2%) and Japan (7.0%).

Who Owns The Most U.S. Debt - Forbes

At the end of August 2014 our national debt was 17.84 trillion.

Public debt of the U.S. by month May 2015 Statistic

So riddle me this, batman: What's 7.2% of 17.84 trillion. Let me give you a hint: its not 7 trillion.

Remember, DK: You're fucking clueless. It tends to hamper your ability to debate.
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The left is batshit crazier than I've ever seen them. Fucking loons.

Or.....we've had a few great weeks and some rather impressive victories. And your ilk are simply having a hard time dealing with it.

No, your ilk is batshit crazy and dragging this country into the gutter.
What exactly are you objecting to as 'batshit crazy'?


Everything the left does.
The left is batshit crazier than I've ever seen them. Fucking loons.

Or.....we've had a few great weeks and some rather impressive victories. And your ilk are simply having a hard time dealing with it.
Millions of Americans would LOVE to know where is that SEVEN TRILLION we owe China. YOU say we have it so where is it?

And who says we owe China 7 trillion?

Let me citing yourself?
External debt by country.
Rank Country External debt[2]
US dollars
Date Per capita[3][4][5][6]
US dollars
% of GDP[7][8][9]
United States 18,540,448,667,000 20 June 2015 58,437 106
United Kingdom 9,590,995,000,000 31 March 2014 160,158 406
France 5,750,152,000,000 31 March 2014 86,317 222
Germany 5,546,869,000,000 31 March 2014 68,720 145
Luxembourg[note 1] 3,472,282,000,000 31 March 2014 3,696,467 3,443
China 3,000,000,000,000 31 December 2013[10] 2,220.57 37.5
Japan 2,861,488,000,000 31 March 2014 24,000 60
Italy 2,651,413,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 43,621 124
Ireland 2,639,672,886,310[11] 30 September 2014 52,227 103
Netherlands 2,526,895,000,000 31 March 2014 226,503 316
Spain 2,305,648,000,000 31 March 2014 52,045 167
Switzerland 1,610,897,000,000 31 March 2014 154,063 229
Australia 1,395,638,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 52,596 95
Canada 1,337,445,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 29,625 92
Belgium 1,286,918,000,000 31 March 2014 113,603 266
Hong Kong
1,231,233,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 105,420 334
Sweden 1,145,785,000,000 31 March 2014 91,487 187
Austria 820,010,000,000 31 March 2014 90,128 200
Norway 737,118,000,000 31 March 2014 131,220 141
Russian Federation 599,819,000,000 31 March 2014 3,634 23
Denmark 593,221,000,000 31 March 2014 101,084 180
Portugal 548,800,000,000 30 June 2011 47,835 223
India 455,900,000,000 31 September 2014 est. 364 22.795
Brazil 428,300,000,000 31 December 2012est. 1,608 15
South Korea 425,353,000,000 31 March 2014 est. 7,567

You may notice that Greece AND Mexico are NOT on that list. THEIR world debt is SMALLER then ours. For a complete list here...
List of countries by external debt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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