Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
I can not vote yes, but I can not vote "are you fucking kidding me either."

During the first campaign, he was quite eloquent. He spoke with passion, he seemed to speak from the heart. That and the fact that he wasn't a Republican got him elected. Some say because he is black was a contributing factor. I imagine that for some, it was. But we are discussing his ability to give a speech... More specifically his ranking on the list of great speakers in U.S. history...

HuffPo rates him as the third best Presidential orator since 1933. I'm don't agree and I'm not going to listen to speeches by all thirteen on the list just to find out. The top five, in order (according to HuffPo): JFK, FDR, Obama, Reagan, and Clinton. I don't think he is better than Reagan and Clinton, but it is a HuffPo list, so...

When you start talking about being "one of the best speakers in our nation's history," I think you have broadened the pool so much that he may not crack the top twenty...

But, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Top twenty is still one of the best. Top fifty is still one of the best. Their have ben hundreds of American statesmen.

I happen to think he's in the top 10. The contributors to this forum have yet to name 5 who are better.

He is, in fact, one of the best.

And I for one respect your opinion. As for the HuffPo list, I'd put him before JFK, but after Reagan and Clinton, with FDR at the top. For the record, I'd put JFK sixth or seventh, his voice annoys me...
Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

Ben Carson
Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham
Peewee Herman

Miss Piggy

Al Sharpton

Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?
I can not vote yes, but I can not vote "are you fucking kidding me either."

During the first campaign, he was quite eloquent. He spoke with passion, he seemed to speak from the heart. That and the fact that he wasn't a Republican got him elected. Some say because he is black was a contributing factor. I imagine that for some, it was. But we are discussing his ability to give a speech... More specifically his ranking on the list of great speakers in U.S. history...

HuffPo rates him as the third best Presidential orator since 1933. I'm don't agree and I'm not going to listen to speeches by all thirteen on the list just to find out. The top five, in order (according to HuffPo): JFK, FDR, Obama, Reagan, and Clinton. I don't think he is better than Reagan and Clinton, but it is a HuffPo list, so...

When you start talking about being "one of the best speakers in our nation's history," I think you have broadened the pool so much that he may not crack the top twenty...

But, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Top twenty is still one of the best. Top fifty is still one of the best. Their have ben hundreds of American statesmen.

I happen to think he's in the top 10. The contributors to this forum have yet to name 5 who are better.

He is, in fact, one of the best.

No he is not, because he has never said anything profound. Anything lasting. Anything of note. Yes he can deliver a speech but there is more to that then just being polished. There is sincerity, which I think he has none. There is leadership that with him is just a plain joke. There is the ability for the speaker to make the audience feel hope, to feel good, he just doesn't have it.
Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?
Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but...Obama isn't black, hell, who knows what he is. He doesn't seem to know what Americans want. This MAN is our president. I didn't vote for him. I don't think he can identify with Americans. Or what they want, or need, because HE isn't American . I lost my job of over twenty years because of this jacked up Obama care crap. My Company layed off people over 55 to fend for them selves. The HELL with OBAMA. He screwed me and my generation, this asshole did. I hope you dingdongs that voted for this weasels are proud of yourselves. You really screwed up.
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but...Obama isn't black, hell, who knows what he is. He doesn't seem to know what Americans want. This MAN is our president. I didn't vote for him. I don't think he can identify with Americans. Or what they want, or need, because HE isn't American . I lost my job of over twenty years because of this jacked up Obama care crap. My Company layed off people over 55 to fend for them selves. The HELL with OBAMA. He screwed me and my generation, this asshole did. I hope you dingdongs that voted for this weasels are proud of yourselves. You really screwed up.

Maybe you got laid off because you aren't able to communicate in English beyond a fifth grade level? Maybe a dose of personal responsibility would serve you well.

If our president isn't American.....what is he?

I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796
I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796

I've listened to Cain. You think he's a better speaker than Obama? You lose all credibility. Shit....YOU even deleted him from your list.

Find an idiot to converse with. I'm not buying.
George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796

I've listened to Cain. You think he's a better speaker than Obama? You lose all credibility. Shit....YOU even deleted him from your list.

Find an idiot to converse with. I'm not buying.
If Obozo is such a dynamic speaker and the best presidential speaker then why isn't he on the campaign trail with the democrats in trouble and doing some motivational speaking?
George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796

I've listened to Cain. You think he's a better speaker than Obama? You lose all credibility. Shit....YOU even deleted him from your list.

Find an idiot to converse with. I'm not buying.

i doubt you did and no I did not, I added a few but didn't delete any.
I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796

He had to have a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids. He is a disgrace, but I'll admit he is a good reader and liar.

He had a TelePrompTer to talk to elementary kids you say?

If you can't prove that....what will you say in your retraction?

Where are the kids?
You think the almighty one would have kids around him? Their not quite brainwashed yet. That's why he surrounds himself with stupid college kids. They believe him, or did.
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Hope this helps.
Still waiting for the list of American statesmen and women who can be considered better than Obama when it comes to delivering speeches.

So far.....people have mentioned Lincoln and Reagan. I'll give you those two.

Is Obama third? Who is ahead of him?

Somebody make an effort.


I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?
I nominate the majority of NBA players. That puts Obamessiah at #673.
I hear that when he takes his foot out of his mouth he can be quite eloquent but that has not happened for many years and will not for years to come.

:lol: Does the teleprompter tell him to do that I wonder?

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