Is Obama Really Brilliant?

So you have nothing to prove him wrong. You sure as hell don't have actions and results to point to. What else you got?

Uh, I think I pointed to numerous actions and results. Put down your fucking crack pipe and at least act like you have a smidgen of a brain in that empty head of yours. Just what in the hell are you even attempting to prove by posting such non-substantive bullshit? That you are a vapid little dip shit who is only here because your mother made the terrible miscalculation to spend her $200 on narcotics rather than an abortion?

Isn't it time for you to watch FOX News so you can find out what your opinion is today.

Oh, that was clever. You are a clever one, aren't you? You must also be pretty smart since, like OBAMA, you can just dismiss something by invoking Fox News, regardless of the actual content of what is said.

Benghazi - a Fox News "phony" scandal

The IRS targeting of conservative groups - another Fox News scandal, right? Not even a smidgen of corruption

The Mexican gun walking scandal - Fox News just harped on that and kept fanning the flames

Obamacare is driving up healthcare costs and insurance premiums, causing people to lose their insurance, and causing increased overhead expenses for business, along with a long list of other complaints, like how it was ramrodded through by a lame-duck Congress following a historical defeat for Dems and a popular mandate against the law - no, nothing to see here...move along now

Obama pouring, idiotically, money into green energy start-ups that go bankrupt (like Solyndra, anyone remember that?). Then there is the fact that tons of the subsides and federally guaranteed loans to these idiotic companies were then given to the DNC as political contributions as if this was some kind of money laundering scheme. - again, nothing to see here, Fox News is just stirring up shit again, right?

No, you are right. Fox just concocted all of this stuff, and more. Plus, we are all just too dumb to do anything but parrot what Fox News tells us. That is about the long and short of it then, right?

Please tell me that you do not really believe that your opposition is so simple. I truly wish for you to de-bunk my assumption that Dems are gullible simpletons. However, if you conclude that what I say is easily dismissed by invoking Fox News, then I am compelled to conclude that you are ignorant shit stains.

You are inconsequential. You bring great shame down upon yourself, your family and your country. If you have any character you would fall on your sword. Just imagine if the Dems actually possessed character and felt shame. A mass hari Kari of Dems would cause a major increase in our collective IQ. What a wonderful thing that would be.

I'm sorry you're so sensitive about FOX News, your primary source of information. Did you know that studies show that regular FOX News viewers are less well informed than people who never watch any TV news at all?

Do you post just to see yourself post this dumb crap? Obsessed over some stupid news station
How can you call your source of inspiration some stupid news station?

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes
Dang, you guys really struck a nerve with ol' Franco.

He's got his hate pedal to the metal!



he's like a Obot cult mouse and we are the cats who bats him around until he squeaks. lol
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
Dang, you guys really struck a nerve with ol' Franco.

He's got his hate pedal to the metal!



he's like a Obot cult mouse and we are the cats who bats him around until he squeaks. lol
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
Dang, you guys really struck a nerve with ol' Franco.

He's got his hate pedal to the metal!



he's like a Obot cult mouse and we are the cats who bats him around until he squeaks. lol
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
You most certainly are free to believe that.

But from what I see, the numbers that agree with you are declining on a weekly basis.
Dang, you guys really struck a nerve with ol' Franco.

He's got his hate pedal to the metal!



he's like a Obot cult mouse and we are the cats who bats him around until he squeaks. lol
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
You most certainly are free to believe that.

But from what I see, the numbers that agree with you are declining on a weekly basis.
Where do you see that, Newsmax?
he's like a Obot cult mouse and we are the cats who bats him around until he squeaks. lol
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
You most certainly are free to believe that.

But from what I see, the numbers that agree with you are declining on a weekly basis.
Where do you see that, Newsmax?
lol. Not playing that game with you Sarah. I know what I know. You believe what you want to believe. If you are happy with the state of our economy and foreign affairs.....our internal agencies....our overall morale in the country....then great, you have all the reason in the world to believe Obama was the right call.
Me? I see issues. So, no, I am not happy with our current President.

That, Sarah, is how it works.

But I know you now that.
Yeah that's it. Too bad you don't have anyone who could ever beat him.
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
You most certainly are free to believe that.

But from what I see, the numbers that agree with you are declining on a weekly basis.
Where do you see that, Newsmax?
lol. Not playing that game with you Sarah. I know what I know. You believe what you want to believe. If you are happy with the state of our economy and foreign affairs.....our internal agencies....our overall morale in the country....then great, you have all the reason in the world to believe Obama was the right call.
Me? I see issues. So, no, I am not happy with our current President.

That, Sarah, is how it works.

But I know you now that.
What do you think about a Hillary/Mitt Romney race?
too bad is right. Sadly, we have an electorate who wanted to feel good voting for a black man, regardless of his lack of experience, short history of voting only along party lines, and overall not qualified to run a business....much less one of the largest governments in the world.
So yes...too bad the republican party NOR the democratic party was able to present someone able to beat him.
That's your version of the story, not the American voter's.
You most certainly are free to believe that.

But from what I see, the numbers that agree with you are declining on a weekly basis.
Where do you see that, Newsmax?
lol. Not playing that game with you Sarah. I know what I know. You believe what you want to believe. If you are happy with the state of our economy and foreign affairs.....our internal agencies....our overall morale in the country....then great, you have all the reason in the world to believe Obama was the right call.
Me? I see issues. So, no, I am not happy with our current President.

That, Sarah, is how it works.

But I know you now that.
What do you think about a Hillary/Mitt Romney race?
Hillary would win. Whereas I do not necessarily agree with her politics overall, I believe she will prove to be a good leader and find a way to work with the GOP in congress. Regardless of the rhetoric, I do not believe Obama made a concerted effort to work with the GOP in the house. He can say he did all he wants, but I do not believe it.
Hillary is not about party in my eyes. She is about country. Again, I don't necessarily agree with her ideology, but she will listen to alternative ideas.
Now, this is my opinion. It is not fact. So whereas you can tell me how wrong I am about Obama, it wont matter. I have had 2 years of his initial campaign and 6 years of his tenure as President to shape my opinion.
I like Hillary. I like Romney. But Hillary is a strong campaigner. Romney is not.
These people are constantly quoting FOX News, I wonder why they want to distance themselves now?

STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

Discombobulated: I think we all know what is going on here. It is time. Snap a picture of your cock and send it to me. I will do the same (of course, it will take 4 or 5 pics to cover all of mine).

Just as water always seeks it's own level I'd say you've found yours.
These people are constantly quoting FOX News, I wonder why they want to distance themselves now?

STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

Discombobulated: I think we all know what is going on here. It is time. Snap a picture of your cock and send it to me. I will do the same (of course, it will take 4 or 5 pics to cover all of mine).

Just as water always seeks it's own level I'd say you've found yours.

Another deflection. How predictable, and boring. Go suck on a gun barrel, maggot. But first show me your cock.
These people are constantly quoting FOX News, I wonder why they want to distance themselves now?

STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

Discombobulated: I think we all know what is going on here. It is time. Snap a picture of your cock and send it to me. I will do the same (of course, it will take 4 or 5 pics to cover all of mine).

Just as water always seeks it's own level I'd say you've found yours.

Another deflection. How predictable, and boring. Go suck on a gun barrel, maggot. But first show me your cock.

Who could possibly argue with that kind of eloquence?

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