Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat.

So, I take it, you don't believe people are "born homosexual"?

But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior..

But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.
But there are prices to pay for doing any of these AIDS, STDs deformities in pregnancies so unless you just stay with one partner for your entire life there's a very good risk of paying a price for that
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.
Whether or not homosexuality is a sin is none of my business. People are free to sin or not sin as they believe. When it becomes my business is when their particular sin becomes so popular that it requires my participation. Then it's my business.
Whether or not homosexuality is a sin is none of my business. People are free to sin or not sin as they believe. When it becomes my business is when their particular sin becomes so popular that it requires my participation. Then it's my business.
When you were forced to participate in gay sex?
Whether or not homosexuality is a sin is none of my business. People are free to sin or not sin as they believe. When it becomes my business is when their particular sin becomes so popular that it requires my participation. Then it's my business.
Your gay sex?
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
That's an idiotic point. we acknowledge that animals can't give consent. Stop comparing people to horses, it's rude and dumb.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
A horse cannot consent to sex with a human. Any more than a child can give consent to have sex with an adult.

It never fails you bigots try to equate gay sex with bestiality or pedophilia.

You cannot give a rational reason for excluding gays from receiving equal protection of the laws.

The bible says remarrying is adultery. It's a sin. It is wrong. Yet you don't have a problem giving someone like Kim Davis FOUR marriage licenses.
It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat.

So, I take it, you don't believe people are "born homosexual"?

But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior..

But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.

Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
A horse cannot consent to sex with a human. Any more than a child can give consent to have sex with an adult.

It never fails you bigots try to equate gay sex with bestiality or pedophilia.

You cannot give a rational reason for excluding gays from receiving equal protection of the laws.

The bible says remarrying is adultery. It's a sin. It is wrong. Yet you don't have a problem giving someone like Kim Davis FOUR marriage licenses.

No. Kim Davis reptented and was born again. Since she became a Christian she has no need of multiple marriage licenses. Gays do not repent and sin no more. Indeed, sin is an essential part of their behavior. Which is none of my business. They can all go to hell in a handbasket, or not. What is my business is if I am required to participate in their marriage ceremonies. Do I have to attend? Bake them a wedding cake? Arrange their flowers? Take their pictures? Paint their portraits? THEN it becomes my business.

Someone remarrying is committing a sin according to the bible. If you believe it a sin, don't remarry. It is NOT a perversion though and homosexuality is a perversion.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
A horse cannot consent to sex with a human. Any more than a child can give consent to have sex with an adult.

It never fails you bigots try to equate gay sex with bestiality or pedophilia.

You cannot give a rational reason for excluding gays from receiving equal protection of the laws.

The bible says remarrying is adultery. It's a sin. It is wrong. Yet you don't have a problem giving someone like Kim Davis FOUR marriage licenses.

No. Kim Davis reptented and was born again. Since she became a Christian she has no need of multiple marriage licenses. Gays do not repent and sin no more. Indeed, sin is an essential part of their behavior. Which is none of my business. They can all go to hell in a handbasket, or not. What is my business is if I am required to participate in their marriage ceremonies. Do I have to attend? Bake them a wedding cake? Arrange their flowers? Take their pictures? Paint their portraits? THEN it becomes my business.

Someone remarrying is committing a sin according to the bible. If you believe it a sin, don't remarry. It is NOT a perversion though and homosexuality is a perversion.
So you believe everyone who has multiple marriages is a born again Christian who has repented?
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

I did not want to derail the topic about the Oregon hillbillies who wouldn't bake a cake for a lesbian couple who were getting married, so I started this one.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?

It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat.

So, I take it, you don't believe people are "born homosexual"?

But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior..

But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.

Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

"Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest.

No they didn't. That's a lie you literally just made up. There is no birth defect or disease unique to children of incest, and they only display a slightly higher tendency to congenital defects. Meaning, without a DNA test, the vast majority would never even be detected today, and those displaying any of the symptoms you mentioned could not be discerned as children of incest without a DNA test.. You're already on thin ice by using a bronze age religious text to address modern, scientific questions. Making stuff up as well is not helping your position.
How about this family? Newt Gingrich with his first wife and kids:


Newt cheated on his first wife with this woman, who he then made his second wife:


Well, once you get on an adultery roll, it is hard to stop. Newt cheated on his second wife with this hoot owl, and then made her his third wife:

How about this couple? The Clintons:


Slick Willy couldn't keep his zipper up, and god only knows how many times he cheated on his wife.

Here are some of them:


But Hillary stood by her man. She must be a strong believer in keeping the family together, no matter what!
Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. The 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this woman:


You gotta love immigrants. Doing the hard work Americans won't do. She's gotta let this obese monster 30 years her senior climb on top of her.

What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
A horse cannot consent to sex with a human. Any more than a child can give consent to have sex with an adult.

It never fails you bigots try to equate gay sex with bestiality or pedophilia.

You cannot give a rational reason for excluding gays from receiving equal protection of the laws.

The bible says remarrying is adultery. It's a sin. It is wrong. Yet you don't have a problem giving someone like Kim Davis FOUR marriage licenses.

No. Kim Davis reptented and was born again. Since she became a Christian she has no need of multiple marriage licenses. Gays do not repent and sin no more. Indeed, sin is an essential part of their behavior. Which is none of my business. They can all go to hell in a handbasket, or not. What is my business is if I am required to participate in their marriage ceremonies. Do I have to attend? Bake them a wedding cake? Arrange their flowers? Take their pictures? Paint their portraits? THEN it becomes my business.

Someone remarrying is committing a sin according to the bible. If you believe it a sin, don't remarry. It is NOT a perversion though and homosexuality is a perversion.
So you believe everyone who has multiple marriages is a born again Christian who has repented?

Your sentence construction is deficient. I believe that everyone who has repented in Christ and is a born again Christian no longer bears the sin of adultery for multiple marriages. Christ's admonishment is "go and sin no more". Someone else's sin is not my responsibility. I don't care as long as I am not required to celebrate their sin with them, I'm good.
Living together outside of marriage is a sin.

Divorcing and remarrying is adultery. Matthew 19:9.

Why does this not bother you, but homosexuality does?

Why do you not care that adulterers can get as many marriage licenses as they wish, but get all pissy about gays getting one?

Anti-gay bigots should probably read the bible they claim to follow, and pay particular attention to the bits about hypocrisy.

Adulterers remarry and that's a sin, but not a perversion. Homosexuality is a perversion as well as a sin. Why would you get all pissy about a man having sex with his horse? Suppose the horse consents and cuddles up to the man nuzzling his crotch. Would you object merely on the grounds that it's a perversion?
A horse cannot consent to sex with a human. Any more than a child can give consent to have sex with an adult.

It never fails you bigots try to equate gay sex with bestiality or pedophilia.

You cannot give a rational reason for excluding gays from receiving equal protection of the laws.

The bible says remarrying is adultery. It's a sin. It is wrong. Yet you don't have a problem giving someone like Kim Davis FOUR marriage licenses.

No. Kim Davis reptented and was born again. Since she became a Christian she has no need of multiple marriage licenses. Gays do not repent and sin no more. Indeed, sin is an essential part of their behavior. Which is none of my business. They can all go to hell in a handbasket, or not. What is my business is if I am required to participate in their marriage ceremonies. Do I have to attend? Bake them a wedding cake? Arrange their flowers? Take their pictures? Paint their portraits? THEN it becomes my business.

Someone remarrying is committing a sin according to the bible. If you believe it a sin, don't remarry. It is NOT a perversion though and homosexuality is a perversion.
So you believe everyone who has multiple marriages is a born again Christian who has repented?

Your sentence construction is deficient. I believe that everyone who has repented in Christ and is a born again Christian no longer bears the sin of adultery for multiple marriages. Christ's admonishment is "go and sin no more". Someone else's sin is not my responsibility. I don't care as long as I am not required to celebrate their sin with them, I'm good.
So you want anyone who desires a marriage license and has been married before to certify they are born again and will sin no more before they are allowed to get a second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth...marriage license.
Don't get the wrong impression about my previous posts showing all those guys who cheated and committed adultery.

I know gays commit adultery, too. Here's a homosexual who cheated on his wife right here:

Rush Limbaugh with his first wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his second wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his third wife:


Isn't that a charming photo?

Rush Limbaugh with his fourth wife:


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