Is Obozo About To Lynch Hillary?

Interesting possibility of an Obama '16 strategy.....if He manages to get every potential Democrat candidate behind bars they'll have nobody left to nominate except Him.

Unconstitutional? Yeah, but that's all behind us here in post-constitutional America.
It WOULD give him the mass civil riots he has been waiting for.
Third term nothing!

Martial Law for 10 years.

What probability do you give to this happening?

I would say that if the situation deteriorates and spreads it will be only a matter of time before Benito Hussein Obama declares ML

Also you have to think...what is the meaning of all these "urban warfare execises" that are going on all over the USA?

It's all very disturbing.
Third term nothing!

Martial Law for 10 years.

What probability do you give to this happening?

I would say that if the situation deteriorates and spreads it will be only a matter of time before Benito Hussein Obama declares ML

Also you have to think...what is the meaning of all these "urban warfare execises" that are going on all over the USA?

It's all very disturbing.

So if someone offered to make you a $25 bet on whether Obama will declare martial law through most of the continental US before the end of his current term in office, or will otherwise attempt to extend his term beyond the current term, would you take that bet? To be clear, you would be taking the side here that it does happen.
Third term nothing!

Martial Law for 10 years.

What probability do you give to this happening?

I would say that if the situation deteriorates and spreads it will be only a matter of time before Benito Hussein Obama declares ML

Also you have to think...what is the meaning of all these "urban warfare execises" that are going on all over the USA?

It's all very disturbing.

So if someone offered to make you a $25 bet on whether Obama will declare martial law through most of the continental US before the end of his current term in office, or will otherwise attempt to extend his term beyond the current term, would you take that bet? To be clear, you would be taking the side here that it does happen.

OMG! Stop it with the freaking bet!

OMG! Stop it with the freaking bet!


Let's discuss why I do this! Humans are incredibly poorly calibrated. Not only are we often poorly calibrated but even experts are poorly calibrated, to the point where when experts on a specific subject make a prediction and give a percentage confidence, it will happen with a lower rate than that. And even experts are vulnerable to the conjunction fallacy where humans overestimate how much a conjunction of events is likely to occur if it has some sort of plausibility to it as a narrative.

Worse, we often say things that we don't actually believe. People on both sides of the political aisle in the US make these claims routinely. Back when George W. Bush's Presidency was ending, some liberals claimed to think he was going to extend his Presidency somehow, including by declaring martial law. Curiously, some conservatives made the same claim about Clinton, and some conservatives are now making the same claim about Obama. The evidence suggests that this sort of event is either much less frequent than people claim it is or that they don't really believe it. That is, when someone says "Obama is going to declare martial law!" they really don't believe it, what they really mean is "Rah! Obama bad!" And that's fine as an opinion to have, but it means that people aren't thinking as carefully as they could, and worse they are damaging the signal to noise ratio.

So asking people to bet is an excellent way of getting people to think more critically about what they actually believe and whether the claims they are making are real or tribal cheering.

Let me give a non-political example that may help: I have a very religious Orthodox Jewish friend who claims to be convinced that the Messiach (the Jewish Messiah) is going to come very soon. Since the religion has a prohibition on gambling, I offered to donate $100 to a cause of his choice now and in return if the Messiach hasn't come in 10 years, he'd have to donate $200 to one of my choice. He refused. Yet, this is someone who verbally claims repeatedly that this event is likely to happen soon, and if he had me donate it to Chabad (a Chassidic Jewish organization trying to hasten the arrival of the Messiach) he should expect it to become even more likely.

Asking people to bet is an excellent way to see what they really believe and how much they actually believe it.
I see where you are coming from I don't agree but I do understand! :)
Third term nothing!

Martial Law for 10 years.

What probability do you give to this happening?

I would say that if the situation deteriorates and spreads it will be only a matter of time before Benito Hussein Obama declares ML

Also you have to think...what is the meaning of all these "urban warfare execises" that are going on all over the USA?

It's all very disturbing.

So if someone offered to make you a $25 bet on whether Obama will declare martial law through most of the continental US before the end of his current term in office, or will otherwise attempt to extend his term beyond the current term, would you take that bet? To be clear, you would be taking the side here that it does happen.
Third term nothing!

Martial Law for 10 years.

What probability do you give to this happening?

I would say that if the situation deteriorates and spreads it will be only a matter of time before Benito Hussein Obama declares ML

Also you have to think...what is the meaning of all these "urban warfare execises" that are going on all over the USA?

It's all very disturbing.

So if someone offered to make you a $25 bet on whether Obama will declare martial law through most of the continental US before the end of his current term in office, or will otherwise attempt to extend his term beyond the current term, would you take that bet? To be clear, you would be taking the side here that it does happen.
Obama is to lazy to do anything constructive
Is Obozo About To Lynch Hillary?

Doubt it, DirkFurry.

The South left the Democratic Party back in the 1960s/70s.

I think that puts Republicans in charge of organized lynchings now.

More p0roof that the far left are the true and only racists..

If that statement constitutes what I think you were trying to call "proof" (yeah, I know, words r tuff :(), then it's no wonder there are no intelligent arguments coming from right wingers on this forum (aside from the user named 'rightwinger', who just happens to not be right wing :wink_2:)
Is Obozo About To Lynch Hillary?

Doubt it, DirkFurry.

The South left the Democratic Party back in the 1960s/70s.

I think that puts Republicans in charge of organized lynchings now.

More p0roof that the far left are the true and only racists..

If that statement constitutes what I think you were trying to call "proof" (yeah, I know, words r tuff :(), then it's no wonder there are no intelligent arguments coming from right wingers on this forum (aside from the user named 'rightwinger', who just happens to not be right wing :wink_2:)

The irony impaired far left drones are at it again..

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