Is Scott Brown Delusional and Does He Support Terrorism?

I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.

The particulars of the Tea Party Terrorist's writings are irrelevant to the discussion. What the right wing lunatic actually wrote (he was a right winger, no?), is of no value to me or you...unless of course you identify with his anti government rants. :eusa_whistle:

He was not a right winger, nor a Tea Party member, his writings crossed all political lines, you can no more say he was a right winger than I can say he was a left winger. He was a mixture of all of the above, that is where your whole argument goes right out the door, you're starting with a false belief that this wacko was doing this for political reasons of any kind, when he was actually just a wacko who couldn't take responsibility for his life and got pissed off at the easiest target.

I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.

The particulars of the Tea Party Terrorist's writings are irrelevant to the discussion. What the right wing lunatic actually wrote (he was a right winger, no?), is of no value to me or you...unless of course you identify with his anti government rants. :eusa_whistle:

He was not a right winger, nor a Tea Party member, his writings crossed all political lines, you can no more say he was a right winger than I can say he was a left winger. He was a mixture of all of the above, that is where your whole argument goes right out the door, you're starting with a false belief that this wacko was doing this for political reasons of any kind, when he was actually just a wacko who couldn't take responsibility for his life and got pissed off at the easiest target.

Right Wing Populism crosses part lines.

All evil men are called whackos by those who wish to distance themselves from the similarities in views held.

The Tea Party Lunacy has been embraced by and is often fed by the GOP leadership. The Tea Party is registering and training people to enter the GOP ranks...people who were not very active in politics. TheTea Party rantings are as crazy or crazier than the Tea Party Terrorist's rantings were.
The particulars of the Tea Party Terrorist's writings are irrelevant to the discussion. What the right wing lunatic actually wrote (he was a right winger, no?), is of no value to me or you...unless of course you identify with his anti government rants. :eusa_whistle:

He was not a right winger, nor a Tea Party member, his writings crossed all political lines, you can no more say he was a right winger than I can say he was a left winger. He was a mixture of all of the above, that is where your whole argument goes right out the door, you're starting with a false belief that this wacko was doing this for political reasons of any kind, when he was actually just a wacko who couldn't take responsibility for his life and got pissed off at the easiest target.

Right Wing Populism crosses part lines.

All evil men are called whackos by those who wish to distance themselves from the similarities in views held.

The Tea Party Lunacy has been embraced by and is often fed by the GOP leadership. The Tea Party is registering and training people to enter the GOP ranks...people who were not very active in politics. TheTea Party rantings are as crazy or crazier than the Tea Party Terrorist's rantings were.

How do you know? You haven't read his rantings. You're trying to tell me that you know what was in his rantings when you haven't read them. Well, I did read them and they are so far right on some things and so far left on others that he wouldn't fit in either side of the aisle. Maybe you need to do a little research on what you're stating as fact before you post and make yourself look like a fool. Because that's all that you're doing here.

I'm done with this idiot.

I'm an artist. What I do is art. The idea that you imagine it to be highbrow is irrelevant to me and what is art.


In the same way a monkey throwing shit at passers by is an artists .

I'm sorry. Is that shit on your face? I thought it was a birth mark.

The only thing on my face is an expression of incredulity. I had no idea how stupid you really were.
Now I know and will leave you to your public masturbation.
Good bye.
I don't see anywhere where Brown condoned kamikaze missions with the intent to kill IRS agents. All he said was that it was indicative of the frustration and anger of many voters.

Trying to spin this into "Brown supports terrorism against the US" is just plain stupid.
I don't see anywhere where Brown condoned kamikaze missions with the intent to kill IRS agents. All he said was that it was indicative of the frustration and anger of many voters.

Trying to spin this into "Brown supports terrorism against the US" is just plain stupid.

So you are saying Brown didn't condone it, but embraces the hatred and anger and admits that is what he ran on?

Wow! I salute your honesty.

In the same way a monkey throwing shit at passers by is an artists .

I'm sorry. Is that shit on your face? I thought it was a birth mark.

The only thing on my face is an expression of incredulity. I had no idea how stupid you really were.
Now I know and will leave you to your public masturbation.
Good bye.

Good Bye.

and remember, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
He was not a right winger, nor a Tea Party member, his writings crossed all political lines, you can no more say he was a right winger than I can say he was a left winger. He was a mixture of all of the above, that is where your whole argument goes right out the door, you're starting with a false belief that this wacko was doing this for political reasons of any kind, when he was actually just a wacko who couldn't take responsibility for his life and got pissed off at the easiest target.

Right Wing Populism crosses part lines.

All evil men are called whackos by those who wish to distance themselves from the similarities in views held.

The Tea Party Lunacy has been embraced by and is often fed by the GOP leadership. The Tea Party is registering and training people to enter the GOP ranks...people who were not very active in politics. TheTea Party rantings are as crazy or crazier than the Tea Party Terrorist's rantings were.

How do you know? You haven't read his rantings. You're trying to tell me that you know what was in his rantings when you haven't read them. Well, I did read them and they are so far right on some things and so far left on others that he wouldn't fit in either side of the aisle. Maybe you need to do a little research on what you're stating as fact before you post and make yourself look like a fool. Because that's all that you're doing here.

I'm done with this idiot.


Populism is populism. The particulars may change, but the outrage of the message is always the same.

You just are incapable of critical thought. You act as if the mad rantings are new and need to be read to be understood.

Here is a link to TPM where Massachusetts US Senator Scott Brown (R), talks about the Tea Party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.

In reading the link I was hit by these phrases: "But the way we're trying to deal with things and have been in the past, at least until I got here..." and " And people want us to do better. They want us to help solve the problems that are affecting Americans in a very real way.

And I think we, I'm hopeful that we can do that, with a lot of the things that are coming forward. At least what I'm hearing through, and speaking with my colleagues this seems to be a diff feel there's kind of a message that was sent with my election,.. "

Does this man actually think things have changed because he 'got there'? Does he think we buy a lot of things have come forward since he was elected and that these imaginary things will solve anything?

Is Scott Brown delusional or is he blowing smoke up your arse or both?

we report, you decide.


Oh yeah, the idea that Brown maybe supports terrorism:
Not Ready for Prime Time
Josh Marshall | February 18, 2010, 9:23PM

Was Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) rationalizing the Joe Stack's anti-tax plane attack down in Texas today in an interview with Neil Cavuto? I'm not sure that's exactly it. But he did seem weirdly close to describing the incident as another example of the voter frustration that sent him to Washington. I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know. Transcript after the jump ...

I see others also think Brown might br straying too close to the line...
Op-Ed Columnist
The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged

Published: February 27, 2010
Op-Ed Columnist - The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged -

What made that kamikaze mission eventful was less the deranged act itself than the curious reaction of politicians on the right who gave it a pass — or, worse, flirted with condoning it. Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and inaccurate to call him a card-carrying Tea Partier or a “Tea Party terrorist.” But he did leave behind a manifesto whose frothing anti-government, anti-tax rage overlaps with some of those marching under the Tea Party banner. That rant inspired like-minded Americans to create instant Facebook shrines to his martyrdom. Soon enough, some cowed politicians, including the newly minted Tea Party hero Scott Brown, were publicly empathizing with Stack’s credo — rather than risk crossing the most unforgiving brigade in their base.

Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, even rationalized Stack’s crime. “It’s sad the incident in Texas happened,” he said, “but by the same token, it’s an agency that is unnecessary. And when the day comes when that is over and we abolish the I.R.S., it’s going to be a happy day for America.” No one in King’s caucus condemned these remarks. Then again, what King euphemized as “the incident” took out just 1 of the 200 workers in the Austin building: Vernon Hunter, a 68-year-old Vietnam veteran nearing his I.R.S. retirement. Had Stack the devastating weaponry and timing to match the death toll of 168 inflicted by Timothy McVeigh on a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995, maybe a few of the congressman’s peers would have cried foul.

It is not glib or inaccurate to invoke Oklahoma City in this context,
some things need to be restated.

the more the deniers of the obvious spam the message the more credibility they give it.

Why don't you attack Obama then?
According to the President the same anger that swept him into office swept Brown.

Has the President made comments about the Texas Terrorist in some way condoning his angry feelings?
The Strange World Of Dr. Anthrax - March 1, 2010

He then noted that agents searching his basement would find a "bag of material that he uses to 'cross-dress,'" according to an interview report. During a January 2008 meeting with agents, Ivins described his bizarre decades-long "obsession" with the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and detailed how he broke into two KKG chapters to steal ritual books used by the group. He also told of "another of his obsessions, blindfolding or bondage."

Three months before his suicide, surveillance agents sifted through trash Ivins left at his curb and discovered that the beleaguered scientist was disposing of pornographic magazines, fetish titles, and 15 pairs of stained women's panties.

When an FBI lab analysis of the underwear showed that semen was detected on 14 of the garments, a grand jury directive was issued to obtain DNA from Ivins. That sample was taken July 21, 2008, five days before the scientist's Tylenol overdose (Ivins died on July 29 at age 62). The FBI records show that some Ivins acquaintances shared with the FBI e-mail and instant message communications exchanged with the scientist. In a July 2008 e-mail, Ivins wrote that "Dick Cheney scares me. The Patriot Act is so unconstitutional it's not even funny."

He added, "I'm voting for Obama!" A laboratory co-worker reported that Ivins hated the New York Yankees and thought New Yorkers were "elitist." The bureau even memorialized Ivins's e-mail musings about how "disgraceful"
Last edited:
I don't see anywhere where Brown condoned kamikaze missions with the intent to kill IRS agents. All he said was that it was indicative of the frustration and anger of many voters.

Trying to spin this into "Brown supports terrorism against the US" is just plain stupid.

So you are saying Brown didn't condone it, but embraces the hatred and anger and admits that is what he ran on?

Wow! I salute your honesty.

There will always be crazy people out there. But yea, i think Scott Brown will fully admit that he won based on the frustration level that a lot of people have with the current administration and congress. How else do you explain his victory in the most liberal of states?
Why don't you attack Obama then?
According to the President the same anger that swept him into office swept Brown.

Has the President made comments about the Texas Terrorist in some way condoning his angry feelings?

no, but he's on the record as saying the same sentiment that supposedly got brown elected was the sentiment that elected him.

"The president also said the same voter anger that swept him into office in 2008 carried Brown into office on a stunning upset victory Tuesday night over heavily favored Democrat Martha Coakley."

President Obama on Scott Brown Massachusetts Victory - ABC News

i guess he's counting on the kamikaze vote for his reelection bid, just like brown.
Is this "Liberals Don't Like Scott Brown" Day?

So soon after "Liberals Like Scott Brown" Day, too...
Here is a link to TPM where Massachusetts US Senator Scott Brown (R), talks about the Tea Party terrorist who flew a plane into a building.

In reading the link I was hit by these phrases: "But the way we're trying to deal with things and have been in the past, at least until I got here..." and " And people want us to do better. They want us to help solve the problems that are affecting Americans in a very real way.

And I think we, I'm hopeful that we can do that, with a lot of the things that are coming forward. At least what I'm hearing through, and speaking with my colleagues this seems to be a diff feel there's kind of a message that was sent with my election,.. "

Does this man actually think things have changed because he 'got there'? Does he think we buy a lot of things have come forward since he was elected and that these imaginary things will solve anything?

Is Scott Brown delusional or is he blowing smoke up your arse or both?

we report, you decide.


Oh yeah, the idea that Brown maybe supports terrorism:
Not Ready for Prime Time
Josh Marshall | February 18, 2010, 9:23PM

Was Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) rationalizing the Joe Stack's anti-tax plane attack down in Texas today in an interview with Neil Cavuto? I'm not sure that's exactly it. But he did seem weirdly close to describing the incident as another example of the voter frustration that sent him to Washington. I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know. Transcript after the jump ...

You're a lying scumbag and I hope you get VD from fucking your goat
The Strange World Of Dr. Anthrax - March 1, 2010

He then noted that agents searching his basement would find a "bag of material that he uses to 'cross-dress,'" according to an interview report. During a January 2008 meeting with agents, Ivins described his bizarre decades-long "obsession" with the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and detailed how he broke into two KKG chapters to steal ritual books used by the group. He also told of "another of his obsessions, blindfolding or bondage."

Three months before his suicide, surveillance agents sifted through trash Ivins left at his curb and discovered that the beleaguered scientist was disposing of pornographic magazines, fetish titles, and 15 pairs of stained women's panties.

When an FBI lab analysis of the underwear showed that semen was detected on 14 of the garments, a grand jury directive was issued to obtain DNA from Ivins. That sample was taken July 21, 2008, five days before the scientist's Tylenol overdose (Ivins died on July 29 at age 62). The FBI records show that some Ivins acquaintances shared with the FBI e-mail and instant message communications exchanged with the scientist. In a July 2008 e-mail, Ivins wrote that "Dick Cheney scares me. The Patriot Act is so unconstitutional it's not even funny."

He added, "I'm voting for Obama!" A laboratory co-worker reported that Ivins hated the New York Yankees and thought New Yorkers were "elitist." The bureau even memorialized Ivins's e-mail musings about how "disgraceful"
Republicans and Independents voted for Obama. In a general election you cannot accurately extrapolate the info to suit a case like yours.


sucks to be you
Why don't you attack Obama then?
According to the President the same anger that swept him into office swept Brown.

Has the President made comments about the Texas Terrorist in some way condoning his angry feelings?

no, but he's on the record as saying the same sentiment that supposedly got brown elected was the sentiment that elected him.

"The president also said the same voter anger that swept him into office in 2008 carried Brown into office on a stunning upset victory Tuesday night over heavily favored Democrat Martha Coakley."

President Obama on Scott Brown Massachusetts Victory - ABC News

i guess he's counting on the kamikaze vote for his reelection bid, just like brown.
I think the people who went crazy with Obama (the non active Dems especially, along with the new Dems) are suffering the same neurosis as the crazies who hold Tea Party rallies.

Populism exposed.

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