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Is it really "illegal?"

Hey duddley doorbell


Main Entry: amiss
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: wrong; defective
Synonyms: awry, bad, confused, crooked, erring, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, foul, glitched up, haywire, imperfect, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order, sick, unfair, unlawful, unsuitable, untoward
Antonyms: good, right


Main Entry: unlawful  [uhn-law-fuhl]
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: against the law
Synonyms: actionable, banned, bootleg, criminal, flagitious, forbidden, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, improper, iniquitous, lawless, nefarious, outlawed, prohibited, taboo, unauthorized, under-the-counter, unlicensed, wrongful
Antonyms: authorized, lawful, legal, right

Main Entry: criminal
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lawless, felonious
Synonyms: bent, caught, corrupt, crooked, culpable, deplorable, dirty, heavy, hung up, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, nefarious, off base, out of line, peccant, racket, scandalous, senseless, shady*, smoking gun, unlawful , unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wildcat, wrong
Antonyms: correct, lawful, legal, moral, right, righteous

Unlawful Synonyms, Unlawful Antonyms | Thesaurus.com


Thank you "Moron" I didn't know that was your name, however. Thank you for proving my point. Improper is not a synonym for illegal... not in English and not in law.

Yes, it is. Well, except in buttercup world. You can't even read.

Improper = unlawful
Unlawful = illegal
Improper = illegal
According to the Attorney General 7 Jan 2009 in his opinion on a ruling governing a Title 8 USC 1325 removal:

The Supreme Court has recognized constitutional claims for ineffective
assistance of counsel only where a person has a constitutional right to a
Government-appointed lawyer. In contrast to a defendant in a criminal case,
an alien has no right—constitutional or statutory—to Government-appointed
counsel in an administrative removal proceeding.
Compare section
240(b)(4)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA” or “Act”),
8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(4)(A) (2006) (providing that an alien has a “privilege of
being represented, at no expense to the Government, by counsel of the alien’s
choosing”), and section 292 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1362 (2006), with U.S.
Const. amend. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”), and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S.
335 (1963).

Case cite - 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009)

If a person is detained on a Title 8 USC 1325 violation, they go before a civil forum, not a criminal court. There, they can be charged up to $250 civil fine and deported.

The argument being brought by the Internet Perry Mason wannabes is that a civil action is a crime and that the violator can go to a civil forum and be denied an appointed attorney and then tried in a criminal court wherein they can supposedly be jailed. AND... to top it all off, they are arguing that both events are criminal in nature!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiocy boggles the mind. The truth is that if the violator's only charge is improper entry, they get detained and brought into a civil proceeding. They can be charged a maximum civil fine of $250 and they are then processed and deported. It is entirely a civil administrative proceeding.

IF a violator eludes the authorities, lies to them or commits a crime as defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, they are tried in a criminal court, afforded a taxpayer attorney and sentenced accordingly BEFORE going into a separate forum for the violation of improper entry.

The ONLY thing LIE Ability got right is that administrative courts and criminal courts are different.

A foreigner cannot be tried for the civil violation of improper entry in a criminal court. It is not a Title 18 crime. They can be tried for criminal activity and THEN have the case sent to Immigration Court to institute deportation proceedings based upon improper entry.

Example: Hosea is arrested for having a phony driver's license. He is run through the criminal justice system on that charge and THEN sent to Immigration Court for the removal proceeding... which is a civil forum.
Hey duddley doorbell


Main Entry: amiss
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: wrong; defective
Synonyms: awry, bad, confused, crooked, erring, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, foul, glitched up, haywire, imperfect, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order, sick, unfair, unlawful, unsuitable, untoward
Antonyms: good, right


Main Entry: unlawful  [uhn-law-fuhl]
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: against the law
Synonyms: actionable, banned, bootleg, criminal, flagitious, forbidden, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, improper, iniquitous, lawless, nefarious, outlawed, prohibited, taboo, unauthorized, under-the-counter, unlicensed, wrongful
Antonyms: authorized, lawful, legal, right

Main Entry: criminal
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lawless, felonious
Synonyms: bent, caught, corrupt, crooked, culpable, deplorable, dirty, heavy, hung up, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, nefarious, off base, out of line, peccant, racket, scandalous, senseless, shady*, smoking gun, unlawful , unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wildcat, wrong
Antonyms: correct, lawful, legal, moral, right, righteous

Unlawful Synonyms, Unlawful Antonyms | Thesaurus.com


Thank you "Moron" I didn't know that was your name, however. Thank you for proving my point. Improper is not a synonym for illegal... not in English and not in law.

Yes, it is. Well, except in buttercup world. You can't even read.

Improper = unlawful
Unlawful = illegal
Improper = illegal

Be nice, illegal aliens don't speak English too well.:lol:
The title of this thread is a rhetorical question, designed to get those who want the real questions answered to think about what it is they are saying.

In referring to undocumented foreigners as "illegal aliens," the practice empowers certain segments of the government to act as the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.

Improper entry is the heading of the title in the official U.S. Code. The clan of rabble rousers here trying to bust my chops cannot show you one statute in the entire United States Code wherein improper means illegal. They've tried to overshadow the truth, but they are stuck with reality.

IF improper entry were a crime, there would have been no reason for an anti - immigrant Congressman to draft and introduce a bill changing that word improper to unlawful. That bill failed, but for all the political jockeying that has been done, as many times as that fact has been ignored, the children here wanting you to think they know something they don't, they can never over - come that one reality among the many that have been introduced here.

Reintroduced because Lie Ability tried to cover it up with non relevant posts

You have been totally refuted and exposed as the lying pussy idiot you are.

At every turn, you have had your bullshit crammed up your nose.

DuddleyDolt, admit you were completely wrong and be done with it.

Until then, like everyone else, I laugh at you.


No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong
Reintroduced because Lie Ability tried to cover it up with non relevant posts

You have been totally refuted and exposed as the lying pussy idiot you are.

At every turn, you have had your bullshit crammed up your nose.

DuddleyDolt, admit you were completely wrong and be done with it.

Until then, like everyone else, I laugh at you.


No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong

Ahh its so cute, you ran in here like Captain Save a Hoe trying to rescue your little girlfriend. :clap2: :lol:
Reintroduced because Lie Ability tried to cover it up with non relevant posts

You have been totally refuted and exposed as the lying pussy idiot you are.

At every turn, you have had your bullshit crammed up your nose.

DuddleyDolt, admit you were completely wrong and be done with it.

Until then, like everyone else, I laugh at you.


No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong


Listen sock. You and your alter ego were wrong before. You remain wrong.

If you can point to even ONE criminal conviction that has EVER taken place in an Immigration court, you might have a point.

And since you cannot do that inasmuch as it has NEVER happened, it might start to dawn even on a dimwit like you that the criminal penalties provided for by 8 USC §1325 can only have been handed down in criminal cases tried or adjudicated in an actual court of law.

The Immigration Court is not even a Court of Law, you moron.
You have been totally refuted and exposed as the lying pussy idiot you are.

At every turn, you have had your bullshit crammed up your nose.

DuddleyDolt, admit you were completely wrong and be done with it.

Until then, like everyone else, I laugh at you.


No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong


Listen sock. You and your alter ego were wrong before. You remain wrong.

If you can point to even ONE criminal conviction that has EVER taken place in an Immigration court, you might have a point.

And since you cannot do that inasmuch as it has NEVER happened, it might start to dawn even on a dimwit like you that the criminal penalties provided for by 8 USC §1325 can only have been handed down in criminal cases tried or adjudicated in an actual court of law.

The Immigration Court is not even a Court of Law, you moron.

Yes you copy and pasting shit thats been debunked 5 times means others are wrong.
Seriously what is your problem? How is it that you have such a shitty ego that you can't even accept being wrong? Did your father beat you? Seriously go to therapy and get your issues dealt with
No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong


Listen sock. You and your alter ego were wrong before. You remain wrong.

If you can point to even ONE criminal conviction that has EVER taken place in an Immigration court, you might have a point.

And since you cannot do that inasmuch as it has NEVER happened, it might start to dawn even on a dimwit like you that the criminal penalties provided for by 8 USC §1325 can only have been handed down in criminal cases tried or adjudicated in an actual court of law.

The Immigration Court is not even a Court of Law, you moron.

Yes you copy and pasting shit thats been debunked 5 times means others are wrong.
Seriously what is your problem? How is it that you have such a shitty ego that you can't even accept being wrong? Did your father beat you? Seriously go to therapy and get your issues dealt with


You can't answer the most basic and obvious questions.

There's a reason for that Starjizz.

You know you area fraud.

Startle everyone by answering some questions honestly and accurately:

Is The Immigration Court an Article III Court?

If anybody is going to penalize an alien for improper entry (by a 6 month incarceration or a two year incarceration as the case may be), WHO is going to impose that sentence?

Is it an Immigration Court? CAN an Immigration Court impose ANY such sentence?

IF you are bright enough to recognize that the answer to that prior question is "no" and therefore realize that the penalties (being criminal) can ONLY be imposed by a Court of Law (as opposed to an Immigration Court), which courts HAVE imposed such sentences?

When they did so, were the sentences preceded by a plea or a trial or did the Courts of Law simply ignore the Constitution in those instances? If you suggest the latter is true, feel obligated to provide case citations.

This is just a quick and very easy test. But since you haven't studied, you need a miracle to pass it. Good luck.
No acutall you are a retard who got owned and is now crying because she has such a low ego that its imposable for you to accept you where wrong


Listen sock. You and your alter ego were wrong before. You remain wrong.

If you can point to even ONE criminal conviction that has EVER taken place in an Immigration court, you might have a point.

And since you cannot do that inasmuch as it has NEVER happened, it might start to dawn even on a dimwit like you that the criminal penalties provided for by 8 USC §1325 can only have been handed down in criminal cases tried or adjudicated in an actual court of law.

The Immigration Court is not even a Court of Law, you moron.

Yes you copy and pasting shit thats been debunked 5 times means others are wrong.
Seriously what is your problem? How is it that you have such a shitty ego that you can't even accept being wrong? Did your father beat you? Seriously go to therapy and get your issues dealt with

Neither you nor your boyfriend, DuddleyDolt, have debunked any of the facts I have provided.

Listen sock. You and your alter ego were wrong before. You remain wrong.

If you can point to even ONE criminal conviction that has EVER taken place in an Immigration court, you might have a point.

And since you cannot do that inasmuch as it has NEVER happened, it might start to dawn even on a dimwit like you that the criminal penalties provided for by 8 USC §1325 can only have been handed down in criminal cases tried or adjudicated in an actual court of law.

The Immigration Court is not even a Court of Law, you moron.

Yes you copy and pasting shit thats been debunked 5 times means others are wrong.
Seriously what is your problem? How is it that you have such a shitty ego that you can't even accept being wrong? Did your father beat you? Seriously go to therapy and get your issues dealt with

Neither you nor your boyfriend, DuddleyDolt, have debunked any of the facts I have provided.

You know, you have a point. We never have debunked any fact you have provided. Then, again, you've never provided a fact. The only thing you've provided is your opinion... and you don't prevail in immigration court with a convoluted notion that EVERY immigration official in the United States has declared to be in error.

There's no point in beating a dead horse, or in Lie Ability's case, a dead faggot. So, he FAILS. He can have the last word. He thinks that if you get the last word, you win, but I'll just wait until the next ruling is handed down and say I told you so.

To reiterate: Immigration Court is very narrow in its scope. It can look at issues like improper entry, overstaying a visa, etc. but it is not a criminal court. Therefore, improper entry is not a crime and anyone charged with such does not face a criminal process.

Immigration court handles Title 8 USC 1325 improper entry violations. These are administrative rulings. It is a civil body that hears a Title 8 USC 1325 violation called IMPROPER ENTRY.

CRIMINAL COURT cases are taken up in federal court by judges as contemplated in Article 3 of the Constitution.

IMPROPER ENTRY is not a crime in Title 18 of the Criminal Code. LIE ABILITY continues to attempt to mislead the people. IMPROPER ENTRY does not result in jail time, or any other criminal penalty... unless it's done repeatedly and then a whole different set of statutes and cases apply.

If a foreigner lies to authorities, eludes authorities, etc. then the criminal penalties apply by applying Title 18 criminal law.

IMPROPER ENTRY is not a crime in Title 18; therefore, no judge acting under Article 3 of the Constitution has any criminal jurisdiction over a civil matter that is handled by employees of the Dept. of Justice.

IMPROPER ENTRY is a civil violation of the law, not a crime and there is no point in going over this again.

IF LIEABILITY can cite a case to the contrary, she may have something. Until then, what we have is someone obsessed over the Internet and their ability to harass people that she has no courage to face. I'm done with LIE ABILITY.
Last edited:
Hey duddley doorbell


Main Entry: amiss
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: wrong; defective
Synonyms: awry, bad, confused, crooked, erring, erroneous, fallacious, false, faulty, flawed, foul, glitched up, haywire, imperfect, improper, inaccurate, inappropriate, incorrect, mistaken, out of order, sick, unfair, unlawful, unsuitable, untoward
Antonyms: good, right


Main Entry: unlawful  [uhn-law-fuhl]
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: against the law
Synonyms: actionable, banned, bootleg, criminal, flagitious, forbidden, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, improper, iniquitous, lawless, nefarious, outlawed, prohibited, taboo, unauthorized, under-the-counter, unlicensed, wrongful
Antonyms: authorized, lawful, legal, right

Main Entry: criminal
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lawless, felonious
Synonyms: bent, caught, corrupt, crooked, culpable, deplorable, dirty, heavy, hung up, illegal, illegitimate, illicit, immoral, indictable, iniquitous, nefarious, off base, out of line, peccant, racket, scandalous, senseless, shady*, smoking gun, unlawful , unrighteous, vicious, villainous, wicked, wildcat, wrong
Antonyms: correct, lawful, legal, moral, right, righteous

Unlawful Synonyms, Unlawful Antonyms | Thesaurus.com


Thank you "Moron" I didn't know that was your name, however. Thank you for proving my point. Improper is not a synonym for illegal... not in English and not in law.

Yes, it is. Well, except in buttercup world. You can't even read.

Improper = unlawful
Unlawful = illegal
Improper = illegal

Do you do drugs by any chance? Your own cites testify against your position.

Improper NEVER means unlawful

There are legal differences between unlawful and illegal

Here is a better explanation:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Understanding the Law 2

Cop lost a debate over the same, exact issue.
Thank you "Moron" I didn't know that was your name, however. Thank you for proving my point. Improper is not a synonym for illegal... not in English and not in law.

Yes, it is. Well, except in buttercup world. You can't even read.

Improper = unlawful
Unlawful = illegal
Improper = illegal

Do you do drugs by any chance? Your own cites testify against your position.

Improper NEVER means unlawful

There are legal differences between unlawful and illegal

Here is a better explanation:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Understanding the Law 2

Cop lost a debate over the same, exact issue.

DuddleyDolt, determined to prove that he's a fucking complete moron, is still "arguing" that the name the lawmakers gave to that section somehow reveals whether a criminal law is a criminal law.

Yes you copy and pasting shit thats been debunked 5 times means others are wrong.
Seriously what is your problem? How is it that you have such a shitty ego that you can't even accept being wrong? Did your father beat you? Seriously go to therapy and get your issues dealt with

Neither you nor your boyfriend, DuddleyDolt, have debunked any of the facts I have provided.

You know, you have a point. We never have debunked any fact you have provided. Then, again, you've never provided a fact. The only thing you've provided is your opinion... and you don't prevail in immigration court with a convoluted notion that EVERY immigration official in the United States has declared to be in error.

There's no point in beating a dead horse, or in Lie Ability's case, a dead faggot. So, he FAILS. He can have the last word. He thinks that if you get the last word, you win, but I'll just wait until the next ruling is handed down and say I told you so.

To reiterate: Immigration Court is very narrow in its scope. It can look at issues like improper entry, overstaying a visa, etc. but it is not a criminal court. Therefore, improper entry is not a crime and anyone charged with such does not face a criminal process.

Immigration court handles Title 8 USC 1325 improper entry violations. These are administrative rulings. It is a civil body that hears a Title 8 USC 1325 violation called IMPROPER ENTRY.

CRIMINAL COURT cases are taken up in federal court by judges as contemplated in Article 3 of the Constitution.

IMPROPER ENTRY is not a crime in Title 18 of the Criminal Code. LIE ABILITY continues to attempt to mislead the people. IMPROPER ENTRY does not result in jail time, or any other criminal penalty... unless it's done repeatedly and then a whole different set of statutes and cases apply.

If a foreigner lies to authorities, eludes authorities, etc. then the criminal penalties apply by applying Title 18 criminal law.

IMPROPER ENTRY is not a crime in Title 18; therefore, no judge acting under Article 3 of the Constitution has any criminal jurisdiction over a civil matter that is handled by employees of the Dept. of Justice.

IMPROPER ENTRY is a civil violation of the law, not a crime and there is no point in going over this again.

IF LIEABILITY can cite a case to the contrary, she may have something. Until then, what we have is someone obsessed over the Internet and their ability to harass people that she has no courage to face. I'm done with LIE ABILITY.

As I noted before, DuddlyDildo, I already DID provide cases that prove that the law is a criminal statute.

You cannot address those cases or the law itself, so you resort to quoting some ignorant public official who was simply wrong. (If you had a brain, you might perceive the problem in the fallacy of the appeal to authority in this process, but alas you have no brain).

Sorry little girl, but you have no hope of ever being anything other than what you are now: Utterly pathetic, fully dishonest, dumber than a box of shit and completely lacking in the first speck of credibility.

Toddle off, bitch.
Yes, it is. Well, except in buttercup world. You can't even read.

Improper = unlawful
Unlawful = illegal
Improper = illegal

Do you do drugs by any chance? Your own cites testify against your position.

Improper NEVER means unlawful

There are legal differences between unlawful and illegal

Here is a better explanation:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Understanding the Law 2

Cop lost a debate over the same, exact issue.

DuddleyDolt, determined to prove that he's a fucking complete moron, is still "arguing" that the name the lawmakers gave to that section somehow reveals whether a criminal law is a criminal law.


If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.
According to the Attorney General 7 Jan 2009 in his opinion on a ruling governing a Title 8 USC 1325 removal:

The Supreme Court has recognized constitutional claims for ineffective
assistance of counsel only where a person has a constitutional right to a
Government-appointed lawyer. In contrast to a defendant in a criminal case,
an alien has no right—constitutional or statutory—to Government-appointed
counsel in an administrative removal proceeding
. Compare section
240(b)(4)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA” or “Act”),
8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(4)(A) (2006) (providing that an alien has a “privilege of
being represented, at no expense to the Government, by counsel of the alien’s
choosing”), and section 292 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1362 (2006), with U.S.
Const. amend. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”), and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S.
335 (1963).

Case cite - 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009)

If a person is detained on a Title 8 USC 1325 violation, they go before a civil forum, not a criminal court. There, they can be charged up to $250 civil fine and deported.

The argument being brought by the Internet Perry Mason wannabes is that a civil action is a crime and that the violator can go to a civil forum and be denied an appointed attorney and then tried in a criminal court wherein they can supposedly be jailed. AND... to top it all off, they are arguing that both events are criminal in nature!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiocy boggles the mind. The truth is that if the violator's only charge is improper entry, they get detained and brought into a civil proceeding. They can be charged a maximum civil fine of $250 and they are then processed and deported. It is entirely a civil administrative proceeding.

IF a violator eludes the authorities, lies to them or commits a crime as defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, they are tried in a criminal court, afforded a taxpayer attorney and sentenced accordingly BEFORE going into a separate forum for the violation of improper entry.

Will cite this each day for the benefit of people that may stumble across the thread.
Do you do drugs by any chance? Your own cites testify against your position.

Improper NEVER means unlawful

There are legal differences between unlawful and illegal

Here is a better explanation:

Outcasts and Outlaws :: View topic - Understanding the Law 2

Cop lost a debate over the same, exact issue.

DuddleyDolt, determined to prove that he's a fucking complete moron, is still "arguing" that the name the lawmakers gave to that section somehow reveals whether a criminal law is a criminal law.


If there is a fucking complete moron on this board, it is you LIE ABILITY. You talk a lot of shit, but let's face it, you have never been one to back up your position nor that chickenshit keyboard commando attitude you try to present on this board.

Offline, you are a squeamish little fucking idiot, living in his mommy's basement, afraid of his own shadow. The only way you feel important is to continue to fuck with people that you haven't the courage to face off with in person.

You've had so much cum dumped up your ass that it seeps out your ears and you've gotten brain rot. Without the name calling, you don't have anything except that infant sized dick in your hand (and you're so ashamed of that you live in fear of real people.)

Beat your keyboard asshole. Talk shit. But, at the end of the day, you are such a chickenshit that even cowards find you to be repulsive and embarrassing.

BloodyDolt, you really need to let the whole 'tough-guy' thing go. Everyone can see by now that you are just a gas bag and your threats, promises, and fantasies will never be anything more than hot air. You are just humiliating yourself at this point, tough-guy.

By the way, are you an attorney?
According to the Attorney General 7 Jan 2009 in his opinion on a ruling governing a Title 8 USC 1325 removal:

The Supreme Court has recognized constitutional claims for ineffective
assistance of counsel only where a person has a constitutional right to a
Government-appointed lawyer. In contrast to a defendant in a criminal case,
an alien has no right—constitutional or statutory—to Government-appointed
counsel in an administrative removal proceeding
. Compare section
240(b)(4)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA” or “Act”),
8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(4)(A) (2006) (providing that an alien has a “privilege of
being represented, at no expense to the Government, by counsel of the alien’s
choosing”), and section 292 of the Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1362 (2006), with U.S.
Const. amend. VI (“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall . . . have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.”), and Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S.
335 (1963).

Case cite - 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009)

If a person is detained on a Title 8 USC 1325 violation, they go before a civil forum, not a criminal court. There, they can be charged up to $250 civil fine and deported.

The argument being brought by the Internet Perry Mason wannabes is that a civil action is a crime and that the violator can go to a civil forum and be denied an appointed attorney and then tried in a criminal court wherein they can supposedly be jailed. AND... to top it all off, they are arguing that both events are criminal in nature!!!!!!!!!!!

The idiocy boggles the mind. The truth is that if the violator's only charge is improper entry, they get detained and brought into a civil proceeding. They can be charged a maximum civil fine of $250 and they are then processed and deported. It is entirely a civil administrative proceeding.

IF a violator eludes the authorities, lies to them or commits a crime as defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, they are tried in a criminal court, afforded a taxpayer attorney and sentenced accordingly BEFORE going into a separate forum for the violation of improper entry.

Will cite this each day for the benefit of people that may stumble across the thread.

That's called 'Spam,' you idiot.

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