Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

God kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. Sounds pretty gay to me.
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
Wow, you just love old thread it is your cup of tea.
Do you really think I should have started a new thread or was it wise to just find an old thread where people are already talking about them
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
Wow, you just love old thread it is your cup of tea.
Do you really think I should have started a new thread or was it wise to just find an old thread where people are already talking about them
You can not deny that you like old threads? i notice it :1peleas:
Loving another human being is normal and fine. It's what the heavens want most for us. But when sex enters the picture that is where the problem starts. The good book states sex after marriage between one man and one women in the eyes of God is the preferred way of life. Beyond that it's up to us all to choose our own path in life.
The sin, the really big sin in my opinion is using homosexuality as a political club to divide the population...that is a real sin. not between a married man and woman is a your opinion. Should secular laws reflect that?
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
Wow, you just love old thread it is your cup of tea.
Do you really think I should have started a new thread or was it wise to just find an old thread where people are already talking about them
You can not deny that you like old threads? i notice it :1peleas:
I love old threads. And if you notice I haven't started a new thread in a long time. Why start a new thread on a subject there is most definitely a thread already started on it?
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
And if you can read Hebrew it indicates that Cain, Abel and Seth were born with at least one twin.
Plus you’re an atheist.

I already got my answer. The answer is that Adam and Eve weren't really the first two. It's an allegory. Because then later in the story it says their sons went east of eden to find their wives.

What made me post this? I saw this on facebook "In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need" and thought it was clever and wanted to post that thought here. Do you really think I should have started a new thread on that comment when there are dozens of Adam and Eve threads already created?
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
And if you can read Hebrew it indicates that Cain, Abel and Seth were born with at least one twin.
Plus you’re an atheist.

I already got my answer. The answer is that Adam and Eve weren't really the first two. It's an allegory. Because then later in the story it says their sons went east of eden to find their wives.

What made me post this? I saw this on facebook "In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need" and thought it was clever and wanted to post that thought here. Do you really think I should have started a new thread on that comment when there are dozens of Adam and Eve threads already created?
It's Adam and Eve, Why do you want to change everything about a man and a woman? the question is simple
Gay men in the US account for under 10% of the population, yet they account for well over half off all AIDS and STD cases in the US. This is a fact supported by the CDC.
If you're going to toss around statistics, why don't you be honest and use all of the available data instead of just that which casts gays in a bad light. The fact is that that cases among white gay men is on the decline in recent years HIV in the United States | Statistics Overview | Statistics Center | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Yes it is high and yes, historically gay men engaged in risky sex with multiple anonymous partners. Now, why do you suppose that is. ? Could it be, that until recently gays were relegated to the shadows of society and could not openly engage in a relationship? Could it be because that could not introduce their partner to family and friends? Because they were demeaned and marginalized for being gay? Is it possible that the new found acceptance of gays people and same sex relationships is responsible for the current trend of fewer cases ? Is it possible that the ability to marry is resulting in more stable relationships and les promiscuity. Think for Christ sake!!
However, even though the economic costs to society Dims will never see this as a reason to not encourage such behavior as "normal" and "good".

This is beyond ignorant. Do you really think that by marginalizing gays and condemning homosexuality, by perpetuating institutional discrimination, that you are going to reduce the number of gay people? That people will just choose to not be gay? It is not a behavior. A behavior is being a bigoted asshole. Being gay is the essence of who some people are, and just like with straight people - being gay is not just about sex and sexual BEHAVIOR.
Meanwhile, they will ban soda drinks in New York cuz they are not healthy and seaways in San Fran cuz they want people to exercise so they will be healthier.

It's all part of the Dim brain rot.
Meanwhile, you dimwits blather about the costs of treating aids and blaming gays for it , while you blather and bloviate against the nanny state for trying to cut down on health care costs and the human misery that goes with it, while AT THE SAME TIME trying to take health care away from millions which will only cost us much more in the long run. Talk about brain rot!! Geeeezzzz
The sin, the really big sin in my opinion is using religion as a political club to divide the population....that is the real sin.
Perhaps a greater catastrophe is for the political club to be used against religion so that the population will not have any allegiance to Church, only to the government, and be made to fall in line with whatever a current government mandates.
Did God creat Adam and Eve ? or did he create Adam and Adam ? or Eve and Eve ?
In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need
And if you can read Hebrew it indicates that Cain, Abel and Seth were born with at least one twin.
Plus you’re an atheist.

I already got my answer. The answer is that Adam and Eve weren't really the first two. It's an allegory. Because then later in the story it says their sons went east of eden to find their wives.

What made me post this? I saw this on facebook "In genesis it says Adam and Eve had three sons. Think about that. Take all the time you need" and thought it was clever and wanted to post that thought here. Do you really think I should have started a new thread on that comment when there are dozens of Adam and Eve threads already created?
It's Adam and Eve, Why do you want to change everything about a man and a woman? the question is simple
What are you talking about? not between a married man and woman is a your opinion. Should secular laws reflect that?
No not in a secular nation...we have the right to choose whether to follow the word of God or not...But I won't wait for thow at the gate while you explain
The sin, the really big sin in my opinion is using religion as a political club to divide the population....that is the real sin.
Perhaps a greater catastrophe is for the political club to be used against religion so that the population will not have any allegiance to Church, only to the government, and be made to fall in line with whatever a current government mandates.
No one is using a club against religion. That is just the paranoid, delusional bastardized use of religious freedom speaking. We do not want to interfere with your allegiance to the church. That is just more paranoid, victim mentality hype. We want the church to stay out of civil affairs and secular law. Religion does not have to " fall in line with what government mandates" It does, however, have to recognize the fact that we are a secular constitutional republic and that te constitution takes precedent over the bible.
The sin, the really big sin in my opinion is using homosexuality as a political club to divide the population...that is a real sin.
The sin, the really big sin in my opinion is using religion as a political club to divide the population....that is the real sin.
Everyone should have a gay relative. Then they’d stop being so ignorant like Laura Ingram who saw the light after her gay brother died of aids.

Want to hear evil? When she was in college she outed a bunch of gay students. She actually published the names of the people who attended and sent letters to their parents.

Suck all the dicks you want you’re still not as evil as she is
For a religious person? No

Do I think homosexuality is the symptom of a mental illnesses we don’t understand? Absolutely!

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