Is It Time For The Republican Party To Finally Jettison Reagan?

Hey Freaky, the 80's called. They want their tired, hacked talking point back.

Hey Jerky, Papa Johns called. They want their magnetic car sign and
spare pizza delivery boxes back after they canned your fat ass
the other day after eating half of the delivery pizzas! 🍕
You are a nobody. Historians ranked Reagan #9. Yes, you have your opinion. All I said is that the real people in the know, professionals, disagree with you and you think you know more than they do. They are the expert professionals.
It is their opinion. I have mine. And then you talk shit because i dont fall in line.
Fuckin loser :lol:
In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.
Your ignorance is astounding.

In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.

Shouldn't the GOP officially proclaim that Ronny Reagan was basically wrong about everything?

What do they agree w/from him today? The economy? His immigration policy? What?

I say the GOP join those of us on the left and declare Reagan to be wrong on everything.

Or could I be the one that's wrong and the GOP is still the party of Reagan.

What say you?
Hey Genius, Reagan has been dead for a while now.
In this age of Trump and Trumpism, I don't see any semblance of what Reagan said and stood for.

Shouldn't the GOP officially proclaim that Ronny Reagan was basically wrong about everything?

What do they agree w/from him today? The economy? His immigration policy? What?

I say the GOP join those of us on the left and declare Reagan to be wrong on everything.

Or could I be the one that's wrong and the GOP is still the party of Reagan.

What say you?

You know he is dead and no longer an actual member of the Republican party, right, although I heard he voted Democrat in the midterm elections ... in Louisiana, Montana, Portland Oregon, and New Jersey - twice?!

You can have Trump as well.

After all, what did he accomlish?

If he were not for Trump, the DNC would not have anything to run on.

He is literally the salvation of the Left.
The Left needs something to run against because everything they run for is a failure.

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