Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
No one is dedicated to homosexuality unless one thinks one has something to gain from it... Homosexuality is in fact missing the point of sex.

Says you. That's not snark, that's actually the most important principle I hope you take away from this discussion. "Says you" don't have gay sex. Problem solved, thanks for coming.
So don't forget to buy your wedding cake from someone in full agreement ---forget the lawsuits --- problem solved.
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
No one is dedicated to homosexuality unless one thinks one has something to gain from it... Homosexuality is in fact missing the point of sex.

Says you. That's not snark, that's actually the most important principle I hope you take away from this discussion. "Says you" don't have gay sex. Problem solved, thanks for coming.
So don't forget to buy your wedding cake from someone in full agreement ---forget the lawsuits --- problem solved.

That's not an appropriate response to what I said, as there is a stark, clear difference between forcing the maker's hand through legislation or existing laws, and by boycotting his store.
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
Shrink and Sink

Quit imagining things. No blog informs us that "homosexuality" is not a sexuality at all. Next the psychiatric cartel will use its unearned prestige to invent "pedosexuality" in order to make money off a new victim group. "Dedicated" people can be escapist fanatics trying to compensate for personal inadequacies, you know.
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
Shrink and Sink

Quit imagining things. No blog informs us that "homosexuality" is not a sexuality at all. Next the psychiatric cartel will use its unearned prestige to invent "pedosexuality" in order to make money off a new victim group. "Dedicated" people can be escapist fanatics trying to compensate for personal inadequacies, you know.

Yes yes, I know. You have it all figured out, while those educated in and practicing psychiatry somehow all lost their way. Or they are all lying just to push a new world faggy liberal agenda on people living in trailer parks. What they need is an expert like you to wake them up.
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.

Funny, I was thinking that uber reiligious, puritan bringers of judgment like you all come from households where the parents molest their children. We'll just have to agree we're both correct.
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.
Penis-Envy Piranhas

Feminism is unnatural and causes unnatural behavior in sons and daughters.
No more than not collecting stamps is a hobby the same as collecting stamps.

You of course can believe whatever you want about how I an atheist thinks- that is of course your belief.
Bad analogy since stamp collecting is, indeed, a hobby. It can be proved to be a hobby and someone who isn't a stamp collector can be proved to not collect stamps. Believing or disbelieving in something completely intangible and unprovable is a matter of faith since whether or not there is anything beyond the physical universe cannot be proved or disproved..

How do you prove that someone does not collect stamps? Certainly you can search for proof that they do collect stamps- but you can't really prove that someone doesn't collect stamps.

Now let us try another thought experiment.

A child is raised without any exposure to religion, without being told fairy tales, without any tales of the supernatural- with no exposure to the concept of gods or religion or faith.

That child- if she developed her own faith- would indeed have a faith. But if she didn't- she would be a clean slate- absent of any faith. She would be an atheist. She would lack a belief in god.

Just like I do.

By taking their word for
The same way you prove someone is a drug-dealer. .

How do you prove someone is not a drug dealer?
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.
I believe it is "immoral for women to be lousy help-meets", and take a God's name in Vain, in that manner; regardless of Any form of Capitalism.
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
No one is dedicated to homosexuality unless one thinks one has something to gain from it... Homosexuality is in fact missing the point of sex.

Says you. That's not snark, that's actually the most important principle I hope you take away from this discussion. "Says you" don't have gay sex. Problem solved, thanks for coming.
So don't forget to buy your wedding cake from someone in full agreement ---forget the lawsuits --- problem solved.
Should we start with the right wing?
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Except that "homosexuality" is not sexual. It is a symptom of a deep psychological deficiency. Psychiatrists call it a sexuality because it is easier and more lucrative to pander to than to cure.

Ah, looks like we have us another blog-educated expert that has managed to fool himself into thinking he is more qualified in a scientific field than the people who have dedicated their lives to it. This always fascinates me.
Shrink and Sink

Quit imagining things. No blog informs us that "homosexuality" is not a sexuality at all. Next the psychiatric cartel will use its unearned prestige to invent "pedosexuality" in order to make money off a new victim group. "Dedicated" people can be escapist fanatics trying to compensate for personal inadequacies, you know.

homo sexual means same sex
hetero sexual means different sex.
Bad analogy since stamp collecting is, indeed, a hobby. It can be proved to be a hobby and someone who isn't a stamp collector can be proved to not collect stamps. Believing or disbelieving in something completely intangible and unprovable is a matter of faith since whether or not there is anything beyond the physical universe cannot be proved or disproved..

How do you prove that someone does not collect stamps? Certainly you can search for proof that they do collect stamps- but you can't really prove that someone doesn't collect stamps.

Now let us try another thought experiment.

A child is raised without any exposure to religion, without being told fairy tales, without any tales of the supernatural- with no exposure to the concept of gods or religion or faith.

That child- if she developed her own faith- would indeed have a faith. But if she didn't- she would be a clean slate- absent of any faith. She would be an atheist. She would lack a belief in god.

Just like I do.

By taking their word for
The same way you prove someone is a drug-dealer. .

How do you prove someone is not a drug dealer?
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.
Patriarchies usually do their own enforcing.
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.
Penis-Envy Piranhas

Feminism is unnatural and causes unnatural behavior in sons and daughters.
Masculinsim in the good olde days, meant the Spartans could call men who wanted walls, "girly men".
How do you prove that someone does not collect stamps? Certainly you can search for proof that they do collect stamps- but you can't really prove that someone doesn't collect stamps.

Now let us try another thought experiment.

A child is raised without any exposure to religion, without being told fairy tales, without any tales of the supernatural- with no exposure to the concept of gods or religion or faith.

That child- if she developed her own faith- would indeed have a faith. But if she didn't- she would be a clean slate- absent of any faith. She would be an atheist. She would lack a belief in god.

Just like I do.

By taking their word for
The same way you prove someone is a drug-dealer. .

How do you prove someone is not a drug dealer?
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
I'm not sure of the statistics, but I would like to know the percentage of homosexuals that came from a solid mother(female)/father(male) household - where the parents loved each other and stayed together..... granted, that is rare but, even if the parents stayed together......

I have no proof, but, seems to me many gays come from single parent households, OR, where they FEMALE is the dominant parent.
Sexual preference seems to be genetic albeit with some prenatal influences, especially in regards to anything not purely heterosexual. Sure, having a two parents reinforces sexual roles and behaviors, but all that does is cause a homosexual to repress their impulses until they mature as an adult. Hence why we see 50 year old males divorce Susie and move in with Billie.
The same way you prove someone is a drug-dealer. .

How do you prove someone is not a drug dealer?
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
How do you prove someone is not a drug dealer?
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
At one "moving point in time", women claimed they could not handle uncommitted sex or the lack of a really really serious relationship.
Close and constant observation for 30 years should provide some clues.
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
At one "moving point in time", women claimed they could not handle uncommitted sex or the lack of a really really serious relationship.
Dude, I don't know what going on with you this morning, but your cryptic posts are nonsensical.

Please speak clearly and fully on your point(s).
Like gender studies?
What about gender studies and how does that relate to Atheism vs. Theism?
I look at it, like this: We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How serious can the right wing be about morals.

It is like having an economy on a "wartime footing", and claiming we need to lower taxes.

It is simply, incredible.
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

What does a 1950s addition of "Under God" have to do with RW morals? We had Democratic Congresses and Presidents through the mid-90s. Why didn't they change it?....or do you think LWers lack morals too?
At one "moving point in time", women claimed they could not handle uncommitted sex or the lack of a really really serious relationship.
Dude, I don't know what going on with you this morning, but your cryptic posts are nonsensical.

Please speak clearly and fully on your point(s).
Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with your statement "Like gender studies"?

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