Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

A Sexually Confused Generation Loses the Will to Survive

Things work both ways, not just the bossy fairyphile Liberals' way. Therefore, "It is not a sin (or a practice that threatens a healthy society)" is also a minority group's personal dogma being forced on the majority through tyrannical methods such as legislative or judicial elitism.
that's what it says in the book
Proverbs 6:16-19:

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
that's what it says in the book
Proverbs 6:16-19:

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

I know it mentions fags in there somewhere
that's what it says in the book
Proverbs 6:16-19:

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

I know it mentions fags in there somewhere
I believe true gamorrans and true sodomites make better citizens than false Christians.
A Sexually Confused Generation Loses the Will to Survive

Things work both ways, not just the bossy fairyphile Liberals' way. Therefore, "It is not a sin (or a practice that threatens a healthy society)" is also a minority group's personal dogma being forced on the majority through tyrannical methods such as legislative or judicial elitism.

What a bunch of embarrassing garbage.... somewhere along the line you cultist weirdos got confused into thinking that not letting you oppress people is oppression of you. You're losing big time, check the scoreboard.
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.

Actually according to the words of Jesus- not any interpretation- with the exception being if the wife cheated on the husband(but not the other way around)

8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
Is adultry a sin? And is it ok to talk against it?

This question is specifically for you Bonzi.

I've been a tad slow in the ol noggin, but it hit me just now. You claim you are a christian, are against gay lifestyle because it is against God's law, are having an affair.

How is this not hypocritical?
Interesting point. I request women have permission from their Man.

If men could get reciprocal permission, I'm sure many would be on board for that
You didn't answer my question.
Are you still married to the first husband? And did you not have an affair before you got divorced, IF you are divorced?
Data mining, dear. Better to rephrase that, under strict Evangelistic interpretation of the Bible, all those who divorce and remarry are committing adultery.

Actually according to the words of Jesus- not any interpretation- with the exception being if the wife cheated on the husband(but not the other way around)

8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
I'm totally guilty either way
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
Which is a belief in itself....Yes, I know atheists looooove to say "No, dammit, it's disbelief!!!"

No more than not collecting stamps is a hobby the same as collecting stamps.

You of course can believe whatever you want about how I an atheist thinks- that is of course your belief.
This is the moral issue:
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Common sense. I already explained it to you. Not all lies bear false witness.

No. Why would I do that?

There are Christians who will rationalize that they can lie just so long as they are not 'bearing false witness' and then twist themselves into logical knots trying to rationalize why their lie is not 'bearing false witness'- but yes they are.
A Sexually Confused Generation Loses the Will to Survive

Things work both ways, not just the bossy fairyphile Liberals' way. Therefore, "It is not a sin (or a practice that threatens a healthy society)" is also a minority group's personal dogma being forced on the majority through tyrannical methods such as legislative or judicial elitism.

And by 'being forced' on the majority- you mean no longer prosecuting Americans for private consensual sex, or preventing a couple from marrying because of their race or sexual orientation.
Homosexuality is not a sin because Jesus died nailed to wood to wipe them all out.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
Which is a belief in itself....Yes, I know atheists looooove to say "No, dammit, it's disbelief!!!"

No more than not collecting stamps is a hobby the same as collecting stamps.

You of course can believe whatever you want about how I an atheist thinks- that is of course your belief.
Bad analogy since stamp collecting is, indeed, a hobby. It can be proved to be a hobby and someone who isn't a stamp collector can be proved to not collect stamps. Believing or disbelieving in something completely intangible and unprovable is a matter of faith since whether or not there is anything beyond the physical universe cannot be proved or disproved.

Now, we can certainly agree that it can be proved that the Earth is older than 6000 years old, that the Big Bang happened and evolution is how life developed on Earth. What cannot be proved is why the Big Bang happened and whether or not life can spontaneously generate out of non-living matter.
A Sexually Confused Generation Loses the Will to Survive

Things work both ways, not just the bossy fairyphile Liberals' way. Therefore, "It is not a sin (or a practice that threatens a healthy society)" is also a minority group's personal dogma being forced on the majority through tyrannical methods such as legislative or judicial elitism.

What a bunch of embarrassing garbage.... somewhere along the line you cultist weirdos got confused into thinking that not letting you oppress people is oppression of you. You're losing big time, check the scoreboard.
Warning Signs

Once again, you malicious fairyphiles preach to your choir something shallow that sounds true only if you don't think about it. You add to your deceit by calling punishment "oppression." In a nation with a future, punishment of homosexuality is self-defense against aggressive degenerates who have throughout history weakened society and contributed to its collapse. But Liberals want to appease them, other criminals, and our foreign enemies.
it is true. historically, the more sexual freedom that is allowed, the weaker the state becomes....
Unfortunately, we as humans don't always instinctively know what is best for ourselves.

We crave junk food
We do drugs knowing full well they are destructive to our bodies

Sexual deviancy is no different. And it's not just limited to homosexuality, it includes fetishes and other things of all kinds that I really don't need to spell out here...
Unfortunately, we as humans don't always instinctively know what is best for ourselves.

We crave junk food
We do drugs knowing full well they are destructive to our bodies

Sexual deviancy is no different. And it's not just limited to homosexuality, it includes fetishes and other things of all kinds that I really don't need to spell out here...
I am practicing tolerance regarding women being their modern selves in modern times.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
Which is a belief in itself....Yes, I know atheists looooove to say "No, dammit, it's disbelief!!!"

No more than not collecting stamps is a hobby the same as collecting stamps.

You of course can believe whatever you want about how I an atheist thinks- that is of course your belief.
Bad analogy since stamp collecting is, indeed, a hobby. It can be proved to be a hobby and someone who isn't a stamp collector can be proved to not collect stamps. Believing or disbelieving in something completely intangible and unprovable is a matter of faith since whether or not there is anything beyond the physical universe cannot be proved or disproved..

How do you prove that someone does not collect stamps? Certainly you can search for proof that they do collect stamps- but you can't really prove that someone doesn't collect stamps.

Now let us try another thought experiment.

A child is raised without any exposure to religion, without being told fairy tales, without any tales of the supernatural- with no exposure to the concept of gods or religion or faith.

That child- if she developed her own faith- would indeed have a faith. But if she didn't- she would be a clean slate- absent of any faith. She would be an atheist. She would lack a belief in god.

Just like I do.

By taking their word for

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