Is Jesus the Word of God?

Jesus is the embodiment of the word of God for man to see and the Word of God is indifferent from God Himself.
I thought Jesus was God.
So many christians say despite there being no mention of it in the new testament.
We are commanded to worship Jesus and call Him LORD! We are told not to worship anyone but GOD! Jesus must be GOD!
Jesus Created everything! GOD is the CREATOR! Jesus must be GOD!
Then why did the jesus character specifically claim to NOT be god?
Please show me where in the Bible that Jesus says He is not GOD.

"But go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and their Father; My God and their God." John 20:17

By saying that his God is our God Jesus effectively eliminated any possibility that he either claimed to be God or thought of himself as God.
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Did Jesus create the Father?
Why would you think that?

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are consubstantial as in of the same substance or essence.
I'm always fascinated by athiests. They claim to believe that there is no God,

OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.

Please, moron, you go right on ahead and PROVE to me there is no God, when I know there is! PROVE to us that the cosmic manifestation is just here and that nothing caused or brought it about! That nothing initiated its formation or supplied the materials to its formation or guided its nature! I can't wait to see what your 9 year old mentality whips up! Even Professor Hawking, an avowed atheist, readily conceded that the universe HAD A CAUSE.

You do not know there is proof because there is none period and that is fact.

i did prove there is no god but you are simply wrong.

Cause does not mean intelligent creator you fool.
I'm always fascinated by athiests. They claim to believe that there is no God,

OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.
How exactly do you prove there is no God?

The only knowledge you have of any god comes from ancient mythological books which we can prove are fictional.

Anything else is simply something you imagine.

Gee, you are even more ignorant than first thought.
Far less than you and i am correct.
I never have been and you would lose there as you have here.
Can you walk the talk?
Already have.

You know you have lost and been badly schooled
I'll create the thread and send you an invite.

If you don't show, then we will know. Right?
I have no idea what you are babbling about bullrings are entertainment in mexico.

The fact is you lost badly and you know it you are the only one hear who is afraid
Are you making an excuse for not showing up?
No excuse needed yuou got pwned and moving to another thread will not change that.

Whatever you have to argue with can be shredded and proven wrong here and it has been
I'm always fascinated by athiests. They claim to believe that there is no God,

OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.

Please, moron, you go right on ahead and PROVE to me there is no God, when I know there is! PROVE to us that the cosmic manifestation is just here and that nothing caused or brought it about! That nothing initiated its formation or supplied the materials to its formation or guided its nature! I can't wait to see what your 9 year old mentality whips up! Even Professor Hawking, an avowed atheist, readily conceded that the universe HAD A CAUSE.

You do not know there is proof because there is none period and that is fact.

i did prove there is no god but you are simply wrong.

Cause does not mean intelligent creator you fool.
You're barely literate.
I'm always fascinated by athiests. They claim to believe that there is no God,

OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.

Please, moron, you go right on ahead and PROVE to me there is no God, when I know there is! PROVE to us that the cosmic manifestation is just here and that nothing caused or brought it about! That nothing initiated its formation or supplied the materials to its formation or guided its nature! I can't wait to see what your 9 year old mentality whips up! Even Professor Hawking, an avowed atheist, readily conceded that the universe HAD A CAUSE.

You do not know there is proof because there is none period and that is fact.

i did prove there is no god but you are simply wrong.

Cause does not mean intelligent creator you fool.
You're barely literate.
Smarter than you and proven so.

Go get corcted and schooled by your betters somewhere else you are a waste of bandwidth
OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.

Please, moron, you go right on ahead and PROVE to me there is no God, when I know there is! PROVE to us that the cosmic manifestation is just here and that nothing caused or brought it about! That nothing initiated its formation or supplied the materials to its formation or guided its nature! I can't wait to see what your 9 year old mentality whips up! Even Professor Hawking, an avowed atheist, readily conceded that the universe HAD A CAUSE.

You do not know there is proof because there is none period and that is fact.

i did prove there is no god but you are simply wrong.

Cause does not mean intelligent creator you fool.
You're barely literate.
Smarter than you and proven so.

Go get corcted and schooled by your betters somewhere else you are a waste of bandwidth
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.

Please, moron, you go right on ahead and PROVE to me there is no God, when I know there is! PROVE to us that the cosmic manifestation is just here and that nothing caused or brought it about! That nothing initiated its formation or supplied the materials to its formation or guided its nature! I can't wait to see what your 9 year old mentality whips up! Even Professor Hawking, an avowed atheist, readily conceded that the universe HAD A CAUSE.

You do not know there is proof because there is none period and that is fact.

i did prove there is no god but you are simply wrong.

Cause does not mean intelligent creator you fool.
You're barely literate.
Smarter than you and proven so.

Go get corcted and schooled by your betters somewhere else you are a waste of bandwidth
Wrong you are the troll projecting on others.

Trolls do not make factual arguments as i did.

Those who are trolls lose arguments as you and the other believers have and then whine about it.

You have been schooled deal with it boy.
If the universe is expanding then it must have a beginning. If you follow it backwards in time, then any object must come to a boundary of space time. You cannot continue that history indefinitely.

BBT is cyclical, the finite angle of trajectory, expansion recoalesces all matter at the same time to progress to a new singularity.
Surely the word of God is whoever decides to believe the person speaking is the word of God.
There aren't too many people that did what Jesus did. Can you think of any?
There aren't too many people that did what Jesus did.

that is not true,

View attachment 184062

it was prevalent before that individual and has been repeated since that time to this day - and has been perpetuated by the same people throughout history, done so through the collective deception used as religion circumventing the truths those that have died for from ever flourishing which Jesus is but only one example.

justice has yet to be exacted and will not be as long as the fraudulent desert religions and others are perpetuated.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that

and you could care less about the countless others, persecuted by your religion the same as was done to Jesus being the reality you hope to avoid by denying their accomplishments as being the same.

in the end, Jesus died as the others in glory and it is the fabrications of your religion, the desert religions that are responsible to this day.

Wow, your post is scary.
you fear recorded history ...
Please show me where in the Bible that Jesus says He is not GOD.

the "bible" is a 4th century forged document, what other source do you have that corroborates your belief Jesus claimed to be a living deity ... if they made the claim they would have been compelled to demonstrate the fact during their trial otherwise Jesus would be guilty of false witness - Jesus's defense was he made no claim. they sentenced him to death anyway.
I thought Jesus was God.
So many christians say despite there being no mention of it in the new testament.
We are commanded to worship Jesus and call Him LORD! We are told not to worship anyone but GOD! Jesus must be GOD!
Jesus Created everything! GOD is the CREATOR! Jesus must be GOD!
Then why did the jesus character specifically claim to NOT be god?
Please show me where in the Bible that Jesus says He is not GOD.

"But go and tell my brothers that I am ascending to my Father and their Father; My God and their God." John 20:17

By saying that his God is our God Jesus effectively eliminated any possibility that he either claimed to be God or thought of himself as God.
I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God;
God was Jesus' Father, not by creation, as GOD is to angels, and the souls of men, and therefore is called the Father of spirits; nor by adoption, as he is to the saints; nor with respect to the incarnation of Christ, for, as man, Jesus was not sired; or with regard to Jesus' position as Mediator, for as such Jesus was a servant, and not a Son. However, GOD was Jesus' Father by nature (meaning with regard to his divine person) being begotten of him, and so His own proper Son, and GOD his own proper Father; which hold forth the natural and eternal sonship of Christ (Jesus' equality with the Father and distinction from Him) and God was the Father of Christ's disciples by adopting grace, in virtue of the covenant of grace made with Christ, and through their spiritual relation to Christ, as the natural and eternal Son of God.

God the Father is the God of Christ as man, who prepared, formed, anointed, supported, and glorified Jesus' human nature; and in yjsy nature, Jesus prayed to the Father as His God. Jesus believed, loved and obeyed the Father as such; wherefore the Jews very wrongly infers from this that Jesus is not God, because the God of Israel was His God; since this is spoken of Jesus as He is man. And the Father was the God of Christ's disciples, in and by the covenant of grace made with Christ, as their head and representative; so that their interest in God, as their covenant God and Father, was founded upon the Father being the God and Father of Christ, and their relation to, and concern with Him; and which therefore must be firm and lasting, and will hold as long as God is the God and Father of Christ: this was good news to be brought to his disciples; which, as it carried the strongest marks of affection, and expressions of nearness of relation; and implied, that Jesus was now risen from the dead; so it signified, that Jesus should ascend to God, who stood in the same relation to them, as to the Father; when Jesus should use all His interest and influence on their behalf, whilst they were on earth; and when the proper time was come for a remove, that they might be with Jesus, and with His God and Father and theirs, where they would be to all eternity.
There aren't too many people that did what Jesus did. Can you think of any?
There aren't too many people that did what Jesus did.

that is not true,

View attachment 184062

it was prevalent before that individual and has been repeated since that time to this day - and has been perpetuated by the same people throughout history, done so through the collective deception used as religion circumventing the truths those that have died for from ever flourishing which Jesus is but only one example.

justice has yet to be exacted and will not be as long as the fraudulent desert religions and others are perpetuated.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that

and you could care less about the countless others, persecuted by your religion the same as was done to Jesus being the reality you hope to avoid by denying their accomplishments as being the same.

in the end, Jesus died as the others in glory and it is the fabrications of your religion, the desert religions that are responsible to this day.

Wow, your post is scary.
you fear recorded history ...

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

No, what I fear are people who will see whatever they want to see and be completely and utterly devoid of logic.

"Jesus died as the others in glory"

Did he? What does that even mean? How can you die in glory? It's the sort of thing that people who didn't die say in order to use someone's death for political purposes.
that is not true,

View attachment 184062

it was prevalent before that individual and has been repeated since that time to this day - and has been perpetuated by the same people throughout history, done so through the collective deception used as religion circumventing the truths those that have died for from ever flourishing which Jesus is but only one example.

justice has yet to be exacted and will not be as long as the fraudulent desert religions and others are perpetuated.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that

and you could care less about the countless others, persecuted by your religion the same as was done to Jesus being the reality you hope to avoid by denying their accomplishments as being the same.

in the end, Jesus died as the others in glory and it is the fabrications of your religion, the desert religions that are responsible to this day.

Wow, your post is scary.
you fear recorded history ...

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

No, what I fear are people who will see whatever they want to see and be completely and utterly devoid of logic.

"Jesus died as the others in glory"

Did he? What does that even mean? How can you die in glory? It's the sort of thing that people who didn't die say in order to use someone's death for political purposes.
You're biblically illiterate. That's okay because I also at one time didn't have a clue. Keep hanging around the river and you'll fall in some day.
that is not true,

View attachment 184062

it was prevalent before that individual and has been repeated since that time to this day - and has been perpetuated by the same people throughout history, done so through the collective deception used as religion circumventing the truths those that have died for from ever flourishing which Jesus is but only one example.

justice has yet to be exacted and will not be as long as the fraudulent desert religions and others are perpetuated.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that

and you could care less about the countless others, persecuted by your religion the same as was done to Jesus being the reality you hope to avoid by denying their accomplishments as being the same.

in the end, Jesus died as the others in glory and it is the fabrications of your religion, the desert religions that are responsible to this day.

Wow, your post is scary.
you fear recorded history ...

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

No, what I fear are people who will see whatever they want to see and be completely and utterly devoid of logic.

"Jesus died as the others in glory"

Did he? What does that even mean? How can you die in glory? It's the sort of thing that people who didn't die say in order to use someone's death for political purposes.
"Jesus died as the others in glory"

reread the post, the others were the subject matter not Jesus - and yes they have all been victims and died in glory.

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

the premise was from the late 4th century to the present day ... the history of those that have adhered to the 10,000 pg forged political document disguised as a religion.

you haven't explained what was scary, just curious.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that.
I was referring to the miracles and healings Jesus performed. No one in history has accomplished that. Only the power of God could do that

and you could care less about the countless others, persecuted by your religion the same as was done to Jesus being the reality you hope to avoid by denying their accomplishments as being the same.

in the end, Jesus died as the others in glory and it is the fabrications of your religion, the desert religions that are responsible to this day.

Wow, your post is scary.
you fear recorded history ...

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

No, what I fear are people who will see whatever they want to see and be completely and utterly devoid of logic.

"Jesus died as the others in glory"

Did he? What does that even mean? How can you die in glory? It's the sort of thing that people who didn't die say in order to use someone's death for political purposes.
"Jesus died as the others in glory"

reread the post, the others were the subject matter not Jesus - and yes they have all been victims and died in glory.

Recorded history? The Bible wasn't even written at the time of the events.

the premise was from the late 4th century to the present day ... the history of those that have adhered to the 10,000 pg forged political document disguised as a religion.

you haven't explained what was scary, just curious.

No, sorry, I'm not going to re-read the post, it's more than I can take.

I did explain what was scary, people who write such nonsense is scary.
OF COURSE there is a God. No one can dispute that. God is the original cause that brought about the world (universe). Everything must have a cause. What is at debate but so often misconstrued by most people is whether God is personal (conscious, living, intelligent) or impersonal (and object or force or effect). The Personalist believes that things like wisdom, compassion and love must come from a fount of infinite wisdom, compassion and love, whereas the Impersonalist wants to think that it was all simply a matter of random chance and infinite rolls of a dice. BOTH are true. The universe came from a roll of the dice, but there are MANY universes and many sets of dice and God in his infinite wisdom, compassion and love---- made them all. :D
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.
How exactly do you prove there is no God?

The only knowledge you have of any god comes from ancient mythological books which we can prove are fictional.

Anything else is simply something you imagine.

Gee, you are even more ignorant than first thought.
Far less than you and i am correct.
No. Now go back to your minimum wage paying job.
Anyone can dispute it and even prove there is no god.
How exactly do you prove there is no God?

The only knowledge you have of any god comes from ancient mythological books which we can prove are fictional.

Anything else is simply something you imagine.

Gee, you are even more ignorant than first thought.
Far less than you and i am correct.
No. Now go back to your minimum wage paying job.
Says the guy who works at McDonald’s.
How exactly do you prove there is no God?

The only knowledge you have of any god comes from ancient mythological books which we can prove are fictional.

Anything else is simply something you imagine.

Gee, you are even more ignorant than first thought.
Far less than you and i am correct.
No. Now go back to your minimum wage paying job.
Says the guy who works at McDonald’s.
Says the guy who posts under multiple accounts.

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