Is it time for public option? Senate Dems lead new push today

Top legislators and prominent progressives are throwing their weight behind the public option this morning, a joint effort intended to strengthen Hillary Clinton's call for a public option ahead of the upcoming debates and tee up the proposal as a legislative priority for 2017.

In the Senate: A new resolution filed by Sen. Jeff Merkley calls for every American to have the choice of a public health insurance option. The resolution has the backing of three members of leadership — Sens. Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray — as well as other notable progressive figures, like Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"At a time when 29 million people are still uninsured, and 31 million are underinsured, we must continue to make needed health care reforms," Sanders said in a statement. "Insurance companies have shown they are more concerned with serving their shareholders than their customers."

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Let the games begin.
so the aca was a bad idea
but they fixed it and it is still a bad idea.

so now they think people, who can't afford another bill of any kind, are going to go out and get a monthly bill.

goddamn leftist are fucking dumb, they have no connection to reality at all, none, if they fell out of a plane, they wouldn't know what that stuff was below them.

but hey, I hate the poor, that's why I''m against fucking over the poor
Top legislators and prominent progressives are throwing their weight behind the public option this morning, a joint effort intended to strengthen Hillary Clinton's call for a public option ahead of the upcoming debates and tee up the proposal as a legislative priority for 2017.

In the Senate: A new resolution filed by Sen. Jeff Merkley calls for every American to have the choice of a public health insurance option. The resolution has the backing of three members of leadership — Sens. Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray — as well as other notable progressive figures, like Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"At a time when 29 million people are still uninsured, and 31 million are underinsured, we must continue to make needed health care reforms," Sanders said in a statement. "Insurance companies have shown they are more concerned with serving their shareholders than their customers."

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Let the games begin.
so the aca was a bad idea but they fixed it and it is still a bad idea. so now they think people, who can't afford another bill of any kind, are going to go out and get a monthly bill. goddamn leftist are fucking dumb, they have no connection to reality at all, none, if they fell out of a plane, they wouldn't know what that stuff was below them. but hey, I hate the poor, that's why I''m against fucking over the poor
So Trump is now a leftist.
Someone please explain to me how it is rational that we have seven (7) different health care deliver/payment systems, none of which communicate directly with the other.

Would ya like the list? Here ya go:
  1. Individual health/ACA
  2. Group Health
  3. Worker's Compensation
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. VA
  7. Indigent
Go ahead. Explain how that is rational. Knock it out of the park.

Expand the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all. An already functioning public/private partnership that would provide critical preventive/diagnostic services, open up vast new markets for free market insurance, and take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the back of American businesses.

Go ahead. Tell me how 7 different systems is rational.


Medicall is what it should be called...

Change the law on moving health records over state lines...

Health Insurance managed at Federal Level..

So you get basic insurance but you can buy more....

This is effectively the European Model which is cheaper...
You mean like the VA? Yeah, that's really effective at killing people....oh wait, that's not your goal....:lol:

Actually not like the VA.. VA is all encompassing while this allows people to have a safety net for basic care..

The one they are proposing is basic with everyone to buy top up..

Veterans Health Administration Compared to Private Sector for Older Cancer Patients | HMS
So,,you're not talking about .gov single payer then?

Yep... Public Option is just a form of Single Payer...

What's wrong with it...
so now they think people, who can't afford another bill of any kind, are going to go out and get a monthly bill.

Nitwits like you show their stupidity......What public-option really means is MEDICARE for ALL......and its about fucking time.

Now, before you start on the mantra "but Medicare is broke," check out WHY )
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Someone please explain to me how it is rational that we have seven (7) different health care deliver/payment systems, none of which communicate directly with the other.

Would ya like the list? Here ya go:
  1. Individual health/ACA
  2. Group Health
  3. Worker's Compensation
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. VA
  7. Indigent
Go ahead. Explain how that is rational. Knock it out of the park.

Expand the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all. An already functioning public/private partnership that would provide critical preventive/diagnostic services, open up vast new markets for free market insurance, and take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the back of American businesses.

Go ahead. Tell me how 7 different systems is rational.


Medicall is what it should be called...

Change the law on moving health records over state lines...

Health Insurance managed at Federal Level..

So you get basic insurance but you can buy more....

This is effectively the European Model which is cheaper...
You mean like the VA? Yeah, that's really effective at killing people....oh wait, that's not your goal....:lol:

Actually not like the VA.. VA is all encompassing while this allows people to have a safety net for basic care..

The one they are proposing is basic with everyone to buy top up..

Veterans Health Administration Compared to Private Sector for Older Cancer Patients | HMS
So,,you're not talking about .gov single payer then?

Yep... Public Option is just a form of Single Payer...

What's wrong with it...
They're trained to equate Single Payer with "socialism" or some other "ism". And then run around with their hair on fire.

Really, this is more of a "dual payer" system, anyway.

It would open up massive opportunities for the free market, but they don't/won't see it.
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Someone please explain to me how it is rational that we have seven (7) different health care deliver/payment systems, none of which communicate directly with the other.

Would ya like the list? Here ya go:
  1. Individual health/ACA
  2. Group Health
  3. Worker's Compensation
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. VA
  7. Indigent
Go ahead. Explain how that is rational. Knock it out of the park.

Expand the current Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all. An already functioning public/private partnership that would provide critical preventive/diagnostic services, open up vast new markets for free market insurance, and take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the back of American businesses.

Go ahead. Tell me how 7 different systems is rational.


Medicall is what it should be called...

Change the law on moving health records over state lines...

Health Insurance managed at Federal Level..

So you get basic insurance but you can buy more....

This is effectively the European Model which is cheaper...
You mean like the VA? Yeah, that's really effective at killing people....oh wait, that's not your goal....:lol:

Actually not like the VA.. VA is all encompassing while this allows people to have a safety net for basic care..

The one they are proposing is basic with everyone to buy top up..

Veterans Health Administration Compared to Private Sector for Older Cancer Patients | HMS
So,,you're not talking about .gov single payer then?

Yep... Public Option is just a form of Single Payer...

What's wrong with it...

Optional single payer. If you want to pay a private insurer instead of using the public option, nobody is stopping you. Can anyone explain why there is opposition to a public option?
Top legislators and prominent progressives are throwing their weight behind the public option this morning, a joint effort intended to strengthen Hillary Clinton's call for a public option ahead of the upcoming debates and tee up the proposal as a legislative priority for 2017.

In the Senate: A new resolution filed by Sen. Jeff Merkley calls for every American to have the choice of a public health insurance option. The resolution has the backing of three members of leadership — Sens. Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray — as well as other notable progressive figures, like Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"At a time when 29 million people are still uninsured, and 31 million are underinsured, we must continue to make needed health care reforms," Sanders said in a statement. "Insurance companies have shown they are more concerned with serving their shareholders than their customers."

Read more:

Let the games begin.

They should have had it the first time around.
Can anyone explain why there is opposition to a public option?

Regressives seem to want to trust more some crooked private health insurance CEO (who probably laughs at our collective stupidity in funding his millions of dollars in pay per month)...than the federal government...that, for all its flaws, treats the common American citizen a heck of a lot better than a private, greedy and selfish insurance company.
Top legislators and prominent progressives are throwing their weight behind the public option this morning, a joint effort intended to strengthen Hillary Clinton's call for a public option ahead of the upcoming debates and tee up the proposal as a legislative priority for 2017.

In the Senate: A new resolution filed by Sen. Jeff Merkley calls for every American to have the choice of a public health insurance option. The resolution has the backing of three members of leadership — Sens. Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray — as well as other notable progressive figures, like Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"At a time when 29 million people are still uninsured, and 31 million are underinsured, we must continue to make needed health care reforms," Sanders said in a statement. "Insurance companies have shown they are more concerned with serving their shareholders than their customers."

Read more:

Let the games begin.
so the aca was a bad idea but they fixed it and it is still a bad idea. so now they think people, who can't afford another bill of any kind, are going to go out and get a monthly bill. goddamn leftist are fucking dumb, they have no connection to reality at all, none, if they fell out of a plane, they wouldn't know what that stuff was below them. but hey, I hate the poor, that's why I''m against fucking over the poor
So Trump is now a leftist.
he always has been
so now they think people, who can't afford another bill of any kind, are going to go out and get a monthly bill.

Nitwits like you show their stupidity......What public-option really means is MEDICARE for ALL......and its about fucking time.

Now, before you start on the mantra "but Medicare is broke," check out WHY )
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term

Well, after you remove those 2 thumbs from you know where, check out how many OLDER AMERICANS died because of no health insurance BEFORE Medicare...

I'll wait for your apology, nitwit.
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term
You begin with a fallacy of false thesis or loaded statement. Then you double down on dumbness. Ask those on medicare if they want to give it up.

Americans disagree with you.

Kaiser poll suggests support Medicare-for-all is more than two-thirds ... for a National Health Program
Mar 1, 2016 - (1) 64 percent “have a positive reaction to the term 'Medicare-for-all'” (February poll); (2) 58 percent “favor … having a national health plan in ...

nitwits don't know they are wrong and can't be taught so. Thus, don't expect an apology from the nit wit.
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term

Well, after you remove those 2 thumbs from you know where, check out how many OLDER AMERICANS died because of no health insurance BEFORE Medicare...

I'll wait for your apology, nitwit.
look up how many people were declared dead by medi when they were still alive

and you want that for 300 million of us

medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term
You begin with a fallacy of false thesis or loaded statement. Then you double down on dumbness. Ask those on medicare if they want to give it up.

Americans disagree with you.

Kaiser poll suggests support Medicare-for-all is more than two-thirds ... for a National Health Program
Mar 1, 2016 - (1) 64 percent “have a positive reaction to the term 'Medicare-for-all'” (February poll); (2) 58 percent “favor … having a national health plan in ...

nitwits don't know they are wrong and can't be taught so. Thus, don't expect an apology from the nit wit.
why would anyone want to give up what they paid for?

that doesn't make the fact, the absolute fact, that medi sucks.

but hey, more government is better, right, you republican you.
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term
You begin with a fallacy of false thesis or loaded statement. Then you double down on dumbness. Ask those on medicare if they want to give it up.

Americans disagree with you.

Kaiser poll suggests support Medicare-for-all is more than two-thirds ... for a National Health Program
Mar 1, 2016 - (1) 64 percent “have a positive reaction to the term 'Medicare-for-all'” (February poll); (2) 58 percent “favor … having a national health plan in ...

nitwits don't know they are wrong and can't be taught so. Thus, don't expect an apology from the nit wit.
why would anyone want to give up what they paid for? that doesn't make the fact, the absolute fact, that medi sucks. but hey, more government is better, right, you republican you.
You offer your opinion as fact, which makes you a nitwit.
medicare sucks

so you want forced medicare for everyone, you want everyone to have suck ins.

look up why medi sucks, then go fuck yourself b/c you're to fucking dumb to grasp even the basics of what you want means to the long term
You begin with a fallacy of false thesis or loaded statement. Then you double down on dumbness. Ask those on medicare if they want to give it up.

Americans disagree with you.

Kaiser poll suggests support Medicare-for-all is more than two-thirds ... for a National Health Program
Mar 1, 2016 - (1) 64 percent “have a positive reaction to the term 'Medicare-for-all'” (February poll); (2) 58 percent “favor … having a national health plan in ...

nitwits don't know they are wrong and can't be taught so. Thus, don't expect an apology from the nit wit.
why would anyone want to give up what they paid for? that doesn't make the fact, the absolute fact, that medi sucks. but hey, more government is better, right, you republican you.
You offer your opinion as fact, which makes you a nitwit.
Why Medicare Sucks
It's Official: Baby Boomers Don't Know Medicare Sucks
I don’t like Bernie because his “Medicare For All” plan is terrible for America’s health and economy

now run along

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