Is It Over?

Pink Moon tonite. Have a gander.
Oh boy, the lunatics will be out in full force tonight! Incidentally, there IS a beautiful, subdued song, "Pink Moon", recorded by Nick Drake, in the early 1970's, available to listen to on YouTube. Unfortunately I can't provide a link to it because the linkage system isn't working on this computer. But if you've never heard the song, give it a listen. It's mellow and calming to the senses.
When I clicked on this thread, I was thinking the OP was going to be another story that shows we've over estimated what the death count is going to be.
I see however the OP is going in the other direction, so I have to assume that when you ask "is it over" you're thinking this is the end of times ?
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When I clicked on this thread, I was thinking the OP was going to be another story that shows we've over estimated what the death count is going to be.
I see however the OP is going in the other direction, so I have to assume that when you ask "is it over" you're thinking this is the end of times ?
No just wondering what pthers think. I think it’s over really Or maybe never really was that bad
The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?
It's long from over. Could have second outbreak later on. What if the virus mutates into a form that attacks those that were exposed during this outbreak but we're asymptomatic?
I feel we will have some anti-viral meds approved when and if this scourge revisits and down the road a vaccine. I'm feeling good about this. In Oregon, we are looking better than any time since it all began. The officials feel the virus has peaked though I am taking nothing for granted but am feeling much better since I discussed it all with a family member who is truthful with me and has been in the medical profession for many years. He is my authority. I will still be practicing social distancing and wearing a mask when in a busy grocery store or pharmacy, for some time but I am no longer fearful. THANK God!
When I clicked on this thread, I was thinking the OP was going to be another story that shows we've over estimated what the death count is going to be.
I see however the OP is going in the other direction, so I have to assume that when you ask "is it over" you're thinking this is the end of times ?
I so wish we had "thank you" and "informative buttons!" I was thinking the same as you before clicking this thread. lol
The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?
Bell curve. Once you hit the top you're only half-way.
Unless we know who is infected and who is not there is not enough data to make a reliable bell curve or statistical analysis. Many could be infected but not showing symptoms at this time. Remember, statistics tells us only about the data we collected (reliable or not) and what has happened in the past. Example: Suppose you create a bell curve and KNOW everyone who does not have it and include them, is that bell going to be the same with the limited data we have now? I bet you would see no curve at all.

We will be at the get the virus, see the doctor, he gives you a scrip for Hydro and Zinc, or Hydro and a zpack.................and you go home......

We are getting to that point and then, the U.S. can start digging out of this democrat fear fest.
If some seriousness can be used in the thread...the weeks following Easter will be a good sign. Undoubtedly, there will be get-togethers over the Easter holiday. Those get-togethers will be offset somewhat by a lack in retail activity and the communal effects that shopping presents but there will be more people rubbing elbows with others than on any other given Sunday.

So in the 2 week period following all of these possible exposures, if you don't see a spike, it will be a great sign that the death toll may be on a permanent decline.
The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?
They are just trying to force vaccines that makes us mentally ill on us. The Hydrochloroquine is the best and safe drug that there is. It is because it comes from a natural source. That it cannot be patent.

The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?

It just began. In best case it will need some weeks or months - in worst case it will need two years - to get ful control over Corona. Only Trump solved the problem yesterday (while he slept long weeks before). Now he attacks the WHO for his own disastrous mistakes and I heard he likes to throw infected people with a Roman catapult over the great US-Trumperican wall. But Boris Johnson is welcome in Trumps Armageddon. Whoelse, for heavens sake, is not an enemy of the United States of Armaggeddon, in the eyes of your unembarrassed president?

And the medicamentation from pseudo-Dr. Donald Trump is extremely dangerous. Chloroquine for example is a dangerous substance (not made for Corona) and no one knows whether it really helps in case of Corona. Who blocks the fitness of a body - while this body is sick - with a medicine, which will not work, is an extremely dangerous charlatan.
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The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?
They are just trying to force vaccines that makes us mentally ill on us. ...

For this sentence someone should arrest you and your president. I'm sure both of you know what the real story is behind this scandal. One of your scienstists manipulated data on reason of fraud. This man is in prison meanwhile. The story vaccines cause autism is a totally stupid and dangerous nonsense.

I hope they will find one or some vaccines in case fo Corona. Then this vaccines have to be tested. And that is not a short way, because indeed side effects can cause very drastic collateral damages in case of a vaccine. That's why all this tests exist and that's why vaccines - for example in case of measles - are very good.

Your president is a charlatan and you are a charlatan.
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It's pretty much over. The real fight will be wrestling the weapon of disease away from Democrats. They want an 18 month national shutdown.
See you in church on Easter.

Do not go in a church on Easter. "Distance" is the commandment of this days. It's not love to become infected and/or to infect others. What about a kind of cinema for cars - or an open air chruch service - or somehting like this? The Redeemer came not to our world and healed all people, so his followers have to try now to spread infections. That's not compatible with the Christian faith.
The Pandemic. Seems NY deaths are going down (the place where the Plague hit hard) at a steeper rate than predicted. We now have Hydrochloroquine and Z-Pak that initial non-FDA data seems to show promise for actually curing patients. Testing is ramping up. So, is it really over for all intents and purposes? OR are we just kidding ourselves and Armageddon is on the horizon?
Not likely over yet, but it looks as though we have slown it enough we should avoid runs on most medical help. I have read that likely over time almost every one will get the virus bt not all at one time as to over flow hospitals and doctors and we will have some efective means to fight it. We still need it to burn out and run it's course in area but lets hope there is no mutation in the near future. We actually may get things rolling again in next month.

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