Is It Time For The Republican Party To Finally Jettison Reagan?

The Country is falling apart under a blundering corrupt old fool and lefties attack Reagan? WTF? The post belongs in the history forum or the rubber room.
The Country is falling apart under a blundering corrupt old fool and lefties attack Reagan? WTF? The post belongs in the history forum or the rubber room.

My vote is the Rubber Room. Especially given the OPs pattern of random highlights, which certainly seems indicative of mental illness.
Sorry, I dont just fall in line with people because of some ridiculous title.
You think good presidents throw innocent americans into internment camps because of where they were born? You think good presidents ignore supreme court rulings and ignore the bill of rights? Jail people for their opinions?
Thats on you, not me.
In other words you are fact denier. You refuse to listen to professional historians but I bet you listened to the CDC regarding Covid, even though they had ridiculous titles.
In other words you are fact denier. You refuse to listen to professional historians but I bet you listened to the CDC regarding Covid, even though they had ridiculous titles.
aaaaaaaaaaaand here we go. Good gawd, grow up.
Hey dipshit, what facts am i denying? I laid out the reasons I think he is a shitty President, and why I dont give 2 shits about what some "historians" say.
It sucks you are so close minded and binary. Those are your problems.
Oh BTW, its funny you bring up the covid shit when you are actually DEFENDING being herded by people because they have a title LOL
Logic. Try it sometime.
Reagan would be considered an evil RINO commie in today's GQP.

Just look at him, cavorting with the evil demonic Satanic enemy!


Is that back when Democrats were sane, rational, reasonable and America first….back when they weren’t marxist globalist socialists? Is that back when the party of immorality, indecency and foreign filth was still the
party of JFK? Wouldn’t JFK be considered one of those terrible “white Christian nationalists”?
No such thing as alt-left. There is only the Alt-Right. It has swallowed whole and consumed all of conservatism in this country. There are no more moderates on the Republican side (to speak of). They've all been driven out and silenced. All that is the alt-right.

No moderates. You mean like alt-right Romney, McCain, Collins, Murkowski?
In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.

Shouldn't the GOP officially proclaim that Ronny Reagan was basically wrong about everything?

What do they agree w/from him today? The economy? His immigration policy? What?

I say the GOP join those of us on the left and declare Reagan to be wrong on everything.

Or could I be the one that's wrong and the GOP is still the party of Reagan.

What say you?

Do you expect anyone to read that?
Why are you so damned dishonest? You really gonna deny that the Republican Party hasn't been calling themselves the "party of Reagan" every election cycle, until Trump?

I never seen it, no. Reagan has been gone a long time now and Trump is just the newest kid on the block that happened to be conservative in his leadership.
In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.

Shouldn't the GOP officially proclaim that Ronny Reagan was basically wrong about everything?

What do they agree w/from him today? The economy? His immigration policy? What?

I say the GOP join those of us on the left and declare Reagan to be wrong on everything.

Or could I be the one that's wrong and the GOP is still the party of Reagan.

What say you?
Conservatives will never acknowledge the fact that they are wrong.
Is that back when Democrats were sane, rational, reasonable and America first….back when they weren’t marxist globalist socialists? Is that back when the party of immorality, indecency and foreign filth was still the
party of JFK? Wouldn’t JFK be considered one of those terrible “white Christian nationalists”?
View attachment 755673

No. Probably not.

They is no such thing as alt-left.

They are RINOs to you because they dared stand up and repudiate your cancerous savior. End of story.

Correct, there is no alt left, there are the Socialists and the Communists but they both march in lockstep to the beat of the same drum. But when our party members turn on our own like Romney and Cheney did with the fake impeachments, they are RINO's and we have absolutely no use for them.
aaaaaaaaaaaand here we go. Good gawd, grow up.
Hey dipshit, what facts am i denying? I laid out the reasons I think he is a shitty President, and why I dont give 2 shits about what some "historians" say.
It sucks you are so close minded and binary. Those are your problems.
Oh BTW, its funny you bring up the covid shit when you are actually DEFENDING being herded by people because they have a title LOL
Logic. Try it sometime.
You are a nobody. Historians ranked Reagan #9. Yes, you have your opinion. All I said is that the real people in the know, professionals, disagree with you and you think you know more than they do. They are the expert professionals.
In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.
In the age of Bidden and Biddenomics, I don't see any semblance of what JFK said and stood for!

Shouldn't the GOP officially proclaim that Ronny Reagan was basically wrong about everything?
Why should anyone apologize for YOUR failing to see relevance and connections?

What do they agree w/from him today? The economy? His immigration policy? What?
Yes. Same principles, different time, Petunia.

I say the GOP join those of us on the left and declare Reagan to be wrong on everything.
Or you could just go and shove a flagpole up your ass.

Or could I be the one that's wrong and the GOP is still the party of Reagan.
Now you're finally getting warm.

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