Is Mother Russia Doomed


Apr 22, 2007
(1) Shrinking population:
High Death Rate + High Abortion Rate + Low Birth Rate + Low Immigration Rate = A rapidly shrinking population!

Population Decline in Russia
Russia's population peaked in the early 1990s (at the time of the end of the Soviet Union) with about 148 million people in the country. Today, Russia's population is approximately 143 million. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Russia's population will decline from the current 143 million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease of more than 20%.

The primary causes of Russia's population decrease and loss of about 700,000 to 800,000 citizens each year are a high death rate, low birth rate, high rate of abortions, and a low level of immigration.

(2) Low Birth Rate: 1.3 children per family is FAR below the replacement rate of 2.1,

Birth rate - Country Comparison

(3) One of the worst AIDS epidemics in the world. Rivals even Africa!!! Now-a-days with certain strains of the disease patients can live longer with the right drugs. Russia doesn't have nor can they afford these drugs. Most Russian with HIV don't have the resources to obtain these drugs.
Articles: Russia's AIDS Epidemic: It's America's Fault (of Course)

(4) Russia economy is dependent on oil! Within the next 10 years we will see a rise of alternative energy and Russia's economy wil collaspe, like it did after the Soviet Union collasped. You think that will increase or decrease the birth rate, abortion rate and immigration!

International Spotlight: Russia

(5) Muslim Growing Population -
Native Christian White Population shrinking and the Muslim population is rapidly growing. Right now muslims make up 10-20% depending on who you are talking to. Muslims are billigerent and clash with the white Christian population. As they grow larger this clash of cultures will get worse. Muslims could make up 40% of the population in out lifetime. Expect a economy killing secular civil war.

Russia is in trouble. Their economy is based off a resource the world is seeking to move away from, they have a tiny birth rate, with HIGH death and abortion rate, they have little immigration and the Muslim population will cause problems (like they do everywhere else). They are in big big trouble!

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