Is It Okay To Face The Truth About Ebola Yet?

Here's what the press is telling you:

"The monitoring lasts 21 days, which is the incubation period for Ebola and the longest an infected person can go without becoming sick.:

Pa. Ebola monitoring number rises

But here's the reality:

“12% of the time, an individual case will have a greater incubation time than 21 days” — and said some models indicated a 31-day quarantine might be in order. Indeed, data examined in the New England Journal of Medicine shows incubation times even longer than that.
In a telephone interview with The Washington Post, Haas said the CDC, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization need to go back to the drawing board.

“I think the CDC or NIH or whoever is empowered to set policy — or WHO — needs to sit down with the data and do a real analysis of costs and benefits and reconsider the 21-day time criteria,” he said."

Study People exposed to Ebola may need to be quarantined longer than 21 days - The Washington Post
I'm not panicked.

You seem to be panicking over the fact that people know about ebola. I'm sorry it scares you when people educate themselves.

Ebola cases in Sierra Leone show sharp rise World news The Guardian

"The figures come days after warnings by the UN that Ebola cases in Sierra Leone are being underreported by up to 50%."

Meanwhile the death toll continues for Americans dying from Ebola......

Total Americans currently suffering from Ebola: 1
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and died: 0
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and lived: 2
Total persons who have died of Ebola in America: 1

Let the panic continue.....
I'm not panicked.

You seem to be panicking over the fact that people know about ebola. I'm sorry it scares you when people educate themselves.
The next time you educate yourself will be the first time.

Says the retarded chick who was laughing about how ebola can't be transmitted except by sneezing pigs.

I'm not panicked.

You seem to be panicking over the fact that people know about ebola. I'm sorry it scares you when people educate themselves.
The next time you educate yourself will be the first time.

Says the retarded chick who was laughing about how ebola can't be transmitted except by sneezing pigs.

How are the bunch of Ebola cases coming along?
Who knows? After all, the AP determined they weren't going to report on them anymore..and the CDC lies through it's teeth...your guess is probably not as good as mine.
Ahh so that is what you're going to hang your hat on?

It is now a government conspiracy to hide additional cases.

I love it.
"The U.N. health agency acknowledged that, at times, even its own bureaucracy was a problem. It noted that the heads of WHO country offices in Africa are "politically motivated appointments" made by the WHO regional director for Africa, Dr. Luis Sambo, who does not answer to the agency's chief in Geneva, Dr. Margaret Chan.

"WHO is the U.N.'s specialized health agency, responsible for setting global health standards and coordinating the global response to disease outbreaks."

UN We botched response to the Ebola outbreak

"Vinson told CBS Dallas Fort Worth that she was feeling ill before boarding her flight. She had a low grade fever, but she said that officials told her it was okay to get on the plane. Vinson told CBS that she called the CDC several times with concerns."

Amber Vinson Dallas Ebola Patient Says CDC Gave Her Green Light To Fly
"The most common test for Ebola is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Unfortunately this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Michigan Hospital System/Ann Arbor VA Health System. "Somebody could be in the hospital for three to five days before a diagnosis [of Ebola] is confirmed," Cinti told Live Science. "The important thing is keeping the patient isolated until you can get to a diagnosis."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
"The most common test for Ebola is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Unfortunately this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist at the University of Michigan Hospital System/Ann Arbor VA Health System. "Somebody could be in the hospital for three to five days before a diagnosis [of Ebola] is confirmed," Cinti told Live Science. "The important thing is keeping the patient isolated until you can get to a diagnosis."

"Tests don’t really confirm the presence of disease, not reliably at least. Many medical tests are deceptive and often useless when yielding up false negatives and even false positives."

Are Ebola Tests Reliable
It's pretty bad how many Americans have died of Ebola in the last month....twice as bad how the LIBERAL media refuses to report any of those lots and lots and lots of deaths.

And we all know that the LIberal Media just refuses to report on the thousands and thousands of Ebola cases in the United States, transmitted by Muslim tween terrorists who came across our Southern border illegally......
I never said anything about ebola deaths by now, lying progressive weirdo.
Again, watch the lefties freak out over un-authorized information leaking out to the rabble....
Again, watch the lefties freak out over un-authorized information leaking out to the rabble....

Watch what?

More fear mongering?

More hope by the extreme right wing that Americans- but only in DC- will die?
I never said anything about ebola deaths by now, lying progressive weirdo.

Progressive? What does politics have to do with this? Anyways, speaking of lying:

Yeah, in about 3 weeks we're going to see a bunch of ebola cases.

"Is It Okay To Face The Truth About Ebola Yet?"


The truth is ebola was a 'crisis' for republicans only until election day.

"Number of individuals in NYC who are being 'actively monitored' for the Ebola infection increased by 300%."

In a stunning press release, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and the NYC Health and Hospital Corporation (HHC) announced that the number of individuals in New York City who are being “actively monitored” for the Ebola infection has jumped to 357 people from 117 people the prior week.

That represents almost a 300% increase.

This also does not represent people who have entered New York City from West Africa and lied on their entry forms, regarding the risk that they carry the virus. Those people wouldn’t even currently show up in the NYC Ebola watch list count.

The press release reported that the “vast majority” of the increased number of possible Ebola patients now in New York City represents people who have recently come to the United States from the Ebola-stricken West African countries by airplane. Had a “travel ban” been imposed these people would not have been able to enter the United States."

Don't worry, other countries will continue to report it.

NYC Ebola Monitoring From 117 to 357 in 1 Week - News from America - News - Arutz Sheva
Koshergrl just hopes that at least one of the 357 people has it.

Do you know why they are monitoring 357 people, and not treating them? Because they are being super-cautious.

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