Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
At one "moving point in time", women claimed they could not handle uncommitted sex or the lack of a really really serious relationship.
Dude, I don't know what going on with you this morning, but your cryptic posts are nonsensical.

Please speak clearly and fully on your point(s).
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?
So you got nothing? Fine. Your right to not explain your own posts.

Have a nice day, sir.
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
At one "moving point in time", women claimed they could not handle uncommitted sex or the lack of a really really serious relationship.
Dude, I don't know what going on with you this morning, but your cryptic posts are nonsensical.

Please speak clearly and fully on your point(s).
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?
So you got nothing? Fine. Your right to not explain your own posts.

Have a nice day, sir.
Haven't kept up with any gender studies?
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.

Frankly I don't know of a single gay friend of mine that comes from that scenario.

Matter of fact- everyone I know whose parents divorced is heterosexual. Does that mean divorce creates heterosexual children?

Christian Conservatives passed laws to imprison gays long before there was AIDs and when the deadly STD of the day was syphillis- which was rampant among straight men.

And of course, you and your fellow travellers would just as happily imprison lesbians- regardless of their levels of AIDs and STDS.

And your point is?

Why did you leave out the Salem witch trials and Crusades?

WTH is wrong with you?

Jesus never advocated about locking anyone up, neither did he condemn anyone except the religious leaders of his day. Neither did he advocate for government to save us all.

As for the Catholic church...............well.

Quit Whimpering or You Will Go Out With a Bang

The Crusades set back Islamic World Conquest 500 years. By the time the jihadis got to the gates of Vienna in 1683, they were corrupt and had lost their religious commitment. They dawdled for weeks; their last chance to save the jihad came on SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH of that year.

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? Eisenhower titled his World War II book "Crusade in Europe." Under a language polluted by New Age sewage, that would imply he fought for the Nazis.

Of course the Crusaders weren't 'evildoers' when they sacked the Christian city of Constantinople- setting up the eventual fall of Constantinople to Islam.

They were just good Christians doing God's work.
That was the Liberal faction ....

That was the Crusader faction.

Tragic story actually

The Crusaders looted, terrorized, and vandalized Constantinople for three days, during which many ancient and medieval Roman and Greek works were either stolen or destroyed. The famous bronze horses from the Hippodrome were sent back to adorn the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where they remain. As well as being stolen, works of immeasurable artistic value were destroyed merely for their material value. One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other priceless artworks made of bronze, the statue was melted down for its content by the Crusaders. The great Library of Constantinople was destroyed as well.[9]

Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically violated the city's holy sanctuaries, destroying or stealing all they could lay hands on; nothing was spared, not even the tombs of the emperors inside the St Apostles church.[10] The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory; thousands of them were killed in cold blood.[11] Women, including nuns, were raped by the Crusader army,[12] which also sacked churches, monasteries and convents.[11] The very altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors.[10]
Thanks for the History Lesson .... your point ?
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.

Frankly I don't know of a single gay friend of mine that comes from that scenario.

Matter of fact- everyone I know whose parents divorced is heterosexual. Does that mean divorce creates heterosexual children?

Honestly it's not like I know a plethora of homosexuals. Maybe I do tho and just don't know it
Jesus was gay: he hung around with only guys, only banged a woman once (once means he didn't like it), wore a dress and rode a donkey, a woman's ride. Plus his father, god, threw adam out of eden for having sex with eve after god had asked him to not bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him, which is pretty gay in itself.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

In the Abrahamic Religions it is a sin and if you belong to any of them then it is a sin.

Now with that written you have your right to not sit and eat with them, allow them into your home or even converse with one, but you can not deny them their Constitutional rights.

They can not force your Church to Marry them or accept them nor can they force you to accept them nor should they deny you your Constitutional rights.

Because you do not like Homosexuals or Lesbians is your choice and let God judge us because neither side is God...
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

In the Abrahamic Religions it is a sin and if you belong to any of them then it is a sin.

Now with that written you have your right to not sit and eat with them, allow them into your home or even converse with one, but you can not deny them their Constitutional rights.

They can not force your Church to Marry them or accept them nor can they force you to accept them nor should they deny you your Constitutional rights.

Because you do not like Homosexuals or Lesbians is your choice and let God judge us because neither side is God...

Many Christians don't dislike homosexuals. Many do, however. I would think that most people that understand what being a Christian is, will love others, BUT, first and foremost, love their God and do what the believe is pleasing to God (whatever that is) - God hates sin - OF ALL KINDS - yet, we can not be without sin, it's impossible. Jesus died to cover that sin, so, the bottom line is acknowledging the free gift of salvation - that Jesus died so you can be acceptable in God's sight - and, if you do that, you will understand the sacrifice and want to live a life pleasing to God
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

In the Abrahamic Religions it is a sin and if you belong to any of them then it is a sin.

Now with that written you have your right to not sit and eat with them, allow them into your home or even converse with one, but you can not deny them their Constitutional rights.

They can not force your Church to Marry them or accept them nor can they force you to accept them nor should they deny you your Constitutional rights.

Because you do not like Homosexuals or Lesbians is your choice and let God judge us because neither side is God...

Many Christians don't dislike homosexuals. Many do, however. I would think that most people that understand what being a Christian is, will love others, BUT, first and foremost, love their God and do what the believe is pleasing to God (whatever that is) - God hates sin - OF ALL KINDS - yet, we can not be without sin, it's impossible. Jesus died to cover that sin, so, the bottom line is acknowledging the free gift of salvation - that Jesus died so you can be acceptable in God's sight - and, if you do that, you will understand the sacrifice and want to live a life pleasing to God

I live my life according to Bruce and the golden rule " Do onto others as you shall have done onto you " and the rest can be judged by a God, Divine, Chaos, Anu or whatever is after this.

In the end you have your rights just like everyone else under the Constitutuon...
live my life according to Bruce and the golden rule " Do onto others as you shall have done onto you " and the rest can be judged by a God, Divine, Chaos, Anu or whatever is after this.

In the end you have your rights just like everyone else under the Constitutuon...

I actually agree with that. You have to abide by the laws the Country makes, and deal with them as a part of life in this country. Whether it's homosexual marriage, or the elected President.
And your point is?

Why did you leave out the Salem witch trials and Crusades?

WTH is wrong with you?

Jesus never advocated about locking anyone up, neither did he condemn anyone except the religious leaders of his day. Neither did he advocate for government to save us all.

As for the Catholic church...............well.

Quit Whimpering or You Will Go Out With a Bang

The Crusades set back Islamic World Conquest 500 years. By the time the jihadis got to the gates of Vienna in 1683, they were corrupt and had lost their religious commitment. They dawdled for weeks; their last chance to save the jihad came on SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH of that year.

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? Eisenhower titled his World War II book "Crusade in Europe." Under a language polluted by New Age sewage, that would imply he fought for the Nazis.

Of course the Crusaders weren't 'evildoers' when they sacked the Christian city of Constantinople- setting up the eventual fall of Constantinople to Islam.

They were just good Christians doing God's work.
That was the Liberal faction ....

That was the Crusader faction.

Tragic story actually

The Crusaders looted, terrorized, and vandalized Constantinople for three days, during which many ancient and medieval Roman and Greek works were either stolen or destroyed. The famous bronze horses from the Hippodrome were sent back to adorn the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where they remain. As well as being stolen, works of immeasurable artistic value were destroyed merely for their material value. One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other priceless artworks made of bronze, the statue was melted down for its content by the Crusaders. The great Library of Constantinople was destroyed as well.[9]

Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically violated the city's holy sanctuaries, destroying or stealing all they could lay hands on; nothing was spared, not even the tombs of the emperors inside the St Apostles church.[10] The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory; thousands of them were killed in cold blood.[11] Women, including nuns, were raped by the Crusader army,[12] which also sacked churches, monasteries and convents.[11] The very altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors.[10]
Thanks for the History Lesson .... your point ?

That was in response to the post that said

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? E
Quit Whimpering or You Will Go Out With a Bang

The Crusades set back Islamic World Conquest 500 years. By the time the jihadis got to the gates of Vienna in 1683, they were corrupt and had lost their religious commitment. They dawdled for weeks; their last chance to save the jihad came on SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH of that year.

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? Eisenhower titled his World War II book "Crusade in Europe." Under a language polluted by New Age sewage, that would imply he fought for the Nazis.

Of course the Crusaders weren't 'evildoers' when they sacked the Christian city of Constantinople- setting up the eventual fall of Constantinople to Islam.

They were just good Christians doing God's work.
That was the Liberal faction ....

That was the Crusader faction.

Tragic story actually

The Crusaders looted, terrorized, and vandalized Constantinople for three days, during which many ancient and medieval Roman and Greek works were either stolen or destroyed. The famous bronze horses from the Hippodrome were sent back to adorn the façade of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where they remain. As well as being stolen, works of immeasurable artistic value were destroyed merely for their material value. One of the most precious works to suffer such a fate was a large bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippos, court sculptor of Alexander the Great. Like so many other priceless artworks made of bronze, the statue was melted down for its content by the Crusaders. The great Library of Constantinople was destroyed as well.[9]

Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically violated the city's holy sanctuaries, destroying or stealing all they could lay hands on; nothing was spared, not even the tombs of the emperors inside the St Apostles church.[10] The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory; thousands of them were killed in cold blood.[11] Women, including nuns, were raped by the Crusader army,[12] which also sacked churches, monasteries and convents.[11] The very altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors.[10]
Thanks for the History Lesson .... your point ?

That was in response to the post that said

Why do you Dhimmis take it for granted that everybody thinks the Crusaders were evildoers? E
gotcha ...
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat. But that food might have an effect on your seeds. But God is the only one that can prevents your seeds from being infected by the affects that it causes, and or causing hormonal changes that the foods can cause. But It says that He will hand those over to whatever the foods can cause, to those that keeps on disobeying .

Romans 1:26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Leviticus 11:10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to regard as unclean.

Leviticus 11:42 You are not to eat any creature that moves along the ground, whether it moves on its belly or walks on all fours or on many feet; it is unclean. 43 Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Do not make yourselves unclean by means of them or be made unclean by them. 44 I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves along the ground.

List of Hermaphrodite Animals

What Animals that contain both male and female sex organs are said to be be

How Your Diet Affects Your Hormones During Menopause

Deuteronomy 5:33 Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.
It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat.

So, I take it, you don't believe people are "born homosexual"?
Some were born in that condition and some were forced, and others made themselves to be in that condition. But it is all dealing with imbalance. Doctors has already has found out that homosexuality is caused by faultiness of the sex glands. Like young girls that are molested, or raped, that for some reason in some cases that it stimulates the pituitary. That the glands will grow a tumor, because of the early release of sex hormones and which some females , that it will causes Gigantism, or early development of Breast and widen hips. Making the young child ready for having children. And so certain things at certain times can have an strange affect on development.
But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior.

The study of the causes of transsexuality investigates gender identity formation of transgender people, especially those who are transsexual. Transsexual people have a gender identity that does not match their assigned sex, often resulting in gender dysphoria.[1] The causes of transsexualism have been studied for decades. Causes of transsexuality - Wikipedia

. Gigantism

Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.
Some were born in that condition and some were forced, and others made themselves to be in that condition

I'm not saying if you are "born that way" that necessarily makes it productive to give in to those inclinations or urges. I agree, there is always a reason for the "imbalance"
Some were born in that condition and some were forced, and others made themselves to be in that condition

I'm not saying if you are "born that way" that necessarily makes it productive to give in to those inclinations or urges. I agree, there is always a reason for the "imbalance"
Homosexuality isn't an imbalance and can be found throughout nature. In other words, it's part of your god's plan. Now stop being so afraid.
It comes from not obeying God. Let's say that you have eating a certain type of food that we are not to eat.

So, I take it, you don't believe people are "born homosexual"?

But no, that God didn't made humans to have relations with the same sex. They will not be able to procreate that away. And homosexuality is not a normal functioning behavior for human beings. Incest is not a normal behavior as well. But a lot of people do practiced it for hundreds of years. But that doesn't make it to be categorized as a normal behavior..

But incestuous couples can procreate. So procreation is not the issue that makes homosexuality and incest comparable.

"Normal" of course is a concept fraught with danger. It was not 'normal' for women to wear pants until quite recently- and that is actually forbidden in the Old Testament.

But you don't see too many Christians saying it is a sin for women to wear pants.

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