Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback?

Commercial nuclear power is the only major U.S. industry that was not born out of the desire to make a profit. The first nuclear power plants were designed by government and academic engineers with no regard for how much the plants would cost, and every regard for the safety of the public. Every nuclear power plant goes through constant checking and testing, both according to internal and government rules and regulations. The "state of the art" in nuclear power plants is constantly evolving to be safer than before.

The events of Fukushima and the way that plant went down were a "perfect storm" of poor site selection, the juxtaposition of extraordinarily rare events, and the least safe design (GE-BWR) in the western world. It COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED anywhere in the U.S. or western Europe.

The non-problem of storage of spend fuel (aka "nuclear waste") can be laid squarely at the feet of Harry Reid. Look it up. Yucca Mountain.

Don;t forget Jimmy Carter stopping the reprocessing of spent fuel rods...done elsewhere, reduces waste by about 70%.
This is a technology whose time never came and was forced on the gullible by the avaricious.
We don't need it and I most sincerely hope the people continue to reject it categorically.

No matter how many times you regurgitate the same old bullshit, it is still bullshit. Are you a sock for Silly?
The current system works fine. The only time there was an issue was TMI, and again, that was made worse when people did the wrong thing for over 16 hours.

As long as regulators are involved (an Nuclear regulation is an example of good regulation, not over regulation) leave it to the utilities.

Don't forget: TMI was so terrible that...the plant is still running! Yes, Unit One at Three Mile Island is STILL OPERATING!
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.
Do they produce radioactive waste and require mining of radioactive materials?

Then we must nip them in the bud. Unless you think our civilization will last for 200,000 more years to babysit the waste. From what I've seen on the news, we'll be lucky if we're still around in 50 years..
Libtards are against all forms of power generation, if they had their way the human species would be eradicated from the planet.
There is no alternate energy nor is there a slim chance that Nuclear or Hydroelectric or fossil fuel energy can be replaced. Forlorn windmills dotting the American landscape is an image of failure rather than success. When the Barry Hussein administration tried to play the international politics game and force the price of gas down to punish the Russian Federation it worked for a while but the Russians got mad and typically the Hussein administration caved and gas prices came up. The dirty little secret that the radical libs should be aware of is that the country that controls oil is the big dealer.Why else would left wing hypocrites in pop-culture and hollywood kiss the asses of the saudi princes who finance the degradation of American society?
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.
If Al Gore and other liberal's have their way...YES.
All we need is for something to go wrong and it's a disaster....
And if nothing goes wrong what do we do with the spent fuel rods?
Bury them somewhere and hope we picked a good place....
They will be fine after a few hundred thousand years...

They can be recycled with about a 75% recovery rate, that reduces storage requirements.
All we need is for something to go wrong and it's a disaster....
And if nothing goes wrong what do we do with the spent fuel rods?
Bury them somewhere and hope we picked a good place....
They will be fine after a few hundred thousand years...

Kind of what we're doing with the coal we're burning...putting it out into the atmosphere and letting it pollute the air and hope we're not inhaling it.
Just waiting for that next 'surprise', that all those big brains have no solution for.
If what is said is dangerous to nukers' promotion of this technology, then I am happy.

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