Is it really as simple a "Good vs Evil"? A Vatican Archbishop explains why Trump is a good guy...(Poll)

Is the 2020 election generally about "Good vs Evil"?

  • Yes, I generally agree with the Archbishop's letter to President Trump

    Votes: 8 80.0%
  • No, politics is much more nuanced than "Good vs Evil", generally both sides are evil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Archbishop has it backwards, Trump is evil and abortions are good.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
After reading Archbishop Vigano's letter to President Trump, it seems that what many Trump supporters have been saying all along is true, POLL.

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation. (continued in link...)
Thank you.
A little bit about him-
Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [vigaˈnoː]; born 16 January 1941) is an archbishopof the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for his role in the Vatican leaks scandal in 2012 and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other Church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against then-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
Yes. Democrats are the manifestion of Evil in the world: Sexual perversion and sodomy, infanticide, socialism, squashing our God-given rights.... ...the Democrats promote evil.

Trump is on the side of God. That does not mean Trump is a saint or he is Godly, it means he has decided to be on the side of what is good and right.
Lies mixed with truth. There's so much deception going on right now, and the most effective lies are lies that are mixed with truth
Lies mixed with truth. There's so much deception going on right now, and the most effective lies are lies that are mixed with truth

They usually are. But you have failed to indicate who it is that you think is doing the lying
Thank you.
A little bit about him-
Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [vigaˈnoː]; born 16 January 1941) is an archbishopof the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for his role in the Vatican leaks scandal in 2012 and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other Church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against then-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.
Lies mixed with truth. There's so much deception going on right now, and the most effective lies are lies that are mixed with truth
??? So how did you vote? Who do you think is better for the US?
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.

Old school Catholics are usually conservatives. CINO's are usually liberals. In a church of over a billion people, when half are bad apples thats a lot of bad apples. The good honest practicing Catholics never get media attention. They are the real Catholics.
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Religion in the service of politics makes both evil.

Stupid post.

The church is called to promote Christian values. The Democrats are the enemy of God so it is good for the church to promote we who are fighting that enemy.

Trump has done more for the Pro Life cause than any other POTUS and God knows it.

Democrats are the manifestion of Evil in the world: Sexual perversion and sodomy, infanticide, socialism, squashing our God-given rights.... ...the Democrats promote evil. God knows that too.
Evil is definitely gaining power, but in the end, Jesus will triumph.

Note the date of this Tweet.

Thank you.
A little bit about him-
Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [vigaˈnoː]; born 16 January 1941) is an archbishopof the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for his role in the Vatican leaks scandal in 2012 and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other Church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against then-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.
Same here.
OK, I googled him too. I don't see anything bad in his bio. He seems like a strict "old school" bishop.
I might describe him as a "bull in a China shop", or a "loose cannon". Not a "team player". Those are pluses.

Old school Catholics are usually conservatives. CINO's are usually liberals. In a church of over a billion people, when half are bad apples thats a lot of bad apples. The good honest practicing Catholics never get media attention. hey are the real Catholics.
I love to see the CINOs tap dance around the abortion issue because their jobs depend on it.
Chris Matthews goes into contortions when asked about what the Church requires
Nancy Pelosi avoids discussing
Biden, Cuomo, and most pols its "settled law"
Most of the USSC are Catholics, yet they need to play the dodge game when nominated

I often wonder what would happen if the Church "Ex-Communicated" CINOs for their abortion stances? Probably switch religions?
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Religion in the service of politics makes both evil.

Stupid post.

The church is called to promote Christian values. The Democrats are the enemy of God so it is good for the church to promote we who are fighting that enemy.

Trump has done more for the Pro Life cause than any other POTUS and God knows it.

Democrats are the manifestion of Evil in the world: Sexual perversion and sodomy, infanticide, socialism, squashing our God-given rights.... ...the Democrats promote evil. God knows that too.
And you called my post stupid?

Use the bible for something other than a blunt object to hit people with. Hypocrites preaching hate has done more to drive people away from faith than anything liberals ever did.
“Trump is a good guy”


‘Good guys’ aren’t bigots, racists, and misogynists like Trump.
Lies mixed with truth. There's so much deception going on right now, and the most effective lies are lies that are mixed with truth
??? So how did you vote? Who do you think is better for the US?

I didn't vote in the last election. I have never believed that Trump is a conservative or true Republican, and I stopped trusting him once I heard him give the Clintons the highest praise, on a few occasions. He was friends with them, they were at his wedding, etc. He was for partial birth abortion, called himself strongly prochoice, he is New York liberal, and I don't believe he had some sort of genuine radical transformation.

Plus, his own actions and words prove that he is not to be trusted, in my opinion.

Furthermore, I think the entire system is beyond corrupt and basically rigged, and voting is pointless because the powers that be control both sides and would never let a true patriot / honest principled individual who cares about freedom and the people anywhere near the presidency.

I know this will make people mad, but I believe he's basically a puppet playing the part of a "nationalist Republican." In other words, 'controlled opposition.'
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I often wonder what would happen if the Church "Ex-Communicated" CINOs for their abortion stances? Probably switch religions?

Most Catholics are not even aware that automatic excommunication is attached to procuring an abortion. It is only lifted if they repent. Most people who have abortions today think that it is acceptable so they never repent. There could be thousands of Catholics walking around totally unaware that they are officially excommunicated.

Code of Canon Law
Can. 1398 A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

“Trump is a good guy”
‘Good guys’ aren’t bigots, racists, and misogynists like Trump.

Trump is none of those things you liar.

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