Zone1 Is Jesus God?

There aren't 20. I can't look up what isn’t there. You're a liar.
I read the write up, along with A.kneelands( Greek scholar) Nt( 1822) where he compared Greek and English side by side to prove to the world a god was correct at John 1:1, it said 19 other translations had a god, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike.
Where did you study Koine Greek?
I didn't have to. My religion is lead by Jesus, he gives holy spirit to the ones taking the lead. His God and Father knows every language on earth better than any mortal. Holy spirit is all that is needed by the ones taking the lead to be guided into truth. Jesus promised the HS would guide his( teachers perse) into ALL truth.
All who can think for self reasonably will answer-NO to the question.

One greater than Jesus gave him all authority in heaven and on earth- Matt 28:18---Fact-God has always had the authority, none can give it to him.
One greater than Jesus gave him the judging duties-John 5:27--God was already judge.
God was king-1Chron 16:31--One greater than Jesus appointed him to a kingship( Dan 7:13-15)--But then Jesus must hand back the kingdom( 1Cor 15:24-28) to his God and Father and subject himself---God is in subjection to no one.
Jesus and his real teachers teach Jesus has a God=his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, Eph 1:3, Col 1:3--1Pet 1:3) God does not have a God.
Jesus teaches he can do 0 of his own( John 5:19, 30)--God did all the powerful works-THROUGH-Jesus( Acts 2:22, 1 Cor 8:5-6)--God created all things-99.9% -THROUGH- Jesus( Col 1:16)--He created Jesus first and last direct=The firstborn of all creation( Col 1:15) The only begotten son.

There is no capitol G God to the word at John 1:1 in the Greek lexicons- The true God called-Ton Theon=God, the word called Theon=god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon as 2 Cor 4:4 clearly shows, its why there is a difference. translating works the same at both spots.

All being mislead into worshipping a non existent trinity created at the councils of Catholicism are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Not somewhere one wants to be standing.---Think about these facts, God warned all-GET OUT OF HER.

Clue, there is no invisible man in the sky.
How did God begin? GOD came to earth through his human. Born of a virgin. The Holy Spirit came from God. John 10:30 I and the Father are one.
Question who is the word?
John 17:3 teaches-The only true God-SENT Jesus, thus The only true God did not come to earth.
I read the write up, along with A.kneelands( Greek scholar) Nt( 1822) where he compared Greek and English side by side to prove to the world a god was correct at John 1:1, it said 19 other translations had a god, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike.
Ok, so name the 19 other translations
So if Jesus is the word
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I told you in the Greek lexicons, the true God is called Ton Theon=The God- while the word is called Theon= god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon like it is at 2 Cor 4:4 and John 1:1-- The great apostasy( 2Thess2:3) = Catholicism created a trinity God at their councils and have mislead billions for centuries. No protestant religion fixed it.
All serving that non existent God are being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily-like this 2Cor 11:12-15)
It takes believing Jesus over error-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
I told you in the Greek lexicons, the true God is called Ton Theon=The God- while the word is called Theon= god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon like it is at 2 Cor 4:4 and John 1:1-- The great apostasy( 2Thess2:3) = Catholicism created a trinity God at their councils and have mislead billions for centuries. No protestant religion fixed it.
All serving that non existent God are being mislead into breaking Gods#1 commandment daily-like this-2Cor 11:12-15)
Ok, so name the 19 other translations
I don't need to. Its you who need to be like the Bereans and make sure of all things. Its you who are responsible before God to do just that. I am not responsible for you. You alone, all by yourself will stand before the seat of judgement.
Look up-- bibles in history with a god at John 1:1--its that simple in 2024.
All serving that non existent God are being mislead into breaking Gods#1 commandment daily-like this-2Cor 11:12-15)

I don't need to. Its you who need to be like the Bereans and make sure of all things. Its you who are responsible before God to do just that. I am not responsible for you. You alone, all by yourself will stand before the seat of judgement.
Look up-- bibles in history with a god at John 1:1--its that simple in 2024.
Yes, you most certainly do need to. Otherwise, I can't believe what you tell me. Scripture tells me to prove all things. You made the claim. I'm not your secretary.
All serving that non existent God are being mislead into breaking Gods#1 commandment daily-like this-2Cor 11:12-15)

I don't need to. Its you who need to be like the Bereans and make sure of all things. Its you who are responsible before God to do just that. I am not responsible for you. You alone, all by yourself will stand before the seat of judgement.
Look up-- bibles in history with a god at John 1:1--its that simple in 2024.
Yes, you most certainly do need to. Otherwise, I can't believe what you tell me. Scripture tells me to prove all things. You made the claim. I'm not your secretary.
Its your eternal life on the line. Best be like the Bereans, after all eternal life has more value than all the wealth combined on earth a gazillion times over. It would take you a whole 2 minutes of your life to check.
In the Greek lexicons, the true God is called Ton Theon= The God at John 1:1 and 2 Cor 4:4--The only 2 spots in NT where another is called Theon=god when in the same paragraph with Ton Theon. This is fact, you best check.
Its your eternal life on the line. Best be like the Bereans, after all eternal life has more value than all the wealth combined on earth a gazillion times over. It would take you a whole 2 minutes of your life to check.
My eternal life is already taken care of. The reason I do this is to help you get out of your cult that only leads to eternal darkness.

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