Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Common sense. I already explained it to you. Not all lies bear false witness.

No. Why would I do that?
This is the moral issue:
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Common sense. I already explained it to you. Not all lies bear false witness.

No. Why would I do that?
According to the link, all "false witness" is a lie. It's fabrication. It distorts the truth. Most fisherman (note the irony!) notoriously bear false witness about their catch. My point is that such a falsehood is minor to lying about something in order to cause a person harm. Still, a lie is a lie. Once on the path of deception, where does it stop?
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Common sense. I already explained it to you. Not all lies bear false witness.

No. Why would I do that?
According to the link, all "false witness" is a lie. It's fabrication. It distorts the truth. Most fisherman (note the irony!) notoriously bear false witness about their catch. My point is that such a falsehood is minor to lying about something in order to cause a person harm. Still, a lie is a lie. Once on the path of deception, where does it stop?
But not all lies are false witness against your neighbor.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour - Wikipedia
Ummmm, not according to the link below, but I'll readily agree some lies are worse than others.

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
...The bearing of false testimony is strictly prohibited by God, no matter how innovative we become! Any understanding of what God was saying to His children is greatly enhanced by a clear understanding of what it means to tell a lie. Bearing false testimony also carries with it the basic idea of fabrication, which, simply put, means to make something up. Exaggeration fits right in with God’s prohibition because any effort to stretch the truth is, in and of itself, a fabrication. When God said, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), He was definitively pointing to the heart of man. Not even a person’s creativity with the truth is acceptable to God....
who said that link is right?
The Billy Graham website supports that point of view. Who says you are right?

Are you trying to absolve your own lies?
Common sense. I already explained it to you. Not all lies bear false witness.

No. Why would I do that?
According to the link, all "false witness" is a lie. It's fabrication. It distorts the truth. Most fisherman (note the irony!) notoriously bear false witness about their catch. My point is that such a falsehood is minor to lying about something in order to cause a person harm. Still, a lie is a lie. Once on the path of deception, where does it stop?
But not all lies are false witness against your neighbor.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour - Wikipedia
You can use Wiki, I'll use Billy Graham. :)

The CBN weighs in here too: What Does It Mean To Bear False Witness?
...A Christian might not be involved in drug addiction, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, or homosexuality, but a Christian may be big on slander and backbiting. I can think of no practice--other than deep-seated hatred and lack of forgiveness--that will so quickly cut off the blessing and power of God in a Christian's life.

What does the Bible say about a false witness?
...The lies told by a false witness come from the sinful human heart—along with murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, slander, and evil thoughts (Matthew 15:19). Jesus said that man is defiled by these evil things that come from the heart. The only possible cure for an evil heart that bears false witness is to receive a new, pure heart, which can only be given by God (Ezekiel 36:26). When a person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, he will be like a fresh spring or a fruitful tree or a budding vine, bursting with good things (John 7:38; Psalm 1:1–6; John 15:4–5). The old is gone, and the new takes its place (Ephesians 4:22–24). Those who are in Christ have a new heart that speaks the truth: “Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor” (Ephesians 4:25). A person who bears false witness is controlled by the flesh rather than by the Spirit of God, and he should repent of that sin and turn to Christ.

"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to Him...a lying tongue...a false witness who breathes out lies..." (Proverbs 6:16–19).
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

According to the standards of our courts and mens rea, yes, it would be immoral to discriminate against gays without a just cause.

No one has ever found a cause worthy of using to discriminate against gays and thus all who do are acting in an unethical and immoral way.

This is the moral concept:

A woman bearing True Witness to her Man.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How important can morals be.
Only outcomes can answer that.
Should we ask North Korea for monocultural leadership advice instead of our Own, Kentucky Colonels?
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

According to the standards of our courts and mens rea, yes, it would be immoral to discriminate against gays without a just cause.

No one has ever found a cause worthy of using to discriminate against gays and thus all who do are acting in an unethical and immoral way.

Yet there is freedom of religion, no?
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

According to the standards of our courts and mens rea, yes, it would be immoral to discriminate against gays without a just cause.

No one has ever found a cause worthy of using to discriminate against gays and thus all who do are acting in an unethical and immoral way.

Yet there is freedom of religion, no?
No, sharia isn't allowed.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
I am not going to claim there is no God, but I do agree that if a deity exists, it almost surely will not be anything like the character in biblical allegory. All these fantastic traits - knows all, sees all, all powerful, almighty, etc. Yet his creations have all sorts of faults. How can perfection create imperfection? If anything, God seems to be a pretty much hands off character. God put creation in motion, setting physical laws, creating life, and then left it all alone to carry on. He doesn't appear to intervene with hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, nor does he interfere with humans killing each other off in world wars, genocides, or religious crusades. If he exists, he doesn't appear to care very much about our doings.
Sure, and normalization of deviance can be applied to moral issues.
This is the moral issue:

Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How important can morals be.
Only outcomes can answer that.
Should we ask North Korea for monocultural leadership advice instead of our Own, Kentucky Colonels?
Feel free to do so. I don't think there is a travel ban there just yet.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?

According to the standards of our courts and mens rea, yes, it would be immoral to discriminate against gays without a just cause.

No one has ever found a cause worthy of using to discriminate against gays and thus all who do are acting in an unethical and immoral way.

Yet there is freedom of religion, no?
Correct. OTOH, US courts are secular and rule based on law, not they should be. Lots of immoral, but lawful people. Only a court based on religion such as Spain during the Inquisition, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the like would rule based on their views of morality.

By his own standard, the same applies to adultery and teen sex. Obviously some people object to both based on moral reasons even if the courts are only concerned about legal reasons.

If you don't know "Greatest I am", try Googling his username to learn about his typical posts across the Internet.
"Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?"

It's not really "wrong" to think anything. Think whatever you want. Just don't complain when you present these thoughts for public consumption and get pushback. And especially don't complain when you try to codify your opinion that "it is a sin" into law and your belief is completely destroyed by reason.
What do you think?

If you believe you have a right to believe this, and you are offended, is it OK to voice this?
Homosexuality is found throughout nature. So if you think that god created everything...

And Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that point is moot.
Again, GOD created a perfect universe. When Adam and Eve decided to listen to Satan, they corrupted not only themselves but the entire Creation. Nature groans under the weight of sin. Animals now attack each other, insects carry diseases, plants are poisonous and give rashes, mountains and oceans now separate people. What you are trying to promote is corrupted lies and half-truths. You either never read the Bible or you simply close your eyes and ears to those things that annoy you!
God created everything and everything was perfect. Therefore God created Satan and he was perfect too. When did Satan become imperfect? How does imperfection come from perfection? If God is omniscient, and knows what is to come, why did he create Satan? Why did he create people and then be surprised that they were imperfect and wipe them out except for Noah and his family? Where did the concept of sin come from? If God created everything, did he also create sin? Was sin perfect too? If everything was perfect, why were some animals forbidden to eat? If animals used to live together peacefully, what did carnivores eat?
The answer, of course, is there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
I am not going to claim there is no God, but I do agree that if a deity exists, it almost surely will not be anything like the character in biblical allegory. All these fantastic traits - knows all, sees all, all powerful, almighty, etc. Yet his creations have all sorts of faults. How can perfection create imperfection? If anything, God seems to be a pretty much hands off character. God put creation in motion, setting physical laws, creating life, and then left it all alone to carry on. He doesn't appear to intervene with hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, nor does he interfere with humans killing each other off in world wars, genocides, or religious crusades. If he exists, he doesn't appear to care very much about our doings.
Why would He?
This is the moral issue:
Are you confusing lying with bearing false witness. While bearing false witness requires a lie, not all lies bear false witness. Try again.
We have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books.

How important can morals be.
Only outcomes can answer that.
Should we ask North Korea for monocultural leadership advice instead of our Own, Kentucky Colonels?
Feel free to do so. I don't think there is a travel ban there just yet.
Not for monocultural advocating, right wingers.
....How can perfection create imperfection?....
By choice. :)
But that doesn't match the narrative of the earlier poster who claimed that God created a perfect world where the animals coexisted and plants weren't poisonous, etc. Clearly, that's a lot of bunk.
Anyone who says people are perfect is obviously wrong. As for poisonous plants, that's a self-defense mechanism. Good for the plant, no so much for those trying to eat it.

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