Is Rand Paul another Washington Machine's actor?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
If you really want to judge the sincerity and/or competency of a candidate running for office who tells you his missions is to take back our federal government from the “Washington Machine”, then study what that candidate proposes with regard to tax reform and if that candidate denounces what we are forced to use as money.

I believe a large segment of America’s businesses and taxpaying citizens realize the experiment with allowing Congress to lay and collect taxes calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other lawfully earned incomes has resulted in a nightmare which allows massive fraud and abuse, including how our Washington Machine uses this form of taxation to fatten the fortunes of its friends while punishing its enemies, and this is in addition to how destructive this hideous and arbitrary tax is to America’s private sector’s economic engine.

Unfortunately Rand Paul’s version of tax reform is similar to that of Senator Cruz who tells us he wants to close down the IRS, and in the next breath promotes keeping it open by offering a flat tax upon profits, gains, salaries and other lawfully earned incomes which in fact keeps this destructive taxing power in the Washington Machine’s hands and the IRS open.

Keep in mind neither of these two, Paul or Cruz, expound upon the virtues of our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as our founders intended it to operate, nor do they embrace the brilliance and wisdom of the rule requiring any direct tax to be apportioned just as each State’s number of representatives are apportioned. This rule, as intended by our founders, required that whenever Congress decided to lay a direct tax __ a tax assessed upon the individual by government __ each state’s share of a total being raised by Congress would be proportionately equal to it Representation in Congress, i.e., representation with a proportional financial obligation! In fact, this turns out to be an equal per capita tax if laid directly upon the people.

Why is it that both Cruz and Paul promote keeping alive the Washington Machine’s power to lay and collect taxes calculated from “incomes” instead of promoting to return to our Constitution’s original tax plan by promising to have an amendment sent to the States for ratification which declares:

“SECTION 1. The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money.

"SECTION 5. This Amendment to the Constitution, when ratified by the required number of States, shall take effect no later than (?) years after the required number of States have ratified it.

Additionally, neither Cruz or Paul explain why our founders specifically rejected allowing our federal government to make “notes of any kind” a legal tender for all debt public and private, and how Federal Reserve Notes, having been made a legal tender for all debts public and private in defiance of our Constitution, are now used by our Washington Machine to plunder real material wealth which America's businesses and labor have produced.


"Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring class of mankind, none have been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money. This is the most effectual of inventions to fertilize the rich man's field by the sweat of the poor man's brow."_____ Daniel Webster
He's another ridiculous libertarian adhering to his inane, naïve, and childish utopian dogma.

Rand Paul’s version of tax reform is to keep the iron fist of the Washington Machine clenched around the necks of the good people of these United States!

Does Rand Paul’s flat tax not keep an immoral, capricious and arbitrary un-apportioned taxing power in the hands of the Washington Machine which uses it to fleece the taxpayer at the Washington Machine's whim and fancy and without the protection of the rule of apportionment?

Do supporters of Rand Paul believe the rule of apportionment which requires an equal per capita tax when taxing the people directly, makes it far more dangerous for the Washington Machine to fleece the people than Rand Paul's flat tax on profits, gains and other "incomes"? Keep in mind a capitation tax requires the citizens of each state, without regard to personal wealth, to step up and put equal "skin in the game". Under Rand Paul's flat tax, is it not easier to fleece the most productive citizens without having to impose an equal tax burden on the least product citizens?

There was a time in our country when even the unemployed were expected and required to contribute their fair and equal share in meeting the expenses of government. A wonderful example of this principle is exhibited in the public laws of Maryland’s Dorchester County, under which all able bodied residents of the county above twenty and under fifty years of age were “compelled to labor two days at least in every year in repairing the roads of said county, with the privilege, however, of furnishing a substitute or paying to the road supervisors seventy-five cents for each day such person may be summoned to labor, the money thus paid to be expended in repairing the roads.”

And the law went on to indicate that “anyone neglecting or refusing to perform such labor, or to provide a substitute, or to pay seventy-five cents per day for each and every day he may be summoned to work, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial and conviction before a Justice of the Peace, shall be fined seventy-five cents for each day`s delinquency and costs, and shall stand committed until the fine and costs are paid.”___ SEE SHORT vs. STATE OF MARYLAND, decided February 27th, 1895, upholding the law and not violating (a) the 13th or 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, or (b) the 40th section of Art. 3 of the Constitution of Maryland.

Should we really support a candidate which promotes federal tax "reform" which is unequal in its application, has been proved to be a tool of corruption, and is used by the Washington Machine to keep its iron fist clenched around the necks of the good people of these United States?


Our tyrants in Washington force the productive to pay taxes on incomes so they can spread their wealth and buy votes, but the Washington Machine does not force their beloved 45 % who pay no income taxes to work for the taxes they get

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