Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?

And we do--or, at least the greatest majority of us. We also recognize that we are free to practice our faith in public, in the marketplace, etc. Homosexuality can be named a sin without it being considered unlawful. Adultery is considered a sin, but it is not unlawful, either.
You respect secular law? That's good to know , although, from the zeal with which the religious right peruses it's agenda, it's hard to believe that it is "most of us" You can consider want a sin " No one is depriving you of that and you are in fact free to practice your faith where ever you wish, as long as you understand that freedom from religion is the other side of that same coin that grants you freedom of religion.
No such thing as "freedom from religion".

I believe the phrase they're looking for is Freedom OF Religion .... if they choose to be free FROM rleigion that is their choice - but not imposable on other members of the community via legislation or any other form of governmental controls
Of course, you are 100% wrong, and freedom FROM state-sponsored religion absolutely is imposed on everyone, and thank goodness for that....

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment safeguards citizens from religious excess and overreach through force of law and government authority.

It prohibits the codification of religious doctrine and dogma into secular law.

It prohibits excessive entanglement of government and religion.

And it prohibits government action absent a secular purpose.
The establishment clause was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions. Of which half of the states had at the time the Constitution was founded.
there is no such thing as sin
humans are can what they do be 'sinful'?

Sin is an antiquated religous concept used to define insults and abominations in the eye of the eye in the sky - Basically it boils down to morals - and there are a number of moralistic trends that circumnavigate multiple branches of humanity - not libtards though - they have no morals and are an abomination in of themselves.
Your way of seeing religion is diametrically opposed to the Founding Fathers of Freedom and Liberty.

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” John Adams Letter of June 21, 1776

“Religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness.” Samuel Adams Letter to John Trumbull, October 16, 1778

“The great pillars of all government and of social life [are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor…and this alone, that renders us invincible.” Patrick Henry Letter to Archibald Blair, January 8, 1799

“The only foundation for...a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.” Benjamin Rush Essays, Literary, Moral and Philosophical, 1798

As our forefathers sought to build “one nation under God,” they purposely established their legal codes on the foundation of Natural Law. They believed that societies should be governed, as Jefferson put it, by “the moral law to which man has been subjected by his Creator, and of which his feelings, or conscience as it is sometimes called, are the evidence with which his Creator has furnished him. The moral duties which exist between individual and individual in a state of nature accompany them into a state of society,… their Maker not having released them from those duties on their forming themselves into a nation.” (Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 3:228)
And yet religion is used by far too many theists to ‘justify’ denying citizens their freedom and liberty – when they seek to deny gay and transgender Americans their right to equal protection of the law, when they seek to deny a woman her right to privacy, and when they seek to conjoin church and state contrary to the Framers’ mandate.

Indeed, the Framers knew all too well the danger of religion as a political weapon, and wisely sought to protect Americans from that danger.
What people do in their own homes is between them and God. The issue here is not that. We live in a shared society with shared outcomes. Just because I don't believe it is in our society's best interest to promote gay marriage as a standard doesn't mean I am a bigot or use the Bible as a basis for my belief.

I have good reasons for opposing the codification of gay marriage in our society. None of which are based on religious beliefs.
everyone sins....''god'' made man to ''sin'' is natural to ''sin''
so how can it be wrong?
Sin is anything which distances one from God, who is Truth and Existence. Everything God made is good. Which makes sense because things like evil, darkness and cold or not extant. They don't exist on their own. They exist as the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

God did not make man to sin and it is not natural for man to sin. We know this because man knows right from wrong, but when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong, he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. After Adam and Eve had sinned and realized they were naked, they hid when they heard God coming. They hid because they knew that they had done wrong. Then when God asked point blank if they had done it, they rationalized that it wasn't their fault. Adam, did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me.

Man is the only animal capable of knowledge of good and evil. No other creature has this concept. Sure animals can have empathy, but not like man. Animals function on impulse and instinct. Man functions on these too, but in man's case he has the unique ability to override his impulses and instinct for the sake of good. That is free will. It's a choice. Everything is choice.

Genesis isn't implying that had Adam and Eve never committed the original sin, we would live in paradise forever. Genesis is saying that man has the capacity to do good and evil. So then the question begs why did God create such a world? It is not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous. You must choose to be virtuous. He is seeking a specific outcome under specific conditions. We are being tested.
I thought extramarital sex was a sin??
I thought pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth were sins??these are all NATURAL--humans do these naturally
Why do you say we do these things naturally? How do you define and measure that exactly?
sex is not a natural ''act''/trait/etc???!!!....most of the animals even do it
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Sin is anything which distances one from God, who is Truth and Existence. Everything God made is good. Which makes sense because things like evil, darkness and cold or not extant. They don't exist on their own. They exist as the absence of something else. Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. And evil is the absence of good.

God did not make man to sin and it is not natural for man to sin. We know this because man knows right from wrong, but when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong, he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. After Adam and Eve had sinned and realized they were naked, they hid when they heard God coming. They hid because they knew that they had done wrong. Then when God asked point blank if they had done it, they rationalized that it wasn't their fault. Adam, did you eat the apple? The woman you made gave it to me. Eve did you eat the apple? The serpent deceived me.

Man is the only animal capable of knowledge of good and evil. No other creature has this concept. Sure animals can have empathy, but not like man. Animals function on impulse and instinct. Man functions on these too, but in man's case he has the unique ability to override his impulses and instinct for the sake of good. That is free will. It's a choice. Everything is choice.

Genesis isn't implying that had Adam and Eve never committed the original sin, we would live in paradise forever. Genesis is saying that man has the capacity to do good and evil. So then the question begs why did God create such a world? It is not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous. You must choose to be virtuous. He is seeking a specific outcome under specific conditions. We are being tested.
I thought extramarital sex was a sin??
I thought pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth were sins??these are all NATURAL--humans do these naturally
Why do you say we do these things naturally? How do you define and measure that exactly?
sex is not a natural ''act''/trait/etc???!!!....most of the animals even do it
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
I thought extramarital sex was a sin??
I thought pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth were sins??these are all NATURAL--humans do these naturally
Why do you say we do these things naturally? How do you define and measure that exactly?
sex is not a natural ''act''/trait/etc???!!!....most of the animals even do it
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
Why do you say we do these things naturally? How do you define and measure that exactly?
sex is not a natural ''act''/trait/etc???!!!....most of the animals even do it
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
sex is not a natural ''act''/trait/etc???!!!....most of the animals even do it
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
You said extramarital sex though, right? What do animals have to do with that?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
Why are you thinking of people assfucking each other, and why does it bother you?
??? you don't know???
sex is a ''necessity''...humans AND animals have to do it to keep the species going
humans and animals do it = natural
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzenegger
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzenegger
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
Animals don't get married. So how can animals have extramarital sex?

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
Why are you thinking of people assfucking each other, and why does it bother you?
Where did that come from? You mad?
"Is It Wrong to Think Homosexuality is a Sin?"

For Christians it’s certainly inconsistent, given the fact that there are practicing gay Christians, gay members of the Christian clergy, and Churches that perform weddings for gay couples.
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
Why are you thinking of people assfucking each other, and why does it bother you?
Where did that come from? You mad?
You're always hanging out in the homo threads... Following Jesus... :biggrin:
you just added to my evidence---that's RIGHT---they don't get married...they have extramarital sex!! sex is natural--but god punishes us for it?? it's wrong??
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzene
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
it is natural to ''sin''
You logic is flawed. We do get married. Putting that aside, you made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?[
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzene
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
it is natural to ''sin''
No. It is a choice to sin.
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzene
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
it is natural to ''sin''
No. It is a choice to sin.
no it isn't
but we have extra and pre marital sex!! like the animals
no--you can't deny it--sex is natural--a very strong ''need''--but then you say it is wrong???~!!!!!
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzene
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
it is natural to ''sin''
No. It is a choice to sin.
if that is true--why does every one sin??
why do you sin? please answer--I'm waiting for a good one
Animals don't have marriage. So animals don't have extra and pre marital sex. So humans can't have extra and pre marital sex like animals.

You made several other assertions that you have not addressed.

How does pride occur naturally in nature?
How does greed occur naturally in nature?
How does lust occur naturally in nature?
How does envy occur naturally in nature?
How does gluttony occur naturally in nature?
How does wrath occur naturally in nature?
How does sloth occur naturally in nature?

Are you ever going to address those, lol?
you have never been proud/greedy,etc --any of those?
if you say no--you are a LIAR
it's natural for humans to do all of those ''sins''
again EVERYONE sins---gee do you ever wonder why???!!!--it's natural

--now--out of ALL the people who should know NOT to sin, the priests sin by sexual molestation
---and don't say ''it's just a few''--because it is not

Jim Bakker
here's a big one:
sinless, god loving, Jimmy Swaggart tells Jim Bakker he's a SINNER for having a SEXual affair
a cancer on the body of Christ,''
but then Swaggart goes to prostitutes for SEX !!!
Swaggart Says He Has Sinned; Will Step Down
humans have extramarital sex all the time
Bill Clinton
Arni Schwarzene
Hugh Grant
etc etc to infinity ......
this is one of the most natural acts---you CAN"T deny it
No. It is not natural to sin. It is natural to be virtuous.

If it were natural to sin, then no one would rationalize that they didn't.
it is natural to ''sin''
No. It is a choice to sin.
no it isn't
You have no choice?

You have no control?

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