Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

You might not realize this in your critical condition but every time someone asks you a simple question like Taz did about Adams rib your veil of scientific pretensions disappears and you puke juvenile insults....

Of course I realize it.

I just disagree with your implication that they care about the answers. In case you didn't notice I always start off answering them. Then when they intentionally misstate what I say, I move on to playing their game except my game is to expose their ignorance on science.

Your game is to expose their ignorance on science?? ROFLMAO

You would better spend your time if you quietly learned your A,B,C's, then how to read, then how to understand fairy tales.

Then you can advance to basic arithmetic like 1+1+1= 3
You might not realize this in your critical condition but every time someone asks you a simple question like Taz did about Adams rib your veil of scientific pretensions disappears and you puke juvenile insults....

Of course I realize it.

I just disagree with your implication that they care about the answers. In case you didn't notice I always start off answering them. Then when they intentionally misstate what I say, I move on to playing their game except my game is to expose their ignorance on science.

Your game is to expose their ignorance on science?? ROFLMAO

You would better spend your time if you quietly learned your A,B,C's, then how to read, then how to understand fairy tales.

Then you can advance to basic arithmetic like 1+1+1= 3
I hope you don't mind if I see that the other way around. :smile:
You might not realize this in your critical condition but every time someone asks you a simple question like Taz did about Adams rib your veil of scientific pretensions disappears and you puke juvenile insults....

Of course I realize it.

I just disagree with your implication that they care about the answers. In case you didn't notice I always start off answering them. Then when they intentionally misstate what I say, I move on to playing their game except my game is to expose their ignorance on science.

Your game is to expose their ignorance on science?? ROFLMAO

You would better spend your time if you quietly learned your A,B,C's, then how to read, then how to understand fairy tales.

Then you can advance to basic arithmetic like 1+1+1= 3
I hope you don't mind if I see that the other way around. :smile:

Alright already, I'm convinced.

You are a dick....
What does that have to do with making a woman out of a man's rib?
Every story naturally begins at the beginning, Taz.

Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
Is it called the point to which you deflect all the questions that you can't answer? Did I get it right?
No. It's the point where you prove you are ignorant about science even though you think you are the smart one here. I'm just proving beyond a shadow of doubt that you aren't.
So since you're the smart one, which real event is making a woman out of a man's rib referring to?
Sure, but we have to start at the beginning. Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
So you have nothing. Figures.
You might not realize this in your critical condition but every time someone asks you a simple question like Taz did about Adams rib your veil of scientific pretensions disappears and you puke juvenile insults....

Of course I realize it.

I just disagree with your implication that they care about the answers. In case you didn't notice I always start off answering them. Then when they intentionally misstate what I say, I move on to playing their game except my game is to expose their ignorance on science.

Your game is to expose their ignorance on science?? ROFLMAO

You would better spend your time if you quietly learned your A,B,C's, then how to read, then how to understand fairy tales.

Then you can advance to basic arithmetic like 1+1+1= 3
I hope you don't mind if I see that the other way around. :smile:

Alright already, I'm convinced.

You are a dick....
Thank you. Now if you would only see that you are a dick too all would be right in the world.
Every story naturally begins at the beginning, Taz.

Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
Is it called the point to which you deflect all the questions that you can't answer? Did I get it right?
No. It's the point where you prove you are ignorant about science even though you think you are the smart one here. I'm just proving beyond a shadow of doubt that you aren't.
So since you're the smart one, which real event is making a woman out of a man's rib referring to?
Sure, but we have to start at the beginning. Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
So you have nothing. Figures.
I have it all. In fact, you are walking around with nothing because I have it all. :smile:
A woman bearing True Witness to her Man, deviant, to You?
I can tell from your question that you don't quite grasp the concept of normalization of deviance. That's understandable not everyone is knowledgeable enough or intelligent enough to understand. But if you keep trying, I am sure you will be able to get it before you suffer too many predictable surprises.
This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How important can morals be.
I can tell from your question that you don't quite grasp the concept of normalization of deviance. That's understandable not everyone is knowledgeable enough or intelligent enough to understand. But if you keep trying, I am sure you will be able to get it before you suffer too many predictable surprises.
This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How important can morals be.
Only outcomes can answer that.
How is that being lazy?
You want to, but you just can't get up off the sofa to go find some.
No, not interested. It was not any good actually
Did it taste like fish?

You must have been in the wrong hole. :biggrin:
The Dutch? Not Much.

Maybe she thought all she had to was what Holland's Little Dike Boy did: just put a finger in it.
i'm kinda for no buttsex

Well that would pretty much rule out homosexuality in men. Unless they just do strictly oral
Not so fast. He only said he was kinda for no buttsex. He didn't rule it out.
So, are you a pitcher or a catcher?
Why? Are you applying for a position?
Yes, I'll pitch one to you.
She Talks, She Walks, She Stalks, She Calls Balks. She Does All Right for a Girl.

Ray Chill Maddow will be the umpire.
Your support for the Taliban and their atrocities are noted.

Still, just because the Taliban were abusive assholes committing atrocities against humanity is not a reason to go to war. When they gave safe haven to terrorists who had repeatedly attacked the United States but murdered almost 3000 in one day, then, yeah, that's justification for taking them down.
Then why haven't we invaded all the other countries that have terrorists? Kenya, Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, ...?

Divine answered your question before you asked.

Re-read what he wrote.
He said the Taliban were giving safe haven to terrorists as a reason to invade. So what about all the other countries that harbour terrorists, like Saudi Arabia? Why don't we take THEM down?

If Saudi Arabia is harboring any of the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11- sure I am fine invading them if they wont' turn them over.
Most of the 9/11 guys came from there. We shoulda taken em down. Bigtime.
Wreck-a- Mecca
AND...I find it just a tad hypocritical that you would claim to be a Christian, even though a backsliding one, while committing adultry. Don't you?
Now you seem to be harping, Gracie. Is your point to either accept all of the Bible 100%, including Adam and Eve, or none of it? Are you an atheist? Theist but with a different concept?
None of the above. I just have little patience for those who commit sin while waggling their finger at other sinners. Or supposed sin/sinners. Some of the bible I believe...the rest, not so much.
Who did the children of Adam and Eve marry and have children with?

(by the way the answer to your question is 'no')
A conundrum which points out that Genesis is more apocryphal than true.

Another conundrum is that, dating back using events, the world is only 6000 years old according to the Bible.

Part of the problem is that Moses is said to have written the first five books of the Bible, a timeline of about 4000BC to 1500BC. The 2500 years in between weren't necessarily written and, probably, were passed around the campfires by designated storytellers as customary among many human tribal societies. Like the game of "Telephone", 2500 years is a long time to misconstrue events.
Ummmm.... no, Genesis is an allegorical account of actual events.
So the story of Noah is bullshit, but a worldwide flood did happen? Got proof?
I'm sure they thought it was world wide. Just exactly when did man know the extent of the world, Einstein?

As for proof, every ancient civilization has an account of a massive flood. Heck, the account of the flood was encoded as symbols in the written Chinese language 4500 years ago, numb nuts.
So the ACTUAL story of the worldwide flood is also made up.

So what about making a woman out of a man's rib? What real event is that depicting?
Cannnibals having a barbecue. Plenty of ho'es attended, so maybe that's how the story got confused.
So which flood in history wiped out all the people and animals except for someone's boat who had all the animals on it?
Having a hard time understanding what allegorical means, I see. That's understandable, it's an advanced concept.
So that story isn't based on any one actual event. So let's move on. So what about a woman made out of a man's rib, what's that's supposed to be depicting?

A rib is the bone closest to the heart.
LOL! Dude just comes and spouts any old thing. :lmao:

He was take from scum of the earth formed into a living being, defiled and contaminated his mind against all warnings, and, consequently, was returned to the scum of the earth to live out the rest of his days like a numbskull.
You mean Obama? I knew Michelle talked to snakes, but I didn't make the connection.
Well... to understand that we first need to go back to the point when the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom. Can you tell me what happened next?
What does that have to do with making a woman out of a man's rib?
Every story naturally begins at the beginning, Taz.

Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
Is it called the point to which you deflect all the questions that you can't answer? Did I get it right?
No. It's the point where you prove you are ignorant about science even though you think you are the smart one here. I'm just proving beyond a shadow of doubt that you aren't.
So since you're the smart one, which real event is making a woman out of a man's rib referring to?
Trading barbecue for *****?
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What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
Which is a belief in itself....Yes, I know atheists looooove to say "No, dammit, it's disbelief!!!"

You are free to believe that you're just a meat computer driven solely by chemical programming. You are free to believe self-aware beings are no more valuable than a dead light bulb when their lives are snuffed out...and not worth anything when they are alive.

If you do believe your life has value, please explain to me why. What does it matter?
What does that have to do with making a woman out of a man's rib?
Every story naturally begins at the beginning, Taz.

Can you tell me what happened after the universe was contained in the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of the size of an atom?
Is it called the point to which you deflect all the questions that you can't answer? Did I get it right?
No. It's the point where you prove you are ignorant about science even though you think you are the smart one here. I'm just proving beyond a shadow of doubt that you aren't.
So since you're the smart one, which real event is making a woman out of a man's rib referring to?
Trading barbecue for pussy?
Good trade.
A woman bearing True Witness to her Man, deviant, to You?
I can tell from your question that you don't quite grasp the concept of normalization of deviance. That's understandable not everyone is knowledgeable enough or intelligent enough to understand. But if you keep trying, I am sure you will be able to get it before you suffer too many predictable surprises.
This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
I can tell from your question that you don't quite grasp the concept of normalization of deviance. That's understandable not everyone is knowledgeable enough or intelligent enough to understand. But if you keep trying, I am sure you will be able to get it before you suffer too many predictable surprises.
This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?

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