Is It Okay To Face The Truth About Ebola Yet?

Of course the CDC is lying. Remember the old saying " Watch that they do, not what they say"
All eboli patients are cared for by medical personnel all wearing "Hazmat suits with a self-contained oxygen supply"
Not exactly typical for a non airborne virus.
Oh yes, the CDC is lying because there're government agency that always lies. It's always more interesting to speculate on conspiracy theories than actually facts.

One case of Ebola in the US, and the whole country is growing crazy. In 1952, there were 60,000 cases and 3,000 deaths from Polio in just one year in the US. Most of those kids were left crippled, in iron lungs, or dead and that's just in one year. In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans. And in 2014, one person has contracted Ebola, and it's the top story in every news outlet. My how things change.
"....a sneeze or cough could spread the virus from someone experiencing Ebola symptoms. 

Officials had previously downplayed this possibility, focusing on direct contact with bodily fluids. 

"There are certainly theoretical situations where someone sneezes … and you touch your eyes or mouth or nose," and catch the virus from any transmitted particles, he said."

Health officials clam up about effort to contain Ebola in Texas TheHill
I think there's some confusing concerning the spread of Ebola by coughing and sneezing. Although coughing and sneezing are not common methods of transfer, if the saliva or mucus comes into contact with a person’s eyes, nose or mouth it can spread the disease.

By contrast, airborne illness such as measles or chickenpox can be transmitted by virus particles that remain suspended in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, Unlike Ebola, these particles remain in the air for relativity long periods and can pass through ventilation ducks and be carried for long distances.

Q As on Transmission Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
Ebola virus 'could become airborne' in 'nightmare' scenario, warns UN

The South Wales Evening Post ^

THE nightmare scenario that the ebola virus could become airborne has been raised by the UN. Authorities in Wales are already on alert for the symptoms of Ebola. But with the disease spread only through bodily fluids like blood, currently, and it being almost entirely contained within Africa, the chances of an outbreak here have been low. But that could change if the virus mutated to be able to be carried through the air, like the flu and the common cold. It could also have devastating consequences in Africa where the outbreak is on a large scale already. The United...
I think a lot of the scare over Ebola mutating and becoming airborne and other nightmare scenarios is being spread to arouse public demand for action to stop the virus from spreading.

Ebola is nothing new. Outbreaks have been popping up in Africa and other countries around the world since 1976. The current outbreak began in March of 2014 and is the worst we have ever seen. Doctors Without Boarders was about the only outside help available for months. Until recently, most of the world just ignored it. Finally, we are realizing that germs don't respect national boarders. An epidemic of a serious disease is a worldwide problem and should merit a worldwide response.

Outbreaks Chronology Ebola Virus Disease Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
"Is It Okay To Face The Truth About Ebola Yet?"

The truth about ebola is that you and others on the right, through demagoguery and fear-mongering, are going to attempt to contrive this into a controversy where in fact none exists.

This thread being one such example.
My, my. A private hospital fails completely, and dumbass 'Conservatives' here scream 'Obama'. Had the hospital done it's job, the CDC would have been on the case within minutes after recieving their call. Instead, they sent a very sick black man home, to infect many around him.

Right now, we should be giving the CDC whatever it needs in the way of funding, personel, and equipment. Drug companies and the manufacturers of vaccines should be put on notice that they will be at the behest of government when drugs and vaccines are discovered. In other words, a war footing. After all, on it's own, private enterprise has totally failed in this case.

WAS WORLD S THROAT CUT Ebola vaccine research was earlier abandoned - Health Wellness - News - Catholic Online

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - A team of U.S. government scientists at that time developed vaccine candidates that shielded monkeys from multiple strains of Ebola. Those vaccines were never tested in human clinical trials. This in spite of the fact that one strain had a 100 percent success rate of protecting the animals from the disease.

The factor preventing such trials in humans, according to Dr. Daniel Bausch, an associate professor of tropical medicine at the Tulane University School of Public Health, has been cost.

SAVE Iraqi Christians from Genocide --

Currently stationed at the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit 6 in Lima, Peru, Bausch says "When you have a population or situation with Ebola where it only sporadically occurs, and it occurs really in the world's poorest populations, it's not exactly an attractive candidate for the pharmaceutical industry on the economic side.

"We have good vaccine candidates, and some good drug candidates that have gone through fairly extensive testing for Ebola, and at least reduce the mortality rate in monkeys."
"The sheets Duncan used are still on the bed, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn't taken away those materials, Cooper said.

"CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta said the continuing presence of the sheets, on which Duncan may have transmitted the virus through sweating, are disturbing.

"With the sheets still being on the bed, that obviously is a concern," Gupta said. "We've talked about the fact that this virus can live outside the body, can live on surfaces."

U.S. Ebola patient s partner quarantined with family -

Yeah, in about 3 weeks we're going to see a bunch of ebola cases.
You can take Gov. Perry for that. He hasn't approved the permit to haul away the germ laden items.

Brad Smith of the Cleaning Guys, which was hired to sanitize the apartment, said his company is ready to go but a permit issue has stopped them from entering the home. Smith says a specialized permit, which is handled by the state government, is needed to transport this type of unprecedented hazardous waste on Texas highways. Cleaning Guys specializes in hazmat and biohazard cleaning services, but it does not transport the materials.

Sanitizing crew turned away at Ebola patient residence -
They haven't got the permit because they aren't qualified, I would imagine. Probably nobody is.

It's great that we invited ebola in!
Obama chastised Bush in 2005 for not being properly prepared for the H5N1 outbreak...
"by the end of 2004 had only resulted in 36 deaths and 50 known cases over the prior two years, according to WHO data. In 2005, the number of cases would jump to 98 and deaths to 43, and the prevention of a pandemic became a high priority. At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House:"

"The failure to prepare for emergencies can have devastating consequences. We learned that lesson the hard way after Hurricane Katrina. This nation must not be caught off-guard when faced with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic. The consequences are too high."

"The failure to prepare for emergencies can have devastating consequences. We learned that lesson the hard way after Hurricane Katrina. This nation must not be caught off-guard when faced with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic. The consequences are too high."

"According to the WHO data, there have been no confirmed cases of H5N1 in the US. After peaking in 2006 at 79 deaths, both infections and fatalities have declined ever since; in the 10-year period between 2003-12, 359 total deaths and 608 cases have been confirmed by WHO worldwide.

"In the same period of time for Ebola, WHO tallied 463 confirmed deaths and 741 cases. By July, the outbreaks of 2014 had already surpassed the numbers for that decade..."

"“There’s been too much talk,” then-Senator Obama intoned, “and not enough action.” If that’s the standard Obama demanded of the White House in 2005, then now-President Obama has failed much more substantially in addressing the developing Ebola epidemic that has — unlike the avian flu — reached our shores."

Flashback Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic Hot Air
They haven't got the permit because they aren't qualified, I would imagine. Probably nobody is.

It's great that we invited ebola in!
Nope, read the article. It hasn't been something the State of TexAss has been bothered to process.
Obama chastised Bush in 2005 for not being properly prepared for the H5N1 outbreak...
"by the end of 2004 had only resulted in 36 deaths and 50 known cases over the prior two years, according to WHO data. In 2005, the number of cases would jump to 98 and deaths to 43, and the prevention of a pandemic became a high priority. At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House:"

"The failure to prepare for emergencies can have devastating consequences. We learned that lesson the hard way after Hurricane Katrina. This nation must not be caught off-guard when faced with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic. The consequences are too high."

"The failure to prepare for emergencies can have devastating consequences. We learned that lesson the hard way after Hurricane Katrina. This nation must not be caught off-guard when faced with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic. The consequences are too high."

"According to the WHO data, there have been no confirmed cases of H5N1 in the US. After peaking in 2006 at 79 deaths, both infections and fatalities have declined ever since; in the 10-year period between 2003-12, 359 total deaths and 608 cases have been confirmed by WHO worldwide.

"In the same period of time for Ebola, WHO tallied 463 confirmed deaths and 741 cases. By July, the outbreaks of 2014 had already surpassed the numbers for that decade..."

"“There’s been too much talk,” then-Senator Obama intoned, “and not enough action.” If that’s the standard Obama demanded of the White House in 2005, then now-President Obama has failed much more substantially in addressing the developing Ebola epidemic that has — unlike the avian flu — reached our shores."

Flashback Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic Hot Air
The problem is not preparation. The US is well prepared to deal with epidemics. The problem is action. The responsibility for slow response lies not with US government but rather with Liberian government. The government tried to downplay the epidemic for months and it wasn't until Sept that they even asked the US for help. In the first months of the epidemic, the Liberian government actually helped spread the virus. When police cordoned off quarantined areas, government officials had them removed. As the virus spread within Liberia, they made no effort to work with neighboring countries to stop the spread of the Ebola.

Cuba was the first country to respond with 300 doctors and nurses. This was followed by the US and Great Britain with promises of troops. Although most of the people seem to welcome US help, the largest newspaper claims Ebola was created by the US government and a several groups claim the US troops will overthrow the government.
Yeah, in about 3 weeks we're going to see a bunch of ebola cases.

How are the bunch of Ebola cases coming along?

Coming to a city near you, simply because....


And our asshole president is going to BRING IT HERE!!!!

Ebola cases rise sharply in Sierra Leone

Ebola cases in Sierra Leone show sharp rise World news The Guardian

"The figures come days after warnings by the UN that Ebola cases in Sierra Leone are being underreported by up to 50%."

Meanwhile the death toll continues for Americans dying from Ebola......

Total Americans currently suffering from Ebola: 1
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and died: 0
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and lived: 2
Total persons who have died of Ebola in America: 1

Let the panic continue.....

Ebola cases in Sierra Leone show sharp rise World news The Guardian

"The figures come days after warnings by the UN that Ebola cases in Sierra Leone are being underreported by up to 50%."

Meanwhile the death toll continues for Americans dying from Ebola......

Total Americans currently suffering from Ebola: 1
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and died: 0
Total Americans who have contracted Ebola in the United States and lived: 2
Total persons who have died of Ebola in America: 1

Let the panic continue.....

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