Is Racism Over Yet?

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As to your last line, It would be nice if we could say that but the facts do not show this to be the case. As to your first sentence I agree.
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.
Whites are retarded?

B-tch don't try skipping what bgrouse said to ask that silly question.
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.
Whites are retarded?

B-tch don't try skipping what bgrouse said to ask that silly question.
I'd discriminate against you because you said bitch.
It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

You are a racist and I don't support racist discrimination. That's what is clear.

I don't understand why is it ok for fuckers to call me a "Racist" as though that is somehow a valid "point", when it is not ok for me to call vile pieces of shit, what they are.

Hypothetically speaking, just an aside.

Because you at a racist. And those you call vile pieces of shit are people who oppose racism. You have claimed there is a national policy of discrimination against white people and you've never shown it. You have claimed that for most of American histroy whites have supported anti black discrimination. Both these statements are untrue. YOU, are a liar. THAT is vile. So YOU are a vile piece of shit.

I have said that there is a nation wide discrimination against whites, and I have presented hard data and linked to court cases to prove it. Repeatedly.

Those I have called vile pieces of shit are the ones that use false accusations of racism to smear good people and to tear this country apart.

It is incredible to me that it is ok for vile pieces of shit to call me a vile name like "racist" without any supporting reason, other than disagreeing with me politically,

but I am not allowing to call them vile names BACK.

You know, speaking in hypothetical generalities, kind of, sort of...
I believe racism will one day be over for sure, just not by the hands of man. We all are too infected in one way or another , which is what racism does, it infects. But we will know what it causes when we see it stopped. The experience of racism is a tarnish; a stain of sorts; we all inherited it. Some worse than others , but it is my hope that mankind will be allowed to participate in the world healing of racism in some manner.

In racism , no race should be blamed above the other. At least I don't think so.

As to your last line, It would be nice if we could say that but the facts do not show this to be the case. As to your first sentence I agree.
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.

Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?
Is Racism over yet? As long as white people keep making little white girls and as long as little white girls keep craving dark meat, I think its kinda over for those two, what do you think? There are very very very few white families in America that don't have a Deshaun at their family reunions.
I believe racism will one day be over for sure, just not by the hands of man. We all are too infected in one way or another , which is what racism does, it infects. But we will know what it causes when we see it stopped. The experience of racism is a tarnish; a stain of sorts; we all inherited it. Some worse than others , but it is my hope that mankind will be allowed to participate in the world healing of racism in some manner.

In racism , no race should be blamed above the other. At least I don't think so.

I don't think you have a clear understanding of what racism is at the core. Its the belief that ones own race is racially superior to another race. I am POSITIVE that a much, much higher percentage of whites are racist than blacks. Society conditions one to believe white superiority over even conditions blacks to believe this.
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As to your last line, It would be nice if we could say that but the facts do not show this to be the case. As to your first sentence I agree.
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.

Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?

Which is why you all try so hard to not see yourselves as racist. You are attempting to avoid the moral injury of being "vile". I realize its not so much that you are trying to convince others that you are not racist......its that you are trying to convince yourself. When it becomes hard for you to mask your racism, you then seek to normalize racism by suggesting everyone is basically racist. By normalizing racism you again protect yourself from moral injury because you then see yourself as no different than others.

Anytime your argument explains the black condition of inequality with whites to be rooted in something internal with blacks, you are a racist. You cannot plant two genetically equal seeds in the same soil, sun and rail and see any big difference in their growth and yields. If there is a big difference in growth and yeild either the seeds were inherently unequal (one seed inferior to the other in its genetic makeup) or they received unequal soil, sun and rain or a combination of the former and latter. What many of us are arguing is that a racist society deprived blacks of equal soil, sun and rain, while dissenters like you argue that its not the soil, sun and rain differential, but rather, the seed differential. Ergo, its not the 300 plus years of racial oppression that explains black currently inequality, its the nature of blacks themselves that does. That is Racist.

Of course, you focus on statistics as your TRUTHS and then say truths can't be racist. However, here is a truth. Every action creates a reaction. Thus, its arguable, plausible and probable that many of your statistical TRUTHS are the accrued REACTION to centuries of racist actions. In other words, your racism is creating the truths you use to fuel your racism further.
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What you'll find even more amusing is that he uses the FBI as a source without any qualms when their info suits him.
The problem for you is that you try to go logical with your racism. Once a white supremacist tries to go logical in trying to justify racism then it's easy.

Why does America and Canada have a Black History Month but white people cannot have a White History Month? That is racism, fella, against the white people of America and Canada. I remember one time an MLA in New Brunswick wanted to have a Caucasian European Day but it was struck down. The cowardly politically correct politicians were pretty much forced by many Jewish organizations to back down and not allow it to happen as to those organization's it would be seen as promoting white supremacy.

Racism is alive and well but it is only happening against the white people. White people need to wake up and smell the bloody hatred going on towards them. :icon_cry:

We need to stop caring whether or not what the other side does qualifies as racism, because they don't. They expect us to abide by their rules which don't apply to them. Discrimination is fine, as long as it is against white people. Don't expect that to change any time soon.

In America, discrimination was first against Blacks, not Whites. We kind of reap what we sew. No hands are clean in this war.

Mine are. I never enslaved anybody or denied anybody's grandpappy a loan or none of that SHIT

You also likely never invented sh!t, never done anything to advance humanity, technology, life, etc. However, because some OTHER white persons did in history......then it becomes a team sport again and as a member of the team you seek transference of the accomplishment to you vicariously. I read it all the time from white posters talking about how whites have achieved and invented this and that while blacks have not, when these individuals who are bragging have not invented or accomplished jack sl!t....but they link themselves to the accomplishment because of the color of their skin. Yet, when it comes to slavery and all the evil slit that whites have done to claim no connection. Fcking hypocrites.
You aren't answering your own questions.

We see that you are nothing but a loud mouthed pussy who knows that if he answers this question I am going to mathematically crush his punk bitch ass.


.Go fetch my cigarettes boy and don't be slow about it.

Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.
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Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.
You would prefer their beliefs to be based on lies?
I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.
You would prefer their beliefs to be based on lies?

They are the most racist because they refuse to see their selection bias in gathering their truths. In other words, they are so racist they will not even seek to entertain other truths that may mitigate their truth.
Please, it is too sad to watch YOU, brag about your math skills.

I mean, really. I don't know how you passed 2cd grade.

I'm certain my math skills are superior to yours and the other racists. .

It's funny that you call me a racist, when you are the one that supports racist discrimination as a national policy.

I wonder, is this your dishonesty speaking, or are you really so deluded that you believe the silly pap you spew?

You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.
Coral is most definitely a racist. There is no debate needed on the subject. its like arguing with a chimp that claims he is not a chimp.
I believe racism will one day be over for sure, just not by the hands of man. We all are too infected in one way or another , which is what racism does, it infects. But we will know what it causes when we see it stopped. The experience of racism is a tarnish; a stain of sorts; we all inherited it. Some worse than others , but it is my hope that mankind will be allowed to participate in the world healing of racism in some manner.

In racism , no race should be blamed above the other. At least I don't think so.

I don't think you have a clear understanding of what racism is at the core. Its the belief that ones own race is racially superior to another race. I am POSITIVE that a much, much higher percentage of whites are racist than blacks. Society conditions one to believe white superiority over even conditions blacks to believe this.

Maybe in America I would say your right,, but not in the world as a whole. I wonder sometimes what the order of which races in the world are more discriminated against? That would be interesting to know.

Something of a bit of interest;'

Racism statistics and facts |
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I believe racism will one day be over for sure, just not by the hands of man. We all are too infected in one way or another , which is what racism does, it infects. But we will know what it causes when we see it stopped. The experience of racism is a tarnish; a stain of sorts; we all inherited it. Some worse than others , but it is my hope that mankind will be allowed to participate in the world healing of racism in some manner.

In racism , no race should be blamed above the other. At least I don't think so.

I don't think you have a clear understanding of what racism is at the core. Its the belief that ones own race is racially superior to another race. I am POSITIVE that a much, much higher percentage of whites are racist than blacks. Society conditions one to believe white superiority over even conditions blacks to believe this.

Maybe in America I would say your right,, but not in the world as a whole. I wonder sometimes what the order of which races in the world are more discriminated against? That would be interesting to know.

Something of a bit of interest;'

Racism statistics and facts |

Mikiel, on a world scale whites have colonized most of he planet. And they did so based upon a belief in racial superiority. Then in order to maintain minority rule, thy would divide the natives by giving one group preference over others. If you study Rwanda you see that is exactly what led to the problems.
Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.
Whites are retarded?

B-tch don't try skipping what bgrouse said to ask that silly question.
I'd discriminate against you because you said bitch.

You discriminate against me if I didn't.
You are a racist. I don't support racist discrimination as a national policy. What you claim is such policy is not.

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

You are a racist and I don't support racist discrimination. That's what is clear.

I don't understand why is it ok for fuckers to call me a "Racist" as though that is somehow a valid "point", when it is not ok for me to call vile pieces of shit, what they are.

Hypothetically speaking, just an aside.

Because you at a racist. And those you call vile pieces of shit are people who oppose racism. You have claimed there is a national policy of discrimination against white people and you've never shown it. You have claimed that for most of American histroy whites have supported anti black discrimination. Both these statements are untrue. YOU, are a liar. THAT is vile. So YOU are a vile piece of shit.

I have said that there is a nation wide discrimination against whites, and I have presented hard data and linked to court cases to prove it. Repeatedly.

Those I have called vile pieces of shit are the ones that use false accusations of racism to smear good people and to tear this country apart.

It is incredible to me that it is ok for vile pieces of shit to call me a vile name like "racist" without any supporting reason, other than disagreeing with me politically,

but I am not allowing to call them vile names BACK.

You know, speaking in hypothetical generalities, kind of, sort of...

You've not done that. You cited a Princeton study from 1991 that showed whites were the majority of students accepted and you claimed that was discrimination. You have presented no court cases because there is no national policy of racial discrimination against whites. Period. You can't show one because the isn't one. You are part if the fake white grievance industry and you are a race baiter.
As to your last line, It would be nice if we could say that but the facts do not show this to be the case. As to your first sentence I agree.
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.

Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?

I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?
So you're blaming living whites for what dead whites did?

Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.

Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?

I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?
Do u call blacks who r racists racist?
Look you miserable trashbag, you are a racist, therefore you would deny a person of color opportunity in the same way. Therefore you need to shut that shit up about blaming dead people when you have the same racism.
I gave you plenty of opportunity to redeem yourself, despite knowing that you're black. But each time you prove that you are an irredeemable moron. So who is the real racist? I possess the common knowledge that blacks are retarded, but still give you the opportunity to prove yourself otherwise. You just fail time and time again. The same thing happened to Essien. You, on the other hand, are busy blaming living whites for what dead whites did.

All you do is show your are a dumb ass. For you to post that last sentence shows the common retardation in whites.

Says the person that loves to call white people racist.

Does everyone agree that in our society, calling someone "racist" is a very vile insult?

I don't call white people racist, I call whites who are racists racist. So are you saying all whites are racists Correll?
Do u call blacks who r racists racist?

Do you not understand that an angry reaction to racism is not racism?
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