Is it possible that the allegorical account of a great flood is true?

A very encompassing definition. Nice. Of course it includes David Koresh and Jim Jones, Catholic inquisitors, the Eastern Orthodox, and Mormons. Quite a mixed bag.
Says you. I say it encompasses the essential belief. I can’t think of any other way to capture the key belief in fewer words. If one rejects any aspect of that statement I don’t see how he could be a Christian. If one accepts every aspect of that statement I don’t see how he couldn’t be a Christian.
I have no problem with your definition, I only note that many people I consider evil fall under that definition.

It is ironic that we all end up discussing religion when getting down to the nitty gritty of science. I think both of you are wrong about being a Christian and I'll explain why. However, it's not one of those things that make you go aha. To understand it, one has to understand God and that takes some experience.

Briefly, it is more about OBEY than doing what you think is good. This isn't easily understood as God doesn't want robots. He gave us free will. The crux of what God wants goes back to Adam's sin. One has to understand what was the sin and then it becomes more clear. God gave us the Ten Commandments to show us that none of us are sinless. If you look at the first commandment, then this is what he wants us to obey the most. This is much more important than doing good. God knows that if you can do that, then the rest will follow.
I was more than happy to stay on the topic.

there is scientific evidence that an asteroid impact in the northern polar region of the globe that may be the source of the flood accounts that all ancient civilizations have.

this strike would have unleashed 700 gigatons of tnt equivalents energy that would have vaporized 1500 gigatons of ice and disrupted the climate of the planet for years. One outcome would have been unprecedented rain around the planet that would have led to floods all around the planets which would have been outside of anything that had been experienced in their usual weather patterns. In other words it would have been note worthy.

When was this?
That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.
That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.


Muck, Otto |

A good read. Thought provoking.


That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.

Maybe. I'll have keep an eye out for it.

How many impacts occurred during this time? One large or many?
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Muck, Otto |

A good read. Thought provoking.



Does he discuss asteroids or meteors from space? One guy named Michael Oard has a hypothesis of a lot of impacts. How could that cause a problem? I would hate to be Noah and then get a bombardment of space rocks.

The problem depending on on author is no peer review. One author can claim something totally different caused the flood or a flood. It may be related, but you'd have to find some other evidence to tie it to the flood.
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Muck, Otto |

A good read. Thought provoking.



Does he discuss asteroids or meteors from space? One guy named Michael Oard has a hypothesis of a lot of impacts. How could that cause a problem? I would hate to be Noah and then get a bombardment of space rocks.

The problem depending on on author is no peer review. One author can claim something totally different caused the flood or a flood. It may be related, but you'd have to find some other evidence to tie it to the flood.


Asteroid. Does it really matter?

Peer review? Did you read his bio? The man was a genius back during the wars and proposed a theory about what may have happened to Atlantis. Not saying everything he proposed about Atlantis at the beginning of last century is true however he had some interesting information and proposals/explanations about what may have happened over 10,000 years ago.

A lot of the books I've read concerning Atlantis are crap with very little new info. They're more of a travel guide than a actual study on the subject. Otto Muck on the other hand stuck strictly to the subject and his research just as Ignatius Donnelly did.


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I can tell you a story that people here may believe that I heard about the coronavirus and Italy. Wonder if ding can dismiss it?

It's very important to understand what happened in Italy. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe's hotspot for Wuhan coronavirus.

I can even give you a link if you want haha.
That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.

Maybe. I'll have keep an eye out for it.

How many impacts occurred during this time? One large or many?
As I recall reading there was a 2nd crater site that was identified. Not sure if it has been confirmed or if more will be discovered later.

why do you ask?
I can tell you a story that people here may believe that I heard about the coronavirus and Italy. Wonder if ding can dismiss it?

It's very important to understand what happened in Italy. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe's hotspot for Wuhan coronavirus.

I can even give you a link if you want haha.
Why would I dismiss it?

another angle can be found comparing the differences between South Korea and Italy. .
Asteroid. Does it really matter?

Atlantis. Does it really matter since it probably was a Greek myth?

We may not ever know, but these authors sure can make you think it was based on a true story.

I believe that at one time in the distant past there was a civilization that influenced many cultures worldwide. I'm not saying that it was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic but perhaps a seafaring nation that was fairly advanced. That would put any major cities they held sway over along the coastlines and then disaster struck.


That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.

Maybe. I'll have keep an eye out for it.

How many impacts occurred during this time? One large or many?
As I recall reading there was a 2nd crater site that was identified. Not sure if it has been confirmed or if more will be discovered later.

why do you ask?

Just trying to find the evidence. Who is peer reviewing it? Creation scientists?
I can tell you a story that people here may believe that I heard about the coronavirus and Italy. Wonder if ding can dismiss it?

It's very important to understand what happened in Italy. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe's hotspot for Wuhan coronavirus.

I can even give you a link if you want haha.
Why would I dismiss it?

another angle can be found comparing the differences between South Korea and Italy. .

Stick with this story. So, you would accept a story like this?
That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.

Maybe. I'll have keep an eye out for it.

How many impacts occurred during this time? One large or many?
As I recall reading there was a 2nd crater site that was identified. Not sure if it has been confirmed or if more will be discovered later.

why do you ask?

Just trying to find the evidence. Who is peer reviewing it? Creation scientists?
You should email the authors of the published paper.
I can tell you a story that people here may believe that I heard about the coronavirus and Italy. Wonder if ding can dismiss it?

It's very important to understand what happened in Italy. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights. Result: Northern Italy is Europe's hotspot for Wuhan coronavirus.

I can even give you a link if you want haha.
Why would I dismiss it?

another angle can be found comparing the differences between South Korea and Italy. .

Stick with this story. So, you would accept a story like this?
I don’t know. I haven’t looked at it.
That’s what they are trying to decide. The team that discovered think it was about 12,000 years ago at the tail end of the last ice age.

Maybe. I'll have keep an eye out for it.

How many impacts occurred during this time? One large or many?
As I recall reading there was a 2nd crater site that was identified. Not sure if it has been confirmed or if more will be discovered later.

why do you ask?

Just trying to find the evidence. Who is peer reviewing it? Creation scientists?

Christian ministries do no research and don’t peer review. Their conclusions are predefined.

About Us -

  • Our Motto: Proclaiming the truth and authority of the Bible
  • Our Vision: To see the Lord Jesus Christ honoured as Creator and Saviour of the world
  • Our Mission: To support the effective proclamation of the Gospel by providing credible answers that affirm the reliability of the Bible, in particular its Genesis history.

The “creation ministries” in one word: “The gawds did it”. Well, one slogan, anyway.
Those Al Gore global warming videos will be there along with your other scientific consensus stuff most likely
No, you will find those in the science section. I'm sure you will have to ask the nice lady where that is.

I'm glad you agree that that global warming and other scientific consensus stuff belongs anywhere but the informational section.

Though perhaps the paranormal section would be more appropriate for your selection.



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