Is Politicizing Tragedy Wrong?

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.

Wrong - the right doesn't support arming crazies. That's why so many leftists can't get guns. :biggrin:
(relax - that's silly hyperbole just like your statements.)

The battle for an armed citizenry was fought and won hundreds of years ago. The NRA advocates for responsible gun ownership, even among their liberal members. btw - what does 'fully' armed mean?
The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.

Wrong - the right doesn't support arming crazies. That's why so many leftists can't get guns. :biggrin:
(relax - that's silly hyperbole just like your statements.)

The battle for an armed citizenry was fought and won hundreds of years ago. The NRA advocates for responsible gun ownership, even among their liberal members. btw - what does 'fully' armed mean?

Would you consider those 6 to be responsible owners? What efforts did the NRA make to weed out those 6 from being able to have as many guns as they wanted?
Would you consider those 6 to be responsible owners? What efforts did the NRA make to weed out those 6 from being able to have as many guns as they wanted?

What weeding efforts do you think the NRA has the authority to make?...and how do you know how many guns they wanted? Your beef is with the NRA?'s their fault?...but, but those 6 are such a small percentage of gun owners, maybe even less than 0.001%.
Yes politicizing a tragedy is wrong yes both sides do it and yes most people are only upset over it when the side they disagree with is doing it.
If you're denied on a background check for a gun--you have your rights to appeal it--if you feel there is an error in the report--that is standard practice.

So you're 1, 2, 3 & 4 just went up in smoke. Because an appeal process is due process.

In Colorado we went through this a few years ago. BTW I am gun owner. Private sales are no longer allowed in this state--all sales go through a Licensed gun dealer. If you sell to a private person without a background check you lose your right to own a gun. So most people who want to sell their guns drop them off at a gun dealer to sell on consignment. You can order guns on the internet but it is shipped to a licensed gun dealer and you will get a background check when you pick it up. Extended background checks are done, including mental health. Gun shows also go through a background checks. The only thing we got pissed off about was the 9 clip rule they stuck in there.

I live in the 6th most heavily armed county in the United States and we have no gun violence. It is because these guns are in the right hands, not the wrong hands. Common sense extended background checks have in no way deterred us from owning guns.

except you were never told your rights were taken away.
if you're on the terrorist list or nofly list there is no course of action or remediation to get you removed. if so, please feel free to google it and show me.
the NRA has said you're more than welcome to use these lists *IF* you add in due process. feel free to google it yourself.

i do not say we should not have a better system in place - we should. but the extremes on both sides have driven fear to the point of no return on the other side.

what i don't get about the gun show loophole also is - every *dealer* there MUST RUN A BACKGROUND CHECK ON ALL SALES. period. they dont get the loophole law at all. so if you're at a gunshow selling your gun, just have a dealer run the check for $25 and be done with it.

you won't find me disagreeing with much of what you're saying - but you will find me fighting the use of arbitrary lists to ban someone from something w/o a set way to prove otherwise.

which the nofly and terror watch lists are.

That the object of being on a terrorist watch list is--(you're not supposed to know you're on it. This is how they catch terrorists, before they act.) But when you try to purchase a plane ticket-you're going to be made very well aware of it, and at that time (if you're not a terrorist) you can appeal it. There is absolutely no reason a person that is on a terrorist watch list should not be added to a no gun list also. Straw buyers have to be penalized also, and charged with the same crime as the person who uses it to commit a crime.

My sister in law works for the Sheriffs office--and does concealed weapons permits in Colorado and this is how I know this. Everyone has a right to appeal being denied on a gun purchase--that's a no brainer. It''s not costly, you don't need an attorney--you fill out a form-- appear before a judge--explain your circumstance and he/she will look it over and make a decision. It's a very common practice--and it's a fairly quick process also.

Here is Colorado law:
Colorado Gun Laws - Gun |

Really it's this constant refusal to address common sense issues--that cause mass murder--that puts the 2nd amendment in danger.

so we can make a list
make it impossible to get off the list
put you on it and not tell you
now start denying you rights cause you're on a made up list you never knew about
make it impossible to get off the list

it's the refusal to see the idiocy behind crap like this that forces the other side to dig in just as deep to stop you. "common sense laws" will never be around as long as you fight for only 1 side of the equation of which you are doing.

Don't be silly. There is a procedure for being removed from the list if you are wrongly put on it. Your claim is stupid to start with.
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
except you were never told your rights were taken away.
if you're on the terrorist list or nofly list there is no course of action or remediation to get you removed. if so, please feel free to google it and show me.
the NRA has said you're more than welcome to use these lists *IF* you add in due process. feel free to google it yourself.

i do not say we should not have a better system in place - we should. but the extremes on both sides have driven fear to the point of no return on the other side.

what i don't get about the gun show loophole also is - every *dealer* there MUST RUN A BACKGROUND CHECK ON ALL SALES. period. they dont get the loophole law at all. so if you're at a gunshow selling your gun, just have a dealer run the check for $25 and be done with it.

you won't find me disagreeing with much of what you're saying - but you will find me fighting the use of arbitrary lists to ban someone from something w/o a set way to prove otherwise.

which the nofly and terror watch lists are.

That the object of being on a terrorist watch list is--(you're not supposed to know you're on it. This is how they catch terrorists, before they act.) But when you try to purchase a plane ticket-you're going to be made very well aware of it, and at that time (if you're not a terrorist) you can appeal it. There is absolutely no reason a person that is on a terrorist watch list should not be added to a no gun list also. Straw buyers have to be penalized also, and charged with the same crime as the person who uses it to commit a crime.

My sister in law works for the Sheriffs office--and does concealed weapons permits in Colorado and this is how I know this. Everyone has a right to appeal being denied on a gun purchase--that's a no brainer. It''s not costly, you don't need an attorney--you fill out a form-- appear before a judge--explain your circumstance and he/she will look it over and make a decision. It's a very common practice--and it's a fairly quick process also.

Here is Colorado law:
Colorado Gun Laws - Gun |

Really it's this constant refusal to address common sense issues--that cause mass murder--that puts the 2nd amendment in danger.

so we can make a list
make it impossible to get off the list
put you on it and not tell you
now start denying you rights cause you're on a made up list you never knew about
make it impossible to get off the list

it's the refusal to see the idiocy behind crap like this that forces the other side to dig in just as deep to stop you. "common sense laws" will never be around as long as you fight for only 1 side of the equation of which you are doing.

Don't be silly. There is a procedure for being removed from the list if you are wrongly put on it. Your claim is stupid to start with.
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
which have nothing to do with nofly lists and terror watch lists. those are held separately.
That the object of being on a terrorist watch list is--(you're not supposed to know you're on it. This is how they catch terrorists, before they act.) But when you try to purchase a plane ticket-you're going to be made very well aware of it, and at that time (if you're not a terrorist) you can appeal it. There is absolutely no reason a person that is on a terrorist watch list should not be added to a no gun list also. Straw buyers have to be penalized also, and charged with the same crime as the person who uses it to commit a crime.

My sister in law works for the Sheriffs office--and does concealed weapons permits in Colorado and this is how I know this. Everyone has a right to appeal being denied on a gun purchase--that's a no brainer. It''s not costly, you don't need an attorney--you fill out a form-- appear before a judge--explain your circumstance and he/she will look it over and make a decision. It's a very common practice--and it's a fairly quick process also.

Here is Colorado law:
Colorado Gun Laws - Gun |

Really it's this constant refusal to address common sense issues--that cause mass murder--that puts the 2nd amendment in danger.

so we can make a list
make it impossible to get off the list
put you on it and not tell you
now start denying you rights cause you're on a made up list you never knew about
make it impossible to get off the list

it's the refusal to see the idiocy behind crap like this that forces the other side to dig in just as deep to stop you. "common sense laws" will never be around as long as you fight for only 1 side of the equation of which you are doing.

Don't be silly. There is a procedure for being removed from the list if you are wrongly put on it. Your claim is stupid to start with.
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
which have nothing to do with nofly lists and terror watch lists. those are held separately.

You're not going to be notified that you're on a terrorists or no fly list for obvious reasons. They want to catch terrorists not notify them that they're being watched. HOWEVER--if you find out that you are on a watch list and you shouldn't be--you have a right to find out why you're on that list and appeal it.

This happened in 2014.

"Americans on the United States' no-fly list will now be privy to information about why they have been banned from commercial flights and be given the opportunity to dispute their status, according to court documents filed by the Justice Department this week.

The revised policy comes in response to a June ruling by a federal judge that said the old process was in violation of the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. The decision was part of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit brought on behalf of 13 Americans on the list.

The number of people on the list is classified. An official with knowledge of the government's figures told CNN in 2012 that the list contained about 21,000 names, including about 500 Americans.

In cases in which travelers included on the list request to receive or submit more information about their status, the government will provide a second, more detailed response, identifying "specific criterion under which the individual has been placed on the No Fly List," according to the court documents.

An unclassified summary of that information will be provided "to the extent feasible, consistent with the national security and law enforcement interests at stake," court papers said.

Those who appear on the no-fly list will then have further opportunity to dispute their status in writing, with supporting materials or exhibits, and will receive a final written decision from the Transportation Security Administration.
U.S. to tell Americans why they're on no-fly list -

so we can make a list
make it impossible to get off the list
put you on it and not tell you
now start denying you rights cause you're on a made up list you never knew about
make it impossible to get off the list

it's the refusal to see the idiocy behind crap like this that forces the other side to dig in just as deep to stop you. "common sense laws" will never be around as long as you fight for only 1 side of the equation of which you are doing.

Don't be silly. There is a procedure for being removed from the list if you are wrongly put on it. Your claim is stupid to start with.
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
which have nothing to do with nofly lists and terror watch lists. those are held separately.

You're not going to be notified that you're on a terrorists or no fly list for obvious reasons. They want to catch terrorists not notify them that they're being watched. HOWEVER--if you find out that you are on a watch list and you shouldn't be--you have a right to find out why you're on that list and appeal it.

This happened in 2014.

"Americans on the United States' no-fly list will now be privy to information about why they have been banned from commercial flights and be given the opportunity to dispute their status, according to court documents filed by the Justice Department this week.

The revised policy comes in response to a June ruling by a federal judge that said the old process was in violation of the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. The decision was part of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit brought on behalf of 13 Americans on the list.

In cases in which travelers included on the list request to receive or submit more information about their status, the government will provide a second, more detailed response, identifying "specific criterion under which the individual has been placed on the No Fly List," according to the court documents.

An unclassified summary of that information will be provided "to the extent feasible, consistent with the national security and law enforcement interests at stake," court papers said.

Those who appear on the no-fly list will then have further opportunity to dispute their status in writing, with supporting materials or exhibits, and will receive a final written decision from the Transportation Security Administration.
U.S. to tell Americans why they're on no-fly list -

and from that same story:

"After years of fighting in court for complete secrecy and losing, it's good that the government is finally now going to tell people of their status on the No Fly List," said Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project and the lead attorney on the case, in a statement.

"Unfortunately, we've found that the government's new redress process falls far short of constitutional requirements because it denies our clients meaningful notice, evidence, and a hearing. The government had an opportunity to come up with a fair process but failed, so we're challenging it in court again."
Don't be silly. There is a procedure for being removed from the list if you are wrongly put on it. Your claim is stupid to start with.
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
which have nothing to do with nofly lists and terror watch lists. those are held separately.

You're not going to be notified that you're on a terrorists or no fly list for obvious reasons. They want to catch terrorists not notify them that they're being watched. HOWEVER--if you find out that you are on a watch list and you shouldn't be--you have a right to find out why you're on that list and appeal it.

This happened in 2014.

"Americans on the United States' no-fly list will now be privy to information about why they have been banned from commercial flights and be given the opportunity to dispute their status, according to court documents filed by the Justice Department this week.

The revised policy comes in response to a June ruling by a federal judge that said the old process was in violation of the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. The decision was part of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit brought on behalf of 13 Americans on the list.

In cases in which travelers included on the list request to receive or submit more information about their status, the government will provide a second, more detailed response, identifying "specific criterion under which the individual has been placed on the No Fly List," according to the court documents.

An unclassified summary of that information will be provided "to the extent feasible, consistent with the national security and law enforcement interests at stake," court papers said.

Those who appear on the no-fly list will then have further opportunity to dispute their status in writing, with supporting materials or exhibits, and will receive a final written decision from the Transportation Security Administration.
U.S. to tell Americans why they're on no-fly list -

and from that same story:

"After years of fighting in court for complete secrecy and losing, it's good that the government is finally now going to tell people of their status on the No Fly List," said Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project and the lead attorney on the case, in a statement.

"Unfortunately, we've found that the government's new redress process falls far short of constitutional requirements because it denies our clients meaningful notice, evidence, and a hearing. The government had an opportunity to come up with a fair process but failed, so we're challenging it in court again."

You have a choice---notify terrorists in advance that they are being watched or put up with some inconvenience. There are only 500 Americans on the no-fly list compared to 21,000 foreigners. Take your pick.

The entire point is--if you are put on a no-fly list WRONGLY you can dispute it.
U.S. to tell Americans why they're on no-fly list -
then it shouldn't be hard to show me the process then, would it?

Firearm Background Checks FAQs - TN.Gov
which have nothing to do with nofly lists and terror watch lists. those are held separately.

You're not going to be notified that you're on a terrorists or no fly list for obvious reasons. They want to catch terrorists not notify them that they're being watched. HOWEVER--if you find out that you are on a watch list and you shouldn't be--you have a right to find out why you're on that list and appeal it.

This happened in 2014.

"Americans on the United States' no-fly list will now be privy to information about why they have been banned from commercial flights and be given the opportunity to dispute their status, according to court documents filed by the Justice Department this week.

The revised policy comes in response to a June ruling by a federal judge that said the old process was in violation of the Fifth Amendment's guarantee of due process. The decision was part of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit brought on behalf of 13 Americans on the list.

In cases in which travelers included on the list request to receive or submit more information about their status, the government will provide a second, more detailed response, identifying "specific criterion under which the individual has been placed on the No Fly List," according to the court documents.

An unclassified summary of that information will be provided "to the extent feasible, consistent with the national security and law enforcement interests at stake," court papers said.

Those who appear on the no-fly list will then have further opportunity to dispute their status in writing, with supporting materials or exhibits, and will receive a final written decision from the Transportation Security Administration.
U.S. to tell Americans why they're on no-fly list -

and from that same story:

"After years of fighting in court for complete secrecy and losing, it's good that the government is finally now going to tell people of their status on the No Fly List," said Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project and the lead attorney on the case, in a statement.

"Unfortunately, we've found that the government's new redress process falls far short of constitutional requirements because it denies our clients meaningful notice, evidence, and a hearing. The government had an opportunity to come up with a fair process but failed, so we're challenging it in court again."

You have a choice---notify terrorists in advance that they are being watched or put up with some inconvenience. There are only 500 Americans on the no-fly list compared to 21,000 foreigners. Take your pick.

The entire point is--if you are put on a no-fly list WRONGLY you can dispute it.

you could dispute it before too - it just didn't go anywhere.
it's not going anywhere now and you're still removing rights from someone w/o even telling then nor a trial to determine *IF* they should lose said rights.

again - no due process which i said at the outset and now you're simply backing your way into "well that's ok in this instance..."
Before replying to just the title, read the OP, it's not what you think.

People of reason look upon gun deaths as tragic. But as we have often observed, that is not always the case with conservatives. They, more often than not, use the news report as an opportunity to push their agenda to deregulate gun sales, open carry, and their opposition to background checks.

However, in the past, I have been “reprimanded” by Second Amendment fanatics (the majority of which are conservatives) for “politicizing a tragedy” with OPs that have advocated sensible gun regulations.

But, after decades of the NRA pumping millions-of-dollars into political candidates’ campaigns who oppose common sense gun laws, how can gun deaths and the need for common sense gun regulations be anything but political?

For example, just a few days ago, an eighteen-year-old received a gun from his girlfriend’s father as a graduation present. The youth was considered experienced in handling fire arms. Unfortunately, within a short period of hours, while he treated the weapon like a toy, he shot and killed his girlfriend. An innocent victim of carelessness killed by a “responsible” gun owner.

As so often happens, we have another tragic gun death caused by an individual who was considered, by himself and those around him, responsible with guns. And Second Amendment fanatics still want guns in the hands of as many people as possible.

It is alarming the frequency of reports of responsible gun owners leaving their “toys” out in the open, fully loaded, for small children to find, and results in a death or serious injury. Like the news articles concerning women who have been shot with their own guns by their own small children. The innocent victims of carelessness here are the children. They will always remember they either killed or wounded their own mothers.

Incidents like those above happen with alarming regularity. Much, much more often that a good-guy-with-a-gun saves a life.

However, when it come to politicizing a tragedy, conservatives are selective in their criticism. They will defend the Big Orange Head’s politicizing of the London terror attack yesterday. Rather than show some class and humility and offer comfort and support, Big Orange used this attack to tout his travel ban, push the courts to reinstate it, and use a lie to condemn London’s mayor, once again embarrassing the American people.

The comments in this OP are based on the articles at the links below.

It is expected the conservatives' responses will be their typical BS, because they will ignore the facts at these links, choosing, as they always do, to selectively apply their double-standards.

Tenn. teen accidentally kills girlfriend with graduation present

Toddler reaches into purse and gun goes off, killing mom

Pro-gun Jamie Gilt is shot by her four-year-old son in Putnam County, Florida | Daily Mail Online

Incidents of toddlers shooting others or themselves increasing, data shows

US embassy in London directly contradicts Trump's Twitter attack on London's mayor

And the following link contradicts every reason and excuse offered up by Second Amendment fanatics and the NRA:

What Trump Doesn't Understand About Gun Control in Great Britain


View attachment 131046

Gunman kills 5 in Orlando. Where's Trump?
Would you consider those 6 to be responsible owners? What efforts did the NRA make to weed out those 6 from being able to have as many guns as they wanted?

What weeding efforts do you think the NRA has the authority to make?...and how do you know how many guns they wanted? Your beef is with the NRA?'s their fault?...but, but those 6 are such a small percentage of gun owners, maybe even less than 0.001%.
My beef is with the NRA and the right wing politicians they on. Gun safety was once their main goal. Now it's gun sales.
Before replying to just the title, read the OP, it's not what you think.

People of reason look upon gun deaths as tragic. But as we have often observed, that is not always the case with conservatives. They, more often than not, use the news report as an opportunity to push their agenda to deregulate gun sales, open carry, and their opposition to background checks.

However, in the past, I have been “reprimanded” by Second Amendment fanatics (the majority of which are conservatives) for “politicizing a tragedy” with OPs that have advocated sensible gun regulations.

But, after decades of the NRA pumping millions-of-dollars into political candidates’ campaigns who oppose common sense gun laws, how can gun deaths and the need for common sense gun regulations be anything but political?

For example, just a few days ago, an eighteen-year-old received a gun from his girlfriend’s father as a graduation present. The youth was considered experienced in handling fire arms. Unfortunately, within a short period of hours, while he treated the weapon like a toy, he shot and killed his girlfriend. An innocent victim of carelessness killed by a “responsible” gun owner.

As so often happens, we have another tragic gun death caused by an individual who was considered, by himself and those around him, responsible with guns. And Second Amendment fanatics still want guns in the hands of as many people as possible.

It is alarming the frequency of reports of responsible gun owners leaving their “toys” out in the open, fully loaded, for small children to find, and results in a death or serious injury. Like the news articles concerning women who have been shot with their own guns by their own small children. The innocent victims of carelessness here are the children. They will always remember they either killed or wounded their own mothers.

Incidents like those above happen with alarming regularity. Much, much more often that a good-guy-with-a-gun saves a life.

However, when it come to politicizing a tragedy, conservatives are selective in their criticism. They will defend the Big Orange Head’s politicizing of the London terror attack yesterday. Rather than show some class and humility and offer comfort and support, Big Orange used this attack to tout his travel ban, push the courts to reinstate it, and use a lie to condemn London’s mayor, once again embarrassing the American people.

The comments in this OP are based on the articles at the links below.

It is expected the conservatives' responses will be their typical BS, because they will ignore the facts at these links, choosing, as they always do, to selectively apply their double-standards.

Tenn. teen accidentally kills girlfriend with graduation present

Toddler reaches into purse and gun goes off, killing mom

Pro-gun Jamie Gilt is shot by her four-year-old son in Putnam County, Florida | Daily Mail Online

Incidents of toddlers shooting others or themselves increasing, data shows

US embassy in London directly contradicts Trump's Twitter attack on London's mayor

And the following link contradicts every reason and excuse offered up by Second Amendment fanatics and the NRA:

What Trump Doesn't Understand About Gun Control in Great Britain


View attachment 131046


Tragedies come with political components or they don't. "Politicizing" a tragedy doesn't occur if the tragedy was political to begin with.
My beef is with the NRA and the right wing politicians they on. Gun safety was once their main goal. Now it's gun sales.

Oh, I see. Now is this based on fact or 'feeling'?

They say that Obama did wonders for gun sales, maybe your beef should be with him.

I couldn't find the 'gun sales are main goal part'...maybe you can.
NRA Explore | Home
The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.

Wrong - the right doesn't support arming crazies. That's why so many leftists can't get guns. :biggrin:
(relax - that's silly hyperbole just like your statements.)

The battle for an armed citizenry was fought and won hundreds of years ago. The NRA advocates for responsible gun ownership, even among their liberal members. btw - what does 'fully' armed mean?

Would you consider those 6 to be responsible owners? What efforts did the NRA make to weed out those 6 from being able to have as many guns as they wanted?
One of the tenets of a free society is that people are innocent until proven guilty. As such, a person with a clean record can buy a gun and go on a murderous shooting spree. Or the person can buy a truck, or a knife, or explosives, or many other items to use in a murderous killing spree. It's a cost of living in a free society.
European socialism can never work over here... because it can't work anywhere

It works in Canada, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and in every first world country in the world.

Americans are so paranoid that some undeserving person will get a freebie that every social program has means testing and security against fraud so that the administration of these programs costs more than the benefit provided.

It's the one of the lies conservatives tell themselves daily - like non-whites are stupid and don't work, white opioid abuse is different than drug use the inner city, and white Christians who kills Muslims and blacks aren't terrorists, they're "mentally ill", blacks and Muslims who kill whites are "terrorists", liberals are only voting for "free stuff".

Trump has embarrassed your country yet again in his response to the attacks in GB.

Trump is responding to ISIS like a trained monkey - pushing for his useless Muslim ban, and trying to start a Twitter feud with the Mayor of London. Real classy.

What's worse, Trump has yet to mention the white right wing terror attack against the men defending the Muslim girls from abuse on the train. Or the dozens of vandalized synagogues throughout America, except to suggest that these are "false flag" attacks.

What kind of fool politicized a terrorist attack to push his xenophobic agenda? Or tries to start a Twitter war with the mayor of the city which was attacked?

Oh wait, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!!
You have no proof socialism of any sort works long term... never in the history of the planet has it ever worked.... long term.
It always runs out of other peoples money then turns into a dictatorship… fact
Liar. We support gun rights for all law abiding citizens.

You just draw the line at expecting them to be responsible, right? You like to explain away the deaths in that list and all like them as caused by irresponsible people, yet, in your judgement, they were all completely responsible right up until the second they caused someone to die. Suddenly, your opinion of them drastically changes.
Yes, I expect law abiding citizens to be responsible. Odd huh? My opinion doesn't change at all, I called you a liar for a reason, it's what you do. Unlike you I don't want to punish the law abiding among us. Nor do I ignore the fact that many gun related shootings are not with legal guns.

You call me a liar because you are a RWNJ, and that's hat you do. Not surprised you can never point out the specific lie you seem to reference.
I always say what you lied about. So that's another lie. You lied when you said the right is fighting for crazies to own guns and you lied when you said my opinion changes. The words are still there. Your little hate filled pea brain just can't do any better.

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

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