Is It Necessary to Believe in the Virgin Birth?

If one does not believe in the Virgin birth, it seems to me that everything else falls in Christianity.
The death of our Savior for our sins, the Resurrection,everything....He was the long awaited one or He was not, if there was not a virgin birth would not everything about Christianity be a lie?
I learned that when I went with the neighbor kids to a little Church outside of Davis.Oklahoma when I was seven years old.

Very sad that you were brain washed and show no signs of recovery .
Modern scholarship reports that the Virgin Birth story was added on and at a later date . Which part of that notion can you not grasp and accept?

I think you've missed the point of Christianity.
If you don't believe in the virgin birth, you're not a christian. Christians need their fairy tales.

Last time I checked, all one has to believe is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for our sins to be a Christian. It's a pretty basic definition. You might not be an orthodox Christian if you have doubts about the virgin birth, but that doesn't make you non-Christian.

As I have stated, I see no reason to disbelieve the virgin birth. We can impregnate a virgin in a laboratory, why should I disbelieve that an all knowing, all powerful God couldn't cause a virgin to concieve and give birth?

So you see no reason not to believe that an invisible superbeing impregnated a virgin? :lol:

Wasn't joseph married to mary? Wouldn't they have had sex? :dunno:
If one does not believe in the Virgin birth, it seems to me that everything else falls in Christianity.
The death of our Savior for our sins, the Resurrection,everything....He was the long awaited one or He was not, if there was not a virgin birth would not everything about Christianity be a lie?
I learned that when I went with the neighbor kids to a little Church outside of Davis.Oklahoma when I was seven years old.

Very sad that you were brain washed and show no signs of recovery .
Modern scholarship reports that the Virgin Birth story was added on and at a later date . Which part of that notion can you not grasp and accept?

That was how I learned of the Virgin Birth, Jesus dying for our sins on the Cross,His Resurrection.
Maybe everybody is brainwashed a little, aye?You say I was brainwashed by going with the neighbor kids to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School? How does one know they are not brainwashed by Modern Scholarship?....
He had Chromosones from His Father: God.

Christ's body is immoral. The resurrection is meaningless if it was a temporary body. And the resurrection is key for a fullness of joy.

I see little reason to doubt the virgin birth. Science could impregnate a virgin today. Why would it be unthinkable that God could do it 2000 years ago?

That makes no sense. How can an incoporeal deity pass on chromosomes? Besides isn't Jesus and the father the same deity?
He had Chromosones from His Father: God.

Christ's body is immoral. The resurrection is meaningless if it was a temporary body. And the resurrection is key for a fullness of joy.

I see little reason to doubt the virgin birth. Science could impregnate a virgin today. Why would it be unthinkable that God could do it 2000 years ago?

That makes no sense. How can an incoporeal deity pass on chromosomes? Besides isn't Jesus and the father the same deity?

Makes perfect sense if you don't start with false premises.
He had Chromosones from His Father: God.

Christ's body is immoral. The resurrection is meaningless if it was a temporary body. And the resurrection is key for a fullness of joy.

I see little reason to doubt the virgin birth. Science could impregnate a virgin today. Why would it be unthinkable that God could do it 2000 years ago?

That makes no sense. How can an incoporeal deity pass on chromosomes? Besides isn't Jesus and the father the same deity?

Makes perfect sense if you don't start with false premises.

Let's start by this question:

Is God incorporeal?
Is It Necessary to Believe in the Virgin Birth?

If you don't, you're not a real Christian. Pretty simple really.

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