Is Kamala Harris Black?

Since Kamala Harris made a spectacle of herself last night with Creepy Joe, I started wondering just how "black" she is. She's brought scrutiny on herself by basing almost her entire platform for the presidency on race, claiming victimhood and championing everything from reparations for slavery to every form of special treatment imaginable for negroes. So the question Kamala Harris black, and the answer is, she's not even dark complected: :eusa_naughty:


She's half Jamaican and half India indian. She didn't grow up in the hardscrabble streets of Oakland, but in Montreal. Her parents were both college professors and although they divorced when she was young, she never wanted for anything. She has straight hair, an anglo nose, thin lips and a white husband. So the only conclusion possible is that she's "black" when it's convenient for her political career and white for her social life.

Kamala Harris - Wikipedia
That’s cool

Trump was born in Jamaica too
See the problem with rightwinger is his lefty buddies fall for this shit.....Trump was born in Queens, so rightwinger is technically correct, but he's trying to fool people and is a lie by omission........Jamaica is a section on Queens that Trump was born in.......Not the island......nice try rightwinger..

Jamaica queens is a shithole. I doubt very much he was born there.

no he grew up there and it wasn't a shithole then......and he was born in Jamaica Hospital.

He didn't like uppity american black women so he married a submissive Indian woman! smart guy. Her campaign slogan should be :Overindulged one shade from white disingenuous unrepentant reverse racist for President !At least it would be the truth, Which she has a real problem with.
I'm not a fan of Harris. But your definition of 'Black' is really weird.

Oh okay....for a minute there I thought you were disputing the fact she passes for white until it's not politically expedient...nothing new there. The type used to be called "high brown" or in Mississippi "high yella". The type also usually keeps a low-profile so as not to expose themselves to what you're seeing here.

To me 'Black' is kind of a meaningless term. No one is actually black.

So if anything it means 'not Caucasian'.

I have a young lady that works for me. Her skin tone is as black as the ace of spades. Her parents were from India. She is black and Caucasian, dumbass!
Since Kamala Harris made a spectacle of herself last night with Creepy Joe, I started wondering just how "black" she is. She's brought scrutiny on herself by basing almost her entire platform for the presidency on race, claiming victimhood and championing everything from reparations for slavery to every form of special treatment imaginable for negroes. So the question Kamala Harris black, and the answer is, she's not even dark complected: :eusa_naughty:


She's half Jamaican and half India indian. She didn't grow up in the hardscrabble streets of Oakland, but in Montreal. Her parents were both college professors and although they divorced when she was young, she never wanted for anything. She has straight hair, an anglo nose, thin lips and a white husband. So the only conclusion possible is that she's "black" when it's convenient for her political career and white for her social life.

Kamala Harris - Wikipedia
This identity politics is important to donnie's deplorables.

Exactly…why would it matter if she was black or not?
I have a young lady that works for me. Her skin tone is as black as the ace of spades. Her parents were from India. She is black and Caucasian, dumbass!

You're unemployed...nobody works for you....dumbass!


Learn to pronounce

adjective: South Caucasian; adjective: North Caucasian

  1. 1.
    North American
    white-skinned; of European origin.
    "twenty of the therapists were Caucasian, two were African American, and two were Hispanic"
    • dated
      relating to one of the traditional divisions of humankind, covering a broad group of peoples from Europe, western Asia, and parts of India and North Africa.
      adjective: Caucasian
  2. 2.
    relating to the Caucasus.
  3. 3.
    relating to or denoting a group of languages spoken in the region of the Caucasus, of which thirty-eight are known, many not committed to writing. The most widely spoken is Georgian, of the small South Caucasian family, not related to the three North Caucasian families.
noun: Caucasian; plural noun: Caucasians

  1. 1.
    North American
    a white person; a person of European origin.
    "the man is described as being a 50-year-old Caucasian with a full head of graying hair"
  2. 2.
    a person from the Caucasus.
    "the Caucasians of Southern Russia"
And here we go again......CRC identity politics. There's something quite funny about Righties going on about identity politics while parsing the race of Democrat candidates. Anyone wonder why?
She's an anchor baby. Her parents were both here on visa's and neither were citizens when she was born here.

Her great great grand parents ran a plantation and owned slaves in Jamaica.
Very interesting! The only right thing to do is for Kamala to pay reparations to atone for her family's slave ownership. After all ,a slave is a slave whether they are in America or Jamaica. Lead by example Kamala!
And here we go again......CRC identity politics. There's something quite funny about Righties going on about identity politics while parsing the race of Democrat candidates. Anyone wonder why?

I already smacked you for projecting identity politics on conservatives...are you a masochist?
Trump actually stood up for Biden in his press conference in Japan. What Harris did was planned in advance and staged. She's not black, is a hideous woman and will never be the nominee. There are undoubtedly enough skeletons rattling around in her closet to be rid of her before the end of the year.
She's an anchor baby. Her parents were both here on visa's and neither were citizens when she was born here.

Her great great grand parents ran a plantation and owned slaves in Jamaica.
Very interesting! The only right thing to do is for Kamala to pay reparations to atone for her family's slave ownership. After all ,a slave is a slave whether they are in America or Jamaica. Lead by example Kamala!
I'm sure her husband is Paying everyday.
I'm not a fan of Harris. But your definition of 'Black' is really weird.

Oh okay....for a minute there I thought you were disputing the fact she passes for white until it's not politically expedient...nothing new there. The type used to be called "high brown" or in Mississippi "high yella". The type also usually keeps a low-profile so as not to expose themselves to what you're seeing here.

To me 'Black' is kind of a meaningless term. No one is actually black.

So if anything it means 'not Caucasian'.

I have a young lady that works for me. Her skin tone is as black as the ace of spades. Her parents were from India. She is black and Caucasian, dumbass!

Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    white-skinned; of European origin.
    "twenty of the therapists were Caucasian, two were African American, and two were Hispanic"
  2. 2.
    relating to the Caucasus.
  1. 1.
    a white person; a person of European origin.
    "the man is described as being a 50-year-old Caucasian with a full head of graying hair"
  2. 2.
    a person from the Caucasus.
    "the Caucasians of Southern Russia"
I won't hold my breath waiting for your apology. That would be way too classy for you.
I won't hold my breath waiting for your apology. That would be way too classy for you.

Apologize for crushing your silly comments? Maybe I should but I won' will never grow without the pain of defeat...pain is a good teacher, grasshopper.
And here we go again......CRC identity politics. There's something quite funny about Righties going on about identity politics while parsing the race of Democrat candidates. Anyone wonder why?
It actually starts from your Saul Alinsky pawns that give you your morning talking points via Prog Pravda.
She looks like she could be Bozo The Clown's sister! :abgg2q.jpg:

She's on her way to prison for not reporting income to her welfare status....she's dumb as a coon but that's the only similarity. :lol:

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