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Is it really "illegal?"

According to the Attorney General 7 Jan 2009 in his opinion on a ruling governing a Title 8 USC 1325 removal:

The Supreme Court has recognized constitutional claims for ineffective
assistance of counsel only where a person has a constitutional right to a
Government-appointed lawyer. In contrast to a defendant in a criminal case,
an alien has no right—constitutional or statutory—to Government-appointed
counsel in an administrative removal proceeding
. Compare section
240(b)(4)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA” or “Act”),
8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(4)(A) (2006) (providing that an alien has a “privilege of
being represented, at no expense to the Government, by counsel of the alien’s
choosing”), and section 292 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1362 (2006), with U.S.
Const. amend. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”), and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S.
335 (1963).

Case cite - 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009)

If a person is detained on a Title 8 USC 1325 violation, they go before a civil forum, not a criminal court. There, they can be charged up to $250 civil fine and deported.

The argument being brought by the Internet Perry Mason wannabes is that a civil action is a crime and that the violator can go to a civil forum and be denied an appointed attorney and then tried in a criminal court wherein they can supposedly be jailed. AND... to top it all off, they are arguing that both events are criminal in nature!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiocy boggles the mind. The truth is that if the violator's only charge is improper entry, they get detained and brought into a civil proceeding. They can be charged a maximum civil fine of $250 and they are then processed and deported. It is entirely a civil administrative proceeding.

IF a violator eludes the authorities, lies to them or commits a crime as defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, they are tried in a criminal court, afforded a taxpayer attorney and sentenced accordingly BEFORE going into a separate forum for the violation of improper entry.

Will cite this each day for the benefit of people that may stumble across the thread.

:lol: Good. Do that. It's entertaining yet quite irrelevant.

It only proves that (a) a removal proceeding is civil/administrative -- a fact which was never in doubt. (b) It doesn't address the FACT that a criminal proceeding under 8 USC § 1325 is not a proceeding that takes in a civil/administrative Article II "court". (c) It highlights the fact that DuddlyDildoDolt doesn't have the first fucking clue on the topics.
Do you do drugs by any chance? Your own cites testify against your position.

Improper NEVER means unlawful

There are legal differences between unlawful and illegal

Here is a better explanation:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Understanding the Law 2

Cop lost a debate over the same, exact issue.

DuddleyDolt, determined to prove that he's a fucking complete moron, is still "arguing" that the name the lawmakers gave to that section somehow reveals whether a criminal law is a criminal law.


If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.

No no. Sorry little miss punk ass bitch. The lies and the imbecility remain entirely yours.

Most illegal aliens are not monsters hell-bent on destroying our country. Most of them are normal folks trying to get along as best they can. However, they are ILLEGAL, and therefore should not be here. Pretty simple.

They are freeloaders who absorb $113,000,000,000 in taxpayer dollars for health care, education and welfare. Illegal Immigration – The $113 Billion Dollar Drain on the American Taxpayer | Illegal Immigration Statistics They have not passed a physical or mental examination, nor a criminal background check, nor have they learned English. All of this is required of legal immigrants. Deportation is the only reasonable answer.

I don't know what you mean by "Most illegal aliens are not monsters hell-bent on destroying our country....." But this graphic is from La Raza the largest registered lobby of Mexicans for immigration to the United States. They want to make the U. S. border States a province of Mexico known as Aztlan part by force. The United States paid Mexico $18,000,000 after the Mexican American War and forgave Mexico its debts in the 1840s for our southern border as it now stands. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this graphic look just a little bit treasonous to you?


We already have 12,000,000 foreign invaders on our soil.
I would call that a matter for concern wouldn't you?​
Last edited:
Why did you just repeat the exact same thing you posted yesterday? Do you think Spam will somehow make you 'right'? Take your beef to the couple of assholes here really defending illegal immigration. If you want to insist that all illegal aliens ARE some stereotypical boogeyman, you will only convince those who already share your prejudice.

You know, come to think of it you are starting to remind me of a headcase who was banned some time ago. He also had an obsession with posting pics. Could it be...?
Most illegal aliens are not monsters hell-bent on destroying our country. Most of them are normal folks trying to get along as best they can. However, they are ILLEGAL, and therefore should not be here. Pretty simple.

They are freeloaders who absorb $113,000,000,000 in taxpayer dollars for health care, education and welfare. Illegal Immigration – The $113 Billion Dollar Drain on the American Taxpayer | Illegal Immigration Statistics They have not passed a physical or mental examination, nor a criminal background check, nor have they learned English. All of this is required of legal immigrants. Deportation is the only reasonable answer.

I don't know what you mean by "Most illegal aliens are not monsters hell-bent on destroying our country....." But this graphic is from La Raza the largest registered lobby of Mexicans for immigration to the United States. They want to make the U. S. border States a province of Mexico known as Aztlan part by force. The United States paid Mexico $18,000,000 after the Mexican American War and forgave Mexico its debts in the 1840s for our southern border as it now stands. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't this graphic look just a little bit treasonous to you?


We already have 12,000,000 foreign invaders on our soil.
I would call that a matter for concern wouldn't you?​

I just checked out your link. According to the comments at the bottom, it states:

The report cited is produced by FAIR, or Federation for Immigration Reform. This group is an advocacy group, in other words, they are not fair at all. Every report they produce is intended to support their point of view, so you have to take the numbers they produce with a heavy dose of salt.

Here is a non-opinionated report by a non-advocacy news reporting organization, Colorado Public News:


Whoa, wait a minute. You're making this too easy. "FAIR" is part of an conglomeration of organizations started by John Tanton. I've mentioned him several times in the course of this thread.

1. Tanton solicited and received over $1. 2 million from the Pioneer Fund for FAIR. The Pioneer Fund is a foundation that has a history of promoting the genetic superiority of white, European-Americans.

2. Tanton is an advocate of eugenics, the “science” of race betterment. Tanton has written on the subject stating, “Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany did little to advance the discussion of eugenics among sensitive persons

3. In 1993, Tanton wrote, “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.”

4. Tanton runs a publishing organization, the Social Contract Press. Tanton’s publishing arm reprinted the novel The Camp of the Saints, a racist book which tells the tale of immigrants from the east who come to France and destroy western civilization.

5. The Social Contract Press produces a quarterly journal, The Social Contact, which has published numerous white nationalists such as Wayne Lutton, Peter Gemma, and the late Sam Francis.

6. Tanton has had a long relationship with numerous white nationalists such as Jared Taylor, founder of American Renaissance, and notorious ant-Semite Kevin MacDonald.

7. Tanton is affiliated with individuals who are associated with Council of Conservative Citizens, a white nationalist organization that has called African Americans a “retrograde species of humanity.” Wayne Lutton, Tanton’s “right hand man” and Roy Beck, the former Washington editor of The Social Contract, have both spoken at Council of Conservative Citizens annual conferences.

8. In a 1996 letter, Tanton wrote, “Do we leave it to individuals to decide that they are the intelligent ones who should have more kids? And more troublesome, what about the less intelligent, who logically should have less? Who is going to break the bad news [to less intelligent individuals], and how will it be implemented?”

9. In 1995 correspondence to Harry Weyher (former president of the white supremacist Pioneer Fund) on racial eugenics, Tanton questions the sexuality of Asian men by claiming that “Male Orientals are less well equipped than those of some other groups.”

10. In a 1995 memo, Tanton wrote about his thoughts on European hate crimes laws, stating, “These have generally been pushed by Jewish interests who are offended by those who have challenged the received version of the Holocaust.”

The bottom line is that Tanton is a white nationalist. He was the adviser for David Duke, the nazi turned Klansman back in the late 70s and early 80s. I remember the guy quite well AND know why he would dabble in what you and the cheering section will rally around as manna from Heaven.

I read the comments and concur that much of what is on that site is pure fantasy and manufactured statistics.
According to the Attorney General 7 Jan 2009 in his opinion on a ruling governing a Title 8 USC 1325 removal:

The Supreme Court has recognized constitutional claims for ineffective
assistance of counsel only where a person has a constitutional right to a
Government-appointed lawyer. In contrast to a defendant in a criminal case,
an alien has no right—constitutional or statutory—to Government-appointed
counsel in an administrative removal proceeding
. Compare section
240(b)(4)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA” or “Act”),
8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(4)(A) (2006) (providing that an alien has a “privilege of
being represented, at no expense to the Government, by counsel of the alien’s
choosing”), and section 292 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1362 (2006), with U.S.
Const. amend. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”), and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S.
335 (1963).

Case cite - 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009)

If a person is detained on a Title 8 USC 1325 violation, they go before a civil forum, not a criminal court. There, they can be charged up to $250 civil fine and deported.

The argument being brought by the Internet Perry Mason wannabes is that a civil action is a crime and that the violator can go to a civil forum and be denied an appointed attorney and then tried in a criminal court wherein they can supposedly be jailed. AND... to top it all off, they are arguing that both events are criminal in nature!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiocy boggles the mind. The truth is that if the violator's only charge is improper entry, they get detained and brought into a civil proceeding. They can be charged a maximum civil fine of $250 and they are then processed and deported. It is entirely a civil administrative proceeding.

IF a violator eludes the authorities, lies to them or commits a crime as defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, they are tried in a criminal court, afforded a taxpayer attorney and sentenced accordingly BEFORE going into a separate forum for the violation of improper entry.

Will cite this each day for the benefit of people that may stumble across the thread.

:lol: Good. Do that. It's entertaining yet quite irrelevant.

It only proves that (a) a removal proceeding is civil/administrative -- a fact which was never in doubt. (b) It doesn't address the FACT that a criminal proceeding under 8 USC § 1325 is not a proceeding that takes in a civil/administrative Article II "court". (c) It highlights the fact that DuddlyDildoDolt doesn't have the first fucking clue on the topics.

WTH is this stupid, dope smoking, retard talking about? Now he's agreeing with over half of what has already been established ... except that a person can be tried for immigration RELATED crimes in federal court. Those include, but are not limited to eluding authorities, lying to authorities, marriage fraud, entrepreneur fraud, etc. Improper entry is a civil matter and tried in Immigration Court. There is nothing dishonest about what I said and it is extremely accurate.
BloodyDolt, are you an attorney? Hello? Why does this question scare you so much? Hello?
DuddleyDolt, determined to prove that he's a fucking complete moron, is still "arguing" that the name the lawmakers gave to that section somehow reveals whether a criminal law is a criminal law.


If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.

BloodyDolt, you really need to let the whole 'tough-guy' thing go. Everyone can see by now that you are just a gas bag and your threats, promises, and fantasies will never be anything more than hot air. You are just humiliating yourself at this point, tough-guy.

By the way, are you an attorney?
He will let it go if you let go the whole retard guy act
Why did you just repeat the exact same thing you posted yesterday? Do you think Spam will somehow make you 'right'? Take your beef to the couple of assholes here really defending illegal immigration. If you want to insist that all illegal aliens ARE some stereotypical boogeyman, you will only convince those who already share your prejudice.

You know, come to think of it you are starting to remind me of a headcase who was banned some time ago. He also had an obsession with posting pics. Could it be...?

He repeated it because it wons your stupid world views and you chose to ignore it because ytou are patehdic and a loser
If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.

BloodyDolt, you really need to let the whole 'tough-guy' thing go. Everyone can see by now that you are just a gas bag and your threats, promises, and fantasies will never be anything more than hot air. You are just humiliating yourself at this point, tough-guy.

By the way, are you an attorney?
He will let it go if you let go the whole retard guy act

That's really that last theme YOU should be talking about, idiot.
If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.

BloodyDolt, you really need to let the whole 'tough-guy' thing go. Everyone can see by now that you are just a gas bag and your threats, promises, and fantasies will never be anything more than hot air. You are just humiliating yourself at this point, tough-guy.

By the way, are you an attorney?
He will let it go if you let go the whole retard guy act

Who are you to speak for him? you sucking his dick or something?
Why did you just repeat the exact same thing you posted yesterday? Do you think Spam will somehow make you 'right'? Take your beef to the couple of assholes here really defending illegal immigration. If you want to insist that all illegal aliens ARE some stereotypical boogeyman, you will only convince those who already share your prejudice.

You know, come to think of it you are starting to remind me of a headcase who was banned some time ago. He also had an obsession with posting pics. Could it be...?

He repeated it because it wons your stupid world views and you chose to ignore it because ytou are patehdic and a loser

What is your first language?
Why did you just repeat the exact same thing you posted yesterday? Do you think Spam will somehow make you 'right'? Take your beef to the couple of assholes here really defending illegal immigration. If you want to insist that all illegal aliens ARE some stereotypical boogeyman, you will only convince those who already share your prejudice.

You know, come to think of it you are starting to remind me of a headcase who was banned some time ago. He also had an obsession with posting pics. Could it be...?

He repeated it because it wons your stupid world views and you chose to ignore it because ytou are patehdic and a loser

What is your first language?

Definently not English.
Why did you just repeat the exact same thing you posted yesterday? Do you think Spam will somehow make you 'right'? Take your beef to the couple of assholes here really defending illegal immigration. If you want to insist that all illegal aliens ARE some stereotypical boogeyman, you will only convince those who already share your prejudice.

You know, come to think of it you are starting to remind me of a headcase who was banned some time ago. He also had an obsession with posting pics. Could it be...?

He repeated it because it wons your stupid world views and you chose to ignore it because ytou are patehdic and a loser

What is your first language?

Notice how all your posts are one liners with no content like this one.

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