Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback?

What language is being translated into what other language? It certainly has nothing to do with English.
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

Impression nuclear power is making a comeback is only due to the energy companies buying off the media ones so they don't cover Fukushima any more. But Fukushima is still a major problem leaking radiation into the Pacific and vicinity.

"Dr. Helen Caldicott, co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, writes that Fukushima is literally a time bomb in dormancy and right now the situation is totally out of control.

According to Dr. Caldicott, “It’s still possible that Tokyo may have to be evacuated, depending upon how things go.”

The highest radiation detected in the Tokyo Metro area was in Saitama with cesium radiation levels detected at 919,000 Becquerel (Bq) per square meter, a level almost twice as high as Chernobyl’s ‘permanent dead zone evacuation limit of 500,000 Bq’, media reported."

Yay nuclear energy! :/
Nukers won't accept that the dangers are unacceptable.
They won't accept that alternatives are attractive and exciting.
Their obsession with this technology is incomprehensible. There is a real resistance to change for the better.
Nukers won't accept that the dangers are unacceptable.
They won't accept that alternatives are attractive and exciting.
Their obsession with this technology is incomprehensible. There is a real resistance to change for the better.
what's attractive and exciting about 100 year old plus technology?
About that 100 year old technology.....

The sooner we can get back to 200 year old technology the sooner we'll have full employment. Outlaw electricity entirely and there'll be lots of jobs and a lot fewer people.

How would that NOT "Save The Planet"?
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

Impression nuclear power is making a comeback is only due to the energy companies buying off the media ones so they don't cover Fukushima any more. But Fukushima is still a major problem leaking radiation into the Pacific and vicinity.

"Dr. Helen Caldicott, co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, writes that Fukushima is literally a time bomb in dormancy and right now the situation is totally out of control.

According to Dr. Caldicott, “It’s still possible that Tokyo may have to be evacuated, depending upon how things go.”

The highest radiation detected in the Tokyo Metro area was in Saitama with cesium radiation levels detected at 919,000 Becquerel (Bq) per square meter, a level almost twice as high as Chernobyl’s ‘permanent dead zone evacuation limit of 500,000 Bq’, media reported."

Yay nuclear energy! :/
I believe the problem is where it was situated. Japan build a 30 foot wall in case of tsunami. The earthquake dropped the land the wall was on by 15 feet. The tsunami was 30 feet high.
The biggest disaster the world will see for a thousand years will be when the Three Gouges Dam in China finally fails. It was built to withstand an earthquake of something like 7.5 and has already been hit by 7.2 which has left the dam covered in cracks. Look at the major cities down stream from the dam. Many of the largest tsunami's have been created by landslides. Not only will the cities be washed away, but it's failure will also create an enormous tsunami. And the ocean for thousands of miles will be heavily polluted. It's not "if" but "when".
Who is talking about saving the planet? There is no such thing as 'saving the planet', only 'saving what we like from what we don't like'.

But this is another thread.
Who is talking about saving the planet? There is no such thing as 'saving the planet', only 'saving what we like from what we don't like'.

But this is another thread.
As long as we only have one planet, we have to save it. Anything else is suicide. And hint "God ain't gonna help".
Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

More leftist bigotry. Why do you give a shit what race someone you work for is?
All we need is for something to go wrong and it's a disaster....
And if nothing goes wrong what do we do with the spent fuel rods?
Bury them somewhere and hope we picked a good place....
They will be fine after a few hundred thousand years...

Kind of what we're doing with the coal we're burning...putting it out into the atmosphere and letting it pollute the air and hope we're not inhaling it.

How many people have died from coal pollution in the last 50 years?
How many have died from radioactive poisoning related to accidents and uranium mining?
Libtards are against all forms of power generation, if they had their way the human species would be eradicated from the planet.
I think solar thermal hybrid plants are pretty cool.
Are those the ones that fry millions of birds every year?

LOL, my liberal sister quit the Sierra club because of their obsession with bird deaths in the energy industry. She was pretty active, was treasurer of her chapter at one point. But given that energy (windmills, etc.) were nowhere on the list of top reasons for bird deaths, she thought they had better things to focus their attention on. They disagreed
All we need is for something to go wrong and it's a disaster....
And if nothing goes wrong what do we do with the spent fuel rods?
Bury them somewhere and hope we picked a good place....
They will be fine after a few hundred thousand years...

Kind of what we're doing with the coal we're burning...putting it out into the atmosphere and letting it pollute the air and hope we're not inhaling it.

We're not "hoping" anything. The amount of pollution any single person inhales from coal plants is almost indistinguishable from zero.

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