Is Obama a liar?

Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Glad to see at least one liberal on the board here make this acknowlegement.
I look at it this way. Either he lied to the American people flat footed or he is the most incompetent jerk on the planet.
Now when I remember Nancy Pelosi saying 'We'll have to pass it before we know what's in it' I wonder how she knew there were that many stupid Americans.

You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Kudos for your intellectual honesty.

And while I agree that the ACA's INTENTIONS are good, it is the most fucked up piece of legislation in history.... As time will prove out.

And I'm virtually never wrong on these matters. Count on it.
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Glad to see at least one liberal on the board here make this acknowlegement.

Well thanks.

You can add this one to his refusal to take contributions in 2008 only to change his mind when he saw he could get an advantage.

From the book "Game Change" he said he wasn't running in 2008 only to run in 2008 as I recall.
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Kudos for your intellectual honesty.

And while I agree that the ACA's INTENTIONS are good, it is the most fucked up piece of legislation in history.... As time will prove out.

And I'm virtually never wrong on these matters. Count on it.

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all. Inside of a decade, the American people will wonder why they embraced the old model of healthcare for so long. When you lose your job, you dont' lose your car insurance but somehow we've accepted that you should get your health insurance through your employer? Silly.

As for intellectual honesty...I'm dismayed at some on the left would call it anything other than a lie. Maybe at the time Obama thought there would be a "grandfather clause" but he didn't say that...

Oh well.
You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

And the reason he won, Candy, is because he is such an accomplished liar and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM covered for his lies and even repeated them as though they were the Gospel.

He not only lied -- REPEATEDLY about the ACA, he lied about Benghazi, he lied about Fast and Furious, he lied about Romney, he lied about.....


As to 'the people' siding with the Stuttering Clusterfuck over the 'shutdown' Politico, which is barely to the right of the CPUSA has an article today on how he got BLASTED in a more recent poll.

Yeah, the first few weeks he was riding high. He's in trouble now. But he doen't care. And neither do dimocrap voters. dimocrap Congresscritters care but obama doesn't care about them. At all. He threw them under the Bus in 2010 and he's doing it again.

2014 is going to make 2010 look like a picnic in comparison. We might take 12 to 14 Seats in the Senate. More likely, around 10, but 12-14 isn't out of the question.

And the House? Not even a contest. We pick up 25-40 more seats. I'm talking an ass-kicking of biblical proportions.

Does obama care? Not at all. Does the typical dimocrap voter care? Not in the least.

You all think that you got what you want now and that's the end of it?

You are going to be in for a rude awakening. This could be the end of liberalism as you know it. Maybe forever. But at least for twenty to thirty years

Watch and see. The backlash to this will be a 10 on the political Richter scale
They all lie, but the Republicans have never taken something away from citizens that they liked and forced them under penalty of law to buy something they don't want. You've lost freedom my friend at the hands of Obama and the Democratic party. You'll never get it back. They've proven the concept, you can rest assured that there is more to come.


How can anyone trust him or deal in good faith with him
a 'serial liar '

The American people know they can never trust him

Obama Lied
Healthcare plans died

Exactly how I feel about the TP rabid righties who insist that he is a Kenyan, Socialist, Muslim, Communist hell bend on destroying America.

Except they are citizens exercising their 1st amendment rights........if they are saying that at all. Harry and Barry on the other hand used decpetion to sell citizens an unpopular plan and used special rules to get it passed with no bipartisan vote and will penalize you for not purchasing a product whether you want it or not. They are abusing power. TP wingnuts.....not so much. Surely a reasonable person could understand the difference. :eusa_whistle:
Obama lied.

By and large those losing coverage will come out well ahead of where they were but that isn't the point. They should delay the bill, introduce a grandfather clause to allow you to keep your plan if you like it (though it may be inferior), and slowly weed out the sub-standard plans in favor of better ones.

But the point is did he lie? If that wasn't a lie "You can keep your plan", I don't know what is.

On the whole, the ACA is a fantastic piece of legislation however. I'm not trying to de-rail the thread into you guys lobbing grenades at me now but that remains an honest assessment.

Kudos for your intellectual honesty.

And while I agree that the ACA's INTENTIONS are good, it is the most fucked up piece of legislation in history.... As time will prove out.

And I'm virtually never wrong on these matters. Count on it.

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all. Inside of a decade, the American people will wonder why they embraced the old model of healthcare for so long. When you lose your job, you dont' lose your car insurance but somehow we've accepted that you should get your health insurance through your employer? Silly.

As for intellectual honesty...I'm dismayed at some on the left would call it anything other than a lie. Maybe at the time Obama thought there would be a "grandfather clause" but he didn't say that...

Oh well.

If you've paid any attention to me at all, you will know that I have long favored and pushed for a Universal Health in this Country on this Board.

I just want it done correctly and intelligently -- So it will last. And so it will do what we want it to do.

But dimocraps did it their way and their way is the socialist way.

Unnecessary. It could have been intelligently, we could have listened to Switzerland, France and Holland and designed a system that covers everybody without the over-complication and government interference of a socialist system.

IOW, dimocraps fucked it up. Big time and in a BIG way.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until they start paying claims. Wait it finally settles into your brain that 80% of the people currently signing up are paying NOTHING because they're all going on Medicaid.

Wait until the Employer Mandate hits. Wait until your hours get cut, wait until Employers shift more and more cost onto you, wait.....

Just wait.

This could have been done intelligently. The time was right. Republicans wanted a Universal Plan, too. I know that most of you don't know that.... Thank the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, but Republicans introduced (I think) Fice different plans under Bush, one of which was widely heralded as being FAR more comprehensive and covering FAR more people.

You're voting for the wrong people, Candy. They're pathological liars. All of them.

It's a disease with them.
You're taking her words out of context; you know that, right?

As for "stupid americans", you guys nominated Mitt Romney; the architect of government mandated healthcare on a State level.

Obama was and is the superior choice to both McCain and Romney.

Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

I see your problem. You have your head up your ass so much, you have no sense of reality. The GOP did not shut down the government. The GOP sent funding bill after funding bill to the senate who refused to even discuss them and Obama said he would veto them if the Senate passed them. They had funding in hand and said no. Harry and Barry shut down the government. That is the factual truth.

Obama is a walking clusterfuck and has been since 2008. He is a liar and a snake oil salesman and was reelected based on promised goodies. Now his chickens have come home to roost and even the complicit media is beginning to find it impossible to defend him.
Obama is a politician therefore Obama is a liar

It's axiomatic.


Some politicians are pretty honest.

But they usually lose to the one who lies a lot. Like Romney did.

And I'm hardly a Romney fan. But he was a good and decent man.

obama is the scum of the Earth. And I mean that sincerely. A total and complete scuzz-bucket, a lying, dishonest, back-stabbing, corrupt, America-Hating, racist-pig of a douchebag human being.

Absolutely the worst man to ever hold the Office. Nobody else even gets close
Really? We've all made purchases we thought were a great deal only to learn later that they were not. The sad thing is that there are some people who still refuse to admit they got a lemon. Obama sucks and each day that passes proves it more and more.

The people could have "returned" Obama in 2012; instead they re-elected him. In the process, your President won nearly every contested state. When the GOP shut down the government over Obamacare, the people sided with Your President then as well.

Obama was, is, and always will be the superior choice to his opponents.

But he lied in this case. Sorry Grumps...I'm trying to keep it on track. I suggest posters keep their eye on the ball here, okay?

I see your problem. You have your head up your ass so much, you have no sense of reality. The GOP did not shut down the government. The GOP sent funding bill after funding bill to the senate who refused to even discuss them and Obama said he would veto them if the Senate passed them. They had funding in hand and said no. Harry and Barry shut down the government. That is the factual truth.

Obama is a walking clusterfuck and has been since 2008. He is a liar and a snake oil salesman and was reelected based on promised goodies. Now his chickens have come home to roost and even the complicit media is beginning to find it impossible to defend him.

So can you give me the HR that funded Obamacare at full levels last month? Simple request.
Kudos for your intellectual honesty.

And while I agree that the ACA's INTENTIONS are good, it is the most fucked up piece of legislation in history.... As time will prove out.

And I'm virtually never wrong on these matters. Count on it.

Better to have a bleeding heart than none at all. Inside of a decade, the American people will wonder why they embraced the old model of healthcare for so long. When you lose your job, you dont' lose your car insurance but somehow we've accepted that you should get your health insurance through your employer? Silly.

As for intellectual honesty...I'm dismayed at some on the left would call it anything other than a lie. Maybe at the time Obama thought there would be a "grandfather clause" but he didn't say that...

Oh well.

If you've paid any attention to me at all, you will know that I have long favored and pushed for a Universal Health in this Country on this Board.

I just want it done correctly and intelligently -- So it will last. And so it will do what we want it to do.

But dimocraps did it their way and their way is the socialist way.

Unnecessary. It could have been intelligently, we could have listened to Switzerland, France and Holland and designed a system that covers everybody without the over-complication and government interference of a socialist system.

IOW, dimocraps fucked it up. Big time and in a BIG way.

You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until they start paying claims. Wait it finally settles into your brain that 80% of the people currently signing up are paying NOTHING because they're all going on Medicaid.

Wait until the Employer Mandate hits. Wait until your hours get cut, wait until Employers shift more and more cost onto you, wait.....

Just wait.

This could have been done intelligently. The time was right. Republicans wanted a Universal Plan, too. I know that most of you don't know that.... Thank the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, but Republicans introduced (I think) Fice different plans under Bush, one of which was widely heralded as being FAR more comprehensive and covering FAR more people.

You're voting for the wrong people, Candy. They're pathological liars. All of them.

It's a disease with them.

I'm quite happy with my voting; I would vote the same way again. Most Americans would.
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

Actually if we used what we learned from the Bush years. Someone has to prove that someone knew the opposite was true when he made the statement.
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW
Oh now grampa, no ones insurance is being "cancelled," it's being "TRANSITIONED." See, when you call something other than what it is, like calling a homo, gay, or an illegal alien an undocumented worker, it makes it AAAAALL BETTER. The left just LOOOOOVES this game, because there are so many MORONS in this country that they can BUFFALO with CRAP LIKE THAT.
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It would be very easy to bring the costs of health care down enough to make it affordable.

Tort reform. Stop giving lawyers the legal right to phony up cases.
Make health insurance more like auto insurance. Your auto insurance company doesn't put gas in the car or buy you new tires. Routine health care visits should not be covered by ANY insurance.
Allow companies to sell insurance across state lines.

That's all it would take.

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