Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback?

Radical nukers continue to push for continuation of the lies about their technology. What makes them so adamant? It is as if they were being paid.
Hopefully, the successful campaign to halt nukes will continue.
Sorry to burst your bubble, after like a 30 year absence two New nuke plants were built.
Nuclear power is good news if it is done safely, but issues still remain over researching and building safer reactors; and then the pressing issue of storing vast amounts of waste till reactors exist that can re-use fuel.

There are no remaining issues. There are only radical environmentalist who will never stop attacking nuclear power.
Even though I'm for nuclear power because of all the strides in modernization, I know that right winger tards are only for it because they think it will hurt the environment. They have no idea how a nuclear reactor works or how the electricity is produced by it. They think the world is only 6,000 years old.
Nuclear power is good news if it is done safely, but issues still remain over researching and building safer reactors; and then the pressing issue of storing vast amounts of waste till reactors exist that can re-use fuel.

There are no remaining issues. There are only radical environmentalist who will never stop attacking nuclear power.
Even though I'm for nuclear power because of all the strides in modernization, I know that right winger tards are only for it because they think it will hurt the environment. They have no idea how a nuclear reactor works or how the electricity is produced by it. They think the world is only 6,000 years old.

Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to 325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

More leftist bigotry. Why do you give a shit what race someone you work for is?
Then why give a shit if talented immigrants come to this country when Republicans are too stupid, lazy and are unqualified for the jobs they feel they are protecting?

You're ranting and not making any sense. Republicans don't block educated immigrants, Democrats do. Democrats want uneducated voters, er, immigrants. A wild guess, you don't work in business or technology, do you, Sparky?
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to

325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

Lets hope they're coming back. Its cost effective, reliable, and air pollution free. Plus no carbon emissions.

There's the nuclear waste problem. But we're already stuck with it. So its not like refusing to build any more nuclear plant makes that go away.

If we're already fucked regarding nuclear waste, why not increase the benefit to balance out the cost?
Is Nuclear Power On The Verge Of A Big Comeback

The group's analysis found projects in 20 states and three Canadian provinces, with many creating advanced reactors that are "safer, more efficient and need a fraction of the footprint" of current nuclear plants.

The advances include the use of innovative fuels and coolants, as well as "staggering" growth in nuclear fusion — rather than fission — technology.
It's gonna take a lot of nuclear engineers. Republicans work hard to cut education and safety regulations. Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65 000 to

325 000 annually. So a lot of Republicans will have bosses named Jose and Rajen.

Lets hope they're coming back. Its cost effective, reliable, and air pollution free. Plus no carbon emissions.

Or we could elect Rick Perry and let him make the Mexico Border a dead zone.

There's the nuclear waste problem. But we're already stuck with it. So its not like refusing to build any more nuclear plant makes that go away.

If we're already fucked regarding nuclear waste, why not increase the benefit to balance out the cost?
Mississippi or Arkansas will take it for money anyway. Or we could elect Rick Perry and he'd probably use it all to make the Mexico border a zone of radioactive death.
"Come-back" = set-back, but pro-nukers will be thrilled. Impossible to understand their passion for this technology.
Ask Denmark Germany and Australia why they have to subsidize their "green energy" with nuclear and coal.

Cuz green energy doesn't work is too expensive and is literally killing human beings from not being able to afford to heat their homes.

"The basic problem? Wind farms are notoriously unreliable as a power source. Not only that, they take up vast amounts of space and kill tens of thousands of birds annually."

"A typical 20-turbine wind farm occupies an area of 250 acres. So in order for Merkel to achieve her objective, she would have to cover an area six times the size of New York City with turbines"

"Because renewable power sources have been so unreliable, Germany has been forced to construct numerous new coal plants in an effort to replace the nuclear energy it has taken offline. In fact the country will build more coal-fired facilities this year than at any time in the past two decades –"

Germany s Green Energy Disaster A Cautionary Tale For World Leaders - Forbes
Et tu, Brute?

I'm just terms of land you have to dedicate for nuclear waste storage.....the difference between 1 milliontons and 100,000 million tons isn't that much more land. That genie is already out of the bottle. We're already commited for the next couple of ice ages. Why not get more benefit out of a cost we have to pay either way?
Nuclear power is good news if it is done safely, but issues still remain over researching and building safer reactors; and then the pressing issue of storing vast amounts of waste till reactors exist that can re-use fuel.

There are no remaining issues. There are only radical environmentalist who will never stop attacking nuclear power.
Even though I'm for nuclear power because of all the strides in modernization, I know that right winger tards are only for it because they think it will hurt the environment. They have no idea how a nuclear reactor works or how the electricity is produced by it. They think the world is only 6,000 years old.

Do you have a program that barfs up this stupid shit for you, or do you shit it out yourself?
Et tu, Brute?

I'm just terms of land you have to dedicate for nuclear waste storage.....the difference between 1 milliontons and 100,000 million tons isn't that much more land. That genie is already out of the bottle. We're already commited for the next couple of ice ages. Why not get more benefit out of a cost we have to pay either way?

Actually, there are new reactor designs that solve that problem...they are FUELED by nuclear waste.
Et tu, Brute?

I'm just terms of land you have to dedicate for nuclear waste storage.....the difference between 1 milliontons and 100,000 million tons isn't that much more land. That genie is already out of the bottle. We're already commited for the next couple of ice ages. Why not get more benefit out of a cost we have to pay either way?

Actually, there are new reactor designs that solve that problem...they are FUELED by nuclear waste.

There will be a threshold where the material is no longer sufficiently radioactive to fuel the plant....but can still kill us dead a dozen times over.
I don't mean reprocessing spent fuel. I mean new reactors that are fueled by and CONSUME it. They are also passively safe: if they lose cooling, they simply shut down.

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