Is it time to stop using federal funds to treat unvaccinated covid patients?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:
Doesn't work like that. Or else every fat ass wouldn't get treated for Diabetes, or smokers wouldn't get cancer treatment. Just to name a couple.

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:
How about just making them wear gold stars?

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:
It it time to stop spending federal funds to treat anyone for anything.
They should have the burden of carrying the cost of their care if they refuse to vaccinate.
Everyone should have the burden of carrying the cost of their own healthcare. We've been saying that for nearly two decades.

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:
Nah, if the remaining morons had to pay for their vaccine inoculations, it would give something else to bitch about. I do agree with Moonglow, that if they refuse vaccination, they should be more than willing to bear the costs of their own treatment, rather than expect to push it off on the insurance and healthcare industries.
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How about just making them wear gold stars?
Now that wouldn't work. They'd still be carriers. But could we put them in reeducation camps and force them to work in slave labor to pay the costs of their room and board?

(admittedly, I'm parodying some of the RW threads about beign forced to pay for shit they don't like. Although, culling the heard of those less able to make decisions might not be a negative. Wildabeasts and lions so to speak )

After all, we paid for their opportunity to get the vaccine. (-:

Do you really want the United States to become that nation?

I know I don't.
What this IS, is the beginnings of blaming everyone who didn't get the vaccine for getting everyone who did...sick. As crazy as that may sound. It will be coming full force in the next flu season, this fall.
if we can also stop using federal funds to pay for people that get sick from smoking, abortions, and from weight issues.

while we are at it, AIDs or other STDs….the flu as well…um alcohol too…

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