Is Obama Really this Stupid?

Yes. Yes he is.

And this backlash hasnt even begun. This isnt just Catholics against this move, people of all faiths see this as governmental intrusion into the free exercise of religion. And this has united people from both sides of the isle.

I don't know whether it will effect the election this november. but it may have just started a grass roots movement like we haven't seen in nearly 50 years.
Again, the question our ConservaRepubLitarian friends seem to keep ignoring:

So then do you believe this religious protection should follow the exact same course and extend to sharia law / The Koran, when it comes to non-Muslims employed by Islamic schools etc... ?
Again, the question our ConservaRepubLitarian friends seem to keep ignoring:

So then do you believe this religious protection should follow the exact same course and extend to sharia law / The Koran, when it comes to non-Muslims employed by Islamic schools etc... ?

Sharia law only applies in rare instances that involve arbitration and in contracts that invoke it, it does not apply just because one, or more, of the people in a legal dispute are Muslims. That explained, the principle of no government interference with religious matters already applies to Mosques and other Islamic religious institutions, including schools. If it didn't they would all have been shut down 10 years ago. You should get your head out of your ass and ask questions based on reality, not your imagined world where all right wingers are mindless bigots.
i wonder how many Catholic women and men support their Church's stance on not using any birth control, not planning their children to be? no BC pills, no rubbers being used? There isn't a Catholic that I know, that supports the church's stance of ''no BC pills/no iud's, no diaphrams, no rubbers, no vasectomies, no tubes tied, no invitro fertilization etc''....just pregnancy, over and over and over and over and over and over again, no matter what.....'s my understanding that the health insurance policies offered by the insurance companies does not have a higher price with the birth control pill being covered vs not covered...... IS this true? Does anybody know?
The law is that catholic health care facilities with a majority of NON-catholic employees have to offer the option.

OR...the catholic healthcare facilities can do as they please - without any government funding.

So they have freedom of choice. They don't have to offer birth control.
i see it as...the Catholic church's hospital does not pay for employee's heathcare anyway....the catholic church earns no money....they are a non profit....people donate money to them or they get money from our gvt....or they get money from citizens who pay for the health care services being provided/offered, of which none actually is theirs, no???
The law is that catholic health care facilities with a majority of NON-catholic employees have to offer the option.

OR...the catholic healthcare facilities can do as they please - without any government funding.

So they have freedom of choice. They don't have to offer birth control.


First, it is not a law, it is a regulation made with Obama's approval.

Second, it states that any organization that does not primarily inculcate religious values and primarily employ and serve members of its own organization is required to provide the coverage. In other words, even if a Catholic Hospital forced everyone to participate in catechism, and employed only Catholics, they would still have to provide the coverage if it served more non believers than it did believers. Since hospitals are actually required by law to tend to anyone who shows up that forces them to provide it regardless of what else they do.
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i see it as...the Catholic church's hospital does not pay for employee's heathcare anyway....the catholic church earns no money....they are a non profit....people donate money to them or they get money from our gvt....or they get money from citizens who pay for the health care services being provided/offered, of which none actually is theirs, no???

You really have no ea what you are talking about, do you? Since you are usually well informed I am assuming rdean hacked your account.
I don't understand why birth control is against religion. Millions of sperm die whether one ever gets to fertilze an egg or not. And an egg gets wasted every month in the absence of pregnancy, whether birth control is utilized or not. Nothing is really happening any differently with contraception.

I guess conservatives trust nature more than new ideas like the ones Hitler Stalin and Mao had. Plus birth control is really love control.
Instead of loving the person with whom you have sex, loving the baby that results, and forming a family, you have sex with strangers and kill the baby.

Which culture is better?

Ummmm... please explain this part? I know that China had mandated abortions.... but "enlighten" me on the other two. Nevermind...Googled it....

Here's the difference, slick....

China Mandated Abortion.

Nazi Germany felt that a woman's body belonged to the state and the state would decide on the fate of her pregnancy.

Stalin? You may want to read up on him...He banned abortion because he wanted to stimulate the population...after his death in 1955, the USSR lifted the ban.

The one thing all three of those countries had in common....a lack of choice....something that the Conservative viewpoint has more in common than the progressive's pro-choice viewpoint.

Yea , choice.....that is unless you are the unborn human........they have no choice.
Again, the question our ConservaRepubLitarian friends seem to keep ignoring:

So then do you believe this religious protection should follow the exact same course and extend to sharia law / The Koran, when it comes to non-Muslims employed by Islamic schools etc... ?

Sharia law only applies in rare instances that involve arbitration and in contracts that invoke it, it does not apply just because one, or more, of the people in a legal dispute are Muslims. That explained, the principle of no government interference with religious matters already applies to Mosques and other Islamic religious institutions, including schools. If it didn't they would all have been shut down 10 years ago. You should get your head out of your ass and ask questions based on reality, not your imagined world where all right wingers are mindless bigots.

I never said anything about "all right wingers are mindless bigots". I just asked a question. Your explanation clarified some things that frankly, I'd never previously had reason to consider. I doubt that "all right wingers" have your level of knowledge on the subject and I certainly don't believe that "all" of them are bigots. I've had many Conservative freinds whom I believe to be much more reasonable in their beliefs than many Liberals.
Of course your inability to offer any commentary whatsoever, without slinging petty insults, displays who actually has their head up their ass. I guess that's just who you are.
You may now continue displaying your character with more petty insults etc..
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Yea, we got it. You're a bitter ex-Catholic who despises religion. I don't care. You're welcome to your opinions. It's a pity that you cannot recognize others right to hold differing opinions... but stupidity is blinkered.

Shnoookums, you lost any right to "respect" when your clergy molested your children, and you all went along with it.

Sorry, ran fresh out of "respect" at that point. Have plenty of Contempt, though.

Shit, we knew growing up all the priests were kind of funny that way. You didn't want to be alone in a room with one. And this was back in the 1970's.

But you guys kept putting money in the plates to pay off these kids when they grew up and got lawyers.

The last time I saw an O'Bamma rally, back before George Soros bought the Presidency for him, there were signs from his supporters in the crowd. NAMBLA had quite a presence there, you must be very proud.
i wonder how many Catholic women and men support their Church's stance on not using any birth control, not planning their children to be? no BC pills, no rubbers being used? There isn't a Catholic that I know, that supports the church's stance of ''no BC pills/no iud's, no diaphrams, no rubbers, no vasectomies, no tubes tied, no invitro fertilization etc''....just pregnancy, over and over and over and over and over and over again, no matter what.....'s my understanding that the health insurance policies offered by the insurance companies does not have a higher price with the birth control pill being covered vs not covered...... IS this true? Does anybody know?
I read recently that 98% of Catholic women use or have used birth control.

The issue to me is that a secular institution can't dictate that their employees have sex only in the pursuit of reproduction. And these Catholic organizations are more secular than religious simply because they serve the general population. The churches themselves are exempt.
I guess conservatives trust nature more than new ideas like the ones Hitler Stalin and Mao had. Plus birth control is really love control.
Instead of loving the person with whom you have sex, loving the baby that results, and forming a family, you have sex with strangers and kill the baby.

Which culture is better?

Ummmm... please explain this part? I know that China had mandated abortions.... but "enlighten" me on the other two. Nevermind...Googled it....

Here's the difference, slick....

China Mandated Abortion.

Nazi Germany felt that a woman's body belonged to the state and the state would decide on the fate of her pregnancy.

Stalin? You may want to read up on him...He banned abortion because he wanted to stimulate the population...after his death in 1955, the USSR lifted the ban.

The one thing all three of those countries had in common....a lack of choice....something that the Conservative viewpoint has more in common than the progressive's pro-choice viewpoint.

Yea , choice.....that is unless you are the unborn human........they have no choice.

Yeah.... that's true. However, when you consider your side's "plan to ban"....well..that gives no one a choice...which is much more like Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China than simply allowing people to make their own decisions.
Ummmm... please explain this part? I know that China had mandated abortions.... but "enlighten" me on the other two. Nevermind...Googled it....

Here's the difference, slick....

China Mandated Abortion.

Nazi Germany felt that a woman's body belonged to the state and the state would decide on the fate of her pregnancy.

Stalin? You may want to read up on him...He banned abortion because he wanted to stimulate the population...after his death in 1955, the USSR lifted the ban.

The one thing all three of those countries had in common....a lack of choice....something that the Conservative viewpoint has more in common than the progressive's pro-choice viewpoint.

Yea , choice.....that is unless you are the unborn human........they have no choice.

Yeah.... that's true. However, when you consider your side's "plan to ban"....well..that gives no one a choice...which is much more like Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China than simply allowing people to make their own decisions.

Who should have a big say in that choice? The life that cannot defend itself and loses everything, or the life that uses it as a form of birth control?
Yea , choice.....that is unless you are the unborn human........they have no choice.

Yeah.... that's true. However, when you consider your side's "plan to ban"....well..that gives no one a choice...which is much more like Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China than simply allowing people to make their own decisions.

Who should have a big say in that choice? The life that cannot defend itself and loses everything, or the life that uses it as a form of birth control?

The life that's in control of the decision. When you have to carry around an unwanted fetus around for 9 months, forced into painful childbirth and take care of it for 18 years. You can have a say... until then? STFU.

I know, I know... personal responsibility. Making that choice whether to keep or abort a fetus IS personal responsibility. Taking that choice away is Legislating morality. God gave us free will so that we can make our own choices, you do know this right?

Like I said...If anyone came to me for advice on this subject, I would urge them not to have an abortion. But this is a free country with real choices(and consequences). You want to skip through all of that and make that choice for other people that you have no idea who they are or what their life is like. That makes YOU an better than Stalin, Mao, or least on this particular subject.
Yeah.... that's true. However, when you consider your side's "plan to ban"....well..that gives no one a choice...which is much more like Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China than simply allowing people to make their own decisions.

Who should have a big say in that choice? The life that cannot defend itself and loses everything, or the life that uses it as a form of birth control?

The life that's in control of the decision. When you have to carry around an unwanted fetus around for 9 months, forced into painful childbirth and take care of it for 18 years. You can have a say... until then? STFU.

I know, I know... personal responsibility. Making that choice whether to keep or abort a fetus IS personal responsibility. Taking that choice away is Legislating morality. God gave us free will so that we can make our own choices, you do know this right?

Like I said...If anyone came to me for advice on this subject, I would urge them not to have an abortion. But this is a free country with real choices(and consequences). You want to skip through all of that and make that choice for other people that you have no idea who they are or what their life is like. That makes YOU an better than Stalin, Mao, or least on this particular subject.
The life that's in control of the decision. When you have to carry around an unwanted fetus around for 9 months, forced into painful childbirth and take care of it for 18 years. You can have a say... until then? STFU.

I want shut up maybe obama's mother should have had an abortion America would be better off.

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