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Is it really "illegal?"

I just scolled up to BuddyColt's last thread to see if he in any way, insulted you. he did not. He disagreed but he made a case for his opinion and without petty name-calling.

Those folks have racist xenophobic agendas. Consequenly any view point which supports our alien friends is "insulting" to them.

We are no longer a Constitutional Republic . We are now an aristocracy of pull. The xenophobes have not, and can not demontrate how Juan's presence in the US affect their right to life, liberty, property and to pursue happiness.

What do you KNOW about this issue?

I have worked for years and years with people of every immigration status. I have taught thousands of people who were illegal aliens. That's how I know they are not evil monsters, but every one of them understood their status, what it meant, and how someone of similar status would be dealt with in their home countries. Most were really great people, but had no illusions about any "right" to be here.

I have worked with thousands and thousands of people who came here for short stays of specific duration. They had to go through a lot of hassle just to get here for that, and they made the most of every day they were here.

I have worked with hundreds of people working toward naturalization. You'll find no one more appreciative of the United States and respectful of our laws. Our new fellow citizens are national treasures, for the most part.

I have worked with thousands of people here as refugees or asylum seekers. Again, truly appreciative of the opportunity presented and very rewarding to work with. Much more can be said about these, for the most part, deserving people starting a new life in the greatest country on earth (yes it is, just ask them).

I have personal experience with the immigration process and how the burden placed on the system by, among other things, people coming here illegally or fraudulently makes it ridiculously trying on those going to the considerable time, trouble, and expense to do things the right way.

That good enough for ya?
I don't really care about immigrants coming here - except the criminals.
But people just coming here to work or whatever is fine by me.

That's not the question.

The question is HOW they come here.

Legally or illegally.

I don't care how they come here. Only why. If they coe here to work and make a better life for themselves, I'm good with it. If they come here to make a living on the drug trade or otherwise hurt people, I'm not good with it.

I care why they come here, too; but I definitely care that they come here legally.

If their purpose is to commit drug crimes, the legality of their entry doesn't trump the illegality of their behavior while here.

If they are simply working and violating no other laws, but entered without compliance with our Immigration Law, then their very first act here was a criminal act. They get no brownie points just because they thereafter follow the law. And they are not entitled to jump in front of the line OVER those who ARE complying with our Immigration Law.
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No thank you.

Thank you, that was a start. Why NOT? Tell me, why the hate? It dosen't matter what I think, but negativity blinds you. You are lashing out here at friends. Nobody here is your enemy.

Who said anything about "hate" or "enemies"? Stop being so sensitive.

Sensitivity, isn't that what this is all about? Did you condescend to all those "thousands" of illegal aliens the same way you do here? Because, I have a feeling here you have a few unresolved issues that posting nasty things here won't help. You didn't ask ME what I know about this issue. That tells me something right there. I won't call you kiddo anymore. Don't patronize me, either.
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You didn't ask ME what I know about this issue. .

That's because I don't care. You didn't pick up on that? You are entitled to your opinion anyway.

You don't care about...what? Illegal aliens? American culture? Rationality? What? I am worrying about you, friend. Are you OK? I lived with illegal aliens, and they weren't as nice as YOU, either. Thanks for asking. I notice when people are abusive, in case you didn't pick up on THAT. And there isn't any excuse for it. Nada. From ANYONE. Perhaps you think otherwise?
Undocumented Immigration is not a Federal a Crime

4. _Resolved_, That alien friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the State wherein they are: that no power over them has been delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the individual States, distinct from their power over citizens. And it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," the act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the -- day of July, 1798, intituled "An Act concerning aliens," which assumes powers over alien friends, not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void, and of no force.

Thomas Jefferson
Founding Father
3rd US President

1) Passed on 'which' day?

2) 1798???

3) have there been no amendments or laws passed since July ??, 1798????


After James Madison and Thomas Jefferson opposed the immigration laws congress allowed the same to expire in 1800.

Congress did not adopt another law until 1888. For 88 years there was no federal immigration law.

The federal government has the authority to NATURALIZE citizens but has no authority to detain and deport those individuals who only have the citizenship of the state in which they reside.

SCOTUS has recognized the fact that the states retained the authority to confer their citizenship on whomever they choose.



Section. 8.
Clause 4: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Doesn't say anything about states naturalizing anyone.
That's because I don't care. You didn't pick up on that? You are entitled to your opinion anyway.

You don't care about...what?

I don't care what you know about this issue. That was pretty clear. Is English your first language?

OK. You have proven how nasty, snide and flippant you can be. Isn't that better suited to the "flame zone" board? You don't want to do anything more than badmouth, bully and harass. I will read your posts, but I stop responding to them. I wish the best for you.
who in america isnt illegal, unless they are native american. it's hard for me to take a white person calling someone an illegal immigrant in a country that they have no right to be in, in the first place. america, australia, nz, were all stolen from the native population by force.

People are not illegal in America because our system is predicated upon the concept of unalienable Rights. Unalienable Rights mean that you were born with Rights and no man can pass a law to criminalize the Liberties and Rights you were born with.

People have an inherent Right to Travel, the Right to Life and the Right to Liberty. There is quite a civics lesson be learned here and if you PM me I will leave you several links you can check out to see how erroneous the information you're getting really is.

What a lot of people on this board want to do is prohibit immigration. It isn't going to happen. What the U.S. could do is to regulate immigration in a way that people could exercise their unalienable Rights without having to become a citizen. That, of course, makes too much sense, so our short term problems is having to fight against the hard core remnants of the National Socialist Party, K.K.K. and and socialists in general.

Unalienable Rights mean that you were born with Rights and no man can pass a law to criminalize the Liberties and Rights you were born with.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Nothing about sneaking into the US. Sorry.

People have an inherent Right to Travel

They don't have an inherent right to enter the US.
You don't care about...what?

I don't care what you know about this issue. That was pretty clear. Is English your first language?

OK. You have proven how nasty, snide and flippant you can be. Isn't that better suited to the "flame zone" board? You don't want to do anything more than badmouth, bully and harass. I will read your posts, but I stop responding to them. I wish the best for you.

I don't think you do.

I appreciate the effort, but you need a better argument. Let me:

Read the thesis written by professor Julian Simon, University of Maryland:

Coming to America: The Benefits of Open Immigration

For centuries, the American culture has been a beacon of hope to the oppressed peoples of collectivist economies and authoritarian or totalitarian governments throughout the world. Why then do the American people—descendants of immigrants, beneficiaries of open and unregulated immigration, whose culture, economy, government, and way of life are so deeply tied to open borders—exude such a passion against free immigration? Why do they wish so desperately to deny late twentieth-century immigrants the benefits to which their own eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ancestors were privileged? What do Americans have against open borders?


What do Americans have against open borders?

Open borders don't work with a massive welfare state.
Reduce the welfare state to what it was in the 1950s and then we can discuss open borders.

Why address me? Your mind is made up. Welfare fraud is the least expensive item in the federal budget and every study concludes that the undocumented immigrant pays as much in taxes as they receive in benefits. But, this is a popularity contest, not a quest for the truth.

BTW, your quote is a bastardized quote from Milton Friedman which, when he said it, means 180 degrees opposite of what you are trying to sell here.
Unalienable Rights mean that you were born with Rights and no man can pass a law to criminalize the Liberties and Rights you were born with.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Nothing about sneaking into the US. Sorry.

People have an inherent Right to Travel

They don't have an inherent right to enter the US.

You're right of course, and the cases that Professor Google is so proud of never addressed or were intended to have anything to do with crossing national boundaries.
who in america isnt illegal, unless they are native american. it's hard for me to take a white person calling someone an illegal immigrant in a country that they have no right to be in, in the first place. america, australia, nz, were all stolen from the native population by force.

People are not illegal in America because our system is predicated upon the concept of unalienable Rights. Unalienable Rights mean that you were born with Rights and no man can pass a law to criminalize the Liberties and Rights you were born with.

People have an inherent Right to Travel, the Right to Life and the Right to Liberty. There is quite a civics lesson be learned here and if you PM me I will leave you several links you can check out to see how erroneous the information you're getting really is.

What a lot of people on this board want to do is prohibit immigration. It isn't going to happen. What the U.S. could do is to regulate immigration in a way that people could exercise their unalienable Rights without having to become a citizen. That, of course, makes too much sense, so our short term problems is having to fight against the hard core remnants of the National Socialist Party, K.K.K. and and socialists in general.

Unalienable Rights mean that you were born with Rights and no man can pass a law to criminalize the Liberties and Rights you were born with.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Nothing about sneaking into the US. Sorry.

People have an inherent Right to Travel

They don't have an inherent right to enter the US.

Damn... another illiterate. So, what is Liberty? A privilege that is doled out to you by Government / God?

Here is my response:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Liberties, Unalienable Rights and Due Process
Section. 8.
Clause 4: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Doesn't say anything about states naturalizing anyone.

Bloody Dolt just has a fantasy about open borders that he can't let go of. He also imagines himself quite the tough-guy, so draw your own conclusions about his mental capacity.

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