Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior..

But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.

Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

"Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest.

No they didn't. That's a lie you literally just made up. There is no birth defect or disease unique to children of incest, and they only display a slightly higher tendency to congenital defects. Meaning, without a DNA test, the vast majority would never even be detected today, and those displaying any of the symptoms you mentioned could not be discerned as children of incest without a DNA test.. You're already on thin ice by using a bronze age religious text to address modern, scientific questions. Making stuff up as well is not helping your position.

Back in the days, Old women will sit on their porches looking at children that walks by. They will say, "The funny looking one is Clara 's child. And her daddy have given that baby to her".
If you would of have watched the video. You would of have seen the part when one of the men stated about the young boys genetic development. But he was talking on the slide. Letting the other to know that the boy is from incest and which in the backwoods, which they have practiced it in those days. Like there was a joke back in the days, about being from Arkansas, which that is Hillbillies territories.

And if they picked out children of incest due to their looks, they were almost always wrong. You were 100% incorrect when you said, "they had ways". No, they didn't.

Back then. Anyone who come out being deformed. That they blamed it on incest. because back then, almost the majority were practicing it. Especially in Arkansas.

“He was abused. When a mother does what she does, it affects you forever,’’ Franks recalled in her new book that Hillary said
According to Franks, she didn’t specify the type of abuse Bill allegedly endured, but she did blame that abuse for his infidelities. Hillary Clinton Blames Bill’s Mom for His Sex Addiction


It's most certainly wrong to treat homosexual fetishists as 'normal'; it's a mental illness, and not a healthy one at all. You don't get public health agency warnings like these sent to Rotarian conventions or church picnics.

Hepatitis A outbreak among gay men sparks health warning

They aren't some 'oppressed minority, just like black people n stuff!', they're a public health menace and a threat to children as well.
Syphilis and gonorrhea killed millions of heterosexuals for centuries. And god only knows how many kids heteros have molested.

Hell, there are almost half a billion new cases of STDs every year.

So I guess heteros are a public health menace, too.

Here's a photo of a fake nose worn by a female victim of syphilis in the 19th century:


Yes, it sucks that people can still find out that homosexuals are almost single-handedly keeping syphilis and other diseases alive
You don't do your cause or your integrity any good by lying, dolt.
It's most certainly wrong to treat homosexual fetishists as 'normal'; it's a mental illness, and not a healthy one at all. You don't get public health agency warnings like these sent to Rotarian conventions or church picnics.

Hepatitis A outbreak among gay men sparks health warning

They aren't some 'oppressed minority, just like black people n stuff!', they're a public health menace and a threat to children as well.
Syphilis and gonorrhea killed millions of heterosexuals for centuries. And god only knows how many kids heteros have molested.

Hell, there are almost half a billion new cases of STDs every year.

So I guess heteros are a public health menace, too.

Here's a photo of a fake nose worn by a female victim of syphilis in the 19th century:


Yes, it sucks that people can still find out that homosexuals are almost single-handedly keeping syphilis and other diseases alive, are major spreaders of epidemics of all kinds, and rape kids at far higher percentages than heterosexual pedoes do. Your silly attempts at 'well uh uh straights do it too!!!' as if that makes it all okay for homos to do whatever it is they do fails yet again, as does your fellow pedo-friendly poster Syriously constantly fails to rebut.

The govt. should at least tattoo their foreheads or something so the public can have the choice of whether or not to get within 20 feet of them, especially if they have children they want to protect. This should especially be applied for homosexuals working in food service or medical fields, and businesses should also be required to post notices if they hire criminal illegal aliens as well; thanks to mindless lack of enforcement of criminal illegal immigration we're seeing revivals of diseases we eliminated decades ago making revivals.
"Yes, it sucks that people can still find out that homosexuals are almost single-handedly keeping syphilis and other diseases alive"

Okay, you're nuts. DO tell what insane blog you are parroting.
If you have a job that requires you to follow the law, you need to
You can refuse, but you will face consequences. Simple. No argument.

You can admire her for standing up for her beliefs, but in the law of the land, she was wrong and should have done her job. If she didn't like her job and the changes it entailed, she should have resigned.
It's most certainly wrong to treat homosexual fetishists as 'normal'; it's a mental illness, and not a healthy one at all. You don't get public health agency warnings like these sent to Rotarian conventions or church picnics.

Hepatitis A outbreak among gay men sparks health warning

They aren't some 'oppressed minority, just like black people n stuff!', they're a public health menace and a threat to children as well.
Syphilis and gonorrhea killed millions of heterosexuals for centuries. And god only knows how many kids heteros have molested.

Hell, there are almost half a billion new cases of STDs every year.

So I guess heteros are a public health menace, too.

Here's a photo of a fake nose worn by a female victim of syphilis in the 19th century:


The govt. should at least tattoo their foreheads or something so the public can have the choice of whether or not to get within 20 feet of them, especially if they have children they want to protect..

Yeah there was a government that did something like that- not surprised that you have similar plans for our government


But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.

Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

"Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest.

No they didn't. That's a lie you literally just made up. There is no birth defect or disease unique to children of incest, and they only display a slightly higher tendency to congenital defects. Meaning, without a DNA test, the vast majority would never even be detected today, and those displaying any of the symptoms you mentioned could not be discerned as children of incest without a DNA test.. You're already on thin ice by using a bronze age religious text to address modern, scientific questions. Making stuff up as well is not helping your position.

Back in the days, Old women will sit on their porches looking at children that walks by. They will say, "The funny looking one is Clara 's child. And her daddy have given that baby to her".
If you would of have watched the video. You would of have seen the part when one of the men stated about the young boys genetic development. But he was talking on the slide. Letting the other to know that the boy is from incest and which in the backwoods, which they have practiced it in those days. Like there was a joke back in the days, about being from Arkansas, which that is Hillbillies territories.

And if they picked out children of incest due to their looks, they were almost always wrong. You were 100% incorrect when you said, "they had ways". No, they didn't.

Back then. Anyone who come out being deformed. That they blamed it on incest. because back then, almost the majority were practicing it. Especially in Arkansas.

So among other thing- you are a bigot towards people from Arkansas- and enjoy lying.
Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

"Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest.

No they didn't. That's a lie you literally just made up. There is no birth defect or disease unique to children of incest, and they only display a slightly higher tendency to congenital defects. Meaning, without a DNA test, the vast majority would never even be detected today, and those displaying any of the symptoms you mentioned could not be discerned as children of incest without a DNA test.. You're already on thin ice by using a bronze age religious text to address modern, scientific questions. Making stuff up as well is not helping your position.

Back in the days, Old women will sit on their porches looking at children that walks by. They will say, "The funny looking one is Clara 's child. And her daddy have given that baby to her".
If you would of have watched the video. You would of have seen the part when one of the men stated about the young boys genetic development. But he was talking on the slide. Letting the other to know that the boy is from incest and which in the backwoods, which they have practiced it in those days. Like there was a joke back in the days, about being from Arkansas, which that is Hillbillies territories.

And if they picked out children of incest due to their looks, they were almost always wrong. You were 100% incorrect when you said, "they had ways". No, they didn't.

Back then. Anyone who come out being deformed. That they blamed it on incest. because back then, almost the majority were practicing it. Especially in Arkansas.

So among other thing- you are a bigot towards people from Arkansas- and enjoy lying.

The proper Christian view on homosexuality is like any other sin.
Where does Christ define it as a sin? Or are you taking the Jewish view?
‘Christ’ doesn’t.

The wrongheaded notion of homosexuality being a ‘sin’ is the contrivance of fearful, bigoted, hateful Christians – having nothing to do with sanctioned Christian doctrine and dogma.

We know this to be a fact because there are Christian churches which have members who are gay, where members of the clergy are gay, and where gay marriages are performed and acknowledged.
Some people has gotten so use of looking at children of incest, that as if it is normal look. Incest affects the physical features and mental behaviors. Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest. As God had told the people in those days, that if they were to follow these laws, that they will live a good long prosperous life. Without any health issues or defects of any kind.

Children of incest 'cult' found living deformed and mute in Australian valley | Daily Mail Online

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

Matthew 23:27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.

John 9:2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Back then, the people were ignorant, that they did not know what to eat or what to feed their cattle or flock. But now we has scientist. instead of God to show us the way how to live a long and prosperous life....:dunno:

It is linked to this disease..

"Long ago, people knows how to detect those that are from those that had practiced incest.

No they didn't. That's a lie you literally just made up. There is no birth defect or disease unique to children of incest, and they only display a slightly higher tendency to congenital defects. Meaning, without a DNA test, the vast majority would never even be detected today, and those displaying any of the symptoms you mentioned could not be discerned as children of incest without a DNA test.. You're already on thin ice by using a bronze age religious text to address modern, scientific questions. Making stuff up as well is not helping your position.

Back in the days, Old women will sit on their porches looking at children that walks by. They will say, "The funny looking one is Clara 's child. And her daddy have given that baby to her".
If you would of have watched the video. You would of have seen the part when one of the men stated about the young boys genetic development. But he was talking on the slide. Letting the other to know that the boy is from incest and which in the backwoods, which they have practiced it in those days. Like there was a joke back in the days, about being from Arkansas, which that is Hillbillies territories.

And if they picked out children of incest due to their looks, they were almost always wrong. You were 100% incorrect when you said, "they had ways". No, they didn't.

Back then. Anyone who come out being deformed. That they blamed it on incest. because back then, almost the majority were practicing it. Especially in Arkansas.

So among other thing- you are a bigot towards people from Arkansas- and enjoy lying.

Back in the days they called trailer park trash Hillbillies. All trailer park trash are hillbillies that had moved from the hills into the city. Hope Arkansas where Bill is from. That used to be the backwoods of Arkansas. But now it has became more civilized since the days he had lived there.


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