Is Jeb Your 1st Choice?

No Jeb is not my first choice...........

I also understand that Jeb Bush has more money than the rest combined, unless Trump pulls out his check book to press the issue.

Trump is a wild card, and sometimes wildcards win the hand..................but he's not status quo and the powers to be will do everything they can to stop his nomination....................

Leaving me still undecided....................too many candidates and still plenty of time.............................
Either he wins Iowa north Carolina Michigan and every other primary or he does not. Don't blame the powers that be blame the voters.

So you admit the GOP is corrupt?

And so far not one Republican is a staunch supporter of bush. That will change watch. As soon as your masters nominate him you'll go back to defending the bush name. Don't forget even jeb admitted his brother sucked.

Jeb will have to defend or throw his bro under the bus. Basically he will admit I was right about bush. He fucked up the economy and middle East.
I admit the system is rigged same as your party.......................................Your party slip is showing again, Mr. Liberal.
Look everyone! A Republicans going to admit something. Rarer than seeing a pussycat swallowtail.

Who is the system rigged in favor of?
You first...................You will not admit your side is corrupt as well...............
The rich? Yes I admit the rich own everything including our politicians. Both parties.

And these people do not care about the middle class. Correct?

Glad one Republican has finally admitted this.
Doesn't the GOP have a conservative version of Barrack Obama who's electable?

As if Obama has set some sort of barre? :lol:
Well you sure have tried. Young Paul Ryan. What stopped his rise to the top? Scott Walker? Bobby g? Marco Polo? Let's see one of them do what Obama and Clinton did twice. Bush had to steal Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.
Not even my third or fourth choice.

But you Dembulbs keep trying to pick the nominee 16 months out. Wishing doesn't count.

16 months out, in 2008, it was Hilderbeast against Rudolph.

And you jesters are still dancing for your lady in waiting
Not even my third or fourth choice.

But you Dembulbs keep trying to pick the nominee 16 months out. Wishing doesn't count.

16 months out, in 2008, it was Hilderbeast against Rudolph.

And you jesters are still dancing for your lady in waiting
Well lets see you talk among each other and we want to see you working it out. Instead you seem to be using our input to figure things out.
Our infiltrated globalist government controls the media who manufactures the polls to make it appear as if their hero Jeb is on top. I don't know very many people who really want Jeb as President either.

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