*Is Revolution Possible?*

*Are we headed for civil war?*

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 59.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Only a third of the colonists were in favor of the first revolution.
A third were loyal to the king, and the last third didn't care.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

well, to be fair, barring a coup you can always conspire with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert the election process.

Oh, wait ............
Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

Ferguson didn't get the memo.

Cumo in New York is kicking in doors to disarm peasants using "red flag" laws.

Maryland is killing law abiding gun owners as they kick in doors during confiscation raids.

Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid

I know you to be a reasonable person, do you really think people will not respond?

They are planning to start this in California. Citizens are forming mutual defense alliances to come to each others aid should goons come to violate the constitution.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

Except, the left would have had no part in 1776. They would have been drinking it up in the boston pubs with the tories.
Ever read the diatribes of the loyalists in the revolutionary war? Those people were the conservatives without a doubt. A lot of tradition, nationalism and obedience to the god-given authority of the monarchy. Our treasured traditional values were once startling new concepts of course the conservatives of the time opposed them.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

1. So you double down, but add smart phones.
2. People with a full belly, and a smart phone are too docile to mind what's going on politically?
3. Is that a true statement, we had no lack off food during the last civil war, but we didn't have smart phone the the 1800's.
4. Anybody want to disagree with him?


Im curious as to what you think would trigger a revolution. Im all for secession now as I think our govt is worthless but I don't see people revolting when they have all their gadgets, sports, and full stomach.

1. So you *triple down* the reason there will be no revolution is people have food, people have smartphones, so all is good to you. ty.....
2. I think I understand your point, does anyone here agree to this?

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


One might argue that to be a matter of degree. Lewis F. Powell Jr laid out the american power structure's remedy for how to control and minimize the political awareness/involvement of the masses after the power structure was shaken by the political activism of 1960-70s; squeeze them economically. I would suggest reviewing the Powell Memorandum as to how the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class conceives of how to manage the public involvement in the political process by controlling and limiting their economic security. Alternatively someone in power obviously has other views. Take our penchant for attempting to topple other governments like Iran or Venezuela as examples. We apply sanctions on a nation to starve out their population in hopes of manipulating the population to rise up and help the US overthrow their own government. The vast majority of the american public currently lacks the nads to even walk off of a job in protest even though the re-rigging of the economic system is half a century on now. Revolution? Against concentrated wealth and power? Nah. But we can be rather easily turned upon each other. That I can see as possible. I see it daily.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

1. So you double down, but add smart phones.
2. People with a full belly, and a smart phone are too docile to mind what's going on politically?
3. Is that a true statement, we had no lack off food during the last civil war, but we didn't have smart phone the the 1800's.
4. Anybody want to disagree with him?


Im curious as to what you think would trigger a revolution. Im all for secession now as I think our govt is worthless but I don't see people revolting when they have all their gadgets, sports, and full stomach.

1. So you *triple down* the reason there will be no revolution is people have food, people have smartphones, so all is good to you. ty.....
2. I think I understand your point, does anyone here agree to this?


His point is most ppl in this country aren’t focused on revolution, civil war, or any of that. As opposed to half the people on message boards, who dream of such things..
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

well, to be fair, barring a coup you can always conspire with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert the election process.

Oh, wait ............
A foreign government might be necessary to liberate us from the Democrat tyranny.
Stupid, Russia did not help Trump because he would be good for America. They want to diminish us. I'd say that's mission accomplished.
A foreign government might be necessary to liberate us from the Democrat tyranny.


But the only ones who used a foreign government to rig an election are the democrats. Obama used his NSA, CIA, and FSB to buy dirt from Russia to smear Trump with. Then used that fabricated dirt to obtain a FISA warrant based on a perjured application which was used to spy on the opposition campaign, spy on the president elect, and spy on the POTUS. Not to mention the open coup attempt after Comey was rightfully fired.

We are in a civil war, pure fact.
The changes this country is going through, while profound, don't happen overnight. One day it'll look a lot different, and it will be far too late for some imagined violent revolt that can change anything.

Maybe a little sporadic violence here and there, that's about it.
Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

Ferguson didn't get the memo.

Cumo in New York is kicking in doors to disarm peasants using "red flag" laws.

Maryland is killing law abiding gun owners as they kick in doors during confiscation raids.

Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid

I know you to be a reasonable person, do you really think people will not respond?

They are planning to start this in California. Citizens are forming mutual defense alliances to come to each others aid should goons come to violate the constitution.

I agree with you. I just don't think things have deteriorated to the point where a revolution is about to occur. I do know that there are many communities that are preparing though.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

well, to be fair, barring a coup you can always conspire with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert the election process.

Oh, wait ............
A foreign government might be necessary to liberate us from the Democrat tyranny.
Stupid, Russia did not help Trump because he would be good for America. They want to diminish us. I'd say that's mission accomplished.

Stupid, Russia didn't help Trump at all.

They DID help Obama with a fabricated Dossier which he used to engage in treason with - such as rigging the 2016 election.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


One might argue that to be a matter of degree. Lewis F. Powell Jr laid out the american power structure's remedy for how to control and minimize the political awareness/involvement of the masses after the power structure was shaken by the political activism of 1960-70s; squeeze them economically. I would suggest reviewing the Powell Memorandum as to how the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class conceives of how to manage the public involvement in the political process by controlling and limiting their economic security. Alternatively someone in power obviously has other views. Take our penchant for attempting to topple other governments like Iran or Venezuela for examples. We apply sanctions on a nation to starve out their population to manipulate the population ti rise up and help the US overthrow their own government. The vast majority of the american public currently lacks the nads to even walk off of a job in protest even though the re-rigging of the economic system is half a century on now.

1. So this is well thought out and has a lot of food for thought, I see a flat out *No*, in this post, what your saying is we are being controlled by security.
2. Does anyone agree with this, disagree we are secure?
3. ty. interesting....

No, there will be no revolution, nor a Civil War. Until people's little bubbles are burst, they will be happy with the necessities of life.

The Left (Democrats, Liberals, Progressives) are quickly Fundamentally Transforming America through subterfuge. They own the Media, Education, most of Government, and Corporate America. They also have allowed the importation of possibly 40 Million Illegal Aliens who through identity theft, have at least the ability to vote, although obviously all of them don't yet. They want to continue to import more. That is why they don't want the Wall.

Metro areas are now solidly Democrat INCLUDING their suburbs, and most ex-burbs now. This is significant as those large population centers are turning entire states BLUE. We may have seen the last Republican President with Trump.
Revolution is not coming. Civil war is. Not with the clashing of armies but the attacks on individuals.

The only difference between civil war and revolution is which side wins.

We are already in a civil war. It is a cold war at the moment, but rapidly heating.
You are a bunch of generals waiting for someone else to die for you on TV. None of you see yourselves facing down tanks in your civil war fantasies.

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