Is Racism Over Yet?

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You are the one talking shit and posting up your per 1000, 000 talking about rates.

Yes, I've mentioned that the rates of violent crimes committed by black perps are higher than rates committed by white perps.

It's math.

There is math involved in my question. Answer it.

Sorry, I'm not answering questions from dumbasses at the moment. Try again later.

You aren't answering your own questions.

We see that you are nothing but a loud mouthed pussy who knows that if he answers this question I am going to mathematically crush his punk bitch ass.


.Go fetch my cigarettes boy and don't be slow about it.

Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?
I've only replied to the most important points you made because majority of it was over-emotional waffling on your part.
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.
You are all about the stats. Right ? The stats show that more people die in cars than are killed by lions and bears. Is that true or false ?
But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
The FBI (Where you got those stats from) is a branch of white supremacy. ....

I stopped reading here. That's bat shit crazy.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
Why? You are the one talking shit and posting up your per 1000, 000 talking about rates. So answer the question or be shown to be the pussy we all know you really are.

You are the one talking shit and posting up your per 1000, 000 talking about rates.

Yes, I've mentioned that the rates of violent crimes committed by black perps are higher than rates committed by white perps.

It's math.

There is math involved in my question. Answer it.

Sorry, I'm not answering questions from dumbasses at the moment. Try again later.

You aren't answering your own questions.

We see that you are nothing but a loud mouthed pussy who knows that if he answers this question I am going to mathematically crush his punk bitch ass.


.Go fetch my cigarettes boy and don't be slow about it.

Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.
I'm pretty sure they "pass" the coloureds just to get rid of them.
I've only replied to the most important points you made because majority of it was over-emotional waffling on your part.
Didn't we talk about this already? I suspect people killed by lions and bears are fewer than the people killed in car crashes because bears and lions are encountered far less often than cars.
You are all about the stats. Right ? The stats show that more people die in cars than are killed by lions and bears. Is that true or false ?
But here's the question: since negroes in the USA are such a small percentage (a minority) of the population, and therefore encountered far less frequently than whites, how come they commit more murders than whites, the majority? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Blacks were the offenders 2,934 times vs 2,897 for whites. Now if lions were as rare in the USA as they are and cars are as common as they are, with lions being responsible for MORE deaths than cars, what would you say about lions? That they're VERY dangerous compared to cars.
The FBI (Where you got those stats from) is a branch of white supremacy. ....

I stopped reading here. That's bat shit crazy.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.

That is funny.
Against whites?

There is no such thing as racism to white people.

Although a blk person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person, this kind of thing rarely happens because

A) Blk ppl in authority positions are very rare.
B) And even when you do find a black person in authority, there are authorities above those black ppl who are white, and who would not stand any racism to whites
C) Even when a black person sat on top of a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress white people (even were wanted), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda. Ulti

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people of color exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media. As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people simply does not exist.
Then why can't we say ****** in public but you can say Cracker? (even this site is discriminating against whites by not **** out Cracker but they did **** out nig.ger.)
Then how come we can't have a White College Fund or a National White person Appreciation month or a NAWP?
Then why is it ok to have White people free zones but not have black people free zones?

You can't be that stupid. Really I can't see God making a human being so damned dumb as to say this.

Whites originated the word cracker you stupid fuck and used it on themselves. Whites made up the n word as a derogatory term for blacks. You have all kinds of white college funds and every month but February is white appreciation month. You have all manner of NAAWP's, such as the, US Senate and House, State houses of legislatures, most city councils, US Chamber of Commerce and various other organizations that represent white ethnic groups. And when you talk about black free zones, we can name entire states.

You are a victim of the fake white grievance industry Marc described. Stop crying.
You know absolutely nothing.

Your ignorance knows no bounds.
I don’t take naps so I guess I’ll get to work. How can I be of service?

Work to end racism by whites. Recognize the ploys they use derail discussions.
Why can't we all agree to judge each other based on their merits and how they present themselves.
Act like a douche get treated like one.

You are. People like you post up craploads of racist garbage then you get what you deserve for it, and start crying like you've done nothing. Look at these threads here. Most of them are anti black racist troll threads. Then if we blacks call you out, then we are the racists. So just stop crying. you guys made his bed.
Racism exist because of people like you. Bigots that think that they are social justice warriors “that think that they are social justice warriors,” like yourself need to realize that we are all one but you separate us, “you” meaning social justice warriors.

Sure, right. yeah that's the ticket. You tell me when this nation was ever united or shut the fuck up. I am not why racism exists, you are. I'm trying to separate things by asking whites to end what divides us. You are a dumb ass. And what's so bad about this psychosis you and whites like you have is that you really believe you male sense. I'm a bigot for asking bigots to stop. Stay off the fentanyl.
Whats dividing us is you constantly accusing us of being racists simply for not making things benefit you just because of your race.
(X)Racism will never end until the day comes when we stop mixing the races together. Racism started in the states because of bringing in blacks from Africa. Mixing numerous races of people together will eventually lead to more racism. The white people in all the white Western countries in the world are starting to find this out. And if the day comes when white people become a minority in their own white countries well then they ain't see nothing yet pardner if they don't wake up to the threat. White people will find out what racism really is all about. But by then it will be too late for old whitey and white people will be forever screwed. There will be no place on earth where old whitey can call home anymore. Just ask the white people of South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). They know what happens when you give up your power. Rapes and murders. But hey.
There is not white race. Whites are mutts, a mixture of other races. There is no pure white race.

There sure is an Aryan white race. Why do Jews and blacks keep attacking whites for being white if there are no true whites according to you? Who are they attacking then?
They're lying to themselves that they themselves are responsible for where they are at and where they are going. Laying false blames on "whites" is as stupid as blaming the Jews.

Dumb ass you're the one who said whites were mutts. On top of that we can blame whites and we have a good 2.5 centuries of laws, court decisions and policies hat support what we say. What do you white racists have ? Nothing. A bunch of lies you racists repeat over and over in forums.
Whites are a mixture of other races. What other people call them doesn't change that fact.
I for one am Iroquois, German, Irish, and Italian. ie. mutt.

(X)Non whites are a bunch of mutts. If it were not for the white race they would all still be living in caves and going for a crap in the rain in the bush. Ever heard of the word Caucasoid? There is no way Scandinavian people are a mixture if anything except Caucasian.
Mathematics. The fact of the matter is that the number of violent crimes committed has very little to do with the number of articles Paul Essien can link to in a single post.
Mathmatics ?

I notice how you don't even whisper the word crime. And yet, from 1920’s up to early 1990’s white rime was the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

If we think that at its peak Mafia Cosa Nostra alone had some 3000 to 4000 members (in 1980’s FBI estimated the number of members around 2300), we know that out of that number most guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder and in the past the requirement was actual murder. In order to become a made member, a made guy in Cosa Nostra, you had to kill someone by your own hands. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding etc. or setting up the actual murder. But in the earlier times you personally had to kill someone.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands.

Even when some members did not personally killed anybody, others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that. And that number is just their murders and just by the italia-namerican organized crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non members who were and are involved in that business.

Other mobs, jewish and irish and mixed, were and are part of the organized crime too. Just check out bostonian irish Whitey Bulger. How many guys he personally killed? Not to mention those legendary guys in Murder Inc. who killed guys by dozens. Philip Strauss alone was convicted with 58 murders the cops knew and he was suspected from as many more.

Add to this the drug trade which they controlled pretty much from 1930’s untill 1990’s. How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons? Thousands at least. The drug trade by white organized crime litterally destroyed dozens of black neighborhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal? How many victims that had? Hundreds of thousands.

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of polticians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood (via Sidney Korshak and his pals), and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

It is very funny how all you promoting the idea of black criminality and violence somehow forget all of that.

What's your explanation for that ?
I don't think Hitler considered Italians as being white?

(X)Hitler was apart of the Caucasoid race of people.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.
I'm not trying to "go logical with my racism," I'm pointing how you're illogical with your argument. And I use the word "argument" loosely here. It's more of an attempt at communication by a dumb chimp like you. A failed attempt that made you look like an utter fool.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.
You think the truth is racist.

You are a moron. You are a moron because you think me thinking you are a moron is racist when my reasoning for thinking that has nothing to do with your race.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

There is no discrimination against white people. Unless they are LGBTQ. And I am against that discrimination as well.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.
There is math involved in my question. Answer it.

Sorry, I'm not answering questions from dumbasses at the moment. Try again later.

You aren't answering your own questions.

We see that you are nothing but a loud mouthed pussy who knows that if he answers this question I am going to mathematically crush his punk bitch ass.


.Go fetch my cigarettes boy and don't be slow about it.

Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

You cannot argue discrimination when you at the majority of those selected or hired. We could not have claimed discrimination if 75 percent of us were provided opportunity by law. We were working with a zero blacks allowed situation not that we got 75 percent of all jobs but think we deserve 80. And this is what these guys are calling discrimination against whites.
I believe racism will one day be over for sure, just not by the hands of man. We all are too infected in one way or another , which is what racism does, it infects. But we will know what it causes when we see it stopped. The experience of racism is a tarnish; a stain of sorts; we all inherited it. Some worse than others , but it is my hope that mankind will be allowed to participate in the world healing of racism in some manner.

In racism , no race should be blamed above the other. At least I don't think so.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

You cannot argue discrimination when you at the majority of those selected or hired. We could not have claimed discrimination if 75 percent of us were provided opportunity by law. We were working with a zero blacks allowed situation not that we got 75 percent of all jobs but think we deserve 80. And this is what these guys are calling discrimination against whites.
Do you really think you deserve a job with how stupid you are? Maybe sweeping floors.
What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:
Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?
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