*Is Revolution Possible?*

*Are we headed for civil war?*

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 59.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

1. So you double down, but add smart phones.
2. People with a full belly, and a smart phone are too docile to mind what's going on politically?
3. Is that a true statement, we had no lack off food during the last civil war, but we didn't have smart phone the the 1800's.
4. Anybody want to disagree with him?


Im curious as to what you think would trigger a revolution. Im all for secession now as I think our govt is worthless but I don't see people revolting when they have all their gadgets, sports, and full stomach.

1. So you *triple down* the reason there will be no revolution is people have food, people have smartphones, so all is good to you. ty.....
2. I think I understand your point, does anyone here agree to this?


I didn't say it was good for me. I would have seceded from our kabuki theatre years ago.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

Except, the left would have had no part in 1776. They would have been drinking it up in the boston pubs with the tories.
Ever read the diatribes of the loyalists in the revolutionary war? Those people were the conservatives without a doubt. A lot of tradition, nationalism and obedience to the god-given authority of the monarchy. Our treasured traditional values were once startling new concepts of course the conservatives of the time opposed them.

I'll go as far as to say neither party of today would have had the slightest clue on how to win the american revolution. Transporting either of these two worthless parties back to the 1700's and thinking they would have done something significant is a laugher.
What we now have is analogous to an intelligent schoolkid being made to sit next to the disruptive, ignorant, smelly class dummy.

Eventually, it will become too much for the intelligent schoolkid, and the Democrats will fall.
So those that voted for revolution...are willing to KILL their fellow Americans?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't see anybody starving yet so, no.

1. Looks like your saying only hungry people will revolt?
2. As long as we eat we stay docile.
3. Does anyone believe this to be true?


As long as everyone has their smartphone, ipad, a 6 pack of cokes and fritos, and watch sports, the revolution is doomed.

1. So you double down, but add smart phones.
2. People with a full belly, and a smart phone are too docile to mind what's going on politically?
3. Is that a true statement, we had no lack off food during the last civil war, but we didn't have smart phone the the 1800's.
4. Anybody want to disagree with him?


Im curious as to what you think would trigger a revolution. Im all for secession now as I think our govt is worthless but I don't see people revolting when they have all their gadgets, sports, and full stomach.

1. So you *triple down* the reason there will be no revolution is people have food, people have smartphones, so all is good to you. ty.....
2. I think I understand your point, does anyone here agree to this?

I do agree with that, in the sense that MOST people are not overly interested in politics. Really, they aren't. I think it would be very hard to have a revolution with only a handful of people who care very deeply about their political philosophies.
Sorry bout that,

Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

Except, the left would have had no part in 1776. They would have been drinking it up in the boston pubs with the tories.

1. So President Lincoln one man who started the republican party stood up for the constitution and demanded the negro be set free.
2. So one man who stood up and demanded something?

You are a bunch of generals waiting for someone else to die for you on TV. None of you see yourselves facing down tanks in your civil war fantasies.

We had a sitting president who used the CIA and NSA to recruit a foreign spy to use his contacts in Russia to dig up dirt on the man running against his party. This alone is an act of treason. Obama then used the FSB (they cannot be compared to the once honorable FBI) to BUY fabricated dirt from Russia which they turned around and gave to Buzzfeed - notorious hack liars - to try and corrupt the election process.

Flat out treason.

Then the PERPETRATORS of these criminal acts turn around and accuse the VICTIM of colluding with those that they themselves colluded with, whilst forming an Inquisition that would make 14th century Spain blush.

You traitors are waging civil war to destroy the culture, civility, and Constitution of the United States.

BUT with missteps like the Kavanaugh lynching, you have awakened a sleeping giant.
Right-wingers do not have revolutions, they have military coups.

well, to be fair, barring a coup you can always conspire with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert the election process.

Oh, wait ............
A foreign government might be necessary to liberate us from the Democrat tyranny.
Stupid, Russia did not help Trump because he would be good for America. They want to diminish us. I'd say that's mission accomplished.

You people are our diminishment.
Revolution is not coming. Civil war is. Not with the clashing of armies but the attacks on individuals.

The only difference between civil war and revolution is which side wins.

We are already in a civil war. It is a cold war at the moment, but rapidly heating.
You are a bunch of generals waiting for someone else to die for you on TV. None of you see yourselves facing down tanks in your civil war fantasies.

Of course not. They'll be our tanks.:auiqs.jpg:

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