Is It Time For The Republican Party To Finally Jettison Reagan?

I see the GOP relationship with Reagan as the same as the fundies' relationship with the bible. Pick and choose what to believe in.
Basically. But I think they peddled that he was right about just about everything.

Remember their "eleventh Commandment." That was from Raygunn.

He was their god, until Trump.
Why are you so dishonest dude? You really gonna deny that the Republican Party hasn't been calling themselves the "party of Reagan" every election cycle, until Trump?
It still does. It's the party of Reagan, Lincoln, Trump, Grant,'s the party of freedom.
Reagan would be considered an evil RINO commie in today's GQP.

Just look at him, cavorting with the evil demonic Satanic enemy!

Most ignorant MAGAts wouldn't be able to tell you who the guy on the right is without Googling him.
What's the "alt Left?"
My definition would be the part of the Left that changed from liberal to authoritarian via weaponization of PC and Identity Politics, to intimidate, attack and punish those who failed to comply with their rules of expression.

I think that's called "wokeness" now, but I can never tell nowadays.
There is no reason why anyone in the Republican party would give any credence whatsoever to any advice from a left wrong-wing piece of shit such as yourself.

You have no wisdom at all to offer to anyone that's not one of your fellow LIbtARdS.
So was Raygunn right, or wrong about everything he said, believed, stood for and fought for?
My definition would be the part of the Left that changed from liberal to authoritarian via weaponization of PC and Identity Politics, to intimidate, attack and punish those who failed to comply with their rules of expression.

I think that's called "wokeness" now, but I can never tell nowadays.
You're just making crap up now, aren't you?
Add the alt right to that and we'll agree.

The alt-right is more difficult to define though. Is mainstream GOP the War Hawks or the Trade Hawks? You define who is alt-right, Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes or Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney?
You're just making crap up now, aren't you?
I've been saying that about the Left for years here. Hundreds of posts on it. Thousands.

The pushback to that is largely what gave us Trumpism, so it looks like my warnings were correct.
So was Raygunn right, or wrong about everything he said, believed, stood for and fought for?
We are at the point that the Cripps and the bloods will go to hospitals joyously to see their bastard children have their sex changed.
I have a faint memory of having read, years ago—perhaps decades ago—of it being symptomatic of a certain class of mental illnesses, when a person randomly capitalizes or highlights random words in their writings.

It seems that in this thread, and in at least one other by MarcATL that I just saw, we're being given a very vivid demonstration of this principle.

Yeah, and those jackasses have fdr as number 3. Their number 1 shit on the constitution more than any other president in Americas history.
I dont give 2 shits what those guys say.
Reagan started the amnesty bullshit. He supported gun bans. He had a bunch of criminals for his administration. He grew the govt. He spent like a leftist(The debt grew by almost 200 percent!). He helped save SS. Raised taxes.
"conservatives" (put in parenthesis because they dont actually exist anymore) would be calling him a RINO today with the likes of Romney.
Ahh, so you are a denier. Got it.
Let's be honest. Dems and GOP agreed on core values of the U.S when he was in power. The alt-left is FAR more powerful today and more mainstream of the Dem Party. Just as Americas enemies wanted but couldn't achieve in the 80s.
No such thing as alt-left. There is only the Alt-Right. It has swallowed whole and consumed all of conservatism in this country. There are no more moderates on the Republican side (to speak of). They've all been driven out and silenced. All that is the alt-right.
No such thing as alt-left. There is only the Alt-Right. It has swallowed whole and consumed all of conservatism in this country. There are no more moderates on the Republican side (to speak of). They've all been driven out and silenced. All that is the alt-right.
I agree, there is no such thing as the "alt-left" - they are just Demafascsit.....there is nothing else. You are either in the cult, or you are for freedom, and in the GOP
Denier of historians.
Sorry, I dont just fall in line with people because of some ridiculous title.
You think good presidents throw innocent americans into internment camps because of where they were born? You think good presidents ignore supreme court rulings and ignore the bill of rights? Jail people for their opinions?
Thats on you, not me.
Reagan was a great president

Which is confirmed by the mindless lib hate towards him long after he died

After all, if clueless libs hate you so much you must be doing something right

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