Zone1 Is Jesus God?

He inspired John 1:1 you can reject it I don't care
I dont reject John 1:1, There is no capitol G God in the last line in the Greek Lexicons. Its why at least 20 translations in history has a god. Rejected by trinity religions because that single error exposes them as false religions.
You're a JW aren't you?
Every true follower is. The teachings of Jesus in every translation on earth back the JW,s. Here is a super important one every true follower knows by heart already= Matt 6:33-Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his(YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)
I dont reject John 1:1, There is no capitol G God in the last line in the Greek Lexicons. Its why at least 20 translations in history has a god. Rejected by trinity religions because that single error exposes them as false religions.
Ues you reject it when you say God Jesus and the Holy Spirit aren't one in the same.
Every true follower is. The teachings of Jesus in every translation on earth back the JW,s. Here is a super important one every true follower knows by heart already= Matt 6:33-Keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his(YHVH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these things will be added( sustenance, covering, spirituality)
Wrong you're satans spawn
Where did you study Greek?
at least 20 translations in history has a god at John 1:1--1822 A Greek scholar( A. Kneeland) compared the Greek to English side by side in his NT translating to prove to the world a god was correct.
In the Lexicons at both John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4, 2 beings are called God-god-- So for the true God he is called Ton Theon at both spots, the other 2 are called Theon=god. The only word in Greek for either God or god is Theon, soto show the difference Ton preceded the true God. That translates-The God( Ton Theon) neither the word or satan was called that. Small g god means, has godlike qualities.
Wrong you're satans spawn
Says the darkness who fails to notice Gods view= A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand. They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.. They have had centuries what don't they understand about that simple bible milk-No division?
at least 20 translations in history has a god at John 1:1--1822 A Greek scholar( A. Kneeland) compared the Greek to English side by side in his NT translating to prove to the world a god was correct.
In the Lexicons at both John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4, 2 beings are called God-god-- So for the true God he is called Ton Theon at both spots, the other 2 are called Theon=god. The only word in Greek for either God or god is Theon, soto show the difference Ton preceded the true God. That translates-The God( Ton Theon) neither the word or satan was called that. Small g god means, has godlike qualities.
Bullshit. There are only a couple translations that say "a god". Go ahead and tell us the names of 20 translations that agree with you. Go ahead.
at least 20 translations in history has a god at John 1:1--1822 A Greek scholar( A. Kneeland) compared the Greek to English side by side in his NT translating to prove to the world a god was correct.
In the Lexicons at both John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4, 2 beings are called God-god-- So for the true God he is called Ton Theon at both spots, the other 2 are called Theon=god. The only word in Greek for either God or god is Theon, soto show the difference Ton preceded the true God. That translates-The God( Ton Theon) neither the word or satan was called that. Small g god means, has godlike qualities.

Where did you study Koine Greek?
Listen. I believe that you have tried to live your life to the best of your ability according to what you sincerely believed and was taught was the right way to understand the teaching of the Bible.

That being said I also believe that you have the honesty, love for Jesus , courage, humility, and self respect, to acknowledge mistakes and correct them. Don't feel bad about mistakes. Rejoice in knowing now what you never knew before and still have time, life, to serve God more perfectly

Just remember Lots wife. Rise from the dead, walk the straight and narrow armed with new knowledge understanding and renewed faith in the Truth revealed by Jesus, and never look back

You mistake me for someone else.

I have lived my life infinitely below the best of my ability.


How else am I able to defend mankind? How else am I able to defend myself?

I was never taught how to read the Bible. The Bible - every word - speaks to me. It lives, it breathes - it is The Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of Truth is within me and yes, I try, every day - to live according to truth.

“To love Jesus” as you proclaim - is to love myself.

Mistakes should be corrected - only if they are mistakes.

I repent deeply for the mistakes I have made and give thanks for the just punishments that I have received.

As far as Lot’s wife is concerned, I am here to turn stone into life.
Then let me break it down for you in terms easy enough for a second grade child to understand.

A. The consequence for sin is death, (a curse). True?

B. The first commandment forbids idolatry, (under penalty of death, a curse). True?

C. You worship a first century Jewish man, a human being, which is idolatrous. True?

D. Conclusion. You are dead. (if God is God) True?

Do the math! A+B+C = D.

Any questions?
Why so mean? Leave these children be.

Then let me break it down for you in terms easy enough for a second grade child to understand.

A. The consequence for sin is death, (a curse). True?

B. The first commandment forbids idolatry, (under penalty of death, a curse). True?

C. You worship a first century Jewish man, a human being, which is idolatrous. True?

D. Conclusion. You are dead. (if God is God) True?

Do the math! A+B+C = D.

Any questions?

A. No

B. No

C. No

D. No. I am life itself. (Surprise, surprise)

My only question is - now that I have answered you, do you have any questions?
How can they be one in the same? At Jesus baptism, God spoke from heaven, Jesus was on earth, The holy spirit descended like a dove.
How did God begin? GOD came to earth through his human. Born of a virgin. The Holy Spirit came from God. John 10:30 I and the Father are one.
Question who is the word?
Says the darkness who fails to notice Gods view= A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions) will not stand. They fail this true mark 100%=1Cor 1:10= Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division.. They have had centuries what don't they understand about that simple bible milk-No division?
Who is the Word?

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