Is it true black people are heavily discriminated in America?

Enough with the racism crap! People do things out of self interest generally...not because they hate someone else. I'm tired of everything constantly being made into a question of RACE! Those black mayors and police chiefs act in their own self interest or in the interest of their friends. It isn't because of the color of their's simply the way things work in the world.
Enough with the racism crap! People do things out of self interest generally...not because they hate someone else. I'm tired of everything constantly being made into a question of RACE! Those black mayors and police chiefs act in their own self interest or in the interest of their friends. It isn't because of the color of their's simply the way things work in the world.
Sure. It is only white mayors and police chiefs who are racist....

No, you are just ignorant. Black racists are real and growing in number because anti-white racism is the status quo.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?
Black people in the US are treated alot like the native people in Australia. If youre a european Australian the chances you understand what that means is slim to none. One can only hope there are no racial blinders that prohibit you from learning.

10 times Indigenous Australians have experienced 'everyday' racism
Australian Aborigines are not even Homo sapiens.
They are obviously more homo sapiens than you are. :rolleyes:
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Dear Australia,

Where do I begin?

First, let me say that I have only read through a few of the posts in response to your question. Please know that the first thing that you have to understand is that 99% of the posts here are by ignorant trolls who have no interest in a meaningful discourse on the subject. If you want to understand race relations in America, stop listening to them right now.

The first piece of bovine excrement that I want to dispel is the contention that it is white Christian males who are the most discriminated against. You have no idea how ridiculous that that is . White Christian males dominate the culture here. The meme that they are discriminated against is an ongoing rightwing talking point that actually makes no sense at all.

I am an older, liberal white guy from the north east US and I have been around long enough to know a few things and what I know is that race relations and racism is a complex subject. ( yes, my politics is at odds with my demographic- but not unheard of)

As I said, race in America is complex and you can’t just dumb it down to a question of whether or not there is racism or a how blacks are regarded here. There are vast difference in race relations from state to state and from region to region. Black people have vastly different life experiences in the more liberal parts of the country-specifically the north east and the west coast. The south is the worst with the Midwest being a close second.

There are also significant differences between rural and urban settings. Even in the south, the major urban areas are considerably more liberal. Political affiliation also a factor with Republican being more likely to be racist- although they will not admit it and in fact accuse the Democrats of being racists. The truth is that the Democrats once were the racist party until the 60’s when they embraced civil rights and the racists fled over to the Republicans like rats on a sinking ship.

The bottom line is that black folks have come a long way in this country but still have a ways to go. They have achieve a lot and are generally respected and accepted. Yes, we still have ghettos and areas of de-facto segregation but we also have well integrated communities. I live in a community where many races, ethnicities and religions are represented and everyone gets alone. Don’t forget that we elected a Black president in 2008 and that would not have been possible without the support of white people.

Yet racism does still exist here. Black people are more likely to be stopped and even shot by police. There are more black people in prison although they do not commit more crimes. We have the civil rights act , any states also have laws against discrimination on the basis of race in housing, employment and other areas but that does not happen.

We are still living under the shadow of our dark history of slavery and segregation and while we have made progress in digging out from under that, in recent years we have slid backwards with the unfortunate election of Donald Trump and his racist rhetoric supported by his mindless minions who have been emboldened and emerged from under their rocks to spew their hatred.

. You may have also heard of the rise of white supremacy which started with the election of Obama because some people could not accept a black president. That trend continued with Trump’s election as he continues to encourage and enable the racists.. However, I still believe that most people in this country are decent and believe that racism is wrong, and that the aberration that is Trump will soon be corrected.

America is a complicated place. I hope this helps
Don’t kid yourself, you are just a mentally deficient old white man who has never mattered in the realm of political discourse. You are just a bitch of the racist non-white majority of your party. You are a worthless coon.

Racism created Obama’s presidency and racism is all your party has. I hope you live long enough to see the real political price that your hate group pays once white millennials look out for their own self interests.

You see young punk, you don't get old by being stupid. This man is correct. And when it's your turn to be us, you will be an afterthought that will not matter.
When I am old I will be more influential than anyone you have ever read about. I am a revolutionary.

You are nothing but a self-contradictory racist old black man who doesn’t know what year it is, I have already far surpassed you without even trying.
Youre nothing but a monkey on a internet forum. When you die only your head lice will mourn you. :rolleyes:

You are one of the whiny white boys that prove our stance. Whites have a problem with being racists. its a disease of white people just like Einstein said it was.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Dear Australia,

Where do I begin?

First, let me say that I have only read through a few of the posts in response to your question. Please know that the first thing that you have to understand is that 99% of the posts here are by ignorant trolls who have no interest in a meaningful discourse on the subject. If you want to understand race relations in America, stop listening to them right now.

The first piece of bovine excrement that I want to dispel is the contention that it is white Christian males who are the most discriminated against. You have no idea how ridiculous that that is . White Christian males dominate the culture here. The meme that they are discriminated against is an ongoing rightwing talking point that actually makes no sense at all.

I am an older, liberal white guy from the north east US and I have been around long enough to know a few things and what I know is that race relations and racism is a complex subject. ( yes, my politics is at odds with my demographic- but not unheard of)

As I said, race in America is complex and you can’t just dumb it down to a question of whether or not there is racism or a how blacks are regarded here. There are vast difference in race relations from state to state and from region to region. Black people have vastly different life experiences in the more liberal parts of the country-specifically the north east and the west coast. The south is the worst with the Midwest being a close second.

There are also significant differences between rural and urban settings. Even in the south, the major urban areas are considerably more liberal. Political affiliation also a factor with Republican being more likely to be racist- although they will not admit it and in fact accuse the Democrats of being racists. The truth is that the Democrats once were the racist party until the 60’s when they embraced civil rights and the racists fled over to the Republicans like rats on a sinking ship.

The bottom line is that black folks have come a long way in this country but still have a ways to go. They have achieve a lot and are generally respected and accepted. Yes, we still have ghettos and areas of de-facto segregation but we also have well integrated communities. I live in a community where many races, ethnicities and religions are represented and everyone gets alone. Don’t forget that we elected a Black president in 2008 and that would not have been possible without the support of white people.

Yet racism does still exist here. Black people are more likely to be stopped and even shot by police. There are more black people in prison although they do not commit more crimes. We have the civil rights act , any states also have laws against discrimination on the basis of race in housing, employment and other areas but that does not happen.

We are still living under the shadow of our dark history of slavery and segregation and while we have made progress in digging out from under that, in recent years we have slid backwards with the unfortunate election of Donald Trump and his racist rhetoric supported by his mindless minions who have been emboldened and emerged from under their rocks to spew their hatred.

. You may have also heard of the rise of white supremacy which started with the election of Obama because some people could not accept a black president. That trend continued with Trump’s election as he continues to encourage and enable the racists.. However, I still believe that most people in this country are decent and believe that racism is wrong, and that the aberration that is Trump will soon be corrected.

America is a complicated place. I hope this helps
Don’t kid yourself, you are just a mentally deficient old white man who has never mattered in the realm of political discourse. You are just a bitch of the racist non-white majority of your party. You are a worthless coon.

Racism created Obama’s presidency and racism is all your party has. I hope you live long enough to see the real political price that your hate group pays once white millennials look out for their own self interests.

You see young punk, you don't get old by being stupid. This man is correct. And when it's your turn to be us, you will be an afterthought that will not matter.
When I am old I will be more influential than anyone you have ever read about. I am a revolutionary.

You are nothing but a self-contradictory racist old black man who doesn’t know what year it is, I have already far surpassed you without even trying.
Youre nothing but a monkey on a internet forum. When you die only your head lice will mourn you. :rolleyes:
I don’t have head lice, stupid inbred.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?
Black people in the US are treated alot like the native people in Australia. If youre a european Australian the chances you understand what that means is slim to none. One can only hope there are no racial blinders that prohibit you from learning.

10 times Indigenous Australians have experienced 'everyday' racism
Australian Aborigines are not even Homo sapiens.
They are obviously more homo sapiens than you are. :rolleyes:
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

I dont know, I cant speak for all white people. But personally i havn't seen any hatred around here lately... not for some time, of course I'm only one person. Come here and find out for yourself, but its a big country. you need to travel around. go to Tennessee, D.C. ( when my little brother who is half mexican but looks light skinned was in DC, black servers in a fast food place refused to look at him when he was standing in line so he just left) you could go to the south, then texas, california and the chances are you'll see and feel different vibes in different places. i dont notice any hate here where I live except for rare occasions when something overt happens. I mean there was a box truck parked 3 blocks away for months with La Raza art painted all over it in front of someones house. Theres about 40 % white people here where I live and would you believe for months no whites vandalized the truck or spray painted it? Everyone knows La Raza is a supremecist group yet, still not enough white racists around here to really give a shit if someone wants to express themselves. Ive had plenty of black people in supermarkets let me cut in front in line, I've done the same for them. I see lots of Blacks and whites interacting and working with each other here, I'm just not seeing the hate, but then again I went to Tennessee one time... and In the three days I was there I felt a lot of racial tension between Whites and black people and it felt weird compared to California... I would need to stay there longer to have a real determination.
If I was to take a quick stab at it I would say the answer is mostly no and a little bit yes. I could ask you the same thing, do whites in Australia hate Aborigines? theres no way you can answer that conclusively, theres always exceptions I think
Dear Australia,

Where do I begin?

First, let me say that I have only read through a few of the posts in response to your question. Please know that the first thing that you have to understand is that 99% of the posts here are by ignorant trolls who have no interest in a meaningful discourse on the subject. If you want to understand race relations in America, stop listening to them right now.

The first piece of bovine excrement that I want to dispel is the contention that it is white Christian males who are the most discriminated against. You have no idea how ridiculous that that is . White Christian males dominate the culture here. The meme that they are discriminated against is an ongoing rightwing talking point that actually makes no sense at all.

I am an older, liberal white guy from the north east US and I have been around long enough to know a few things and what I know is that race relations and racism is a complex subject. ( yes, my politics is at odds with my demographic- but not unheard of)

As I said, race in America is complex and you can’t just dumb it down to a question of whether or not there is racism or a how blacks are regarded here. There are vast difference in race relations from state to state and from region to region. Black people have vastly different life experiences in the more liberal parts of the country-specifically the north east and the west coast. The south is the worst with the Midwest being a close second.

There are also significant differences between rural and urban settings. Even in the south, the major urban areas are considerably more liberal. Political affiliation also a factor with Republican being more likely to be racist- although they will not admit it and in fact accuse the Democrats of being racists. The truth is that the Democrats once were the racist party until the 60’s when they embraced civil rights and the racists fled over to the Republicans like rats on a sinking ship.

The bottom line is that black folks have come a long way in this country but still have a ways to go. They have achieve a lot and are generally respected and accepted. Yes, we still have ghettos and areas of de-facto segregation but we also have well integrated communities. I live in a community where many races, ethnicities and religions are represented and everyone gets alone. Don’t forget that we elected a Black president in 2008 and that would not have been possible without the support of white people.

Yet racism does still exist here. Black people are more likely to be stopped and even shot by police. There are more black people in prison although they do not commit more crimes. We have the civil rights act , any states also have laws against discrimination on the basis of race in housing, employment and other areas but that does not happen.

We are still living under the shadow of our dark history of slavery and segregation and while we have made progress in digging out from under that, in recent years we have slid backwards with the unfortunate election of Donald Trump and his racist rhetoric supported by his mindless minions who have been emboldened and emerged from under their rocks to spew their hatred.

. You may have also heard of the rise of white supremacy which started with the election of Obama because some people could not accept a black president. That trend continued with Trump’s election as he continues to encourage and enable the racists.. However, I still believe that most people in this country are decent and believe that racism is wrong, and that the aberration that is Trump will soon be corrected.

America is a complicated place. I hope this helps
Don’t kid yourself, you are just a mentally deficient old white man who has never mattered in the realm of political discourse. You are just a bitch of the racist non-white majority of your party. You are a worthless coon.

Racism created Obama’s presidency and racism is all your party has. I hope you live long enough to see the real political price that your hate group pays once white millennials look out for their own self interests.

You see young punk, you don't get old by being stupid. This man is correct. And when it's your turn to be us, you will be an afterthought that will not matter.
When I am old I will be more influential than anyone you have ever read about. I am a revolutionary.

You are nothing but a self-contradictory racist old black man who doesn’t know what year it is, I have already far surpassed you without even trying.
Youre nothing but a monkey on a internet forum. When you die only your head lice will mourn you. :rolleyes:
I don’t have head lice, stupid inbred.
I disagree. Obviously you have head lice and youre a stupid inbred. :rolleyes:
Enough with the racism crap! People do things out of self interest generally...not because they hate someone else. I'm tired of everything constantly being made into a question of RACE! Those black mayors and police chiefs act in their own self interest or in the interest of their friends. It isn't because of the color of their's simply the way things work in the world.
Sure. It is only white mayors and police chiefs who are racist....

No, you are just ignorant. Black racists are real and growing in number because anti-white racism is the status quo.

There is no such thing as anti-white racism.
Enough with the racism crap! People do things out of self interest generally...not because they hate someone else. I'm tired of everything constantly being made into a question of RACE! Those black mayors and police chiefs act in their own self interest or in the interest of their friends. It isn't because of the color of their's simply the way things work in the world.

This IS the race and racism section.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Stupid post, Lily! Forty years ago blacks faced very real racism in America. The same cities that once had racist white Police Chiefs who used dogs and fire hoses on black marchers now have black Mayors and Police Chiefs! The nation elected a black President. There are black news anchors. There are black MVP's in multiple sports leagues. Is there lingering racism? Of course. Human beings are tribal. We tend to view "outsiders" or anyone that doesn't look or act like us with suspicion. People like Milkweed and IM2 however use the race card continually because they don't want to admit that the police don't "target" minorities because of their skin pigmentation...they target criminals.

40 years ago it was 1978.Today blacks face very real racism in America. I know. I am black. If police were targeting people because they are criminals they would be targeting whites. That's what you refuse to admit.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Dear Australia,

Where do I begin?

First, let me say that I have only read through a few of the posts in response to your question. Please know that the first thing that you have to understand is that 99% of the posts here are by ignorant trolls who have no interest in a meaningful discourse on the subject. If you want to understand race relations in America, stop listening to them right now.

The first piece of bovine excrement that I want to dispel is the contention that it is white Christian males who are the most discriminated against. You have no idea how ridiculous that that is . White Christian males dominate the culture here. The meme that they are discriminated against is an ongoing rightwing talking point that actually makes no sense at all.

I am an older, liberal white guy from the north east US and I have been around long enough to know a few things and what I know is that race relations and racism is a complex subject. ( yes, my politics is at odds with my demographic- but not unheard of)

As I said, race in America is complex and you can’t just dumb it down to a question of whether or not there is racism or a how blacks are regarded here. There are vast difference in race relations from state to state and from region to region. Black people have vastly different life experiences in the more liberal parts of the country-specifically the north east and the west coast. The south is the worst with the Midwest being a close second.

There are also significant differences between rural and urban settings. Even in the south, the major urban areas are considerably more liberal. Political affiliation also a factor with Republican being more likely to be racist- although they will not admit it and in fact accuse the Democrats of being racists. The truth is that the Democrats once were the racist party until the 60’s when they embraced civil rights and the racists fled over to the Republicans like rats on a sinking ship.

The bottom line is that black folks have come a long way in this country but still have a ways to go. They have achieve a lot and are generally respected and accepted. Yes, we still have ghettos and areas of de-facto segregation but we also have well integrated communities. I live in a community where many races, ethnicities and religions are represented and everyone gets alone. Don’t forget that we elected a Black president in 2008 and that would not have been possible without the support of white people.

Yet racism does still exist here. Black people are more likely to be stopped and even shot by police. There are more black people in prison although they do not commit more crimes. We have the civil rights act , any states also have laws against discrimination on the basis of race in housing, employment and other areas but that does not happen.

We are still living under the shadow of our dark history of slavery and segregation and while we have made progress in digging out from under that, in recent years we have slid backwards with the unfortunate election of Donald Trump and his racist rhetoric supported by his mindless minions who have been emboldened and emerged from under their rocks to spew their hatred.

. You may have also heard of the rise of white supremacy which started with the election of Obama because some people could not accept a black president. That trend continued with Trump’s election as he continues to encourage and enable the racists.. However, I still believe that most people in this country are decent and believe that racism is wrong, and that the aberration that is Trump will soon be corrected.

America is a complicated place. I hope this helps
Don’t kid yourself, you are just a mentally deficient old white man who has never mattered in the realm of political discourse. You are just a bitch of the racist non-white majority of your party. You are a worthless coon.

Racism created Obama’s presidency and racism is all your party has. I hope you live long enough to see the real political price that your hate group pays once white millennials look out for their own self interests.

You see young punk, you don't get old by being stupid. This man is correct. And when it's your turn to be us, you will be an afterthought that will not matter.
When I am old I will be more influential than anyone you have ever read about. I am a revolutionary.

You are nothing but a self-contradictory racist old black man who doesn’t know what year it is, I have already far surpassed you without even trying.

The only thing revolutionary about you is your stupidity. You are 28., When I was your age, I was a director. You're a punk crying about shit that doesn't exist.
No of course not. Black people just like to whine a lot.

The most heavily discriminated people in America are white Christian males.
I am a white male who used to be a muscular man and never had any discrimination imposed on me.
So you're Eddy Redmayne with a tiny cock?
What is it with you white racists and your love of dicks? Its kind of disturbing you think of dicks so much. :rolleyes:
This thread is revealing, in a disappointing sort of way. Racial attitudes, like so many other attitudes, are poorly developed and understood.
That said, the conditions for various minorities in America have improved so much in a generation or so that we should be pleased and continuing to progress. Look to science for facts if your heart won't lead you.
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Dear Australia,

Where do I begin?

First, let me say that I have only read through a few of the posts in response to your question. Please know that the first thing that you have to understand is that 99% of the posts here are by ignorant trolls who have no interest in a meaningful discourse on the subject. If you want to understand race relations in America, stop listening to them right now.

The first piece of bovine excrement that I want to dispel is the contention that it is white Christian males who are the most discriminated against. You have no idea how ridiculous that that is . White Christian males dominate the culture here. The meme that they are discriminated against is an ongoing rightwing talking point that actually makes no sense at all.

I am an older, liberal white guy from the north east US and I have been around long enough to know a few things and what I know is that race relations and racism is a complex subject. ( yes, my politics is at odds with my demographic- but not unheard of)

As I said, race in America is complex and you can’t just dumb it down to a question of whether or not there is racism or a how blacks are regarded here. There are vast difference in race relations from state to state and from region to region. Black people have vastly different life experiences in the more liberal parts of the country-specifically the north east and the west coast. The south is the worst with the Midwest being a close second.

There are also significant differences between rural and urban settings. Even in the south, the major urban areas are considerably more liberal. Political affiliation also a factor with Republican being more likely to be racist- although they will not admit it and in fact accuse the Democrats of being racists. The truth is that the Democrats once were the racist party until the 60’s when they embraced civil rights and the racists fled over to the Republicans like rats on a sinking ship.

The bottom line is that black folks have come a long way in this country but still have a ways to go. They have achieve a lot and are generally respected and accepted. Yes, we still have ghettos and areas of de-facto segregation but we also have well integrated communities. I live in a community where many races, ethnicities and religions are represented and everyone gets alone. Don’t forget that we elected a Black president in 2008 and that would not have been possible without the support of white people.

Yet racism does still exist here. Black people are more likely to be stopped and even shot by police. There are more black people in prison although they do not commit more crimes. We have the civil rights act , any states also have laws against discrimination on the basis of race in housing, employment and other areas but that does not happen.

We are still living under the shadow of our dark history of slavery and segregation and while we have made progress in digging out from under that, in recent years we have slid backwards with the unfortunate election of Donald Trump and his racist rhetoric supported by his mindless minions who have been emboldened and emerged from under their rocks to spew their hatred.

. You may have also heard of the rise of white supremacy which started with the election of Obama because some people could not accept a black president. That trend continued with Trump’s election as he continues to encourage and enable the racists.. However, I still believe that most people in this country are decent and believe that racism is wrong, and that the aberration that is Trump will soon be corrected.

America is a complicated place. I hope this helps
Don’t kid yourself, you are just a mentally deficient old white man who has never mattered in the realm of political discourse. You are just a bitch of the racist non-white majority of your party. You are a worthless coon.

Racism created Obama’s presidency and racism is all your party has. I hope you live long enough to see the real political price that your hate group pays once white millennials look out for their own self interests.

You see young punk, you don't get old by being stupid. This man is correct. And when it's your turn to be us, you will be an afterthought that will not matter.
When I am old I will be more influential than anyone you have ever read about. I am a revolutionary.

You are nothing but a self-contradictory racist old black man who doesn’t know what year it is, I have already far surpassed you without even trying.

The only thing revolutionary about you is your stupidity. You are 28., When I was your age, I was a director. You're a punk crying about shit that doesn't exist.
I am 29.

Being a director is nothing. Why aren’t you a billionaire? Your advantages over the average white person are endless. There is no excuse for you to not be filthy rich with all of the lobbying groups that work for you and against white people.
No of course not. Black people just like to whine a lot.

The most heavily discriminated people in America are white Christian males.
I am a white male who used to be a muscular man and never had any discrimination imposed on me.
So you're Eddy Redmayne with a tiny cock?
What is it with you white racists and your love of dicks? Its kind of disturbing you think of dicks so much. :rolleyes:
Everybody knows that white leftist males are pathetic zeta males.
No of course not. Black people just like to whine a lot.

The most heavily discriminated people in America are white Christian males.
I am a white male who used to be a muscular man and never had any discrimination imposed on me.
So you're Eddy Redmayne with a tiny cock?
What is it with you white racists and your love of dicks? Its kind of disturbing you think of dicks so much. :rolleyes:
Everybody knows that white leftist males are pathetic zeta males.
Everybody knows that you and other white male racists are pathetic omega males.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Police officer shoots an innocent black man in unjustified manner, causing outrage

Im from Australia but from what I have heard, black people are very hated in America. Is this true?

Stupid post, Lily! Forty years ago blacks faced very real racism in America. The same cities that once had racist white Police Chiefs who used dogs and fire hoses on black marchers now have black Mayors and Police Chiefs! The nation elected a black President. There are black news anchors. There are black MVP's in multiple sports leagues. Is there lingering racism? Of course. Human beings are tribal. We tend to view "outsiders" or anyone that doesn't look or act like us with suspicion. People like Milkweed and IM2 however use the race card continually because they don't want to admit that the police don't "target" minorities because of their skin pigmentation...they target criminals.

40 years ago it was 1978.Today blacks face very real racism in America. I know. I am black. If police were targeting people because they are criminals they would be targeting whites. That's what you refuse to admit.
They do target white people, dipshit.

And that is despite white people committing much less crime.
No of course not. Black people just like to whine a lot.

The most heavily discriminated people in America are white Christian males.
I am a white male who used to be a muscular man and never had any discrimination imposed on me.
So you're Eddy Redmayne with a tiny cock?
What is it with you white racists and your love of dicks? Its kind of disturbing you think of dicks so much. :rolleyes:
Everybody knows that white leftist males are pathetic zeta males.
Everybody knows that you and other white male racists are pathetic omega males.
I am above an alpha male and you are below a zeta male.

You are a racist who completely relies on the system to have any worth. You can’t get any more pathetic.

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