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Is it really "illegal?"

What you should be opposed to is people doing illegal things.

Being accused of committing an illegal act and doing one are worlds apart.

Violating the US border is an illegal act. I've never met one illegal alien who wasn't fully aware that he or she had broken the law and understood the consequences even if they hoped to avoid them.

Your utterly juvenile latching on to the term "unalienable rights" has never worked for the drunk driver trying to get off his charges, and it sure as hell doesn't work for your dim-witted promotion of open borders, idiot.

You make the most uninformed and idiotic conclusions imaginable. Drunk driving is an issue where your actions could jeopardize my rights. The old maxim applies: Your rights end where my nose begins. You don't have an issue there. Sorry. You think you know things you really don't.

The Hispanics are given comic books and taught how to avoid the cops. It's a game. In Mexico, the cops pull you over. There is no "law" that allows the local constabularies to do the shit they do, but they will charge you a "tax" on all you own just for passing through their village. It's a power game; it's not about laws. Most Hispanics understand police corruption and power plays, not your idea of legal and "illegal." To them, it's a cat and mouse game and paying off the policia is merely the cost of doing business.

I AM opposed to people doing illegal things. It's illegal to deny to people their unalienable Rights. IF you knew how to read, you would click on that link and read that article. If I weren't opposed to illegal things, I wouldn't bitch because the government refuses to create a class of Guest Workers and be done with this silly ass argument.

I'm against the illegal actions of people like you, advocating treason. You want to destroy Liberty to promote your agenda of bigotry and injustice just because you are personally offended. As you so aptly stated: you don't give a fuck about the Rights of others that disagree with you. But, they have Rights too.

The difference between you and I: I may disagree with everything a man has to say and yet fight to the death for his right to say it... and BTW, that includes yours. So, that is probably the fundamental difference between somebody that embraces Liberty whereas another longs for tyranny.
Being accused of committing an illegal act and doing one are worlds apart.

Violating the US border is an illegal act. I've never met one illegal alien who wasn't fully aware that he or she had broken the law and understood the consequences even if they hoped to avoid them.

Your utterly juvenile latching on to the term "unalienable rights" has never worked for the drunk driver trying to get off his charges, and it sure as hell doesn't work for your dim-witted promotion of open borders, idiot.

You make the most uninformed and idiotic conclusions imaginable. Drunk driving is an issue where your actions could jeopardize my rights. The old maxim applies: Your rights end where my nose begins. You don't have an issue there. Sorry. You think you know things you really don't.

The Hispanics are given comic books and taught how to avoid the cops. It's a game. In Mexico, the cops pull you over. There is no "law" that allows the local constabularies to do the shit they do, but they will charge you a "tax" on all you own just for passing through their village. It's a power game; it's not about laws. Most Hispanics understand police corruption and power plays, not your idea of legal and "illegal." To them, it's a cat and mouse game and paying off the policia is merely the cost of doing business.

I AM opposed to people doing illegal things. It's illegal to deny to people their unalienable Rights. IF you knew how to read, you would click on that link and read that article. If I weren't opposed to illegal things, I wouldn't bitch because the government refuses to create a class of Guest Workers and be done with this silly ass argument.

I'm against the illegal actions of people like you, advocating treason. You want to destroy Liberty to promote your agenda of bigotry and injustice just because you are personally offended. As you so aptly stated: you don't give a fuck about the Rights of others that disagree with you. But, they have Rights too.

The difference between you and I: I may disagree with everything a man has to say and yet fight to the death for his right to say it... and BTW, that includes yours. So, that is probably the fundamental difference between somebody that embraces Liberty whereas another longs for tyranny.

While one continent, we're not one country. US rights are not extended to all other countries, even Europe wouldn't like that. For that matter, illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans, not by a long shot.
Drunk driving is an issue where your actions could jeopardize my rights. .

Yeah, yeah, apply it to speed limits, insurance, auto registration, etc. The point remains the same. Don't play games you are bad at, fool.
I'm against the illegal actions of people like you, advocating treason. You want to destroy Liberty to promote your agenda of bigotry and injustice just because you are personally offended. As you so aptly stated: you don't give a fuck about the Rights of others that disagree with you. .

That's not what I said, you low-life fucking liar. Go find a UFO/Conspiracy forum to bore people on, fool.
While one continent, we're not one country. US rights are not extended to all other countries, even Europe wouldn't like that. For that matter, illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans, not by a long shot.

All persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including persons who entered the country without documentation. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

Read the explanation of the laws cited in the OP.

You may not like, understand, or accept the settled law on the issue, but these are the undisputed facts nonetheless.
While one continent, we're not one country. US rights are not extended to all other countries, even Europe wouldn't like that. For that matter, illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans, not by a long shot.

All persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including persons who entered the country without documentation. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

Read the explanation of the laws cited in the OP.

You may not like, understand, or accept the settled law on the issue, but these are the undisputed facts nonetheless.

I may have answered this seriously, if you'd have quoted seriously.

Obviously you didn't mean seriously, or you are incapable of simple quote process. Either way, not worth the trouble.
I doubt you have much to worry about .

Not from the likes of you, pussy.

I told you once and I'll say it again for your non English understaning, non existent brain:

When challenged, you ran like a scalded dog. Don't fuck around with real men, little boy. Some day, somebody is going to put a real name with who you are and then expose you for what you are.
I doubt you have much to worry about .

Not from the likes of you, pussy.

I told you once and I'll say it again for your non English understaning, non existent brain:

When challenged, you ran like a scalded dog. Don't fuck around with real men, little boy. Some day, somebody is going to put a real name with who you are and then expose you for what you are.

How many times do you need to be invited to say what you want to say, pussy? Go ahead, no one is stopping you. Maybe you can find a "real man" to help you instead of dropping these dramatic declarations and then retreating into silence again and again. Your little performance is getting pretty old, tough-guy.
Drunk driving is an issue where your actions could jeopardize my rights. .

Yeah, yeah, apply it to speed limits, insurance, auto registration, etc. The point remains the same. Don't play games you are bad at, fool.

You shouldn't play games you're not worth a shit at. It forces you to make multiple posts, calling people names while you hope to make yourself look big. It isn't working. The longer this thread lasts, the more people chime in and tell you that Rights are bestowed upon people at birth by their Creator (their God, whomever they deem that to be.)

Some are actually accessing the links I provided (while I suspect some already knew about a few of these cases.) Repeatedly the courts have said that Rights predate the Constitution and Rights are, in no way dependent upon that instrument for their existence.

You can call me names all day long, but it won't change the facts. Neither will calling me names negate the fact that I told you if you have a personal problem with me, you need to take it up offline, personally.
While one continent, we're not one country. US rights are not extended to all other countries, even Europe wouldn't like that. For that matter, illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans, not by a long shot.

All persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including persons who entered the country without documentation. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

Read the explanation of the laws cited in the OP.

You may not like, understand, or accept the settled law on the issue, but these are the undisputed facts nonetheless.

I may have answered this seriously, if you'd have quoted seriously.

Obviously you didn't mean seriously, or you are incapable of simple quote process. Either way, not worth the trouble.

And I told you (how many times now?) that if you have something to say you should go ahead and say it right here. You seem to get real shy everytime you have the chance to speak your 'mind' (such as it is), tough-guy. Say what you want to say or shut the fuck up once and for all, tough-guy.

As for the rest of your nonsense, none of it will make one bit of a difference in any way in the real world. You're just like the drunk driver trying to make specious reference to "unalienable rights" to get out of a DUI. No one takes it seriously and it affects nothing. The US will never embrace your asinine fantasy of open borders no matter how much a fool you make of yourself here playing Cliff Clavin.
The dishonest piece of shit who refuses to distinguish between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration so that he can try to paint anyone opposed to those violating our national sovereignty as "anti-immigrant" does not deserve to be taken seriously.

Yes when the Yes when the discussion moves to why illegals immigration is bad and beyond labels and still all you are able to say is “illegal/legal” it’s pretty clear you have no real reason to oppose immigration except that you hate foreigners . I mean shit you hate them so much that you want to spend hundreds of billions making their lives harder and worse despite it shrinking our economy lowering tax recipes and killing jobs.
Jesus your so pathetic youd rather be poor then live near more brown people
Do you honestly not realize how illogical and racist your comments are? Are you really this stupid?
And I told you (how many times now?) that if you have something to say you should go ahead and say it right here. You seem to get real shy everytime you have the chance to speak your 'mind' (such as it is), tough-guy. Say what you want to say or shut the fuck up once and for all, tough-guy.

As for the rest of your nonsense, none of it will make one bit of a difference in any way in the real world. You're just like the drunk driver trying to make specious reference to "unalienable rights" to get out of a DUI. No one takes it seriously and it affects nothing. The US will never embrace your asinine fantasy of open borders no matter how much a fool you make of yourself here playing Cliff Clavin.

Talk is cheap. The best way to figure out what a man is all about is face to face.

FWIW, This is what I would say to you and we can end it there:

You have tried to mislead these people into thinking you know things you don't and then have the audacity to call me a liar. You're the one telling the lies and when called on it, you resort to further name calling.

You bring bogus "facts" to the table. For instance, I won't forget you quoting a case wherein a foreigner was being tried for eluding authorities and you tried to pawn that off as an improper entry case.

You are the most opportunistic,dishonest and uneducated individual on this board. You like to peck your keyboard, calling people names because you don't have the balls nor the brains to talk trash to the face of real men. When given the opportunity to have a face to face discussion, you slither away only to return and go through your predictable litany.

You obviously don't have a damn thing going for you and every time I think you might engage in productive conversation, you never cease to amaze me. It goes right back to the personal shit because you don't have the intestinal fortitude to roll the dice and talk your shit to live, living individuals.

I've entertained you for free. But, one day you will reap what you've sown. Then, I'll be that voice in your head that won't go away. I told you so. I told you so.
Which word do you think I don't know the "diefieniton" :)rolleyes:) of? What "illogical connection" are you referring to? If you're still sober enough to answer, get to it.

If you think people moving to America takes away Americas power you are crazy. So go on plz explain how America having more money makes us less powerful (and since you do not know the definition of the word sovereignty go look it up).
I see you still cant exaplin how immigration is bad this is because you do not sit down and think, you didn't go what are the effects of immigration, "1) more people get to be in the greatest country on earth 2) People get to live where they want to and be happy 3) America has more tax payers/workers etc etc instead you went to Glen Beck heard him spout out a bunch of incoherent talking points and just regurgitate them back whit out even think (which is the reason you use a word you dont know the definition of).
No plz try to respond with an actual rebuttal/argument something other then
"your stupid immigrations bad LOLLOL" but I doubt that's possible because its beyond your mental abilities and I'm never wrong..

^ Utter imbecility.

People moving illegally to America costs all of us money.
Plz explain how some one coming here working paying taxes and buy goods costs you money. Does it cost you money when they buy food from your store, when they buy rent from your land lord, when they produce food/other goods, or when they pay taxes. Seriously plz post a post that contains some content..

"Having more people" is not always the rational goal of a sustainable society.
People do NOT get to live where they want.

They get to live where they are and where they can legally get to.[/quote]
I see so according to you the government should have the power to tell us all where we live; meaning when the government kicks people out of their homes to build a road that is okay; that means that sending the Japs to internment camps wasn’t wrong because according to you the govt can tell us where we can live. Sounds a bit like the USSR
And don't dare lecture anybody about "sovereignty" when you re too fucking stupid to understand it your own pathetic ass self, ya jerk off.
A loss in sovereignty would be a loss of power for America; so plz explain why America habing more money means we have less power. Perhaps if instead of just regurgitating talking points you actually used your brain you wouldn’t be so mad to find out that you used a word of which you did not know the definition
Bottom line. One can encourage and support LEGAL immigration while consistently, rationally and wisely opposing ILLEGAL immigration.
Yes however as you’ve all proven you oppose legal immigration you just simply hide behind illegal immigration and every time someone makes an argument you spout “illegals aren’t legal”
Perfect example the DREAM act makes it so some illegal immigration becomes legal and you all slam it like it’s the plague. Why? It cannot be because you do not want more doctors, or a reduced deficit or a bigger economy. What is it? The only logical conclusion is that you are either a brainwashed moron or a racist
(which is the reason you use a word you dont know the definition of)...

Which word do you imagine that to be, idiot?

Jesus when in the same post you quote I tell you which word and you ignore it and eliminate the rest of my post and you then ask me what I’ve already answered it is pathetic .

Ill repost the same post you just quoted

If you think people moving to America takes away Americas power you are crazy. So go on plz explain how America having more money makes us less powerful (and since you do not know the definition of the word sovereignty go look it up).
I see you still cant exaplin how immigration is bad this is because you do not sit down and think, you didn't go what are the effects of immigration, "1) more people get to be in the greatest country on earth 2) People get to live where they want to and be happy 3) America has more tax payers/workers etc etc instead you went to Glen Beck heard him spout out a bunch of incoherent talking points and just regurgitate them back whit out even think (which is the reason you use a word you dont know the definition of).
No plz try to respond with an actual rebuttal/argument something other then
"your stupid immigrations bad LOLLOL" but I doubt that's possible because its beyond your mental abilities and I'm never wrong..

No plz come back when you can do something besides ignore reality/posts or say “your stupid!!!”

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