Is Obama a liar?

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

I see your problem. You have your head up your ass so much, you have no sense of reality. The GOP did not shut down the government. The GOP sent funding bill after funding bill to the senate who refused to even discuss them and Obama said he would veto them if the Senate passed them. They had funding in hand and said no. Harry and Barry shut down the government. That is the factual truth.

Obama is a walking clusterfuck and has been since 2008. He is a liar and a snake oil salesman and was reelected based on promised goodies. Now his chickens have come home to roost and even the complicit media is beginning to find it impossible to defend him.

So can you give me the HR that funded Obamacare at full levels last month? Simple request.

Simple answer. It doesn't exist. House Republicans knew from the get go that this was a clsterfuck of an entitlement power grab and were using every means at their disposale to stop it so it wouldn't do the long term damage that we are just beginning to scratch the surface on. It is why many representatives were elected by their constituents. Beyond Obamacare, the rest of the government was funded. But Harry and Barry are all or nothing, my way or the highway kind of guys and chose to shut the government down over one item that could have easily been negotiated if they were willing to deal. They were not. We shut down. Thank Harry and Barry.
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The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

I see your problem. You have your head up your ass so much, you have no sense of reality. The GOP did not shut down the government. The GOP sent funding bill after funding bill to the senate who refused to even discuss them and Obama said he would veto them if the Senate passed them. They had funding in hand and said no. Harry and Barry shut down the government. That is the factual truth.

Obama is a walking clusterfuck and has been since 2008. He is a liar and a snake oil salesman and was reelected based on promised goodies. Now his chickens have come home to roost and even the complicit media is beginning to find it impossible to defend him.

So can you give me the HR that funded Obamacare at full levels last month? Simple request.

I don't blame you for wanting to counter the poster you're quoting but your response earns you no points in my book. It's kinda...... quibbling.

I mean, if you have something to say -- Say it.

Like, "Republicans didn't offer to fully fund obamacare so slap yo mama."

You come across as petty too often. Like you're 18 and a College sophomore. Intellectually advanced but emotionally immature.

Just sayin' :dunno:


I admit to being a pain in the ass but I have no patience with willful stupidity.

You appear to have promise, so don't make me impatient with you. Please :cool:
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

I look at it this way. Either he lied to the American people flat footed or he is the most incompetent jerk on the planet.
Now when I remember Nancy Pelosi saying 'We'll have to pass it before we know what's in it' I wonder how she knew there were that many stupid Americans.

You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

... forgetting to mention state's right to mandate it. But who really cares about minor technicalities.
You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

The people couldn't return Obama if they didn't know the truth. Obama lied. The Dem ocrats lied. The media lied. The people who tried to tell the truth were castigated by the media and threatened by the Obama administration.

If truth had been told, the extremes some people went to would never have happened. People react badly to lies and the negative energy snowballs.

Obama was not the superior choice in any election. He was the Orwellian choice. The one which shows how scared we should be for the future of our democratic ideals.
You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

The thing is though, if you replace "Under Obamacare, I promise, if you like your plan, you keep your plan" with "Under Obamacare, you may lose your current plan", in all of those speeches before Nov. of 2012, he may not be president right now.
It would be very easy to bring the costs of health care down enough to make it affordable.

Tort reform. Stop giving lawyers the legal right to phony up cases.
Make health insurance more like auto insurance. Your auto insurance company doesn't put gas in the car or buy you new tires. Routine health care visits should not be covered by ANY insurance.
Allow companies to sell insurance across state lines.

That's all it would take.

Drug Companies spend more money defending lawsuits than they do bringing a new drug to market.


As to selling Insurance across State lines? That's a Red Herring. Trust me on that one. It means absolutely nothing. Insurance is "area rated". It doesn't matter if you buy it on Mars, what determines your premiums is the Claims Experience in the Zip Code in which you live.


And the reason why Mutual Climax doesn't sell policies in New Yawk State for example is really simple..... New Yawk Shitty is in New Yawk State and they don't want anything to do with one of the most corrupt Cities on Earth. They're not set up for it, they don't want to be there, they don't want customers there.

Insurance Fraud is a real problem in this Country.

I bet obamacare will fix that, right....? :lmao:
Must Watch.....

[ame=]Smoking Gun: Obama admits to violating pledge Americans can keep their insurance in 2010 - YouTube[/ame]
Ame®icano;8078275 said:

That was the Bush Mantra. Rumsfeld didn't lie, he believed it!

And FDR unconstitutionally imprisoned thousands of Japanese-American Citizens, dimocraps filibustered the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s and Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK....

Stop being a petty douche and try to stay on topic for once in your pathetic excuse for a life

Fucking childish moron
Ame®icano;8078275 said:

That was the Bush Mantra. Rumsfeld didn't lie, he believed it!

And FDR unconstitutionally imprisoned thousands of Japanese-American Citizens, dimocraps filibustered the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s and Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK....

Stop being a petty douche and try to stay on topic for once in your pathetic excuse for a life

Fucking childish moron

Now do your "Bush has been gone long time don't matter" act. I love that one :lol:
That was the Bush Mantra. Rumsfeld didn't lie, he believed it!

And FDR unconstitutionally imprisoned thousands of Japanese-American Citizens, dimocraps filibustered the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s and Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK....

Stop being a petty douche and try to stay on topic for once in your pathetic excuse for a life

Fucking childish moron

Now do your "Bush has been gone long time don't matter" act. I love that one :lol:

Why do you have to shit on every thread you post in? Why is that?

Can somebody get a Mod to bounce this douche-nozzle out of here. All he's doing is trying to deflect the topic, start a fight to get the thread moved and to disrupt the Board.

To me, that's trolling.

Or do we welcome trolls at the USMB?

I'm starting to think so.
And FDR unconstitutionally imprisoned thousands of Japanese-American Citizens, dimocraps filibustered the Civil Rights Acts of the 50s and 60s and Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK....

Stop being a petty douche and try to stay on topic for once in your pathetic excuse for a life

Fucking childish moron

Now do your "Bush has been gone long time don't matter" act. I love that one :lol:

Why do you have to shit on every thread you post in? Why is that?

Can somebody get a Mod to bounce this douche-nozzle out of here. All he's doing is trying to deflect the topic, start a fight to get the thread moved and to disrupt the Board.

To me, that's trolling.

Or do we welcome trolls at the USMB?

I'm starting to think so.

I said Obama didn't lie unless you can prove he knew it was a lie. You Mad bro.

Yeah, you mad. Wipe those tears away
That was the Bush Mantra. Rumsfeld didn't lie, he believed it!

Another thing Obama and ilk tripled down on.

And another thing you hated only when Obama did it..

Another think you'd be wrong about. You will be hard pressed to find any defense of Bush from me. Back on the board that shall not be named, I was tagged as the JakeFakey because of my lack of support for Bush. I deal in realities. You deal in "hope and change", "smoke and mirrors". That taste you have in your mouth, it's Obama's cum. I know......he told you he wouldn't. He lied.
Now do your "Bush has been gone long time don't matter" act. I love that one :lol:

Why do you have to shit on every thread you post in? Why is that?

Can somebody get a Mod to bounce this douche-nozzle out of here. All he's doing is trying to deflect the topic, start a fight to get the thread moved and to disrupt the Board.

To me, that's trolling.

Or do we welcome trolls at the USMB?

I'm starting to think so.

I said Obama didn't lie unless you can prove he knew it was a lie. You Mad bro.

Yeah, you mad. Wipe those tears away

Here you go.

Forbes: White House Predicted in 2010 That 93 Million Would Lose Their Health Plans Under ObamaCare | NewsBusters
Now do your "Bush has been gone long time don't matter" act. I love that one :lol:

Why do you have to shit on every thread you post in? Why is that?

Can somebody get a Mod to bounce this douche-nozzle out of here. All he's doing is trying to deflect the topic, start a fight to get the thread moved and to disrupt the Board.

To me, that's trolling.

Or do we welcome trolls at the USMB?

I'm starting to think so.

I said Obama didn't lie unless you can prove he knew it was a lie. You Mad bro.

Yeah, you mad. Wipe those tears away

You mentioned Bush earlier. Did Bush lied?
I see your problem. You have your head up your ass so much, you have no sense of reality. The GOP did not shut down the government. The GOP sent funding bill after funding bill to the senate who refused to even discuss them and Obama said he would veto them if the Senate passed them. They had funding in hand and said no. Harry and Barry shut down the government. That is the factual truth.

Obama is a walking clusterfuck and has been since 2008. He is a liar and a snake oil salesman and was reelected based on promised goodies. Now his chickens have come home to roost and even the complicit media is beginning to find it impossible to defend him.

So can you give me the HR that funded Obamacare at full levels last month? Simple request.

Simple answer. It doesn't exist. House Republicans knew from the get go that this was a clsterfuck of an entitlement power grab and were using every means at their disposale to stop it so it wouldn't do the long term damage that we are just beginning to scratch the surface on. It is why many representatives were elected by their constituents. Beyond Obamacare, the rest of the government was funded. But Harry and Barry are all or nothing, my way or the highway kind of guys and chose to shut the government down over one item that could have easily been negotiated if they were willing to deal. They were not. We shut down. Thank Harry and Barry.

It was explained to you over and over at the time, that is not how our system works... A lot of people don't like tanks...should we not have them? The EPA? The Air Force?

Sorry but you're inventing a form of government that doesn't exist.

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