Is Politicizing Tragedy Wrong?

You just draw the line at expecting them to be responsible, right? You like to explain away the deaths in that list and all like them as caused by irresponsible people, yet, in your judgement, they were all completely responsible right up until the second they caused someone to die. Suddenly, your opinion of them drastically changes.
Yes, I expect law abiding citizens to be responsible. Odd huh? My opinion doesn't change at all, I called you a liar for a reason, it's what you do. Unlike you I don't want to punish the law abiding among us. Nor do I ignore the fact that many gun related shootings are not with legal guns.

You call me a liar because you are a RWNJ, and that's hat you do. Not surprised you can never point out the specific lie you seem to reference.
I always say what you lied about. So that's another lie. You lied when you said the right is fighting for crazies to own guns and you lied when you said my opinion changes. The words are still there. Your little hate filled pea brain just can't do any better.

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Wait a minute, you think a tragedy involving the careless use of a firearm is worthy if a political issue but an act of international terrorism doesn't rise to the same level as long as a republican is in office? Lefties are going plumb crazy with anger and hatred.
Yes, I expect law abiding citizens to be responsible. Odd huh? My opinion doesn't change at all, I called you a liar for a reason, it's what you do. Unlike you I don't want to punish the law abiding among us. Nor do I ignore the fact that many gun related shootings are not with legal guns.

You call me a liar because you are a RWNJ, and that's hat you do. Not surprised you can never point out the specific lie you seem to reference.
I always say what you lied about. So that's another lie. You lied when you said the right is fighting for crazies to own guns and you lied when you said my opinion changes. The words are still there. Your little hate filled pea brain just can't do any better.

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Obama brought the worst out of people… And most of them happened to be progressive nut jobs. Fact
His point is that he chooses to politicize gun tragedies to suit his agenda, hence the links in the OP, but doesn't want others to do it, duh.

Definition of hypocrite
  1. 1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

  2. 2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

And an example of how some on this forum deflect and use a variety of tactics to avoid talking about reality.
the reality is that the manner in which he set this up *is* hypocritical.


No, I disagree. He stated his point of view, and you have the ability to write your opposing view.

If you see ghosts where there aren't any, that doesn't make the OP hypocritical.

Frigid Weirdo- read this slowly several times, you may eventually understand it. He is bitching and moaning about the right politicizing gun tragedies, and how he thinks it's wrong to do so to advance their position. Then he turns around and post links to gun tragedies to advance his opposite position. That is the epitome of hypocrisy!
which is why i originally said he doesn't want to argue the point but do a WAH HEAR ME BUT YOU SHUT UP run and i'm tired of those.

Well, I'm tired of your bitching and moaning, so, I'm out.
You call me a liar because you are a RWNJ, and that's hat you do. Not surprised you can never point out the specific lie you seem to reference.
I always say what you lied about. So that's another lie. You lied when you said the right is fighting for crazies to own guns and you lied when you said my opinion changes. The words are still there. Your little hate filled pea brain just can't do any better.

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Obama brought the worst out of people… And most of them happened to be progressive nut jobs. Fact

Ummm , no that's not a fact . More like right wing fake news media inspired the righty freaks out there .
I always say what you lied about. So that's another lie. You lied when you said the right is fighting for crazies to own guns and you lied when you said my opinion changes. The words are still there. Your little hate filled pea brain just can't do any better.

The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Obama brought the worst out of people… And most of them happened to be progressive nut jobs. Fact

Ummm , no that's not a fact . More like right wing fake news media inspired the righty freaks out there .
Na, most of the mass shooters in the last several years were progressives. you need to quit falling down the well
The NRA fought for every one of these people to be fully armed right up until the second they killed their first person. Don't tell me the right doesn't support arming crazies.
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Obama brought the worst out of people… And most of them happened to be progressive nut jobs. Fact

Ummm , no that's not a fact . More like right wing fake news media inspired the righty freaks out there .
Na, most of the mass shooters in the last several years were progressives. you need to quit falling down the well

Liar .

It's comical how righties will bend reality into pretzels in order to blame liberals .
All of these are progressive nut jobs... and most of them obama brought them out of the woodwork... like I've always said next to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Fact

You really do live in reverso world, don't you?
Obama brought the worst out of people… And most of them happened to be progressive nut jobs. Fact

Ummm , no that's not a fact . More like right wing fake news media inspired the righty freaks out there .
Na, most of the mass shooters in the last several years were progressives. you need to quit falling down the well

Liar .

It's comical how righties will bend reality into pretzels in order to blame liberals .
Quit falling down the well
Yep, most of them were progressives and/or Muslims... lol
14 mass shootings, 14 speeches: How Obama has responded
While painfully tragic, each of those incidences were not responsible gun ownership IMO

Completely right, but the right fought for each of them to have as many guns as they wanted right up until they killed someone. The term responsible gun owner wasn't accurately applied to all of those listed, was it?

Mothers with guns & young toddlers should keep the two as far apart as possible, with safeties & locks on. The teen shouldn't have loaded the gun when messing around with it & others nearby. It can really be just that simple. And sometimes even with all safety precautions in place, shit does happen even with the best.

But that's hardly the point now is it? Gun advocates are fighting to keep everyone's Constitutional rights in place, so people like yourself don't destroy this country & the laws in which it was founded on, one right at a time. And those Constitutional rights are for EVERY citizen and have been in place for what? 230 years??? And the people have carried guns since the Mayflower landed. Only since the 20's or 30's have there been attempts to control ownership and that was against the gangsters with Tommy guns. Then not until the last several years did it include more regulations.
The left won't be happy until we're completely unarmed like the rest of the world and completely controlled by the government........which was the whole fricken point of the Founding Fathers to establish the USA as a free country.

That same Constitution guarantees your sides rights to assemble & protest when you don't get your way, gives the MSM the protection to report the lies, half truths
and opinions as facts, that political figures can plead the 5th just to save their ass.........get the idea?
Any laws, whether local, state or federal are there for the protection of it's citizens and it works for MOST.....but there are always going to be someone that walks scott free when they are guilty, someone that's innocent is behind bars or executed, and some nutjobs are going to go bezerk or innocents are going to get killed or hurt.

But can you imagine this country without that same Constitution??? Just think about it.....China at Tienemen Square where the students were shot & mowed down with tanks by the government because they were protesting & demanding certain rights. Actually we'd be just like North Korea.......the press has to only report what Kim wants, if govt doesn't like you they can kill your family right in front of you so they can control you for their own good. Work your ass off in the rice paddies until your back is breaking, just to give it all to the govt. You are only allowed 1/2 cup per day per person and are savagely tortured & beaten if you keep an extra cup because your wife is pregnant & starving on the legal ration.
ALL of our Constitution......even those difficult parts......are to keep all of us from becoming THAT.

If you want to change those laws for a workable good for everyone, then you need to understand more tougher background checks &/or outlawing gun ownership isn't the way to keep the people safe. 1.) provide better mental health services and most important 2.) EDUCATION to ownership. Require a safety & education class(es).
While painfully tragic, each of those incidences were not responsible gun ownership IMO

Completely right, but the right fought for each of them to have as many guns as they wanted right up until they killed someone. The term responsible gun owner wasn't accurately applied to all of those listed, was it?

Mothers with guns & young toddlers should keep the two as far apart as possible, with safeties & locks on. The teen shouldn't have loaded the gun when messing around with it & others nearby. It can really be just that simple. And sometimes even with all safety precautions in place, shit does happen even with the best.

But that's hardly the point now is it? Gun advocates are fighting to keep everyone's Constitutional rights in place, so people like yourself don't destroy this country & the laws in which it was founded on, one right at a time. And those Constitutional rights are for EVERY citizen and have been in place for what? 230 years??? And the people have carried guns since the Mayflower landed. Only since the 20's or 30's have there been attempts to control ownership and that was against the gangsters with Tommy guns. Then not until the last several years did it include more regulations.
The left won't be happy until we're completely unarmed like the rest of the world and completely controlled by the government........which was the whole fricken point of the Founding Fathers to establish the USA as a free country.

That same Constitution guarantees your sides rights to assemble & protest when you don't get your way, gives the MSM the protection to report the lies, half truths
and opinions as facts, that political figures can plead the 5th just to save their ass.........get the idea?
Any laws, whether local, state or federal are there for the protection of it's citizens and it works for MOST.....but there are always going to be someone that walks scott free when they are guilty, someone that's innocent is behind bars or executed, and some nutjobs are going to go bezerk or innocents are going to get killed or hurt.

But can you imagine this country without that same Constitution??? Just think about it.....China at Tienemen Square where the students were shot & mowed down with tanks by the government because they were protesting & demanding certain rights. Actually we'd be just like North Korea.......the press has to only report what Kim wants, if govt doesn't like you they can kill your family right in front of you so they can control you for their own good. Work your ass off in the rice paddies until your back is breaking, just to give it all to the govt. You are only allowed 1/2 cup per day per person and are savagely tortured & beaten if you keep an extra cup because your wife is pregnant & starving on the legal ration.
ALL of our Constitution......even those difficult parts......are to keep all of us from becoming THAT.

If you want to change those laws for a workable good for everyone, then you need to understand more tougher background checks &/or outlawing gun ownership isn't the way to keep the people safe. 1.) provide better mental health services and most important 2.) EDUCATION to ownership. Require a safety & education class(es).

Really? You think I want to take away your constitutional rights? Just how big and powerful do you think I am, and if I was that powerful, why would I go to the trouble to take your rights when I could spend that time and effort getting a big boat?
Wait a minute, you think a tragedy involving the careless use of a firearm is worthy if a political issue but an act of international terrorism doesn't rise to the same level as long as a republican is in office? Lefties are going plumb crazy with anger and hatred.
Going? They've been there for over a decade. I noticed the insanity of the left rise at the same time Howard Dean did.

May has had 3 attacks in the past half year and 2 within the past 3 weeks during the campaign. Why the fuck should Britain trust her for another second?
While painfully tragic, each of those incidences were not responsible gun ownership IMO

Completely right, but the right fought for each of them to have as many guns as they wanted right up until they killed someone. The term responsible gun owner wasn't accurately applied to all of those listed, was it?

Mothers with guns & young toddlers should keep the two as far apart as possible, with safeties & locks on. The teen shouldn't have loaded the gun when messing around with it & others nearby. It can really be just that simple. And sometimes even with all safety precautions in place, shit does happen even with the best.

But that's hardly the point now is it? Gun advocates are fighting to keep everyone's Constitutional rights in place, so people like yourself don't destroy this country & the laws in which it was founded on, one right at a time. And those Constitutional rights are for EVERY citizen and have been in place for what? 230 years??? And the people have carried guns since the Mayflower landed. Only since the 20's or 30's have there been attempts to control ownership and that was against the gangsters with Tommy guns. Then not until the last several years did it include more regulations.
The left won't be happy until we're completely unarmed like the rest of the world and completely controlled by the government........which was the whole fricken point of the Founding Fathers to establish the USA as a free country.

That same Constitution guarantees your sides rights to assemble & protest when you don't get your way, gives the MSM the protection to report the lies, half truths
and opinions as facts, that political figures can plead the 5th just to save their ass.........get the idea?
Any laws, whether local, state or federal are there for the protection of it's citizens and it works for MOST.....but there are always going to be someone that walks scott free when they are guilty, someone that's innocent is behind bars or executed, and some nutjobs are going to go bezerk or innocents are going to get killed or hurt.

But can you imagine this country without that same Constitution??? Just think about it.....China at Tienemen Square where the students were shot & mowed down with tanks by the government because they were protesting & demanding certain rights. Actually we'd be just like North Korea.......the press has to only report what Kim wants, if govt doesn't like you they can kill your family right in front of you so they can control you for their own good. Work your ass off in the rice paddies until your back is breaking, just to give it all to the govt. You are only allowed 1/2 cup per day per person and are savagely tortured & beaten if you keep an extra cup because your wife is pregnant & starving on the legal ration.
ALL of our Constitution......even those difficult parts......are to keep all of us from becoming THAT.

If you want to change those laws for a workable good for everyone, then you need to understand more tougher background checks &/or outlawing gun ownership isn't the way to keep the people safe. 1.) provide better mental health services and most important 2.) EDUCATION to ownership. Require a safety & education class(es).

Really? You think I want to take away your constitutional rights? Just how big and powerful do you think I am, and if I was that powerful, why would I go to the trouble to take your rights when I could spend that time and effort getting a big boat?

Wasn't meant 'you' specifically, or that you would have that kind of power. You don't. But was more of a collective YOU, as part of the left anti-gun ownership crowd. So get your head out of your ass cause you're not that special.
The whole point of my previous post was to point out the dangers of picking apart the Constitution to keep what you like & toss the others you don't........and just what could happen if we don't have it. All based on your comment of blaming the right for fighting for peoples rights to own guns......that some of those people weren't thinking clearly & got killed or killed someone else......The incidences being referenced were from the OP and all were tragic accidents that didn't have to happen, but did because the people involved in each case didn't really think about what they were doing at the time.

ya'll seem to forget that 98% of gun owners don't have those kinds of problems. Not themselves or with their families. Nor are they the ones shooting up schools, post offices, or any number of people........that happens with only a few.
While painfully tragic, each of those incidences were not responsible gun ownership IMO

Completely right, but the right fought for each of them to have as many guns as they wanted right up until they killed someone. The term responsible gun owner wasn't accurately applied to all of those listed, was it?

Mothers with guns & young toddlers should keep the two as far apart as possible, with safeties & locks on. The teen shouldn't have loaded the gun when messing around with it & others nearby. It can really be just that simple. And sometimes even with all safety precautions in place, shit does happen even with the best.

But that's hardly the point now is it? Gun advocates are fighting to keep everyone's Constitutional rights in place, so people like yourself don't destroy this country & the laws in which it was founded on, one right at a time. And those Constitutional rights are for EVERY citizen and have been in place for what? 230 years??? And the people have carried guns since the Mayflower landed. Only since the 20's or 30's have there been attempts to control ownership and that was against the gangsters with Tommy guns. Then not until the last several years did it include more regulations.
The left won't be happy until we're completely unarmed like the rest of the world and completely controlled by the government........which was the whole fricken point of the Founding Fathers to establish the USA as a free country.

That same Constitution guarantees your sides rights to assemble & protest when you don't get your way, gives the MSM the protection to report the lies, half truths
and opinions as facts, that political figures can plead the 5th just to save their ass.........get the idea?
Any laws, whether local, state or federal are there for the protection of it's citizens and it works for MOST.....but there are always going to be someone that walks scott free when they are guilty, someone that's innocent is behind bars or executed, and some nutjobs are going to go bezerk or innocents are going to get killed or hurt.

But can you imagine this country without that same Constitution??? Just think about it.....China at Tienemen Square where the students were shot & mowed down with tanks by the government because they were protesting & demanding certain rights. Actually we'd be just like North Korea.......the press has to only report what Kim wants, if govt doesn't like you they can kill your family right in front of you so they can control you for their own good. Work your ass off in the rice paddies until your back is breaking, just to give it all to the govt. You are only allowed 1/2 cup per day per person and are savagely tortured & beaten if you keep an extra cup because your wife is pregnant & starving on the legal ration.
ALL of our Constitution......even those difficult parts......are to keep all of us from becoming THAT.

If you want to change those laws for a workable good for everyone, then you need to understand more tougher background checks &/or outlawing gun ownership isn't the way to keep the people safe. 1.) provide better mental health services and most important 2.) EDUCATION to ownership. Require a safety & education class(es).

Really? You think I want to take away your constitutional rights? Just how big and powerful do you think I am, and if I was that powerful, why would I go to the trouble to take your rights when I could spend that time and effort getting a big boat?

Wasn't meant 'you' specifically, or that you would have that kind of power. You don't. But was more of a collective YOU, as part of the left anti-gun ownership crowd. So get your head out of your ass cause you're not that special.
The whole point of my previous post was to point out the dangers of picking apart the Constitution to keep what you like & toss the others you don't........and just what could happen if we don't have it. All based on your comment of blaming the right for fighting for peoples rights to own guns......that some of those people weren't thinking clearly & got killed or killed someone else......The incidences being referenced were from the OP and all were tragic accidents that didn't have to happen, but did because the people involved in each case didn't really think about what they were doing at the time.

ya'll seem to forget that 98% of gun owners don't have those kinds of problems. Not themselves or with their families. Nor are they the ones shooting up schools, post offices, or any number of people........that happens with only a few.

Yes, but you seem to blame everyone who doesn't follow the gun nut line for trying to steal your guns. Most of us just want to cut down on dead people, and see reasonable controls as the best way to accomplish that. Of course, if you are really a died in the wool gun nut you won't understand, or even believe that.
The 2% of gun owners that do have those problems still stack up a lot of unnecessarily dead bodies. That's enough to be a problem that needs fixing.
While painfully tragic, each of those incidences were not responsible gun ownership IMO

Completely right, but the right fought for each of them to have as many guns as they wanted right up until they killed someone. The term responsible gun owner wasn't accurately applied to all of those listed, was it?

Mothers with guns & young toddlers should keep the two as far apart as possible, with safeties & locks on. The teen shouldn't have loaded the gun when messing around with it & others nearby. It can really be just that simple. And sometimes even with all safety precautions in place, shit does happen even with the best.

But that's hardly the point now is it? Gun advocates are fighting to keep everyone's Constitutional rights in place, so people like yourself don't destroy this country & the laws in which it was founded on, one right at a time. And those Constitutional rights are for EVERY citizen and have been in place for what? 230 years??? And the people have carried guns since the Mayflower landed. Only since the 20's or 30's have there been attempts to control ownership and that was against the gangsters with Tommy guns. Then not until the last several years did it include more regulations.
The left won't be happy until we're completely unarmed like the rest of the world and completely controlled by the government........which was the whole fricken point of the Founding Fathers to establish the USA as a free country.

That same Constitution guarantees your sides rights to assemble & protest when you don't get your way, gives the MSM the protection to report the lies, half truths
and opinions as facts, that political figures can plead the 5th just to save their ass.........get the idea?
Any laws, whether local, state or federal are there for the protection of it's citizens and it works for MOST.....but there are always going to be someone that walks scott free when they are guilty, someone that's innocent is behind bars or executed, and some nutjobs are going to go bezerk or innocents are going to get killed or hurt.

But can you imagine this country without that same Constitution??? Just think about it.....China at Tienemen Square where the students were shot & mowed down with tanks by the government because they were protesting & demanding certain rights. Actually we'd be just like North Korea.......the press has to only report what Kim wants, if govt doesn't like you they can kill your family right in front of you so they can control you for their own good. Work your ass off in the rice paddies until your back is breaking, just to give it all to the govt. You are only allowed 1/2 cup per day per person and are savagely tortured & beaten if you keep an extra cup because your wife is pregnant & starving on the legal ration.
ALL of our Constitution......even those difficult parts......are to keep all of us from becoming THAT.

If you want to change those laws for a workable good for everyone, then you need to understand more tougher background checks &/or outlawing gun ownership isn't the way to keep the people safe. 1.) provide better mental health services and most important 2.) EDUCATION to ownership. Require a safety & education class(es).

Really? You think I want to take away your constitutional rights? Just how big and powerful do you think I am, and if I was that powerful, why would I go to the trouble to take your rights when I could spend that time and effort getting a big boat?

Wasn't meant 'you' specifically, or that you would have that kind of power. You don't. But was more of a collective YOU, as part of the left anti-gun ownership crowd. So get your head out of your ass cause you're not that special.
The whole point of my previous post was to point out the dangers of picking apart the Constitution to keep what you like & toss the others you don't........and just what could happen if we don't have it. All based on your comment of blaming the right for fighting for peoples rights to own guns......that some of those people weren't thinking clearly & got killed or killed someone else......The incidences being referenced were from the OP and all were tragic accidents that didn't have to happen, but did because the people involved in each case didn't really think about what they were doing at the time.

ya'll seem to forget that 98% of gun owners don't have those kinds of problems. Not themselves or with their families. Nor are they the ones shooting up schools, post offices, or any number of people........that happens with only a few.

Yes, but you seem to blame everyone who doesn't follow the gun nut line for trying to steal your guns. Most of us just want to cut down on dead people, and see reasonable controls as the best way to accomplish that. Of course, if you are really a died in the wool gun nut you won't understand, or even believe that.
The 2% of gun owners that do have those problems still stack up a lot of unnecessarily dead bodies. That's enough to be a problem that needs fixing.

Nobody wants dead people.

And just what do you (& those like you) consider reasonable controls??? They've had controls for awhile now and after every shooting, they revise and add to those controls......all without realizing more controls aren't working nor will they ever work.

The more those rights are being chipped away with increasing regulation IS the beginning steps of taking the guns away because those regulations won't fix the problems.
I thought that the NRA supported locking up crazy people.

I know I certainly do.

You claiming there were no warning signs for any of those whack jobs?

I'm sure there were lots of warning signs for each and every one of those nut jobs. I'm also saying the NRA and the right would have gone to court to support the right of any one of the above to have as many guns as they wanted right up until the instant they killed people.
Liar. The NRA doesn't support nut cases.

So list all the efforts they have made to keep guns out of the hands of people who can't even run their on affairs.
Ah, now you shifted the subject from nuts to those that can't deal with government paperwork.

Like I said, you're dishonest. And no, I don't work for retards.

No? You make no sense. Retard.
Yes, but you seem to blame everyone who doesn't follow the gun nut line for trying to steal your guns. Most of us just want to cut down on dead people, and see reasonable controls as the best way to accomplish that. Of course, if you are really a died in the wool gun nut you won't understand, or even believe that.
The 2% of gun owners that do have those problems still stack up a lot of unnecessarily dead bodies. That's enough to be a problem that needs fixing.
What orifice did your 2% number come from? Most shootings are done in urban environments with very tough gun laws. What needs fixing is the brains of liberals, they know so much that isn't true.
Yes, but you seem to blame everyone who doesn't follow the gun nut line for trying to steal your guns. Most of us just want to cut down on dead people, and see reasonable controls as the best way to accomplish that. Of course, if you are really a died in the wool gun nut you won't understand, or even believe that.
The 2% of gun owners that do have those problems still stack up a lot of unnecessarily dead bodies. That's enough to be a problem that needs fixing.
What orifice did your 2% number come from? Most shootings are done in urban environments with very tough gun laws. What needs fixing is the brains of liberals, they know so much that isn't true.
If you read the post I as responding to, you would know where the 2% came from
Yes, politicizing tragedy is wrong, and it will only stop when, uh, we stop doing it.
Yes, but you seem to blame everyone who doesn't follow the gun nut line for trying to steal your guns. Most of us just want to cut down on dead people, and see reasonable controls as the best way to accomplish that. Of course, if you are really a died in the wool gun nut you won't understand, or even believe that.
The 2% of gun owners that do have those problems still stack up a lot of unnecessarily dead bodies. That's enough to be a problem that needs fixing.
What orifice did your 2% number come from? Most shootings are done in urban environments with very tough gun laws. What needs fixing is the brains of liberals, they know so much that isn't true.
If you read the post I as responding to, you would know where the 2% came from
The 2% number he mentioned, however accurate, was accidental shootings. What law do you propose fixes that? The fact is most shootings are not accidental and not legal gun owners but those are the people you lefties love to target. You have NO clue.

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